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Izumi's Pov:

Naruto and I talked a lot and seems like we have some things in common.... Ok, two things in common: fighting and ramen. "Ok, what you're saying is that I disappeared from the village 5 years ago and you guys searched the whole area and couldn't find me?" I asked Naruto as I flipped my hair," Yep! And now here you are! But, you can't remember anything." he replied and I nodded," Well, here we are!" Naruto said as he put his hands in his pockets,"Welcome back to Konoha, Izumi-san!" he said and I smiled.

He showed me around the village, and I overheard some people whispering things like," Hey isn't that the Maiden of Illusions?" or, " Isn't that the girl who disappeared? She's grown up but, I'll never forget the face of the Maiden of Illusions.",  I'm not sure if they were talking about me or someone else, " Oh, you must be wondering, who the Maiden of Illusions is. They call you the Maiden of Illusions, because you use your genjitsu like a pro, even as a kid." explained Naruto and I nodded," I think I need to train immediately." I said," And I bet I can't even remember to use a shiruken or a kunai.", I said as I laughed."IZUMI!!!!!!" called someone from behind, before I could even turn around to see who it was, the person had already hugged me," Who are you?" I aksed him," You don't even remember me? That makes me even sadder!!" he answered, a very familiar voice but a bit too excited, I turned to see who it was," It's me!! Kaka-nee!!" said Kakashi," Kaka-nee?" I said looking really confused," Um... Izumi. He's your brother." Naruto whispered,"WHAT?!?!!!" I said as I dragged 'what'," And sensei, Izumi can't remember anything because she fell from the sky 5 years after." said Naruto," Fell from the sky?!!"exclaimed Kaka-nee," Yeah! well, I did catch her.... Actually she fell on me and this pink-haired guy caught her friend." explained Naruto," OK and thank goodness that you're not hurt." he said," I'm gonna take her home, so that she can rest." said Kaka-nee as he grabbed my hand and with a POOF we were in his house." You can take a shower and wear some my clothes. You can't ear your old clothes anyways, so make yourself at home and I have to go, because I promised Gai that I'd help him with something." sai Kaka-nee and he vanished. [Alright. First: freshen up, second: relax] I entered the bathroom and filled the tub with warm water and got in.

Eva's Pov:

We reached the fairytail guild and I began jumping up and down," You sure are excited to be here!" said Natsu with raised eyebrows, I stopped jumping and punched his arm and said,"Look who's talking!", " That. Didn't hurt." said Natsu. As soon as we entered the guild, a shirtless guy came high-speeding towards us... towards me! He hugged me and said,"Eva!!!", said the guy," Gray, get off her! She just got here!" scolded Natsu, as he unglued Gray off me," You've grown pretty tall and pretty cute too." said Gray as he winked at me," Gray, you think everyone is cute." said Natsu," I don't think you're cute. I think you're pretty ugly." said Gray as he laughed and Natsu punched him to the other side of the guild, literally to the other side of the guild, I started to laugh," What?!? You think I'm pretty ugly as well?" Natsu asked as he cracked his knuckles,"No, I'm just laughing at the fact that you punched Gray to the other side of the guild and besides I think you're pretty cute." I blurted, I saw Natsu blushing and then when I realised what i had just said I blushed as well. Someone tapped me from behind and I nearly jumped, I turned to see who it was and it was Hibiki," HEY YO! Long time no see! 5 years and 22 days to be exact." said Hibiki as he put his arm over my shoulder," What the hell are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in the Blue Pegasus guild?" questioned Natsu pissed off," I just came here to give something to master Makarov, that's all." Hibiki replied," Please leave Eva alone, she just got here." said Natsu," I'm pretty sure that Eva doesn't mind, do you Eve?" asked Hibiki,"UH...-," I'm pretty sure that she is tired. So, I'm going to take Eva to my cottage." said Natsu as he grabbed me and left.

We came in to his cottage which was in the middle of the forest, his cottage was a mess," Stay here. And I'll tell master Makarov that, I've found you." said Natsu," What? She has a special power?" asked Natsu," Are talking to master Makarov?" I asked,"How'd you know?" he answered my question with a question," Let's just say that the world I stayed in for five years, knows what happens in this world." I explained," I do not get what you're saying." Natsu said dumb-foundedly," Nevermind then." I said an he left, [ First: clean the cottage, Second: Take a re-freshing bath], I started searching for a broom and a duster, so that I can clean this place.

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