And So It Begins

More Than Meets The Eye


Chapter 1: And so it begins

                We're running. Hannah and I are running...

                Here's the thing, Hannah doesn't run. Unless…there is free food. (In that case anyone who stands in between her and her food will perish.) Even then, she won't run faster than me. (Not because she can't).

               So the fact that Hannah is running faster than me at the current moment is kind of freaking me out. Actually, it's more like she's running and I'm limping. Go figure.

                I look behind me for a quick second. I get a glimpse of something very ugly. I'm talking Sloth from the Goonies ugly.  The ugly demonic creature...Oh wait… That's my old math teacher...Never mind… it's a demonic creature... I think. The two look so similar it's hard to tell the difference ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU'RE RUNNING FOR YOUR LIFE.

                Wait. There's someone running besides me. I turn my head slightly to try and get a glimpse of the mysterious person alongside me. I know for a fact it’s not Hannah.

                    Hold up…  Is that a guy? . He's cute. Look. There's another one. And another one. There's five of them. (DAMN. They are all gorgeous if I do say so. Well their silhouette that is. I'm too busy limping to pay much attention to their shining faces in the moon light right now.) I wonder why these five guys are running. I can’t recognize them.  It doesn't seem like they are running after Hannah and I but, rather with us.
                "Ooofff."  Huh. I think one of them just tripped. Glad I'm not the only clumsy one around here.

              Just as Hannah is about to cross the bridge, (Which, I have no idea where it came form by the way. I don’t recognize where I am.) everything goes blurry and a weird sensation takes over. (Great. I bet I'm going to end up mutating into a Gremlin.) It's as though my dream is shifting into a different scene. I try to blink the blurriness away, but nothing works. It just gets worse. Well that's just perfect.


                        A few seconds go by and I can hear footsteps. Something is approaching me. The feeling that I get from the figure coming towards me is not one of danger, but, one of reassurance. The figure touches my hand and mumbles something to me. I can't understand what the figure said. I just know it gave me some sort of power. Just Watch. It probably said. "For the honor of Grey skull." (He-man reference if you didn't get that.)
                Good news: due to whatever the weird figure said to me I can see again. Bad news: I don't have a talking tiger I can ride off into the night.

                 Moving on.
                I take in my surroundings. Hannah, the five guys, and myself are at a...library? Wait a minute… I know this place. This is the library that's inside the Meister Museum.
The size of this library has always been astonishing. There’s at least a million books in here.


                     I wish I could live here. I would read to my heart’s content without anyone telling me I’m lame.  I have a small... Alright a BIG Nerdy side. What can I say? Libraries and books are like my second favorite things in the world. However, this library is by far the best library I have ever seen in my life.


                    This library is not your average library. It has a dome shape structure. Almost like some of the buildings from Ancient Rome. The library easily has one hundred shelves lined across the walls. The walls are white but, the floor is made of a creamed colored marble. The library is very old fashioned. It barely has any seats. It has maybe five at the most. The middle of the library consists of nothing except for one marble tile a slightly different shade from the rest. It's one of those creepy libraries that hasn't been used in years, yet still holds so much beauty.

                  I become so mesmerized with the library that I nearly forgot we were running from a demonic looking math teacher thing. I almost didn't notice the five guys make their way to the center of the library by the slightly different colored tile. The five guys stand in a circle with their backs facing Hannah and I. They begin to chant something in a language I can't comprehend. I hope they aren't summoning magical fairies. No offense to any magical fairies out there.

               BOOM. A beam of light shoots out of the library nearly knocking me over. The light doesn't blind me like it should. In fact, I feel drawn to it. I walk towards it, only to realize it's a portal that the guys have opened. Not sure how I feel about that.

                I turn around to tell Hannah how confused I am, only to find that she isn't where I last saw her. I look for her frantically. "HANNAH." I call her name. No response. "HANNAH." I call again. No response. I start to panic.  Without Hannah, everything will fail… Where did that thought come from? “Everything will fail?” Ughhh. Whatever. I don’t have time to dwell on weird thoughts. I need to find Hannah before something happens to her. I can't have my best friend disappear on me. I swear, if she's dead I'm going to kill her.

