
+ (Plus)

A/n: I apologize in advance OTL this kind of . Hopefully, the next chapter will be better (this will be a twoshot or threeshot idk).

Rated PG-13 for language and mentions of cigarettes and alcohol.



Sehun crumpled the pink slip of paper in his hands reading DETENTION at the top in bold lettering. He tossed it in the trash casually on his way out of class, as if it weren’t his fifth time getting detention that week. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He pulled it out and glanced at the screen. Kris.


Meet us at the back of the school. Sneaking out for a road trip.


Sehun quickly texted back an okay see you in five, even though he didn’t know where Kris was planning to go, and shoved his phone back in his pocket. He turned the opposite direction he was originally going and headed towards his new destination. Being one of the tallest in the crowd, he easily maneuvered through the swarm of teenagers. Some frowned before stepping out of his way, while others didn’t bother diverting their harsh staring.


After a few flights of stairs, he turned a corner and walked towards the doors at the back of the gym that led to a small closed off area outside. It was second period, and since gym didn’t start until third period; the gym was silent and empty. The soft echo of his footsteps bounced off of the walls, filling his ears. When he reached the double doors, he kicked a door open before exiting the school.


“About time,” a silky voice drawled. Sehun heard the familiar sound of smacking gum and pressed his lips together tightly.  “We were beginning to think that you got caught sneaking out.” Sehun glared at Zitao from behind the fence.


“Where are we going?” he asked, ignoring Zitao’s comment. Everyone turned their attention towards Kris, whom was on the other side of the fence with Zitao. Sehun guessed they didn’t know either.


Kris exhaled smoke through his nostrils. Sehun eyed the half-way burnt cigarette in between his fingers. “We’re going to Gangwon-do. If you want me to be specific, we’re actually going to Wonju.” He tapped the cigarette, his brown-black eyes watching the ash fall to the ground.


“Why? Wonju is a two-hour drive from Seoul,” Kyungsoo stated as he pulled out a cigarette. He placed it between his plump lips and offeredarrow-10x10.png one to the others. Zitao shook his head, while Jongin and Sehun gladly reached for it.


 “Drugs,” Kris answered simply. Zitao rolled his eyes.


“Jiyoung?” Kyungsoo inquired, already knowing the answer.


Kris nodded. “I was thinking of going alone, but then you bastards would still be here, so I decided to bring you all along.” He gazed at the three behind the fence. “You’re welcome. Now get in the car,” he tossed his keys over the fence as he brought the cancerarrow-10x10.png stick to his lips. Jongin opened his palm. The keys fell in them. “Kyungsoo’s driving because I’m buzzed and actually don’t want to kill you all.”


“How sweet,” cooed Zitao, voice heavy with mock admiration. Jongin tossed the keys at Kyungsoo wordlessly.




Three days later, Sehun was back in school, in the front row of his Geometry II class. The teacher was droning on about some kind of equation that didn’t really concern him. He never studied anyways. He felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He tore his eyes away from the windowarrow-10x10.png, away from the swaying tree branches, focusing on the screen of his cellphone instead. He propped his elbows up on the desk as he glanced at it. Jongin’s name flashed on his lock screen along with a message asking him to ditch school and go to the café a few blocks down. He texted back with a word of agreement before raising his hand, and asked to go to the restroom.


With an exasperated sigh, the teacher let him leave. He didn’t bother giving Sehun the two pages of homework, knowing that the teenager wouldn’t do it anyways.



Jongin adjusted the bright red wool scarf around his neck. “Hey, I hope you don’t mind if we walk,” he said, voice half muffled by the scarf.


Sehun and Jongin were close friends, closer than Zitao and Kris. They had been friends for before either of them could even remember. They had met at a young age, due to the mutual friendship between their mothers, and clicked instantly; despite their contrasting personalities at the time. Jongin was obnoxiously brave and Sehun was almost always silent and timid. They went to school together and tried to help each other: whether it be homework or the bullies. Jongin’s naturally bold nature began rubbing off on Sehun after a few months and that was where their friendship truly blossomed because then, they were both daring.


As they grew older, they became more and more risky. Jongin robbed an elderly lady’s house after Sehun smirked and said he couldn’t do it. At the age of fourteen, Sehun began smoking and trying various drugs. Jongin started sneaking out to go to parties. When they both turned sixteen, they got their first tattoos. Kyungsoo: quiet, but surprisingly fierce and strong, soon began tagging along. They met Kris and Zitao after sneaking into a club, which only helped expand their delinquent acts. Sehun’s parents kicked him out last year after finding him and Jongin in his room under the sheets and fooling around with each other.

