
The Wedding Agreement

Chapter 4

Jongdae never thinks dinner with Oh Sehun will be this boring. She expects the awkwardness but not this. It was nice at first with Sehun introducing himself politely and even suggesting some menus for her. But after the food arrives, he stops speaking as if to concentrate in eating. It’s been 45 minutes and Jongdae never feels this bored before, she is so bored that she keeps shaking her feet under the table. If her Mom knows this she will scold Jongdae for sure, for acting not like a lady. She sneaks a glance at Sehun who’s slowly eating his dessert and exhales loudly, taking Sehun’s attention.

“Is there something wrong?”

Jongdae unconsciously pouts and puts down her fork. She shakes her head and raises her glass.

“Cheers” She motions for Sehun’s own glass and the said man also raises his glass. She gulps down almost everything on the glass. Sehun takes the wine bottle and pours some more to Jongdae’s glass. Jongdae just stares.

“Just tell me what’s bothering you. You look tense.” Sehun spoke. Jongdae keeps staring, thinking whether she just told him everything in her mind or keep being awkward to each other.

“You realize what this meeting is about, right?” Jongdae blurts out and Sehun goes back to his poker face. He leans back on his chair, trying to find out what Jongdae is thinking. Jongdae is staring hard at him, it’s nothing like the star struck expression Sehun’s used to from other girls who were in Jongdae’s position. Jongdae knows.

“Yeah, of course” he said, testing the water. Jongdae crosses her arm and legs. She also leans back on her chair, acting cool.

“You are not going to say no to this?”

“I heard that you are a bit picky in your partner choosing. You want to say no to me as well?”

Jongdae doesn’t understand what he’s talking about but she doesn’t want to look weak and makes Sehun thinks she is easy to bully.

“If you want to back out, now’s the time. Because after tonight, there’s no backing out”

“Seems like you are so sure about this? Why?”

Jongdae laughs mockingly, glaring at him. “Let us cut the chase, okay. I know what you want from me. I am pretty sure the one’s losing is you if the marriage’s a fail business.”

Sehun smirks, turns out Jongdae is not that stupid.

“Really? Then why are you here, being desperate in finding a husband?”

Jongdae turns away from him, glaring at the wall beside her. Sehun eyes her closely and remembers what Zitao said make everything clear with her. Don’t play with someone’s feelings anymore. Sehun clears his throat and sits straight. Jongdae eyes him warily.

“If I tell you what I really want from this marriage, will you tell me yours?” Jongdae does nothing, just stares at him and Sehun starts, using his business voice and straight face.

“I want to be the part of the committee board, at least 10% of Grand H shares under my name and an exclusive contract to work together with Giant.”

Jongdae grabs her glass tight; she really wants to spray the wine to his handsome face.

“Don’t you think you are going over board with your with your demand, Sehun shi?”

Sehun just laughs. “What’s the loss of being exclusive with my Dad’s Dept. Store? You see, my Dad’s Dept. store is one of the biggest in the country, more that 5 million people come there every year. Don’t you think it’ll bring you more profit if we work together?”

Jongdae doesn’t know if that’s true or not but she actually often visits the Dept. store with Baekhyun and 5 million are big numbers. Maybe, Sehun is speaking the truth and Grand H will be bigger than it is now. What’s the loss? But what if Sehun betray her one day and brings down Grand H or worse, taking the Grand H from her. She doesn’t know what to say, her Mom didn’t say anything about this, what if she makes the wrong move and end up losing?

Sehun pays attention to Jongdae’s confused face. She is an education major, of course she won’t understand him. But, for the record, he is speaking the truth about the expansion of Grand H and Giant. It is good business aside from what his father actually wants.

“Do you need some time to think about this? Need to call your Mother or guardian?” Sehun doesn’t mean to mock her but it comes out as one, making Jongdae glares at him.

“You are being rude, Sehun shi. I know I am not good at this business but I know what I am getting my self into. So you already told me your part, now what I want is simple.”

