Angel Cakes


A girl determined to find her true identity, gets stuck in a love triangle and breaks the Guardian Rules. She is sent to guide a girl down the path of good, finding out about her crush and in the end, falling in love with him. It's a matter of life and death when the girl she guides finds out. Will her prince charming come to the rescue, or will the rebellious prince take her up into his arms and run away with her to paradise?


Hailee was just a normal girl. Well… She thinks that was her name, ‘He’ told her that. She was just walking along on the street, it was the start of December and it was freezing, she smiled warmly at everyone who passed by. It was six o’clock in the evening and she was scurrying off to work, she needed the money, not wanted, NEEDED. She needed it to keep food on the table for her family, her mom, she was… It was something she couldn’t recall. Although on that very night, there was a blizzard, she couldn’t see a thing and when she was about to cross the road, there was a sound of honking and tyres screeching, there were gasps all around and before she could get a hold of what was happening, all went pitch black…

I awoke in a peculiar place, everything was white and I was all by herself, I lay down on the floor and as I got up, I felt a weight behind me, I looked back and screamed at the sight. I had grown wings. Real angel wings, I gawked at them and what seemed like seconds felt like hours, I suddenly heard a deep, echoing voice, “Child, you have come here and grown wings because of your kindness and good deeds to others, very few mortals turn into angels when they die…” Wait… I’m dead? W-what?! How? I thought. “You’re now a guardian angel, you’ll be sent on a mission to find a girl who lives in a small town, her name is Taeyeon, she’s really arrogant and I’m sending you to teach her the ways of kindness, you have one year.”

“Wait! Please…” I plead, “W-who am I? Why am I here, who’s my family, my friends?!” I look up with a confused looks, my eyes were wide and I was practically on my knees, begging for answers.

“You will learn who you are when you get there, but don’t forget the mission and don’t give it away…” That’s all I heard before I couldn’t see anything anymore.

Again, all went black and the aroma of garbage filled my nostrils, even the mere and appalling smell triggered a gag. When I could finally see, I realised I’d ended up in an alleyway… At night. What kind of boss sends a young girl out in the middle of the night anyway?! I heard a sudden noise behind me, it sounded faint, it sounded like footsteps, and I grew nervous instantly, my heart racing, beads of sweat forming on my forehead and my hands were shivering, not only from the cold but from the sound, I scream, “NO! Don’t hurt me please!” I immediately turned around to see who it was. It was a janitor who was throwing the trash out, he looked at me as if I’d gone mad. Oh. Embarrassing was just an understatement to what I felt at that moment, I screamed at a harmless old man! “S-sorry…” I walk out of the alleyway, madly blushing due to the fact that I had messed up and I didn’t even start my mission yet. As I get a hold of what’s in front of me, lights… It’s amazing! Lights, everywhere, people, buildings, skyscrapers, they were beautiful, and of course it would be awkward saying those things about people… Weird… A new world, a new life, is starting for me, and I have a feeling it’s going to be… amazing.


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