Family didn’t matter anymore. School didn’t matter. Grades didn’t matter. Here they were: soon-to-be seniors in high school, and not passing even a single class. The way they saw it, it was already too late to fix anything. “What’s the point,” Jongin slurred one day, drunken and barely able to stand, “whenever we grew up years ago and ruined our lives?” It was times like those that made Sehun pity himself. They had grown up too fast, too soon.


Sehun zipped up his jacket. “Of course not.”


The walk to the café was serene, mostly filled with easy conversation and occasional sniffles. The wind whipped around them, an array of leaves red and orange fluttering on the sidewalks with soft scraping sounds. It was only ten and the café had just opened. Firefly Breeze Café was Sehun and Jongin’s favorite place ever since they were young children, and even now it still was. The staff knew them and welcomed them with open arms, despite their negative reputations in the community. The food was great and the café itself was warm and cozy. It was almost like home, Sehun sometimes thought.


The bell jingled when Jongin pulled the door open. One of the older staff, an elderly lady in her mid-fifties with a warm smile, looked up from the coffee maker. She immediately smiled at seeing the familiar faces and greeted them cheerfully before taking their order. After ordering, the two teenagers sat in a booth next to the largest windowarrow-10x10.png in the café to wait for their food and drinks.


“Zitao says hi,” Jongin said flatly with his eyes on his cellphone screen. They flickered upwards to Sehun’s face for a second before looking back down.


“Tell him I said ‘ you.’”


Jongin laughed through his nose, fingers dancing on the screen. A loud crashing noise caused both of them to raise their eyebrows at each other. A few tables down from them, another male around their age was crawling around on his hands and knees, mumbling angrily to himself. His hands frantically patted the ground around him. Beside of him, to his right, lay a white coffee mug with brown coffee still running onto the floor. Jongin frowned as he studied the guy. “What’s wrong with him?” he asked, more to himself than Sehun. The guy huffed, hands nearly slapping the ground from what Sehun guessed was frustration. After seeing the guy’s hands miss the mug for the third time, Jongin scoffed and muttered, “Idiot.”


He’s blind, Sehun slowly realized as the guy accidentally placed his hands in the puddle of coffee. He suddenly stood up. Jongin crinkled his brows.


“Where are you going?”


“To help him,” replied Sehun with his eyes still trained on the stranger. Jongin cocked his head.


He slowly walked towards the other male. When he was right in front of him, he cleared his throat. The guy froze and lifted his head to peer around him, both confused and surprised at once. Sehun took in soft features: a slim face, ivory skinarrow-10x10.png, petal pink lips, and hazy brown doe-eyes. He bent down to retrieve the mug and set it on the table with a purposeful loud clink. “I picked up your cup for you,” he told the other. He was about to help the blind guy up when another guy appeared at his side.


“Luhan, are you okay?” the new guy asked, slightly panicked. The name echoed in Sehun’s head.

 The guy who had just arrived assisted Luhan with standing back on his feet. Once he was standing, the other fawned over him frantically like a mother after her child fell off the slide. He grabbed a napkin and wiped Luhan’s hands free of the brown liquid. Luhan’s eyebrows crinkled slightly, but he didn’t pull away.


 “I’m fine, I just dropped my cup.” He had a voice softer than his facial features.


The newer guy turned towards Sehun, eyes hesitant. “Thank you so much for helping Luhan.” Sehun resisted the urge to laugh because he didn’t really help Luhan, he just picked up the cup and watched Luhan’s confused face. “I’m Joonmyun, by the way.” His eyes traveled to the black ink poking out from under Sehun’s jacket. “And you are…?”


Sehun blinked. “Doesn’t matter.”


He heard Jongin call his name, along with an eager the food is here, before turning around and leaving Luhan and Joonmyun’s side. He didn’t see the way Luhan’s dull eyes seemed to follow him as he returned to his booth.


/ /


“What was that about?” Jongin asked through a mouthful of cake.


“Blind guy dropped his mug and his little friend rushed over to help before I could really do anything,” Sehun shrugged. He took a sip of his hot chocolate and let his eyes linger to Luhan. He had a spoon in his hand and attempted to guide it to his mouth, but failed with a sheepish smile after the spoon brushed against his cheek.


