A Promising Future

My Perfect Stranger

2 months later. 

"Boys! Hurry up before you miss the bus!"

"Coming, umma!" Jongin and Taemin quickly ran downstairs and kissed me on the cheek before waving goodbye and hastily running out of the door. 

Ever since the wedding, life has been a little hectic to say the least. Things picked up full speed after returning from our honeymoon. First, there was the media going crazy over our marriage. There was more congrats than hate, which I was extremely grateful for. 

Second, there was the move. I didn't anticipate for there to be so much chaos. We had to make sure we had every single box before leaving, I had to set up the mail forwarding address, Minho and I had to notify our jobs, and etc. However, it was all worth it in the end when we were finally settled into our new home. 

Third, there was school. The boys had to get used to their new schools and make new friends. It was hard at first for them because they were separated. Jongin's in fifth grade while Taemin's in sixth grade. In some school districts, sixth grade still counts as elementary school, but not where we live now. The distance was a struggle for them because they're so used to spending every second together. I thought that some distance would do them some good, even if it's just at school, because I want them to be independent. Thankfully, after a month of school, they've settled in some. 

Fourth, there was our jobs. When I notified my boss about me moving, he was immediately worried that I wouldn't be able to get the job done. I had to ensure him that we didn't live as far as he thought. I told him I could drive there on different days depending on Minho's schedule. Instead, he did something I wasn't expecting. He promoted me to a position where I wouldn't have to leave home too often. Instead of head stylist, I am now the head designer that designs outfits for idols. Even though I've done this before, I was only able to do it for music shows. Now I'm able to design for music shows, music videos, award ceremonies, the red carpet, and etc. This new position means I get to stay home as often as possible and only have to drive back to Seoul when necessary. 

As for Minho, he didn't get it as easy. His coach and teammates were happy for our marriage, but they didn't agree on the move. Coach Jinki even suggested that it might be best for Minho to stay in Seoul while I stay in our new home with the boys. When Minho told me that, there was no way in hell I was going to let that happen. So I did what I knew I had to do, which was innocently ask Jinki to reconsider his decision. Based on the blush he had on his face, I knew I convinced him to at least hear Minho out. Minho told him about his plan to become a sports commentator on his off seasons with soccer. He also told him he'd be willing to travel everyday to keep training with the team. One thing Minho stressed to me was that he didn't want to let his team down. Jinki eventually agreed to the plan and set up scheduled practices, which the other teammates were happy for as well because they knew when they would have breaks now. It all worked out for the best in the end. 

Finally, there was Jonghyun. I can happily say that he has gone through with his promise to not bother me or Minho. He has only visited to pick up the boys like he is supposed to. Thankfully, whenever he's seen Minho while picking up the boys, things didn't end in a fist fight. They spoke cordially, which I was very proud of. I wasn't expecting them to be friends, but this was a great start. The only problem there is with Jonghyun is I feel bad for him. The times that I do see him, he always gives me a sad smile. It's one of those smiles you put on when you're trying to hide your pain, but it's too obvious that it's there. It took me awhile to understand what the problem was. Despite the drama in the media, his career is getting back on track, he's able to see the boys more, he's making good income, and we're on good terms. 

It was when he sent me a letter expressing his love for me that I understood that no matter what happens, he's still in love with me. He assured me that he wouldn't mess with me or Minho. He just wanted me to know that he misses me and hoped we could get on a level of being together as a family. Who knows? If Jonghyun's being sincere, maybe one day we could hang out as friends. But according to how things are now, I don't think it'll be soon. Either way, I still care for him. I just hope and wish that he finds love in the future. 

Even through all of the struggles and frustration, ever since the wedding, things have been like a fairytale. As cliché as it sounds, marrying Minho has made everything better. If I went through the move, my job, and other situations by myself, I'm sure I would've cracked by now. Minho balances me so well with his laid-back approach to things. To be honest, even though it's only been two months since we've moved to our new town, there have been times where I've wanted to just break down and give up on everything. During the first few days of the move, I was so stressed about work and what my boss would say because we hadn't had our meeting yet at that time. I was worried that I would have to drive back and forth almost everyday just like Minho, and that we would have to hire a nanny or babysitter, which would be more money out of our pocket. Who knows? I could have even got fired. Then what? We would have to depend on Minho's income to even pay for this expensive as house that I wanted. I would sometimes find myself crying out of nowhere, and when Minho would ask me what was wrong, I could never fully explain. In short, I was in a slump. 

But through most of those slump periods, Minho would always find ways to make me laugh and look at my struggles as a funny thing. I have no idea how the possibility of me losing my job could be funny, but Minho made it happen. He took away my worries with his soothing words and promises. He made me see that whatever direction my life went, he was going to be there through it all. He would support me and the boys as much as he had to. It really made me feel secure, and even though things actually worked out in my favor, that situation made me love Minho even more than I thought was possible. 

