It was Oh Sehun

Everything Has Changed


A boy named Luhan who always claim himself as the manly member of a group named, EXO. After two years of his debut, an unexpected things happened to their group. Kris left, The leader of their Sub-Group. Lots of rumors circulate around their fandom and the new CEO of their company treated them like , that's also the reason why their leader left, because he can't stand seeing how his brothers treated like an animal. So as the Leader, he left to took all the blame. And after that Luhan left. Being free from the rope that was tied on his neck. And Soon he was invited to became a CEO of one company, he also decided to study about business. He's planning to became a CEO of his own Entertainment. 

After 2 years since he left the group, he became successful in life without the help of his parents as his decision. He built an Entertainment in South Korea, because its what he wanted to do. He wanted revenge. 1 year ago while watching a news, A news about the group EXO disbandment was all over the internet came. He was shocked. The news said that it was also the group decision. They all filed a lawsuit together. And since then he never have any news about the other 10 members. He still get some news about Kris since he's still an active actor and Kris was now on his tapping of his 5th movie. Kris was now a successful Actor. 

Luhan was peacefully sitting on his office room. Their Entertainment just posted a job hiring banner outside their company building. He's still looking for an assistant CEO and some shareholders. He's hoping there would be some cause even him, he's nervous for the outcome. He's afraid that his plan might failed. The whole building was so quite, it feels like you're deaf.

There are tons of people wanting to become an assistant CEO of his company but some of them doesn't look like they could handle to become a CEO, he have this feeling that they're not trustworthy. 

"Are you expecting for someone?" His secretary asked. Because every people who'll try to apply for the position of Assistant CEO he automatically said 'No' to them. The secretary couldn't help it anymore but instead asked Luhan this question.

"I'm not, its just their not the right person i'm looking for, for someone who's deserve to be an assistant CEO" Luhan said. 

"I was right, you're expecting for someone" The secretary chuckled. "You haven't change my dear cousin, are you still waiting for him, aren't you?" 

"Oh stop that Lu Men, maybe he already forgot about me, so i stopped waiting as i focus on my study. So stopped bragging him in every conversation we are having" Luhan calmly said as he opened his laptop and made himself busy wishing that Lu Men will sense that he doesn't want to continue this conversation. 

"As you say so" Lu Men left the room. 

Luhan laid his back at the seat and took at deep sigh. 'Why does Lu Men needs to bragged him in our converstation? She knows that him is a serious topic' Luhan thought. He stood up and do some stretching since he's been sitting all day.

There was a knock on the door that made him turn around and face the door. Lu Men came in and he can see the uneasiness on her face. 

"There's someone who wants to meet you Lu, he wants to apply as Assistant CEO. He doesn't want me to say his name, he wants to meet you face to face instead" Luhan was confused for a moment but came back to his senses. He went out of the room together with Lu Men. They went to the small cafeteria of the building near Luhan's office. He saw a tall man sitting while drinking some hot coffee. His facing his back so he can't see who is it. But, he thinks he know who is it. He doesn't want to get his hopes to high so he remain calm but he can feel every beat of his heart getting faster. 

"Hi, excuse me?" He said. The man turned around and Luhan's eyes went wide. After 2 years they met again. After 2 years of waiting he saw him again. 

It was Oh Sehun. The man who's applying to become the Assistant CEO of his Entertainment Company. 

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Chapter 1: OMG UPDATE SENPAIIIINIM HAHAHAHA <3 love your stories <3
Chapter 1: C

yifanutella #3
Chapter 1: im gonna read this so pls update author-nim HAHHA