“Blind?” Jongin asked. He swallowed the cake. “How do you know?”


Sehun rolled his eyes at how clueless his friend was. “Jongin, he dropped a cup and had to crawl around to find it,” he deadpanned. “Also, there’s that thing with his eyes.” He stirred his hot chocolate, watching the two shades of brown swirl together before blending into a darker color. “Yeah, they’re brown and look normal, but they have that cloudy look to them.”


“For your information, I was too far away to look at his ing eyes.”


“I was just saying,” he snapped.


“You know, I’ve never seen you help someone out like that.” Jongin’s lips curled up into a coy smile. “Not even your own mother.”


Sehun just shrugged again.


/ /


The second time he saw Luhan, Sehun was with Kyungsoo. Luhan was talking excitedly and eagerly to someone who was clearly not Joonmyun. It occurred to Sehun that he had never seen Luhan before. He had been coming to the café since he was four or five and didn’t remember ever seeing Luhan’s face, nor a blind boy.


“Staring?” Kyungsoo’s voice broke his thoughts. “Who?” He followed Sehun’s eyes.


“Ah, the blind guy, right?” He tipped the straw of his iced coffee towards the younger. “Jongin told me about him.”


Sehun hummed in response.


“He’s really caught your eye, huh?” Kyungsoo chuckled. “I’ll admit, he’s pretty for a blind guy.” Sehun rolled his eyes.


“No, I’m just wondering how he even functions every day.” This time Kyungsoo returned the eye roll.


“Oh please, stop lying to yourself,” he sipped his drink. “Do you know his name?” His eyes locked on Luhan from across the café.


Sehun watched as Luhan’s eyes curved into half-moons. “It’s Luhan.” 


/ /


“So who’s this blind guy Jongin told me about?”


Damn Jongin and his damn mouth he couldn’t keep closed.


Sehun adjusted the beanie on his head. “We saw him at the café.”


Zitao grinned his cat-like grin. “Annnddddd?”


Sehun scoffed before taking a sip of his beer and speaking. “Don’t play dumb. If it was Jongin that told you, he probably told every little detail, including what I was wearing that day.” Kyungsoo half scoffed, half laughed, and leaned back in his seat.


Zitao pouted, leaning his head on Kris’s shoulder. “You know us so well, Sehunnie.” There was a sparkle in his eyes. Sehun glared at the older, while Kris narrowed his eyes. They both knew that look too well. “Hey, how about we go to the café right now and see him? Jongin said he was pretty-“


“No,” answered Sehun firmly.


Zitao raised his eyebrows with a smirk. “Oh? Why not? He’s just some blind guy, right? He won’t even know we’re there watching him,” he chuckled in amusement. Kris exhaled loudly through his nose, exasperated.




“You’re an ,” Kyungsoo added.


Zitao threw a flirtatious wink at Kyungsoo before facing Sehun again. “Come on, Sehunnie,” he whined. He grabbed Sehun’s arm and shook it lightly. “I just want to see what he looks like.”


Sehun yanked his arm out of Zitao’s hands. “No.”


“Why not?” Zitao asked as he kicked Sehun’s shin from underneath the table.


Noticing a text from Jongin, Sehun pulled out his phone while dodging Zitao’s kick. “Knowing you, you’ll probably end up talking to him. I don’t need that because who knows what you’ll say to him,” he answered with his eyes on his screen.


Zitao rolled his eyes. “You just want to him all to yourself probably, seeing as to how you like pretty boys.”


“I do not like pretty boys.”


Zitao laughed. “Yeah, you do. You liked me for like two months.”


As he turned his phone’s screen off, Sehun’s eyebrow twitched. He did not want to be reminded of the unfortunate two months he had crushed on Zitao. He had been desperate and deprived since Jongin was visiting his grandmother at the time. Zitao wasn’t even pretty either, in his opinion. He was just really hot.


“Unfortunately. Good thing I went to the eye doctor though,” Sehun stated, hiding his smirk behind his can of beer.


“Wow, okay. Rude.”


Kris rose from his seat, causing Zitao’s head to fall before he caught his balance. He ignored Zitao’s scowl. “I’m going out for a smoke. You guys want one?” He didn’t wait for their responses before turning his back to them and walking away. Zitao rose to follow him, lacing their hands together with a bright smile. Kris untangled their fingers and opted to wrap his arm around Zitao’s waist instead. He giggled and whispered something to Kris as he bumped his hip against Kris’s. Sehun and Kyungsoo shuffled behind them as they zipped their jackets up and rolled their eyes at the couple.


