
Love Train (lol)

Kyuhyun fell in love on a cloudy Tuesdays in November. The sky was dark and menacing, and everyone around him was wearing dark clothes. The woman on the bench had a dark blue dress and a grey coat on. The man next to her was wearing a black suit, and his suitcase is black too. All the colors were evolving around dark blue and grey with a twirl of maroon and black. They all seemed so sad and lost in their thoughts, Kyuhyun couldn't help but notice.

Kyuhyun's hold around his hot chocolate tightened, he was searching for warmth wherever he can. The wind was merciless and strong at this time of the year. It's a perfect reminder of the approaching Christmas season. When the train finally arrived, a sea of people jumped off and another jumped in. So many crossing paths, but no one's looking around, they were all focused on getting on the train as quickly as possible to get a seat and go on with their lives. Kyuhyun let them and climbed the stairs to get in. It wasn't hard to find a place to sit, it's early in the morning and everyone must still be at home, having breakfast. Only a few were already ready and on their way to school and work.

Kyuhyun sat next to a doe-eyed man with a contagious smile. He was listening to pop songs and shaking his head to the rhythm. This was why Kyuhyun chose that spot, because of that man who seemed more alive than anybody else around.

Kyuhyun had seven stops before his stop. Love striked him on the fourth. He was looking at people coming in and out of the train. Just like at his station the crowd seemed dull, moving against its own accord.

And then there was him.

Jumping in at the last second before the doors closed. His nose was a little red probably because of the cold wind; he was wearing skin tight mustard pants with a light maroon overcoat with a warm red scarf. There was a pretty,olive-skinned brunette next to him. They were giggling and holding hands, like he dragged her while running. They were smiling at each other and Kyuhyunwas sure that he had never seen someone smiling that happily. The man was standing here on a dark day, almost at dawn and when everyone was frowning and silent, he was loud and smiling.

To Kyuhyun, he was a ray of sun in between the clouds and with another smile the man captured Kyuhyun's heart. He took it with him as he left the train a stop before Kyuhyun's and Kyuhyun wasn't sure he minds.


Kyuhyun was certain he'll never see the man again. However, fate had something else in mind because there he was the next day. On the fourth stop after Kyuhyun's. Magnificent in his blue coat. His hair was perfectly styled and again, he was wearing that smile. The one that made Kyuhyun's heart expand a million times. He was beautiful and Kyuhyun couldn't help but stare.

The moment the man turned his head, Kyuhyun looked down as quickly as he could. He was sure that the man would think he was a creeper and Kyuhyun didn't look up again until he was sure the man had left the train. He was blushing all day, every time he remembered that there was a man in this city who took the same train as he did and whom he stared at for good five minutes this morning.

They followed the same pattern for two weeks. Kyuhyun waited for the man to climb on the train after four stops and when he jumped in, Kyuhyun looked at him, taking him all in. The way he was standing and how he looked that day before turning his gaze away, too afraid to stare for too long. He was aware that he must be sporting a blush on his cheeks but Kyuhyun didn't care. He was falling in love with a stranger on the 6:03am train to the city in the middle of November and it's perfect.

On a Friday night, Kyuhyun was sure that his day couldn't get any worst. He was stressed because of his work; he had a fight with his bestfriend, Changmin and missed his train this morning because his alarm didn't work. Kyuhyun was glad it's finally Friday, it meant a silent weekend at home, drinking wine and playing Starcraft all day. He couldn't wait for it; he couldn't wait for this day to be over.

He was sitting on the train back, lost in his thoughts as he looked at the window. He didn't notice when the train stopped at the next station, he didn't notice the sea of people coming in, he didn't notice when someone sat next to him.

"Oh, I'm sorry," the person next to him said after bumping a little into his hip as he sat down. Kyuhyun turned his head and there he was. The man with the smile.

He was sitting next to him and smiling at him. His smile was directed at Kyuhyun and he was at a loss of what to say. Kyuhyun smiled shyly and shook his head lightly to tell him without words that it's okay. Kyuhyun was staring into the man's eyes. He was drowning in them. They were intense black and contained a myriad of emotions, Kyuhyun fell in love with this man's eyes just like he fell in love with his smile a month ago.

Kyuhyun's suddenly aware that he was staring, turned his head back to the window and tried to hide his smile for the rest of the ride. Happiness rushed through his veins as he felt a tickle on his skin, too aware that the man he loved was sitting next to him, maybe brushing his finger against his coat. Kyuhyun tried not to look at him, tried not to blush when the man said goodbye to him. Kyuhyun's eyes followed the man as he walked on the platform until he couldn't see him anymore.

Kyuhyun just fell a little more for the stranger on the 8:47pm train.

