Chapter 2: Spine Breaker

My Princess

Seokjin POV


I woke up to a loud BANG coming from the kitchen. I didn't know what happened, and so I ran straight downstairs. I found my mom in the midst of cleaning up a broken glass cup. "Umma, are you okay?" I asked. "Yes honey, I'm sorry if i woke you up. You have to go to school anyways though" she smiled. Her smile was friendly. It makes her seem really happy with her life. Although our family's had many complications. When I was younger, my father divorced with my mother and left for another women. My mother at that time was unemployed, and barely had enough money to buy our own apartment. Now, however, she has finally found a job and is earning enough money to support us. That's why my mother came up with the idea of moving. So we moved into a house big enough for the two of us, but not too big. That's why I ended up in Seoul High.

"Umma?" I asked

"Yes honey?" She replied while throwing the glass shards in the garbage.

"I will study as much as I can, so when I grow up, I will be able to get a job and earn money for both of us." I exclaimed. Honestly, I had no problem with it. I felt like this was the best plan. My mother frowned. She replied slowly "For now, honey, just think about your studies and what you like. I don't care if you don't get the job that I want you to be. As long as my little kiddo is happy, I'm happy." I flinched at her response. It sounded so selfless. I couldn't help but smile at my mother's remark.

"Anything that'll make you happy" I replied back, hugging her tightly. "But-" she suddenly said "-I want to get a girlfriend. You know Suhyun, my friend's daughter? She's pretty a quite smart! I think you'd get along great!" I blushed a little. Suhyun was way to pretty for me. And plus, she already has a boyfriend. Wait... how scratch that. I don't know anything.

"Umma~" I whined. "I'm still your little baby that wants to stay with you~"

She sighed. "Aigoo my little baby Jin Jin, when will you ever grow up" she smiled. Her friendly smile that was completely happy.



My mom dropped me off at school 10 minutes before the bell. Since I was always the type that rushed for the bell, I was glad that I wasn't late, after my little conversation with my mom. I smiled while walking into the school, but bumped into someone.

"Yah!" He yelled. I looked up and gulped. The guy just stared down at me. I notice his thick layer of eyeliner on him, and his bully-like features. I was scared. He reminded me of the bully back at my old school... "Watch were your going nerd" He said. "Oh, you're new right? Well good luck nerd. Better learn to fit in, or else you'll be crying just like poor Jungmyun over there." He pointed to a small kid wearing glasses like mine. I gulped once more. "Are you scared? Hah! The nerd's scared! Why don't I teach you a little lesson to be careful next time to not bump into anyone." He shoved me against the lockers, making my glasses and books fall to the ground. Damn did that hurt. I think I heard a crack from my spine, but I barely noticed since a crowd of students formed around us. I said nothing, though. I was quite used to this treatment, and so I did nothing... until I hear someone speak from behind the crowd.

"Jimin-ah, let him go. Show the new kid that this school isn't that bad." A boy said, appearing out. He was handsome, I have to admit it, and he was quite tall. 

"Who are you to talk to, Kim Taehyung. You're lucky I'm in a good mood today, or your little flower boy face would be broken." He exclaimed. The boy called Taehyung didn't even flinch. He just stood there. "So let him go then" he just said. The bully, whose name was Jimin, let me go at once. I was finally able to breath again. Jimin left as if nothing had happened. I slowly pick up my glasses and books that fell.

"Sorry about that." I hear Taehyung speak. "Jimin's such a y bully sometimes" he exclaimed. I said nothing, still shocked that someone like him would talk to someone like me. "Your new right?" I hear him say. "Well, my name's Taehyung. Kim Taehyung. But people like calling me V since it sounds cool. And your name is?" he asked, glancing at me. "Seokjin" I shrugged. "Seokjin eh? That's a nice name. How 'bout this. You can sit with us at lunch today. I can see something inside of you that makes me think of my brother. You look nice, Seokjin-ah, join my friend, Jeon Jungkook, and I!" I was shocked. I just stared at him, unable to speak. Did he just ask me to sit with him for lunch? I was able to at least make a question come out. "R-R-Really?" I stuttered. "Why not?" he asked back. I just nodded and muttered "sure". "Great! What do you have first period?" he asked me. I glanced at my schedule. "M-Math." Why did I keep on stuttering? "Really? Me to! Let's walk together!" he laughed. I'd say that this Taehyung guy was actually pretty nice. I was thankful, though I don't know if he should hang out with someone like me. 


We walked together into math class. I noticed Jihyun first, drifting off into God-knows-what. I glanced at her to see little drool appearing from the corner of . I chuckled. Some things just don't change.




"Aigoo, our Jihyun is sleeping again." I said, walking into class. Her eyes were half closed and she looked like she was about to fall asleep. Though, I'm pretty sure she heard me. I could see a little drop of drool coming down the corner of . I poked her cheek again. "Jihyun~" I said. She snapped back, almost slapping my face. "Aish Seokjin you scared me!" she yelled. Everyone in the class stared at us. I just chuckled, as I see her cheeks turn a rosy pink. Our grade 1 teacher appears, and I take my seat next to her. I smirked at the thought of her sleeping during class again. Aigoo, our Jihyun.





Jihyun POV


I snapped open. I could here Mr. Jung, our math teacher, calling out the attendance. "Kim Taehyung." he said. "Here!" a voice replied. "Song Jihyun" he said, still in his normal monotone voice. "Here" I murmered. "Kim Seokjin." I glanced up. Kim Seokjin. It's that name again. I swear I've heard of it before. It seems so familiar, yet so distant. I couldn't help but wonder who he was. I could here a small voice replied beside me. "Here" Mr. Jung glanced up. "Aigoo you're our new student aren't you? Well class, please welcome Kim Seokjin!" I could see Seokjin slightly shuffle and shrug. Man, he must be embarrased. I look at him, and he finds me staring at him. I quickly turn away. He looks weirdly familiar. I suddenly wake up to Mr. Jung explaining our assignment. Of course, in his monotone voice. I barely listened, and instead, I tried to figure out who this Seokjin guy was. I don't know. Maybe he reminds me of a friend... or maybe he was a friend.




I'm sorry again for another short chapter! I don't know why. It's already 12:25 am and I'm still in front of my laptop. 

Well, I tried to make it less humorous here, by leaving out Ms. Yang. You know, the creepy loud English teacher from last chapter? Well I'm sorry if it's a little boring. But since I have nothing else to do, I think I'm already half asleep. I'm going to sleep. Goodnight~ Stay healthy subscribers! 

And thank you for bearing with my terrible writing! 

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Chapter 1: Please update soon, author-nim. I can't wait for the next chapter. Ahh~a queenka & a nerd boy
rainana #2
Chapter 2: This is excited meh ~ I sarang it, please update soon !~^^