                "She's over here." One of the guys say. I run towards him. I can't decide whether I'm relieved or afraid. Noting by the tone of his voice I'm assuming everything is alright.

                                The minute I get close to him, his face becomes blurry, and I can't see what he looks like all too well. What is this? Is he afraid I'll judge him? The only reason I would judge him would be if he wearing something gaudy. Like his... bedazzled sneakers. Gross. Well there goes that.

                Just what exactly is going on?

                Somehow Hannah ended up on the other side of the library. I hope she’s alright. Nothing on her looks broken. The position she landed in does look kind of painful though. Boy, is she going to complain when she wakes up. Assuming she wakes up. Please let her wake up.  The guy with the hideous sneakers leans over Hannah and caresses Hannah's cheek. His hands look soft yet strong.  (He better not try anything funny.)Wow. Even when she's unconscious she still gets more action than I do.

                He puts his hand on hers and whispers something, then he picks her up and holds Hannah in his arms bridal style. He leans her head towards his chest and lets out a sigh of relief.
                "She's still alive, but we need to get going. I should have known the blast would affect humans sooner or later. I'm surprised it affected her this time." Thank God Hannah is alright. I don’t know what I would have done if she wasn’t oka-
                This time? Humans? HUMANS?!
                Excuse me. Last time I checked I was human, thank you very much... WAIT. IF THESE GUYS AREN'T HUMAN, THEN WHAT ARE THEY?! THEY LOOK PRETTY HUMAN TO ME.

                                There’s something very weird going on here. It’s like I’m having two completely thoughts.  It’s sort of like my subconscious knows what’s going on. Like this is all a distant memory. While the other half of me has no idea what to do. This is making my thoughts go all over the place. One minute I’m questioning something the next I have thoughts about missions and all that jazz. This is not good. Not only I am I confused, but you probably are too. Hopefully there will be some clarity later on. Right now, I need to worry about Hannah and whatever is chasing us. Oh and these five weird guys.

                The guy holding Hannah and I run back to the others.  All of their faces become blurry. I can't see what they really look like. It's weird how the only thing blurred out is their faces. Do they think they look bad or something? Honestly, I don't think it could get worse than bedazzled sneakers dude.

                "We ready?" The tallest one asks. His voice is just a tad bit high. It sounds really sweet.( I bet he's really good at getting people to sympathize with him.) "We might get separated so we'll go in groups. Taemin, Key, and Onew will go with Hannah. You need to make sure she stays safe at all times. Jonghyun and I will stay with Mya. Sound good?" (I wanted to protest and say I should be with Hannah, but this dream doesn't call for that.)

                Jonghyun? Taemin? Onew? Key? What the hell kind of names are those? They sound like a dish you would eat from a Chinese buffet. In other words, foreign.

                 And another thing, how is it that all of a sudden they are speaking English? They were just chanting gibberish a few minutes ago.  

                My confusion just keeps getting worse. I feel like I'm watching an episode of Doctor Who without watching the previous five episodes.

                "I know we are running low on time, but, can I switch with Jonghyun? I really would like to be with my girlfriend."The guy with the black jeans says. His voice sounds really soft and innocent. It was actually kind of cute. He reminded me of a little kid.

                Hey. If the guy wants to be with his girlfriend there's nothing wrong with- HIS GIRLFRIEND?! I'm the only other girl here and he was put on Hannah's side in the first place. So that means...
I'M GOING OUT WITH SOMEONE WHO'S NOT EVEN HUMAN?! Let me rephrase that. I WAS ACTUALLY ABLE TO GET A GUY?! Same species or not, you take what you can get.
Dreams are weird. Any minute now I'm going to wake up in Oz.

                "Fine."The tallest one says. Jonghyun and the guy who apparently is my boyfriend switch. My apparent boyfriend reaches for my hand; Surprisingly, I let him grab it.. I'll kick his if he tries anything else.  I'm still trying to process how all this is happening. As he squeezes my hand he whispers that everything will be alright for he can feel it.  I notice his hand is warm and soft.

                "Are we ready now?" Says a different guy. He's wearing a light blue sweater vest. His voice sounds kind of high. He sounds Nerdy. Which is fine by me. Nerds are my kind of people.

                In response to his question everyone mumbles a yes.