Jongdae gulps down her wine first before looking straight at Sehun. This is it, after she confessed to Sehun, everything will become real. There is no going back, for the sake of Grand H and herself. Sehun too know this, after Jongdae said her condition, they are going to be married in no time.

“I just want you to run Grand H for me” Sehun raised his eyebrow, he doesn’t expect this kind of reason. “My dad left Grand H for me, but as you know I am an education major, the only way to take care of it, is for me to find a genius husband. But, you need to understand, you won’t be the Chairman, I am still the Chairman, you will be my handsome ken doll who runs the hotel.”

Sehun grips the chair’s arm tightly. You are going to be my doll. It reminds him of his Dad.

“That’s what you want?” he said in venom full voice, his eyes cold. Jongdae feels it piercing to her and for a moment, she doesn’t feel good saying that. She was just joking for god’s sake. “For me to be your servant, that’s it?”

“I-I don’t mean it like that.” Jongdae stutters, she tries to laugh it out. “Gosh, I was just joking. Ha ha.” Sehun keeps still. “I mean like acting official of the Chairman or what ever it’s called.”

Sehun laughs hearing that, that means the same for him. Jongdae wants him to do the works at Grand H while she does what ever she wants. It brings all those anger into him.

“Is that the only thing you want? You will sacrifice your self to this marriage only for me to do that? Isn’t that a bit selfish and a big bet?”

Jongdae’s face turns embarrassingly red and she is so nervous that she unconsciously starts swirling her hair.

“It’s not going to be forever, I am going to learn from you. Beside, I’m not just playing around, I also have a job, you know. It’s just I have no interest and knowledge about the hotel. You are a business major while I am an education major, our interests are totally different. Being my representative at Grand H will actually benefit you too. You get to do what you are good at and I get to do my part too” She mutters softly.

“What is your part, then?”

“You may not know this but I am currently managing a pet shelter and I also help my Mom with the foundation as well. Also, I am thinking of applying as a teacher, but my Mom said, it’s not the right time yet.”

Jongdae stops talking, she waits for Sehun’s response. If Sehun says no now, it’s going to cause a lot of trouble for her and her Mom.

“So you are saying, basically you are doing nothing. So typical.”

Sehun chuckles a little, holding his glass and it makes Jongdae’s angry.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” She scoffs, she needs to sit on her own hand to prevent herself from slapping the rude boy. “I admit I like to play around, attend some shows here and there but you dare thinking low of me? Who are you to talk trash like that? You also want something from me, you want my shares at Grand H!” Jongdae yells and Sehun puts down his glass, looking intently at Jongdae, trying to keep his cool. “I am practically giving you what you want, as a business major you must understand about give and take. I am giving you 10% of my shares and you have to give me my shares too.”

Jongdae is glaring at Sehun, she is trying to keep her cool but she hates it when people insult her. Just because he is good in what she is lacking of doesn’t mean he can just spit it out on her. Sehun seems to catch on her anger.

“I am sorry if I was rude, for your information, my older sister does a lot of volunteering too, I respect what she does.” He offers her a tight lip smile and rewards with Jongdae calming down, drinking some water.

“But I still think it’s a big bet for you. Won’t you regret it one day?” Sehun kind of hints her to stop herself into getting too far, trying to tell Jongdae to help stopping him before it’s too late.

“Well, it won’t be forever. One day, Grand H will be under my command, but now I need someone to run it. My Mom hopes I can learn things from you, after the wedding.”

“Do you think I’ll teach you willingly?”

“What?” Jongdae stares at him and Sehun just stares back. Jongdae turns her face away, biting her lips, drawing his attention to it. Zitao’s right, Jongdae has very nice lips.

“It’s nothing. To conclude it, if we agree to get married, I’ll receive the shares and becomes your representative at Grand H and that way you can make sure the sustainability of Grand H and carry out your Father’s will thru me. You get to do your field of interest too. Well, I guess that’s good deal for me.”

Jongdae nods firmly, the way Sehun concludes it, it sounds good to her. Sehun does what he enjoys doing and she can too. No one’s hurt. But there are other things she wants actually.

