
Our Pretty(?) Fatty girl

The next day,

I finally finished on making my chocolate that I want to give Luhan todayy. I packed my chocolate on a pink box and I pack it with a red ribbon and put a letter inside of that box. Geez, finally I had to confess that he's such a hottie and I just can't. Can't resist that.

Stepping at the gate of my school ,I finally realize that inside of me, truly, some of me, myself, think that I should let him know, but some of me just don't dare to.

It's okay, lee ha ni. You know that true love exist.

Running through the gate going to my classroom, I know that every eyes on me, but now I don't even care and so do they. I'm just going to wait for him to come , I will confess later in the canteen if I met him. And the class start.


Lunch time,

As usually, if the bell rang I really happy, but now I'm not. Hell nervous. Walking in the hall to canteen with a pink box is shamed enough ,omg. I should never pack it with a bright color, everybody is seeing me. Like I'm that weird. Or maybe it's just really weird because as i thought , a fat girl is taking a pink box. Just 1 possibility for sure. Confessing. Dead Meat. I know that everybody had their eyes on me everytime i walked pass through them. Okay ha ni , just find him and you will be just fine! I roll my eyes as I walk. There's him, I really saw him. And I stop, what should i do? am I not gonna regret this?aaaaaaaaah! as you can see I am trying to be really calm but it just not working.

Okay Lee Ha Ni! Now or Never! Then I run into him.

I hide that pink box into my back of hips and finally stand in front of him. "Hello you , why are you here?" ask Xiumin. As you all know Exo-m always hang out together and I really had to confess to Luhan in front of everyone and Exo-M! Okay, be brave, be cool ,be calm. "H-h-hello, i-i , Lu-Luh-han" i stretch out my hand that grab on my pink box, my hand is shaking , and i bow my head and close my eyes. And then i heard the crowd is whispering and laughing. It's happening Ha Ni, Be Strong.

Then I opened my eyes, and you know what I see, there's Luhan, standing there and frozing, don't know how to respond me, and Exo-m is putting a serious face. The crowd is just pointing at me and laughing, "S-so-sorry" I hold back my tears, throwing my box and ran out. The hell. Really bad day in my life.

Sitting in the corner of school backyard and crying. . What a true love?! Then i know. It never existed.

Then I know again. I must take a revenge.

Let them see, what i will become.



Hellooo everybodyyy, i'm sorry that i am on my hiatus :(

I ever think to never gonna make chapter again and i just can't.

I hope that my writings really get better though:)


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Chapter 3: Yayyy finally an update
Chapter 2: Jeez so mean.