The sunlight immediately made Sehun want to recoil back into Kris’s dark apartment. Kris rarely ever opened his curtains. Although the sun was shining, the air was crisp and a cool breeze flitted around them. He squinted his eyes as he descended the stairs.


“Here,” Kris said gruffly as Sehun and Kyungsoo approached them. Two white and yellow cigarettes jutted out towards them. They accepted it with a nod and lit it by borrowing Kris’s lighter for a brief second. Sehun inhaled slowly before exhaling just as slow. Repeat. Repeat. Again and again. The autumn breeze carried the puffs of smoke away from them.


A sudden fit of coughing directed their attention to two young men walking towards them. The taller one had his fingers twisted in the back shorter one’s shirt, while the other hand covered his mouth and nose. He coughed again. The one in front: short, but seemingly strong and determined, the way he dragged the taller one forward and glanced up at Kris, Sehun, and Kyungsoo with a glare.

“If you two don’t mind, could you not smoke here? At least, not until we pass?” Sehun studied his face. “He has really bad asthma.” Something clicked. It was Joonmyun from the café. And Luhan was trailing right behind him, still coughing until it became short wheezes.

Joonmyun whirled around and reached into the handbag slung around his shoulder. He pulled out a bright red inhaler and pried Luhan’s hands off of his shirt before placing the inhaler in his palm. Joonmyun gently closed his fingers around the inhaler. Luhan managed a quiet croak of “thanks” before guiding it towards his mouth. It met his lips perfectly, as if he had done it hundreds of times. Sehun watched the way his chest slowed, until finally, he was breathing normally again.


Joonmyun again glared at the three smokers. If he recognized Sehun, he didn’t let it show. “Like I said, please don’t smoke until we pass.” He eyed the faint wisps of smoke the cigarettes were emitting. To his own surprise, as well as the others’, Sehun let his cigarette fall to the ground. He rubbed it underneath his sneaker, until it became a dead, half-way burnt cigarette lying in dark grey ash. He could feel Zitao’s curious eyes burning into him like lasers, but instead focused on Joonmyun and Luhan.


Joonmyun looked back at him with a pleased smile. He watched as Kris and Kyungsoo copied Sehun. “Thank you,” he said to them, taking the inhaler from Luhan and putting it back in his bag. “We won’t take long. Come on, Lu.”


Sehun watched as Luhan trailed behind him, listening to the click click click of Luhan’s walking stick tapping the ground.


/ /


“Care to explain what happened back there?” Zitao asked after they were back in Kris’s apartment. He sipped his can of beer with a smirk. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you drop a cigarette so fast, especially not on purpose.”


Sehun pressed his lips together, deciding whether he should tell Zitao or not. “…It…was..Luhan,” he said slowly, cautiously.


As he expected, Zitao’s eyes widened and a large grin instantly bloomed on his face. “Oh my god, was it really?! That was Luhan?!!” he nearly exclaimed. Kris visibly winced, causing Zitao to lower his voice to a rushed whisper. “Jesus Christ, why didn’t you tell me, Sehun? He’s so cute, oh my god.”


Sehun rolled his eyes. “Because I knew you would react like this.”


“I figured out it was him,” Kris piped up in his deep, bass voice. “Once I saw the walking stick, I knew he was blind, which kind of lead me to the fact that there was a very high chance it was Luhan.”


Kyungsoo chuckled. “Also, his friend did call him ‘Lu.’”


Zitao huffed, “I didn’t want to jump to conclusions!”


Kris smirked. “Although, I was pretty surprised, too. I’ve never seen you do something like that, Sehun. Are you getting soft?” he cooed.


Sehun glared at Kris, but Kris just smiled lazily and slung an arm around Zitao's shoulders.



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Chapter 1: Hi:3
Omg, omg, akjdnaskndklasd ♥
Aw, Sehun you adorable men :3
And Luhaaaaaaaan ♥
Hunhan forever *3*
Can't wait for the next chapter, i love it ♥
toomanycats #2
Chapter 1: Oooooo this is really good so far!!
Keep on updating!!
Fighting! ^-^
desianapf #3
Chapter 1: oh wow I think I like this story xD
keep on update author nim, thank you and fighting!^^
I don't know, but I find this interesting *3*
Hope you update soon, please <3
Ansjndnd, and hunhan:3