Such Funny Fate

"Thank you for your hard work" can be heard all around the hall. One guy finally finished his speech to thank all the staff, crew, dancers, and band. Yes, after finishing his third round of solo tour in Japan, Daesung became more familiar with that kind of speech. He feels responsible to care for everyone who helped him all these time. He walk to the changing room and suddenly smile when he saw them.

"That was amazing, daesungah" one of the guys crack a smile while walking towards his dongsaeng. His raf simons coat looks so elegant on him. "Thank you, jiyong hyung for coming" daesung hug his tiny body. Soonho then patted daesung's shoulder to congratulate him. "This is for you, y daesung" jiyong tease his dongsaeng with inside joke between bigbang members and showing a gift box to him. "Wow, u dont need to, hyung but thank you" daesung was surprised when he saw ann demeulemeester coat inside the box. "I like it, hyung" jiyong just smile when daesung said that, he knows daesung's style and preference really well.

"Yah, i'm here too, daesungah" another guy approach daesung with a huge smile and a little box. "Ah hyung, thank you too and what is this with you all giving me something? hahaha thank you" daesung hug the muscular guy with a thom browne coat. "This is a bracelet, i know you will like it, so i bought it when i was in hongkong for my concert" youngbae said before signaling his dongsaeng to sit. "Oh thank you, hyung. Seungri came yesterday too and he gave me another matching wallet with him, i dont know what to do with that kid" daesung laugh remembering his maknae. Daesung and Seungri are not exactly closest bff but they are closer than before. They are more comfortable to joke around and make fun of each other now. "He asked me what to buy before, i dont understand why he thinks you and him will have the same taste and proudly use matching wallets though" jiyong immediately joined the conversation.

Youngbae reluctantly stand from sofa and playing with his phone before ask daesung "Seunghyun hyung asked if you will back to korea tomorrow because he invited us for another wine session, ah this hyung is so lazy to go outside". They laugh before daesung finally say "Yeah, i will. I need to work for korean solo album and bigbang comeback too, hyung". "You sure you dont need another time, dae? Just in case, well it's only been 3 months since you broke up with her" jiyong ask. "Of course hyung, that was so 2014. i will be fine"

"okay then lets eat now! we need to buy some wine and snacks too for seunghyun hyung" youngbae walk towards the door followed by jiyong and their managers to give time for daesung to remove his make up and cleaning himself.

Daesung sigh, relieved. He knows his hyungs didnt believe him earlier. They know really well how he's still broken, but he needs to face reality. Three months ago, he broke up with his girlfriend after dating for almost 4 years. He was sure for their relationship, she was the only girl for him. Being member in bigbang is not easy. They went through a lot and privacy is one of the most precious things for them. Daesung felt so lucky to have her who can understand him. He's not someone who can date freely like jiyong with cover up friends. He doesn't even like when his close colleagues and friends are publishing their private time photos in sns. Sometimes will be okay but he prefers his private time stays private.

And she was someone like that too, it's a given that she's a public figure and popular. She's a chaebol daughter and popular designer, Park Ha Neul more known as designer Hana Park, older than him by two years. They were introduced by jiyong after Hana, one of kwon dami's colleagues said that she was a fan of Daesung. So they met in jiyong's party. He was not in the mood for party but she was stunning and too charming to be ignored. So there they were, captivating each other and fell in love. Two months later, he introduced her to Hyori, his ex and best friend and his other best friends. Hyori congratulated them genuinely while hugging her new boyfriend. Uhm jung hwa smiled and patted his shoulder warmly. They were so welcome for hana, the entire YG and bigbang were. So everything was perfect, even kiko joked that he could get married with hana already and no one will know. She was there to supported him when the accident in 2011 happened. He told her to leave him because she deserved anyone better than him, but she slapped him because he didn't know her heart. That was their first big argument. The second one was in 2012, simply because she was jealous over the non-existent his japanese girlfriend created by some fans. He explained it with a very simple cd demo of his upcoming solo cover album, he gave it to her through seunghyun hyung and left message in the end "i work for my debut in japan, i need to use opportunities to gain my confidence back and to learn more about music, so i can show it in korea when i feel ready later. there is not any girl here, i don't have time to go outside studio, i can't even join seungri for dinner lately. but thank you for being jealous, Chic Hana." And that was it. They never had any big argument that could jeopardize their relationship anymore. Until september 2014 when she said she wanted to continue her study in Paris. Daesung knows more than anyone about chasing dream and he can't be selfish for stopping her. He knows she always want to focus on design but she was trapped in her family's companies. So he let her go.

A soft knock on the door wake him up from his thought. "Wait, i'm changing right now" he sigh for another long day. He starts another self hypnosis *okay it's time to move on*

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