Questionable Song Lyrics

"YOU KISSED RAVI?!" Hongbin all but shouts when we're out to lunch the next day. I clamp a hand over his mouth as literally half the restaurant looks at us with wide eyes. I move my head and he gives me an apologetic smile. "Sorry, but really? When? Why? Was it weird? Did Hanna see-" 

"Hongbin," I sigh, rubbing my temples with my fingers at the consecutive questions. "It happened last night and I don't know why. We were just hanging out and there was a moment and...it happened. Hanna knocked on the door, which is when we realized what we were doing but I don't think Ravi's told her. Or at least I hope he hasn't because the last thing I need is her thinking that I'm trying to steal her boyfriend." Hongbin's quiet, but when I look up he's slowly nodding. "Just,don't tell anyone, okay? I don't know if I should've told you but I was literally going to explode if I didn't tell someone about this." 

"I won't say anything." I sigh in relief. "But you have to answer something." Oh crap. "Do you like Ravi?" Well, I wasn't prepared for that, but it's probably something that should be figured out. 

And that's what I do over the next couple weeks. I don't think I can like Ravi because I've known him for too long. It just seems impossible since I know him too well. Like,he stays up into the early hours of the morning just testing out beats. Not composing an entire song, literally just the back beat. Talk about obsessive. Then, he drinks that liquid crack called coffee even though he knows that caffiene makes him hyper and kind of shaky. Ravi also dyes his hair constantly which I know has to be unhealthy, but...he still manages to look good. But then he also learned sign just to be able to communicate with Nari. I even saw him pouring over some signing books he bought and was helping Leo practice. He also is really on top of my health, almost more than I am...


It's very possible I've fell for him along the way. Nari laughs, hysterically I might add, when I tell her all this and laughs even harder when I beat her with a pillow. 

"This isn't funny!" I tell her with one final smack and it takes another two minutes for her to calm down. I sit on the couch with a resigned sigh and she gives me a sad look. "I don't know what to do. I can't tell him how I feel because it would wreck his relationship with Hanna. If he reciprocates and things don't work out it could ruin our friendship. If he doesn't feel the same way things will get awkward. There's just too much at risk." I look at the cartoon on the screen, Sleeping Beauty, as Prince Philip is leaning down to kiss Aurora to wake her up. It's always been my favorite princess movie, well after Beauty and the Beast anyway. All Aurora had to do was sing in the woods and she found the perfect guy who would later set her free from a horrible spell. If only love were that easy. 

"Hanna doesn't know anything," Ravi tells me a couple days later when I'm over for breakfast. I nod as I put some bread into the toaster. I look at him when he gives a frustrated sigh and almost burns the eggs. "This ." I peer around him to see that the eggs don't look burned. 

"They will if you leave them on longer," I say with a nod. He chuckles as he pours the eggs onto a plate. 

"Not that, just...the situation." I nod in agreement. "I don't want this to mess up anything I have with either of you." 

"And it won't." He raises an eyebrow at me, but he still looks worried. "If she never finds out, nothing will be ruined and we'll just act like nothing happened. It's all going to be fine, Ravi. I promise." 

You shouldn't make promises you can't keep because this is so not fine I literally hate seeing Hanna and when I see them together my stomach turns in all kinds of unpleasant ways. It's worse when she's with the group of us because she hangs all over him and it's-

"Gross," I say quietly to myself. Hongbin shoots me a look and I shake my head. "Nothing, I'm fine." 

"Are you sure?" Ken asks with a head tilt. "You've ate all of your pizza, half the breadsticks and had three glasses of water." 

"I didn't eat today," I answer quickly, taking a sip of water. "Busy at work."

"You should keep better care of yourself," Hakyeon scolds."We don't want you to get sick." 

"Ravi,I'm not sick," I whine when he's checking my temperature later that night."And I've been taking all my medicine. Honestly, I'm fine." He doesn't look convinced, but his furrows eyebrows can't be from me. "What's wrong?" 

"This isn't better for you." Whoa, was not expecting that. "I can tell. You never look happy anymore, especially when she's around. I know you two don't get along, but-" 

"We're fine, Ravi." I place my hands of his shoulders and shake him slightly. "Hanna and I have had our differences, but we're at least somewhat civil to each other. Plus, I've just been stressed at work lately, that's why I haven't been myself. Everything is fine." 

Everything is so not fine. Why do I keep telling myself that lie? I'm so stupid! Nothing about this entire situation is fine, not even remotely okay. It's not even postitive in nature. This whole situation completely and utterly .It gets even worse when a week later Hanna shows up at my building and insists on taking me to lunch. 

"You've been acting weird around Ravi. What's going on?" she demands as soon as the waiter is gone. I raise an eyebrow at her. What kind of tone is this? "Don't think I haven't noticed, you're pretty transparent." The nerve she has. "Anyways, whatever it is fix it. He's been complaining about some strain on your friendship and isn't paying any attention to me." 

