Chapter 2

JANUS : Looks can be deceiving

" Ouch ! "
Minwoo flinced as Youngmin damp the cotton with disinfectant on his fresh wound. Kwangmin whom watching their aiding session shook his head .
" bear with that minwoo, you want that "
" i dont want this - Ouch ! " 

Moving he's arm away harsly . Just like saving himself for a searing pain . He reached his wounded arms and blow onto it.
" its your falt , you should have listen to me "
"i did ! " Minwoo hissed . Pouting while to turn his gaze  again on the victimed part of his body .
" dont mind it minwoo, its part of learning" kwangmin utter as he pat the younger and sat beside him.
"does learning have to be this painful ? " 
Youngmin tsked .
" its just a simple  scratch . "
Minwoo frowned . Yes, it was really a scratch that minwoo's complaining about. He's a kid born with  so much care of servants so no doubt why he reacted like that.
" yeah, it so far away to your orgarn, its only scratch . Besides ...  when Hyung and I were still learning motors we got more than yours . "
Minwoo lightened up.
" s-so  it doesnt mean i got this because im babo ? "
The twins chuckled  /well theyre Not twins for nothing/ hearing minwoo's evident innocence ..
"well you are ." youngmin teases makes minwoo down in a sudden  but on the contrary of his twin, / well,  they  are twins for nothing  /
"no, its normal .. Dont believe him, that guy is lying "
" yah jo kwangmin ! " and they began the war.
"what ?!  "
"  'that guy ' your  face,  watch your words !  "
" huh ? I cant  " he stuck his tounge , adding  fuel to the fire " i cant see it "
Youngmin who was pissed throw the cottons onto now kwangmin's mocking face.
" aghhhh ! "
" respect me , im older than you ! "
" were twins dumb !  older ? Oh yes , by  6 minutes ." grinned, more like teasing his twin , his hotheaded youngmin.
Youngmin became more  annoyed , but minwoo was the most . Being forgotten that he was in their middle , and  now making him deaf of  continues ranting .
" stop grinning like a fool , its so ugly ! Yah ! Iwho cares ? No matter if its only minutes or second , Im still older , so respect your  hyung ! "
" hah ! Thanks for saying that to your face ! "
" shut up ! "
" and oh , wait .. Im gonna respect you for 6 minutes also " gesturing his hand,  acting that hes looking to his wristwatch 
And bam, thump ,hud  and rants  can be heard . Minwoo shook his head and making his way to leave . Forgetting his 'painful' scratch just like the twins forgetting him . 
' this twin are really sweet in their own way' 
He reached the door of the apartment , without attempting to bid goodblye . 
' well they seem to have their own world ' he thought , it would be useless.

" then ill do some actions regarding his love ones"

" gonna use your men ? "

" thats why i build the organization , "

" tsk .. i nearly doubt your the head"

" whats in your mind mr. clever huh ? , youre getting rude to me as time goes by , arent you scared ?  "

" why would i ? "

" i can turn you into a cold corpse whenever i want , you know that  "

" then do as you want , youre just gonna lose a person that can help you , you know that too"

" curse you ,ill give up . so whats your plan ? "

" i despise him for the rest of my life, and so i hate any related to that guy, after what he ing did-- "

" is it the time to be emotional ? "

" no , what im saying is i can make their lives miserable for you , and for me too.  "

" so you want me to use you for this task ? well, it sounds music hearing he would be such miserable . Well get even both to him"

"yeah , ill fit . trust me "

minwoo's pov

*bell rings*

" thank goodness.. "
i was literally save by the bell from boredome .. my class was a legit boring , i nearly fall asleep .
 i quickly stand up and go to kwangmin's chair , i saw kwangmin still sleeping and didnt even get awaken after a loud bell ring ; well, he's sure a deep sleeper . 

" hyung , wake kwangmin up "

i said to youngmin hyung who was now busy arranging his things,mostly thick book.
even with almost 7 years of being friends with them, i still get amazed everytime with the things they are so different to each other even they are twins. kwangmin is too lazy to study, and youngmin hyung is too studious . kwangmin adores pikachu and so youngmin hyung despise it . kwangmin is such an irresponsible one while his twin was so responsible. kwangmin is good at fighting but  youngmin hyung cant . they have a lot of difference , too many to address , but what i can say is both of them are loving the same girl . yeah , so awkward.

youngmin hyung succesfully wake his twin up , i almost laughed at kwangmin's face ... he still looks sleepy .. he must suffer a lot in this class well so i am .  

" come on , i want to go home now  "

" wow , is it really came out to the boy who loves to go anywhere ? " youngmin teased .

i came out first in classroom then i saw them followed. 

"yeah ,its weird ..veryyyy weird of you minwoo  " kwangmin said , hand rubbing his eyes .

" have you eaten anything ? " his twin added .

i rolled my eyes. " yah guys is it really a big deal to you ? i just want to go home and rest" 

we walk , and reach the parking lot , i almost run going to my cool motorcycle .
i checked it , im afraid someone damaged it because it really looks so new.

" ahh ! now i know ! " i turn my gaze to them who was now grinning coming near to me.

" you want to go home fast and practice riding that "

i smiled , so they get me . well , this past few days , all i wanna do is to ride my motor , its my hapinness now .
 after i got hurt , think i learned.

" whats wrong ? im starting to get used to it so im excited "

" well, you should have said from the first place , we thought you had a fever "
youngmin hyung teased again ,

" hyung! "

 we laughed . and then decided to go out on parking.
  kwangmin said  he's going to meet someone at cafe so he will come with me since it has the same route ,  and i saw youngmin hyung looked away ..

" well , im going home , i have to study ... "

he said and walk away . 

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Chapter 2: Scary things happening in the background...
When is Donghyun coming out? ^___^
grimreapervrt0 #2
im going to look forward to this :D