When TOP takes your son to the Zoo


TOP took your son to the zoo along with G-dragons daughter. Your son Adrian is 5 and G-dragons daughter Gayoon (Yoona) is 4.

“Appa I want to go see the lions!” Adrian screamed

“Neh we’ll go see them when we finish seeing the other animals” TOP responded holding on to his hand.

“Hold on to Yoona hand okay and stay close” he told his son.

After they saw some animals Adrian was getting inpatient. So while TOP went to buy them some water since it was a hot summer day he walked away with Yoona to find the lion

When TOP came back he went crazy looking for his kids. He went to the customer service and asked them if someone had seen the kids. He showed them a picture he had in his wallet

“Aww they are so cute” one woman said

“Yeah but they drive me crazy” TOP said putting his wallet away. Luckily someone had seen the two children around the lion pit and brought them to the office where TOP was waiting.

When Yoona saw TOP she ran to him. She had been crying, he could tell. He picked her up held Adrian’s hand and thanked the zoo workers. The trip home had been silent. Yoona fell asleep in the car.

When they got home since GD had to work late TOP handed Gayoon to you and you tucked her in bed because she was fast asleep. She would wake up later for food.  TOP told you what happened at the Zoo and told you he was going to talk to your son.

While you were finishing cooking dinner TOP called Adrian over to his office. Adrian wasn’t allowed in there too much since TOP had his “toys” on the bookshelves. He made Adrian sit in front of him on a sofa.

“Adrian why did you leave me today?” he asked his son who looked nervous

“I wanted to see the lions” he responded

“You could’ve gotten yourself and Yoona hurt” TOP told him.

“But I wasn’t scared appa even though yoona was I wasn’t and I wanted to be like you” he said pointing to his dad

“Like me?” TOP asked confused

“You’re not scared of anything!” TOP sighed

“You know I do get scared sometimes, I was scared today” he confessed to his son


“For two reasons, I thought I lost you and that you were hurt and also because your uncle Jiyong would murder me if his princess had a single cut” he said smiling

“Appa what’s murder?” he son asked. TOP chuckled and guided his son out of the office

“You don’t need to know. Don’t ever run away from me okay” he told his son as he pulled him into a hug.

“Now go wash up for dinner” he told his son while he ran to his umma. TOP looked at his son and his wife in the kitchen.

They sure do drive me crazy but it’s worth it


This story was inspired by a scence in the lion king =) If there are any mistakes please tell me and i'll be happy to fix them thanks for reading :)


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Celestial #1
i really like this story i think it was kind of adorable ;]
You know what, I love this short story :) I do.