"Is this the only reason why you asked me to lunch?" I sigh, taking a drink of water. "We could've done this at my office where my lunch was free." She laughs and I can tell that it's a fake laugh. One someone does when they're about to say something unpleasant or they're holding back on telling somebody something unpleasant. 

"Lunch is on me today, actually. However, that isn't the only thing I wanted to tell you." I cross my arms over my chest and lean back in my chair. "I know you and Ravi have known each other for most of your lives. I value the friendship you two have, it's really a beautiful thing." I can feel a 'but' coming on. "But, I feel that you need to realize that you're no longer the only woman in his life." I scoff. Who does Hanna think she is right now? "So, with that I ask that you two don't have this open door policy you seem to have with your apartments. Just barging in whenever you want. Sometimes we'd like to be alone and you can probably relate to that." She makes a face. "Well, maybe not." I take a deep breath before my composure snaps. "And also, keep in mind that even though you're the best friend, girlfriend usually trumps that." I feel my eyebrows raise into my hairline. 

"Is that a threat, Hanna?" I question, leaning forward. She grins, this time it's not so sweet. 

"Just consider it a warning," she states, setting down her glass of wine. I chuckle as I stand up from the table. 

"And consider this a warning. Even if you are his girlfriend, being his best friend I can have you out of his life with the snap of my fingers." I smile sweetly at her and she glares at me. Hanna grabs my wrist as I brush by her and I feel like I just stepped into a k-drama. I yank free of her before she can say another word. 

Ravi isn't too happy about the no more open door policy thing, but I tell him we should at least try and respect Hanna's wishes. I don't tell him about everything that happened at lunch. The less details he knows, the better. However, he does see that whatever went down at lunch made things a little more tense between us. Even though there's no more open door policy, movie marathon fridays are still on. We haven't brought up the kiss and things are great as long as we don't. At least, that's what I thought until he was just about to open the door and leave when he's turning around and kissing me. I shouldn't be kissing him back, but it seems to be an automatic reaction. When we finally pull away, I look up at him with a stunned expression. Ravi looks sad, disappointed even, and I have no idea why. 

"It's not the same," he says quietly, finally releasing his grip on my waist. I gulp down the sudden heartbeat I feel in my throat so that I can properly answer. 

"What's not the same?" I ask quietly. What is he even talking about? 

"When I kiss her, it's not the same as when I kiss you." 

"Well, it shouldn't be. She's your girlfriend." He gives me a sad smile before turning around and leaving. 


The next night Nari, Leo, Hakyeon and Hongbin are over while Ravi and Hanna are out on a date. I haven't been feeling that great all day, but the five of us had agreed to these plans a couple days ago. My sugar has been a little lower than normal which is weird because I've been eating what I usually eat. However, the nausea has gotten considerably worse and the lightheadedness is back.Not to mention that my appetite has nearly doubled and I fear that it's going to start showing soon, especially around my waist. Anyways, I stumble to the bathroom when they're all focused on the movie. The bathroom spins violently, but I'm able to make it to the toilet in time before my stomach turns itself inside out. I rinse my mouth afterwards, but when I feel my stomach wretching again I almost feel like it's a lost cause. I'm still dizzy, so I lay down on the bathroom floor and close my eyes so that everything will just stay still...


I feel my eyes slowly open when I suddenly feel something soft against my mouth and wake to see Ravi kissing me. He pulls away with round eyes as I stare back at him. 

"Whoa," Hyuk gasps with a stunned expresssion along with the rest of the guys. "It worked!" 

"What worked?" I asked with a weak voice as I try to sit up straighter. 

"Well, Ken thought that a way to wake you up would be for Ravi to kiss you," Hakyeon explains with a slight eyeroll. "He knows your favorite princess is Sleeping Beauty." 

"We just didn't expect it to work!" Hongbin explains, eyes still wide with shock. I'm about to say something when the doctor comes into the room. 

"How are you feeling?" he asks me, looking at my eyes with one of those little flashlights. 

"Lost," I answer with a groan. "What happened?" 

"Well, you passed out in the bathroom," Leo explains, Nari nodding in agreement. I try to repress a smile as I notice he has an arm around her shoulder and holding her close to him. "Nari thought she heard you throw up and went to check on you. After that we called the ambulance." 

"Your blood sugar got really low," the doctor explains, looking at the charts. "We know you're a Type 2 diabetic, but have you ever been diagnosed with hypoglycemia?" I shake my head. "It's not an uncommon occurance for a diabetic to have both conditions. Ravi said you've been on top of your medicine and checking your levels, but you might need some additional medication to help keep your blood sugar levels regular. We're going to keep you overnight so we can run some more tests, but you should be able to leave in the morning." 