“I also have other condition” This time Jongdae tell it slowly, Sehun almost doesn’t catch it. Sehun moves his eyes to her face. She is red again, but this time not from anger. He waits for her to talk, but she keeps on looking down.

“What is it?”

Jongdae looks up and her face is so red. “I know this is not the kind of wedding you would like. I also detest the idea at first but I have no other choice.”

“Just tell me what it is”

Jongdae then grabs her purse, taking out a piece of paper, offering it to Sehun. Sehun peeks at it a little.

“What’s this?” He looks back at Jongdae and even her ears are red.

“Just read it.”

Sehun looks back to the paper, picks it up and he has a hard time not to stare at Jongdae judgmentally.

“A wedding agreement? Is this a prenuptial agreement?”

Jongdae’s still not looking at him and Sehun decides to play with her by reading it out loud.

“A wedding agreement. These things stated below would be obeyed by both party-“

“Can you not read it out loud?”

Jongdae pleads but Sehun ignores her, making her groans and opts to pour herself another drink.

“First, after the wedding, both parties won’t interfere in other party’s business. Both party will live quietly and do their own tasks. Second, both parties are not allowed to make a scandal with others for it is bad for the family reputation. Third,” Sehun laugh a little, it’s getting ridiculous. “after the marriage, Oh Sehun will always come home for dinner each night to have dinner with his wife, Jongdae. If he cannot make it, he should at least call to inform Jongdae at least at lunch time. Last, every month, Oh Sehun will at least spend one day with Jongdae without working or even protesting doing whatever Jongdae wants.”

Sehun puts down the ridiculous paper and he looks blankly at Jongdae. She is biting her lips that the gloss is fading slowly.

“What are these?” Sehun asked, Jongdae looks up at him, feeling sad suddenly.

“It’s embarrassing, I know, but I also have some expectation in my marriage.” She plays with her glass, pouting sullenly. “I know this is not what we both actually want for a wedding, but still, a marriage is a marriage. I’ve been dreaming about this moment since I was a kid.” She smiles bitterly at Sehun. “What’s so hard to have dinner and spend some time with me? What’s your loss?”

Sehun watches her carefully. He gets it. No matter how Jongdae wants to look strong, she is still a woman. A woman who often dreams about her wedding day. Jongdae still looks at him expectantly and Sehun just nods. Like Jongdae said, what’s the loss? Jongdae looks relieve seeing him nod. She spent her afternoon cope up in her penthouse, now Kyungsoo’s, with her two best friend trying to write it down. Both girls laughed so hard at her wishes but she doesn’t care, like Baekhyun said she will enjoy this to the fullest and create her own happiness.

“You can write down what you expect to”

“Don’t we need a lawyer for this kind of deal?”

Jongdae strongly shakes her head, it’ll be more embarrassing if Siwon knows about this. “Lets just do it between us. We both already know what we want, lets not complicate things.”

Sehun just nods and sneaks a look back at the paper Jongdae already signed.

“So, I just need to add my wish here?” Jongdae nods and Sehun smirks at her. “It says in here we cannot create a scandal, which means I cannot involve with other woman, right?”

Jongdae nods, but she suddenly feels uncomfortable from the way Sehun stare at her.

“Then you’ll accept your other duty as a wife aside from cooking, right?”

“What are you talking about?” She doesn’t really know him yet but she already hates that smirk. It reminds her of Baekhyun when she got evil plan.

“I am a man, I have needs, if I cannot involve with other woman you will be the one who’s going to take care of it, right wife?”

Jongdae stares at him blankly and Sehun stares at her, raising his eyebrows. An awkward silence ensues and after a moment Jongdae gasp, covering her chest.

“You are a ert!”

Sehun, for the first time since their meeting, laughs openly and playfully. It kind of surprised her seeing how much younger he looks while laughing but that is not important now.

“You shouldn’t call your husband ert. I am just asking my share in this relationship. Isn’t it a wife’s duty to care for her husband?” he teases and she gapes at him.

“You are younger than me, you shouldn’t be talking like this! You are so rude!”

