The day after hospitalization

Kameko to Takeru [on Hiatus for unknown time]

"Kameko. Kameko! Wake up!" a voice said. I blinked and opened my eyes.

"What time is it?" I asked really sleepy.

"It's 6 o'clock am. Leiko just came home. She told me to wake you up." Takeru answered. I yawned and wanted to stand up slowly as the information reached my brain.

"What?? Leiko? Where? How? Eh??" I said looking confused at Takeru.

"It wasn't this bad. She just fainted cause she was feeble. She ate too less and also didn't sleep. She was a little ill, too. But now she's doing well again - kinda - no worries. She's in the living room." he told me. I instantly stood up and ran towards the living room. Leiko sat there reading the news paper. Then she looked up.

"Morning." she said as if nothing had happened.

"Leiko!" I said and hugged her. She patted my shoulder.

"I'm okay. Don't worry. But could you make breakfast for us all?" she said.

"I'll do it." suddenly Takeru said who was standing behind me. Leiko nodded and I sat down next to her. We were silent till Takeru called that the breakfast was done. We sat down and ate. Nobody said a word. As the clock half past six Leiko said:

"Please, you go to school now. Okay? I know how important this is to you and you're not ill anymore. Go, okay?"

"But-" I began.

"I'll look after her." Takeru said. I smiled a bit and went off to the bathroom.


After school - it was like always: horrible and full of mobbing, but at least nobody touched me physically - when I came home Takeru greeted me.

"Where is Leiko?" I asked as I didn't see her.

"She's at the supermarket." he answered. Then we were silent. To start a conversation I asked him:

"How did you know that we were at the hospital yesterday?"

"I went over to your flat and nobody was there. Some neighbour told me that there was an ambulance. As I went to the hospital they told me where Leiko laid. That's how." he answered.

"Why did you go to us?"

"To meet you - cause of the contract."



And we were silent again. Suddenly Takeru came over and hugged me.

"What the-" I said but he said:

"Please let me hug you."

"Ehm, but.. please, let me go now." I said. He sighed and let me go after a few seconds. Then the door opened. Takeru jumped backwards. I smiled. Leiko walked in packed with shopping bags. Takeru hurried over and took some bags. I took the others. She thanked us and sat down on the couch.

"Since when do you go shopping?" I said puzzled.

"I wanted to go outside, that's why." she answered exhausted. Then she fell asleep. Takeru whispered:

"Though she's out of the hospital she still feels dizzy from time to time. Let her sleep. You go do your homework. I'll make lunch." I nodded and did as he said. After a little while lunch was ready. I came and woke Leiko up.

"Lunch!" I whispered. She stood up very slowly. We sat down and ate once more of Takeru's delicious food. As the silence went on too long I asked:

"Where did you learn to cook this well?" He looked at me embarrassed.

"My family taught me." he said. He didn't smile. I felt an uneasy mood coming up so I let it be. Leiko said:

"It's really delicious, Takeru. Thank you for cooking and looking after us." He smiled a bit and ate up. I looked down and kept on eating. After we finished lunch Takeru left us. Leiko reached her room and suddenly I stood alone in a kitchen full with dirty kitchen utensils. Therefor I cleaned up and thought about Takeru. Why did he reacted this cold after he mentioned his family? While cleaning up the phone rang. I stopped cleaning and walked towards the phone.


"This is Takeru."


"Eh, yeah, I forgot something.."

"That I have to be with you at least 3 hours per day?"

"Yes." he seemed relieved. "Well, could you come to my home, please?" he asked.

I considered. "But what's with my homework? I'm not done yet."

"Bring it with you."

"*Sigh*. If you want to."

"Yes. It's at *Street and Number*."

"I'll come."


Then we hang up. I cleaned the kitchen so there weren't any appliances laying obviously there, packed my stuff and went to the bus station. As the bus came I sighed. Too fast. As I left the bus at Takeru's station someone wanted to enter the bus. We bumped into each other. It was a boy. He went red immediately and missed the bus 'cause he stepped back and let me leave the bus. The doors closed and the bus was gone. We still stood there.

"Sorry. You missed the bus 'cause of me." I said.

"Never mind. I wasn't in a hurry." he said while looking at me. I looked back. Was he only looking at my clothing or was there something else? I looked at him closer. Suddenly he turned around, raised his hand and said "Bye." I stared after him. What was that? Before I was able to go on someone hugged me. It was Takeru. Who else could it be?

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I finally updated, yay! It really makes wonders happen if someone comments.. ^___^


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Chapter 6: chapter 6 is very nice
Chapter 6: Nice one.. This is the first time I've read a Japanese fanfic..And it features one of my j-pop biases, Takeru..I'm really glad I found your fic. :) And the story's interesting..

Hm...I've read some errors in the way you construct the sentences but I believe there's always a room for improvement so good luck and keep up the good work.. :)
Chapter 11: more more plz
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Sorry for taking your space. It's rare to find japanese fanfic
Hello! Would you like graphics for your story? Come and check out ∞ Infinite Possibilities ∞ :)
Chapter 9: LOL "takeruly" that's good, I like that! xDD
Dahye_ssi #7
Lov3nit3 #8
XD I have been reading your SuG fanfic and i just want to say that it is amazing so far!!!
Hilyen_Yellow #9
I loved the first chapter so far!! The plot seems interesting, update some time!!