Darkness In My Eyes {Sekai}

The Crap Box
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Darkness In My Eyes

Title: Darkness In My Eyes
Pairings: Sekai
Length: 2k
Rating: G
Summary: "Darkness in my eyes, but lights up in the sky..." -Wu Yi Fan. Sehun and Jongin are supposed to be watching the fireworks, but instead they keep glancing at each other. (Can be read as a spin-off of There's That Coat...)
Warnings: None, except perhaps uncreativity?
Notes: So, using an already written work to write something new is so cliché, but I have to get back in touch with writing somehow, and this is my first step. That's my only excuse. 


October 4th, 2014

The man in front of him keeps staring at the fireworks, but Jongin has no eyes for the stars tonight.

It’s Seoul’s firework festival, but the couple feels too lazy to go to Hangang Park in order to watch the spectacle from up close. They have chosen instead to gaze at the fireworks from the safety of home –they don’t live too far anyway- and they have climbed at the top of their building, the only two people in the world. Jongin doesn’t complain: he has very good company.

Sehun’s head is tilted back as he gazes up, exposing the smooth, porcelain skin of his neck; his vibrant rainbow hair almost challenges the fireworks that erupt above their heads in colour and brightness, and Jongin… Jongin just can’t look away.

The fireworks are beautiful; Sehun is sublime.

Sehun’s mouth forms a smile, and he says without looking at him: “You’re staring”.

Jongin doesn’t even try to deny it. “What can I say? The view is spectacular.”

Sehun looks at him then, his playful expression soon transforming into a serious one. “We are looking at the same show, you know? I am a firework, too.”

Jongin tilts his head slightly to the left, showing that he doesn’t exactly understand.

“Like fireworks, I burn the brightest; I am a sight to behold, all life and colours and fire and light… But I will burn out soon, Jongin, won’t I? Like a firework, I will burn out and die, and there will not be a fragment of light to remind the world that I once was here. I am condemned to burn the brightest and die quickly, like all fireworks do. I’m evanescent, Jongin… A firework, vowed to perish in the night sky.”

Jongin has nothing to say to that, and Sehun goes back to watching the fireworks, taking it in, all of it, all of the beauty that flashes in the night sky. He watches, he watches, on and on, with the patience only a photographer can have; and Jongin watches him in turn, with a different kind of patience; with the patience only a lover can display.

They stay in silence, each looking at the spectacle that satisfies him the most.

Little does Jongin know, that Sehun’s interest shifts, discreetly, to him.


There are many moments that Sehun wishes to never forget, and this night is one of them.

Bewitched by the lights above their heads, on a windy rooftop, with the city sounds barely managing to climb up till them: that’s where they are, and Sehun would give anything to keep this night going on forever and ever.

Problem is, he hasn’t much left to give. His gift has already been taken from him, and everything that made him himself slowly leaves him as well, along with the strength that he still hasn’t spent on futile efforts of surviving himself. He has been stripped off of everything he is, and there is only one thing that he has left, one thing that he can still hold on to –one thing that he wouldn’t give up, for anything, to anyone.

His eyes shift slightly to the man that watches his intently.

He can’t make out his features in a clear, distinguished way, like a man with a proper vision would; he sees some of his features and restores the rest of his face from memory –Kim Jongin is, after all, the person he has most looked at, and he can say without exaggerating that he knows every trait, every expression, every little detail of his beautiful face.

Kim Jongin. The man who came without warning, like all great things do. The man who changed his life without asking, the man who proved to be everything he had ever desired, and so, so much more.

The man who came at the worst possible time. The man who came at the only possible time.

The man who will never –ever- know just how much he loves him.

He wishes that he had his camera with him, in order to capture the expression that Jongin has right now, because there are no words to describe it, because he’s the only one being able to see it, because one day he’ll be gone, and he wants the world to remember that his lover looked at him with this kind of look, once. Because this kind of look is the one that novels and movies speak of; this is the look that makes it all worth it, in the end.

He has never been one to speak a lot; even their love story evolved in silence, with longing looks, mute walks back home and a coat that

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Chapter 4: Wow. I don't even know what to say. This latest update was so beautiful, so bittersweet, so heartbreaking. I am in awe. The dance sequence was simply beautifully written; the concept itself of the Shadow and the Man, combined with your description? It gave me chills. Alternating between the past and the present -- the stark difference between the two, the bliss and innocence of the past in contrast with the bleakness of the present, made it all so much more painful. I expected nothing less from the creator of the "Coat", and yet you once again managed to amaze me (and wreck me emotionally). I can't wait to see what the next part has in store for us.
peaceminseokone #2
Chapter 1: Just commenting to share that i still read this until now. Such a cute story :)
FairyLove5 #3
Chapter 1: This story is so good i love it! I liked the way you potrayed the characters. And xiubaek... I love xiubaek so much. I hope you'll continue writing xiubaek stories! Can't wait for more of your stories :)
paula30 #4
Chapter 1: Wth . Why isn't there any comments on this brilliant fic yet. Huhuhu i love it so much. You write the best xiubaek fic in this fandom i swear. Wow how do i even start. I just liked every part of it. Luhan's character gave me life lol , jongdae aswell. And lmao at minseok cursing jongdae and his damn beautiful cheekbones lol. Thank you so much for not making it angst-y, although i have to admit that i may have teared up a little bit while reading baekhyuns whines to jongdae how theres no chance between him and minseok to him spazzing how minseoks a great kisser and having such a great and sht. Cause finally its happening . Him and minseok is finally happening lol. I just loved this alot. Thanks for writing it. :))))) cant wait to read more from you soon :D .