Jongdae stands up, that is enough rudeness she can handle for tonight.  Sehun eyes her, still having that handsome smile on his face.

“I am going home!”

She walks away even before Sehun can catches her wrist but when she reaches the door, she looks back and finally walks back toward him. She reaches out her hand, as if asking for something.

“What now?” Jongdae snorts, head high, not looking at Sehun.

“Phone numbers.” Sehun kindly reached for his wallet and takes out one of his name card. When Jongdae grasped it, she looks at him dead in the eye, threateningly.

“When I call you, you come immediately, no matter what.”

“Why?” Jongdae rolls her eyes.

“You are going to be involve in the wedding preparation, so when I call, you come, understand?”

“You are going to prepare the wedding your self?”

Jongdae gasps as if looking hurt. “Of course, I am. This is my wedding, it’s going to be great and you cannot ruin it. So be prepare all the time.”

Sehun just laughs and Jongdae glares at him before walking away, this time Sehun catches her wrist. Jongdae jolts from the cold hand on her wrist, looking back at Sehun, shocked.

“Let me take you home.”

Sehun too stands up and because of she is still shocked, she lets Sehun drags her to his fancy Mercedes car. When she snaps of it she is already inside the passenger’s seat, seat belt buckled. She brings out her phone to call her driver, saying that she’s going home with Sehun.

Sehun’s used to a woman being in his car, lots of women have been in his car, but Jongdae is someone he’s going to marry, so it’s a bit awkward. Moreover, Jongdae is openly judging his car’s interior out of nervousness. Half the ride, Jongdae finally settles down, looking straight ahead with some classical music filling the car.

Sehun didn’t pay attention much to her at the restaurant earlier, but here, in his stuffy car he can see her close. She is pretty with her brown long hair and her lips that curl at the end. It is cute. Her smooth creamy legs- not that Sehun’s a ert but he can’t help it when Jongdae wears a dress that is slightly above her knees- are really distracting. Good thing she’s wearing a coat, if not Sehun might be gawking at her chest already. No, he is not a ert, he is a man.

They arrive at Jongdae’s mansion about thirty minutes later and when Sehun stops the car in front of Jongdae’s gate, he looks at her. Jongdae unbuckles her seat belt and thanks him.

“Thanks for taking me home. I’ll tell my Mom good things about you.” Jongdae is ready to get out of the car when Sehun grabs her hand, making her looks back at him questioningly.

“We haven’t sealed the deal yet.” He is still in his playful mode and Sehun doesn’t know why or how Jongdae brings this side out of him.

Jongdae snorts and offers her hand. “We shake hand and the deal is sealed.”

Sehun has another idea. He pulls Jongdae to his side and puts his hands around her neck. Before she can react he kisses her full on the lips. Jongdae gasps to the kiss, eyes wide in horror and Sehun playfully bites her lower lips before letting go. Jongdae is left shell shocked. She gapes and Sehun can’t help but laugh at her expression.

“What did you just do?”

“Sealing the deal.”

“You just kissed me.” She said slowly, trying to grasp this situation. Sehun nods and she can’t help it anymore.

“You ert! You can’t just do that to me! Oh my god!” She balls her hand to hit on Sehun but at the last minute just groans and gets out of the car, walking angrily to her house.

Sehun stares at her wide angry gestures and smiles. Perhaps, he can enjoy this deal too.

Short chapter is short, sorry. One more chapter and we'll get to the wedding.

Talk to me, people...Thank you~


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I miss this story
When will u update this?? (T_T)
I'm miss this story update. When will u update a new chap?
victoriamis #3
Chapter 8: Update!!!! I want sehun to do ert things to dae! Hahhaha
Chapter 8: So cute and Jongdae nearly fainting. Can't wait for Sehun to swipe her off her feet and ravish her ^^
Chapter 8: They seriously the cutest ohmygod let me just squish their cheeks please
dolcepepe #6
Chapter 8: OMG!!!!!
they're so cute
vixx_fanfan #7
Chapter 8: update soon