Now, here we are, two months later, getting ready to go to the doctor to hear the news me and Minho have been hoping to hear. We waited until the boys left for school to go because this is something we want to make sure of. This is so important to us, Minho even called Jinki to ask if he could skip going to practice today. The results of this test could be a life changer. 

"Are you ready to go," Minho asked as he came downstairs. 

"As ready as I'll ever be."

He walked up to me and kissed my cheek before wrapping his arms around my waist. "How are you sure that everything you've been feeling lately is because of this?"

I chuckled. "Because I've been in this situation before, twice even. I think I would recognize those feelings a third time. Don't worry, Minho. And even if I'm not pregnant, we could always try again. It's not like I would mind. The first step in getting pregnant happens to be my favorite."

He burst out laughing. "And I'm the ?"

I shrugged. "What can I say? I learned from the best. Now let's go before we're late."

He nodded and I led us out of the house. The whole ride to the doctor's office, Minho was a nervous wreck. He didn't have to say it for me to notice it. For example, he would grip the steering wheel tighter than I've seen before, he would mash the breaks at a red light causing us to fly forward, and the closer we got to the doctor's office, the more he would sigh unconsciously. I actually thought it was kind of cute. I've seen him nervous before, but never to this extent. 

I glanced at him and gently grabbed his hand that wasn't on the steering wheel. "Relax, ok? Like I said before, if I'm not pregnant, it's ok. We can always try again."

"But if you're pregnant-"

"If I'm pregnant, I know that this baby would have two of the best parents ever. You'd be a great dad, Minho. I can see by the way you handle the boys."

"But I came into the boys' lives when they were a bit older. They weren't infants when I came around. This baby that we may have will have a fresh start with me. If I manage to things up-"

"Hey," I cut him off and gently rubbed his shoulder with my other hand. "Honey, please don't down yourself before we even get the results first. And I'm sure you'll be fine."

He glanced at me quickly before looking back at the road. "How sure?"

I smiled slightly. "Completely positive."

That seemed to brighten his mood as we continued our drive. Pretty soon, we pulled up to the building that contains our fate. When we got out of the car, I quickly went to Minho's side and grabbed his hand. I found the situation kind of funny. Usually in these situations, the mother would need all of the support, but I'm the one doing more of the reassuring for Minho. Of course, I'll keep this to myself because he would never agree with me. 

While we waited in the waiting room for my name to be called, I would often catch Minho glancing at the pregnancy pamphlets, magazines, and the posters on the wall. He looked in particular at two posters that were side by side. One was a diagram of a pregnant woman while the other was a diagram of a pregnant man. In the belly of both diagrams, it showed a fully developed baby and the organs around it. I noticed Minho's confused look. 

"A little confused?" I asked jokingly. 

He glanced back at me with a surprised look before smiling. I guess he didn't know I saw him gawking at those posters. 

"What's the difference?"

"Between male and female pregnancies?" He nodded. "To be honest, I was a bit confused myself for awhile when I was younger. I was even confused while I was pregnant with Taemin, but during my delivery, I found out everything. With female pregnancies, they can have their babies two ways. They can either have a C-section or a natural birth due to the fact that their reproductive organ is connected to the fetus. However, for males, we can only have our baby one day, which is the C-section because our reproductive organ isn't connected to the fetus."

He nodded slowly. "Ah, I see. If the fetus was connected to your , I'm sure that would make for an unpleasant childbirth."

I chuckled. "Yeah, it would be way worse since our hole is smaller than a woman's . That's why it's best for us to have a C-section."

"So what about those who can't make it to a hospital? For woman, they can still have the birth without surgical help, but what about males since they have to have C-sections? What happens to their baby?"

I frowned. "Honestly, I've never even thought of that. Every guy I've met that was pregnant always had their baby at a hospital. I'm not sure what would happen if a medic didn't come in time. All I know is that it must be hella painful because it was extremely painful for me even with the doctor's help."

"How come?"

"Because they don't want to remove the baby too early, nor do they want to do it too late. So they wait until the baby has traveled down low enough where they know it'll be safe to extract the baby. The reason why it's so painful is because by that point, my contractions reach an all time high. Even though I get put on meds to numb the pain, it doesn't numb everything. Trust me. I don't even see how some males can choose not to be numbed up while giving birth because the amount of pain I've experienced on medication is ten times worse without them. Much power to them."

"Hmm. That's interesting. Wow, I've never known much about male pregnancies since I can't get pregnant myself. I've never been too worried about it."

"Minho, you've never asked me about my pregnancy experience before. Are you sure you're ok?"