"Thank you doctor," I tell him with a weak smile. The room falls quiet as he exits the room and I'm half expecting for someone to start scolding me-

"Ravi hyung told us everything," Hyuk pipes up. I gape at Ravi who shrugs in shamelessness. "Noona, you know having people worry about you just means that they care right?" I nod slowly. "So, that's all we we're going to do, take of you. It'd be better for us to care too much than not enough, right?" 

"I guess," I answer quietly. "I'm sorry guys." 

"It's no problem," Ken says with a weak smile. "And we won't 'suffocate you' as Ravi said you so bluntly put it." I chuckle and I see the rest of them smile. I glance at Ravi and he's fiddling with a loose string on the comforter. "Well, we'll let you guys talk." There's mild chattering as they shuffle out the room, but all noise stops once it's just the two of us left. 

"So, Hanna and I broke up," Ravi announces, attmepting to twist the loose string into a bow. I feel my eyebrows shoot into my hairline because that was the last thing I was expecting him to say. "Uh, I told her about what happened during movie night and last night when I kissed you." Oh man, that's not good. "But, she did tell me what she said to you at lunch." 

"She owned up to that?" I ask in slight disbelief. He nods and I suddenly feel embarrassed about what I said to her because that was out-of-line for me to say. 

"It's fine, she told me what you said. It wasn't wrong either." Okay,maybe this is going better than I thought. "In the end, I told her that she couldn't replace you and she could either accept that or leave. And she left." I'm quiet, but I place a hand over his because I know he really liked her. "It's fine, really. I did realize something though. I have a comparison problem." 

"A comparison problem?" 

"I always compared her to you. Like, everything that she either was or wasn't, I compared her to you. And this is going to sound incredibly cheesy and I apologize, but nobody can compare to you. I kind of wish I realized that before I started dating her. So then all this time instead of dating her, I could've..." He trails off, shyly looking at the comforter again. 

"Could've what?" 

"Could've been dating you." I take a breath and he chuckles. "I mean, I realized that I really do like you, a lot actually. But, if you don't want to do this and just stay friends that completely fine-" 

"No." I shake my head. "I mean, I really like you too. You can even ask Nari for confirmation. She found my misery about you and Hanna comical." He laughs, rather loudly and I have to shush him because it's late and other patients are sleeping. However, it is hard to keep a smile off my face. He's still laughing, so to shut him up I grab him by the tie and kiss him...and he finally stops laughing. 


"Hyuk, I'm fine," I whine as he carries me up the stairs to Ravi's apartment. I told him I was a little lightheaded and he's carried me three blocks from the park where him, Hongbin, Ken and I were playing soccer up to Ravi's place. 

"Hyung, I have your wife!" Hyuk yells when we finally walk over the threshold of the apartment. I glare at him as he lays me down on the couch. 

"She's not my wife yet!" I hear Ravi yell from somewhere in the apartment. I feel my face heat up as he comes into the livingroom and sits on the arm of the couch. "Did you take your medicine today?" 

"Yes," I groan with an eyeroll. 

"All of them?" Ken asks as he brings me a glass of water and a sandwich. 

"And checked your levels?" Hongbin questions as him and Hyuk calmly kick the ball back and forth.

"YES!" I exclaim taking a bite of the sandwich. I kick Ravi in the thigh and he frowns at me. "I get asked eighteen times a day if I've checked my levels and took my medicine. I hope you're happy." 

"That does make me happy," he answers with a smile as he grabs my hand and pulls me up from the couch. "I want to show you the new song I'm working on." We take a seat in the studio where he plays with things on his laptop. I hear a familiar beat that he's been playing with and look at him. 

"You finally found a beat." He nods. "How long did it take-" 

"Babe, just listen to the song okay?" I'm about to ask something else, when he laces our fingers together and turns up the song. It's a really nice R&B song but the lyrics are what kind of makes me emotional. There is no way that he wrote his about me. "Did you like it?" 

"I loved it," I answer honestly with a light laugh. "I mean, the music is great and the lyrics are really nice. Like, they're sweet and romantic, not questionable-" 

"That was one song! And this one's about you, so I made sure they were appropriate." I quickly kiss him and he blushes. It's moments later that the guys are calling us out from the studio. We stumble out the doorway when he suddenly grabs me from behind and spins me around in the air and quickly kisses me before putting me down. The guys tease us about being a married couple as Ravi gives me a piggy back ride to the park, but when he smiles up at me I think that maybe, someday down the road, I wouldn't actually mind being his wife...

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LennyV #1
Chapter 3: I hope you make one story for Leo and Nari ^^
LennyV #2
Chapter 3: I love it!!! thanks for your story~
derpwoon #3
Chapter 2: I like this so far! Leo and Nari are adorable. And I lol'd at "personally victimized by Hanna." Can't wait to read more ^^