


He was the boy that ran.


She was the girl that waited.


“Ten years later.” Yoonmi couldn’t believe who she saw standing in front of her, leaning against the tree they climbed as kids like he never left town. “Ten years later and you’re back. Why?”

“I heard you were getting married,” Jimin said, “and I couldn’t think of a reason why I shouldn’t come.”




entry for:

» s i n g m e a s t o r y — writing contest «

prompt: say something - A Great Big World & Christina Aguilera


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Chapter 4: OMG, this story made me cry
Beautiful story... It's just beautiful. It didn't make me cry but still, it made me sympathize with the characters. You're a very talented graphic artist and writer. Bravo! The words you used were just right and understandable. I could comprehend each word but you didn't go all out on description. This is Fantastic, baby! ;-)
The only thing I can say is I wish more people read your story. Can I suggest something? Can you please (PLEASE) add a BTS tag and GOT7 tag to your story? After all, those were included in the main characters. These groups are fairly popular on their own and if you tag your story with "bts" and "got7," I'm pretty sure more people will see your story. You just have so much talent to share and I want more people to see it.
Anyway, thanks! This was truly a worthwhile read. I'll never forget it. :-)
Chapter 4: omg this is beautiful story, i cried a lot omg thanks for writing such an amazing story like this :")
Chapter 4: wow..iwasnt expecting this to happen at all !! (not a cliche *O*) thank you for this great story <3
Chapter 4: T.T *sobs* You made me cry! But it was true, they were all cowards in the name of love, trying to ease their pains by thinking the decision was made for them and they had no chance to protest against it. Every one of them had a chance to do that. Yoonmi could've decided not to go to the tree or then not go through the marriage. Mark could've risked his heart and say he couldn't marry her because she loved truly loved someone else. Jimin could've opened his mouth to say a word, a word that would have made Yoonmi choose him... Yet none of them did anything and the result was bad for all.
I really loved the way you used wise words and all! It made it all double the feelings I felt and of course, add tears to my eyes. It surely was a short story, but it was worth reading.
xxtricia #6
Great story! Thank you. I wasn't expecting it to be this short tho. I loved it ♡
xxtricia #7
it has only been 2 chapters and I can't wait for the next. Oh my gosh I'm definitely waiting ♡♡♡♡
Chapter 2: Well dang, isn't he back to destroy her soon-to-be happy marriage. Really, you can't break our lovely Mark-Yoonmi couple! They seem to fit together so well and Mark is such a lovely character in this fic! (Lol what do I know? It's only been two chapters)