After that night, every time the man hopped on the train; Kyuhyun would smile at him. The first time, the man didn't see him and Kyuhyun was left with the smile on his lips. But the second time around, he smiled back. A big and beautiful smile. And Kyuhyun cherished the fact that the smile was for him and him only.

Kyuhyun was hoping that in another reality he was bold enough to stand up and go talk to the man, that he would ask him out or would just start a conversation. But in this reality, Kyuhyun wasn't courageous enough to do so. So he just smiled and waited for a smile back.

Reality hit him when on the first day of December the stranger was followed by a tall, handsome man. They were holding hands and standing close to each other, looking into each other's eyes and smiling at each other.

Kyuhyun didn't smile that day and didn't look at the man. He didn't receive a smile back and when he jumped off the train he felt like he had just gotten his heart back, the one he gave away a month ago and it felt like it didn't fit properly in his chest now.

Kyuhyun didn't take the 6:03am train the next day, too afraid to see the smiling man with another guy. He knew he has no right to claim him as his. He never was and never will be his. But it didn't change the fact that his heart ached. So Kyuhyun avoided that train until the last week of December.

The winter holidays were on Friday and Kyuhyun felt a little better. He almost wished that today he'll see the smiling man. Kyuhyun was trying to spot the colorful scarf in the middle of the darks suits. He wasn't there and Kyuhyun knew that he would probably never going to see him again. No more shy glances and colorful scarves. No more bright smiles just for him and intense eyes on him. So Kyuhyun went back to studying sad people on the train.

There were a few that were lacking sleep and holding their heads against the cool window, there was a woman writing unhappily on her suitcase her 'save the dates', there was a man who's already working on his laptop, and another one who looked like he had been crying all night. Not a single one was smiling and Kyuhyun's heart clenched at that.


Jongwoon was sure that he and Yuri were going to miss the train again. She spent almost an hour in the bathroom to get ready for her coffee date and now they were late. Jongwoon saw the train coming into the station from the bottom of the stairs. He grabbed Yuri's hand and started running, climbing stairs two by two. He couldn't miss that train or he'll be late again and he couldn't have that. So he ran, feeling that Yuri was trying to keep up on her high heels behind him. They jumped on the train and barely made it. The moment Jongwoon finally turned to face Yuri they erupt into a fit of giggles because of the run. As they catch their breaths, they were now painfully aware that they were not in shape and it took them a good ten minutes to calm down their hearts.

Yuri was talking and texting next to him. They didn't have a seat so they were standing near the door. Jongwoon was watching all the people that were sitting and suddenly all he could see is a cute guy. A cute brunette with a pale skin. The man had a blush on his cheeks and Jongwoon was left wondering why. He wanted to know why the man was blushing. Had the person next to him just told him something or was he remembering something?

Jongwoon was staring until he had to jump off. He was thankful for Yuri, without her, he would have missed his stop. Jongwoon drew trains all day at work and tried to draw the man inside it. But it's nearly impossible. All he could remember was the blush the stranger had on his cheek. And once again Jongwoon wondered why.

It took a few seconds next day to catch a glimpse of the man with the gummy smile. Once again he had this blush on his cheeks and Jongwoon wanted to ask and to know why. But he couldn't and instead he just looked at him. Different day, different clothes.Same spot. Same smile. Jongwoon couldn't help but think about what the man could be doing for a living. He imagined him as someone who worked on a big I.T company. He imagined him crooning on a stage with a jazz band behind him.

Jongwoon almost missed his stop again.

He made sure to take the same train every day hoping that maybe he'll get a clue of who that man was. But instead, every day he was greeted with a bright blush on the man's cheeks and a smile. After a week, Jongwoon was sure that the shy smile that comes with the blush must be for someone but again he couldn't be sure.

Jongwoon was also wondering what the man is drinking. No matter what he was always holding a cup with him. And Jongwoon wondered if the man would be caffeine intolerant and go with a warm and comforting hot chocolate or if instead he was a coffee addict, if maybe he was the kind of person that can't function without 3.5 grams of coffee in his veins.

That man was a puzzle, a mystery. And Jongwoon was left wanting to know more, always more.

Few days after, he thought that maybe it's his chance or maybe it's just a coincidence. But on the train back, he spotted the man. For once, no one was sitting next to him. So Jongwoon grabbed the chance and sat down next to him.

"Oh I'm sorry," Jongwoon said as he voluntary bumped a little against the man, wanting to get his attention. The man turned his head and Jongwoon didn't breathe nor move. The blushing man was gorgeous, he knew that. But his eyes, his eyes are an open door to his emotions. And Jongwoon saw everything, the pain that must have been there seconds ago and the joy that was replacing it. Jongwoon saw hope and shyness. The man blushed and shyly shook his head. Jongwoon was in awe, because for once he was the one that caused the man's blush. He turned his head to the side, trying not to breathe too deep, but he couldn't contain the happiness that was coursing through his veins and jumping inside his heart. He had to bit his lips to contain the smile that's threatening to take over his face. Jongwoon wanted to have a small talk with the man, but this, this was a million times better.