He sighed and grabbed my hand. "I don't know. I've never had a child before so I'm quite curious how everything works. Honestly, talking to you about pregnancies is calming me down."

I raised my eyebrow surprised at that statement. "Oh, really? Is there anything else you want to know about?"

"Yeah....well...was Jonghyun there in the room both times you gave birth?"

I shifted uncomfortably. It was always awkward when Jonghyun was the topic of our conversation. "Yeah, he was."

"Was he......ok? He didn't faint or anything, right?"

I chuckled. "He didn't faint."

"Some of my teammates' wives have had C-sections and they told me the horror stories. One almost fainted, one threw up, and the other one actually did faint."

"One question. Did they peak down while the doctor was operating?" He nodded. "That's probably why then. Both times I went, they suggested to Jonghyun that he didn't look down and that he held my hand and focused on me. A C-section isn't as pleasant to view as a woman's natural birth, though some do still faint or whatever."

He looked completely mortified. He placed his hand in his hands. "What have I gotten myself into," he fake cried. 

I chuckled and hugged his shoulders. "It's not that bad. You'll do fine, honey. Let's worry about that when it gets here."

"Choi Kibum," I heard a nurse announce my name. 

I gave Minho's shoulder a pat. "Time to face the music."

The nurse guided us to the right room, "Right this way." Once inside, the nurse introduced herself. "Hello. I'm Nurse Kim and I'm here to ask you guys questions and find out your preference on testing your pregnancy. So first things first, if it turns out you're pregnant, are you planning to keep the baby or terminate the pregnancy?"

I answered confidently. "We're keeping the baby."

She smiled and wrote down the note on her notepad. "How would you like to be tested?"

Minho asked, "What types of tests are there?"

"There are two types of tests that can be taken. You can take a urine test, which has quicker results. Or a blood test can be administered, but it takes about two to three days for results to come back. Some couples choose to take both tests for confirmation, but really, one test would be good enough."

I looked at Minho. I knew we needed to get these results sooner than later because he may drive himself crazy. I looked at the nurse, "I want to have a urine test."

She nodded and wrote something down. "And if pregnant, do you agree to have the doctor perform a sonogram?"

"Yes," me and Minho both agreed. 

She wrote something down again and reach in the drawer behind her and pulled out a small container with a top on it. "Ok. I'm about to go hand the doctor my notes and he'll be with you shortly. In the mean time, you can use the bathroom over there to urinate in this cup. Once your done, there is a compartment in the wall that you can open and place your container in. Once the doctor tests your urine, he'll be in to give you the results. Do you have anymore questions?"

We shook our heads no and thanked her as she left to go to see the doctor. I grabbed the cup off of the counter and walked toward the bathroom. 

"Wait," Minho stopped me. "Should I go in there with you."

"I'll be fine. I'm pretty sure I can handle peeing in a cup."

"Ok. I'll be out here waiting." He sat down on one of the chairs in the room. 

I went into the bathroom and followed the directions the nurse said. Once I was done, I put the cup in the compartment in the wall. Then I washed my hands and joined Minho. 

"All done!" I sat in the chair next to him. 

"How long do these typically take?"

I shrugged. "I'm not sure. Usually when I was pregnant, I took home tests. I was too scared to go to the doctor or even the clinic. I knew my parents would be too suspicious as to why I went there. Home tests take no more than five minutes. The doctor is analyzing my urine so it may take longer."

"Oh, great," he said sarcastically. 

I frowned. "I understand that you're nervous, but.....do you even want this child? Should I have told the nurse that we'll terminate the pregnancy?"

His eyes widened and he quickly grabbed my hands. "No way, Kibum. I want you to have this child. There's no doubt about it. I'm just a little scared is all. Weren't you when you had Taemin?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I was scared about both pregnancies, but Taemin was my first. I had no idea what to expect. I knew I didn't want an abortion, but there were times where I wondered if my life would be easier if I went through with it."

"You have to understand that I'm I the same predicament right now, I'm just not the pregnant one. Though it's true I've been around your boys, I've never had a child with my own blood running in its veins. There is no way I want you to abort this baby, I'm just a little freaked out. I'm sorry. I should be here for you supporting you more than freaking out."

I shook my head. "I'm the sorry one. I'm not thinking about things from your point of view. I know I may seem as if I'm used to all of this, but I'm still a little scared myself. I just want the comfort from my husband."

He wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "I'm here for you ok? We can be scared together."

I chuckled. "I love you. Thanks for being here and skipping practice for me."

He pecked lips. "I love you too. You come first before anything. Also, Jinki wasn't too upset when I told him we were going to the doctor."

My eyes widened. "Did you tell him why?"

"No! He just thought you were sick or something."

I sighed from relief. "Thank goodness. I don't want anyone knowing until we know for sure that I'm pregnant." 