                "Onew lead the way." My apparent boyfriend says. "Everybody grab on to someone in your group. It's going to be a bumpy ride." says Onew.  The tallest guy reaches for my hand, but falters at the last second and grabs my arm instead. Not going to lie, he's got nice arms.

                The guys with Hannah all grab onto each other. Jonghyun tries to grab Hannah from sneaker dude, but sneaker dude smacks his hand away or at least he  tries to. "I love you, but, back off. I've got her." He says in a voice that sounds somewhat whiney and somehow threatening. He kind of sounds flamboyant in his own way. Jonghyun just nods his head and puts his hands up in defeat.

               Jonghyun is wearing white jeans and a black basket ball jersey. Damn. He also has nice arms. I can't tell what bedazzled sneaker dude's arms look likebecause he is wearing a purple jacket. Hannah would've loved to witness these two guys.

                "We jump on three." Onew begins to say. "One. Two. THREE." We all jump just in time as the doors of the library swing open. I do not know what came into the library. All I know is the bullet barely missed me.


                  As we fall down the portal the dream shifts one last time.

                Everything is pitch black and I can't move. Am I dead? Nahh. If I were dead I wouldn't be able to think about whether or not I was dead. Perhaps I'm in a coma.  I hear my name in the distance. "Mya." It sounds soft and faint. "Mya." I hear it again, this time a little louder. It sounds like Hannah's voice.  Thank goodness she's not unconscious anymore.

                I wonder what happened to everyone else.

             "Mya. Wake up."Hannah says, sounding impatient.  "I don't want to." I respond.

              "MYA WAKE UP. WE'LL BE LATE FOR OUR FIRST DAY OF COLLEGE." That got my attention.
I shoot out of bed. "WHAT?!”

             “I CAN'T BE LATE."I start to frantically look for a pair of jeans. My long brown hair a mess. I shot up so fast that I start to feel light headed.

             I hear a chuckling noise.  I look up at my best friend Hannah who is laughing. "School doesn't start for another two weeks, idiot." She says with a devious smile on her face.

             Now I feel stupid, not to mention a tad bit annoyed. "Then why did you wake me and how did you get in? Let me guess? Window?" I say already knowing the answer.  "You know me so well." She smiled a toothy grin.

             Hannah has medium length curly blonde hair and brown eyes. She’s about 5'5" tall. She was wearing her normal attire.  She has her hair down and is wearing a band t-shirt with jeans and red sneakers. How we became friends is not something I will ever know the answer to.

            "I woke you because it's ten thirty and we have plans." She said. "We do?" I asked confused.
                "Yep. Get dressed. We're going to the mall."
                "I hate the mall. Can't we go to the library?"
                "Hahaha  No."
                "What about a car show?"
                "You are the weirdest person I know. We're going to the mall."
                "Ughhh. Why?"

                Hannah pretended to look offended. "You dare question me? I am truthfully hurt."She said in an exasperated tone. She looked like one of those over the top actors in my mom's favorite soap operas. Gotta love Hannah's dramatic side. I rolled my eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me. Get up."
"Fine." I whined. "Why are we going to the mall?"

                "We're going "boyfriend hunting."
                "I don't need a boyfriend."(more like I can't get one. #foreveralone)

                 "Not for you, for me."

              Going boyfriend hunting with Hannah is well... Different from what you would expect.
Basically, we just kind of fangirl over guys we think are attractive. Then, we come up with stories that explain how we think they live their life.

              Let's be honest. I'm too awkward to actually talk to any male of the human species. (Which probably explains why my boyfriend in my glorious yet, weird dream wasn't human.)
                As I was hunting for my black Naruto shirt a feeling came over me. It was sort of eerie. I think Hannah felt it too, for when I looked at her she stood completely still. Her face went blank. Just as soon as the feeling came it left. None of us spoke about it though. We just looked at each other. Hannah shrugged it off.

                                I tried to do the same, but, I couldn't. It feels like someone is trying to tell me something. Like they are trying to reach out to me. It better not be Athena trying to tell me I'm a half blood. Fangirling over Percy Jackson is enough for me, thank you very much.

                Come to think of it, I should've discussed the eerie feeling with Hannah. I should have known my dream wasn't just a dream.

                I should have known.



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