Jongwoon was running every morning but he didn't care. He was running every morning to get to the 6:03am train. He was running to get his chance at smiling at the man. And every morning there he was, smiling and blushing, because of him. And Jongwoon couldn't help but hope that one of them would have the courage to make the first move, to go and talk to the other. But they didn't and for a while Jongwoon kept all the smiles and the blushes in his heart. Because it's what kept him going.

When Siwon asked him out, Jongwoon wanted to say no, wanted to say that he already has someone. But the truth is: he doesn't. The stranger on the morning train wasn't his, no matter how hard Jongwoon wished every night. So Jongwoon said yes. Yes to a date with Siwon. It's wrong from the start to the end. Siwon didn't have brown hair. He didn't blush and he didn't have that silly, shy smile on his face.. Siwon was nice and handsome, his toned body was to die for, but he wasn't the man who was always blushing and wears his emotions on his sleeve. Jongwoon let Siwon walked him to the train the first day of December. He let him take his hand and when they hopped in, he let Siwon get close to him. It's wrong and Jongwoon knew that it wouldn't last. He glanced at the man he wanted to see every morning but he wasn't looking at him. He wasn't smiling back and wasn't blushing. Jongwoon could see the pain and the hurt painted on his stranger's face and his heart longed for him.

Jongwoon realized a little too late that he fell in love with a stranger on the 6:03am train.

Jongwoon stopped things with Siwon and the next morning he was waiting for the train. He was waiting for it instead of running because today he was standing with two cups of coffee in his hands. Today he was going to gather all the courage he has and he was going to talk to his stranger.

Jongwoon climbed first on the train and looked avidly around; waiting for his eyes to finally meet the ones he was looking for. But he couldn't find them and soon he was blocking people behind him. So he stepped away and tried again.

But the man wasn't there. Jongwoon tried not to be disappointed, he tried not to be mad at himself and he promised himself that he'll try tomorrow.

Jongwoon bought two cups of coffee for a week. And every day he offered them to the woman who was sleeping at his train station. Because the man with the blushing cheeks didn't take that train anymore and Jongwoon felt his heart breaking a little more every day. He had something nice, something just for him and because he didn't realize it, now he had nothing but his memories.

Jongwoon wanted to wait at the man's train station and talk to him. But he couldn't because he was always on the train before Jongwoon and was always leaving after him. So Jongwoon had no idea how to get his stranger back into his life.

Jongwoon missed the smiles and the glances. He missed the blushes and the bubbling happiness in his chest every time he sees him.

Jongwoon went home for Christmas holidays a week before everyone does. He wanted to see his family and friends. He wanted to banter with Ryeowook and with Sooyoung all over again. So Jongwoon went back to Cheonan and when he was flying above the clouds, he wondered where his stranger was and if he'll see him ever again.

Two days after Christmas, Jongwoon was sitting at the Kona Beans, sipping his coffee and reading a magazine.

He didn't see the brown-haired man who entered the shop, he didn't see how the man's face lights up the moment he saw Jongwoon. He didn't see the man went inside the counter, hugged the middle-aged woman in the register and ordered a coffee and a hot chocolate. He didn't see the blush and the shyness.

Jongwoon was unaware of the man walking inside the cafe to sit in front of him and finally engaged in the conversation they had been postponing for two months now.

It was 9:06am on a snowy day and Kim Jongwoon fell in love with Cho Kyuhyun, his blushing stranger.



And it's done! It was written as an exchange for TurtleGuixian's Still You fic. Thank you for reading!

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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Absolutely adorable.... <3<3<3
fatimakys #2
Chapter 1: omg this is my style , this 100% what i LOVE to read , from the start until the very end i liked it and that little -let's say hope- that dared in me to find a happy end , yes i wanted a happy end even if it seemed incoming . the times and these stuff is the reason why this style is beloved to me , ^_~ .
Chapter 1: Of smiles and blushes! This is really beautiful. I cannot help but put something in the comment section everytime I reread it kekekeke
Oh my gosh it doesn't not een a word in it please what are you saying -_- I love it so much... Definitely a KyuSung story that I'll read and reread over and over again!
Chapter 1: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!! Definitely squealing gaaaahhhhh I can't! I just can't!!!! Such a lovely story omg I love it so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Young1188 #6
Chapter 1: It's too cute i think i'm gonna cry
TaiShanNiangNiang #7
Chapter 1: This was so, so, so adorable! Wonderful job :)
AKOK_sonya #8
Chapter 1: It's cute and very nice. Thank you.
upiek8288 #9
Chapter 1: this is so sweet....