The doctor soon came in with a smile on his face. "Hi, I'm Doctor Cho. Who is the mother-to-be?" I smiled and raised my hand. He looked at Minho. "And I assume you're his spouse."

Minho nodded. "Yes, sir."

"Well, based on my results here, I would like to say congrats! You're having a baby."

"Really?!" Minho stood up abruptly and hugged me and spun me around. He gave me a kiss on the lips before making his way on over to the doctor. "You're 100% positive? There are no doubts or anything?"

Doctor Cho chuckled and nodded. "I've been doing this for a long time. I'm positively sure that your spouse is pregnant."

Minho hugged me tightly again. I felt nothing, but joy. Seeing Minho so happy and excited made me feel great because I was able to give him something so precious. He's done so much for me. I'm glad I can finally repay him in this way. 

Doctor Cho continued. "According to Nurse Kim's notes, you're open to having an ultrasound. Are you still willing to have one?"

I nodded. "I would like to know how far along I am."

"Ok, great. Please follow me to another room."

We followed him to a room that had an ultrasound machine in it. Minho helped me lay onto the platform while the doctor set up. 

I grabbed Minho's hand. "Are you ready? We're about to see our baby." Minho smiled like a kid on Christmas. 

Doctor Cho said, "You may lift up your shirt. I'm about to apply a gel onto your abdomen. It may be a little cold, but the feeling goes away pretty soon." 

He applied the gel and I got goosebumps from how cold it was. Then he put the device on my stomach and we all turn to the screen. I heard a slight heartbeat and immediately turned to see Minho's face. I saw tears form in the corner of his eyes. This really warmed my heart because Minho never cries. I can't remember the last time I've seen him cry because he's not a sensitive guy. Seeing him tear up made me tear up.

After some searching, the doctor pointed out our little bean on the screen. "He's your baby. Based on its size, I would safely assume that you're about 7 weeks pregnant. That's almost two months. It seems to be healthy and is growing as it should. Do you want pictures?"

We both nodded, barely being able to talk. Minho squeezed my hand and I squeezed back. I giggled at his facial expression as he tried to focus on tiny creature inside of me.

Doctor Cho printed out the pictures and handed it to Minho. He handed me and napkin to wipe my stomach clean of the gel before he left us to ourselves. 

I wiped myself and threw the napkin away. Then I walked up to Minho and back hugged him as I peaked over his shoulder to look at the picture. The baby was so tiny, yet it was such a beautiful sight. I would surely never forget this moment I've shared with Minho. 

"We're parents," I whispered to him as I heard him sniff. I moved to face him and wiped the tears from his eyes. 

He leaned down and kissed me before giving me a tight hug. "Thank you, Kibum. Thank you so much. I love you."

I hugged him back. "I love you too, honey. You're going to be a great dad. I just know it."

Hello everyone! This story is almost finished. This was honestly going to be the last chapter, but as I was writing, more ideas kept coming. So good news for you: the story will be extended at least one more chapter if I keep getting ideas! 

Also, I'm going to do a better job at responding to your comments. I saw somewhere on tumblr that this one person commented on how rude it is for fic writers to only reply to some comments and not all. I'm sorry if some of you felt I was being rude :( The truth is every single comment I get makes my day. It's just that some comments make me feel like I have to reply to them. Either way, I love you all! OK!!! <3

Now, back to the story. I'm thinking about making a sequel so when this story ends, don't be too sad. There is more in store ^.~

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Chapter 28: Ohh my^^ I fall in love with Taemin and Jongin. They are the sweetest and they're like a bundle of cuteness^^
Chapter 17: I really love Minho's character :) he's such a saviour for Kibum
Chapter 10: Wow, I cried so hard at what Taemin and Jongin said to Kibum T,T ughh..
MiszCJung #4
Chapter 33: Aweee it has ended. Happily. Seems so fun reading them with babies. I cant imagine myself with kids tho. Hoho. This is so fun and cute and sweet and everything niceee :)
MiszCJung #5
Chapter 25: Omg that talk is gold! ^^
And the way Key handled Nicole is just the way i like it :D its unhealthy to be so forgiving. And can Minho be anymore charming~~~ □♡
15 streak #6
Chapter 33: My gosh this was wonderful!!!
I just, I wanna read so bad and I love Jongkey and Minkey but Jongkey tops hardcore and I'm sad they don't make it. T_T What do I do I've been debating since like June--
Chapter 32: At first,i was hella disappointed that this turned out to be a MinKey fic instead of A JongKey as I expected. I mainly read JongKey fics only but I continued to read this cause it was so cute,sweet,awwww..... This is the first ever chaptered Minkey fic I read,and it's really great! Loved the nice work!!!