

He was taller than you by at least three inches, and with his hands flattened against the wall behind your head-trapping you between his arms-he looked even taller. Stark white hair hung in his eyes, his lips were full and his cheekbones were normally something you would be fawning over if not for your current situation. Your eyes raked down his body, taking in his slim figure, muscles apparent underneath his black shirt. Your eyes flickered up to meet his gaze, fighting being , but terrified at the same time. His eyes were a deep and intoxicating  brown, but you knew you’d seen them flash red when he’d come from nowhere, slamming you painfully against the wall.


He hadn’t said a word yet, and you’d been standing there trying to control your breathing for at least two minutes. Could he read your mind? The thought raced through your head as you frantically shove down the rather naughty images that had been dancing through your mind. He smirked suddenly, his head tilting to the side slightly and you swallowed. That is not possible, he just saw your expression, there’s no way, none at all……...right?

     Your breath caught in your throat as he suddenly leaned forward, slowly bringing his lips closer to your neck, his breath ghosting across your skin. Naughty images were completely gone now, as your fingers twisted at the fabric of your shirt, trying to hide the shaking. Was he going to kill you? You had trespassed on his property after all, maybe he was a serial killer.


“You shouldn’t be here”-your pupils dilated, breath quickening as his low voice vibrated in your ears-”I don’t take kindly to strangers, more so strangers who sneak onto my property. On a silly dare, no less.”


Your knuckles were white at this point, and you could feel beads of sweat rolling down your back. You opened your mouth to speak, but he suddenly stepped forward, his body flattening against yours. You gasped as his fingers wrapped around your wrist, his face burying itself in your neck. You felt him breathe deeply, nails digging into your skin. He was going to kill you, you were sure of it.


“I-I’m s-sorry. Please, I won’t come again, j-just let me go.”


You stutter weakly, shifting slightly, but you immediately can feel his grip was not one you would escape from.


 “But you smell so wonderful. I haven’t smelled someone quite like you in a very long time.”


His breath was hot on your neck, and his voice had dropped, filled with….lust? Your confusion and terror rise and he presses against you even closer, his leg sliding between yours, effectively stopping your plan to knee him in the groin, and only serving to send a tingling sensation through your body. You can feel him smirk against your neck as his hands travel down, grabbing your arms. Suddenly, both your wrists were in one of his hands, pinned against his waist, and his other had twisted into the hair at the base of your neck, pulling your head back roughly. A sharp gasp escaped your lips as you once again see his eyes spark red. He leaned in again, growling deeply,


“You really do smell wonderful.”


Your heart almost stops in your chest as he suddenly stumbles back, hands covering his face as he panted, curled in on himself. What was going on? Is he sick? His hand rakes through his hair, white strands standing in the air, a few falling over his eyes as he seems to fight for control. But no white in the world could hide the deep red that now filled his irises, and no blindingly white hair could distract you from the fangs that were in his mouth. He stared at you, one hand still tangled in his hair, the other reaching for you, his face twisted and hungry. Now your heart really stops, it hurt when it suddenly kicks into gear and start racing so fast you begin to see stars.


“I’m sorry, I swore never to feed on humans again, but you-you smell-”

You don’t give him time to finish before your feet suddenly bolt, taking you toward the door. You don’t even get two steps before you’re slammed against the wall again, this time rougher. The breath is knocked from your chest as he grabs your wrists painfully, holding them above your head. His hand is in your hair again and you scream and struggle against him, but you feel as though you’re beating against a stone wall for all the good it did you. You open your mouth to beg, but before you get the chance, you hear a him say "I’m sorry", and suddenly your body is burning.

You can feel your own blood dripping down your neck, sliding along your collarbone and down your chest. The burning fades, and you gasp at the sudden, pure pleasure rushing through your body, despite the edges of your vision beginning to darken. You moan softly, all strength leaving your body, the only thing keeping you upright is his body pressing against yours. Why does dying feel so…..amazing.


He finally pulls away, and for a second you’re still upright, eyes hazy and unfocused, but you can see him in front of you. Blood stains his chin and his eyes almost look as though they’re on fire, he looks beautiful, regal. Stunning.

You’re body is numb, and now you collapse to the floor. The last thing you see is his figure coming closer, and then you’re swallowed by darkness.

~      ~      ~      ~

 A hazy view of what appeared to be a ceiling began to come into view as you opened your eyes. You make no attempt to move as you wonder if hell really looks like a poorly decorated bedroom. Are you really dead? You moan softly as you tilt your head, taking in the rest of the room. It’s large and spacious, sparsely-and terribly-decorated. You play with the blanket beneath you, a mix of green leaves and ugly yellow flowers. What’s going on?

Your body is tingling now, working its way from your toes until it reaches your head. You feel surprisingly good. Strong, healthy. Nothing like you think you should feel after getting drained by a vampire. You try not to think to hard about the fact vampires actually exist. You decide to ponder on that later, after you get the hell out of here.


You slowly lift yourself up, expecting dizziness, but there was none, and you flinch as footsteps begin to thunder in your ears. You groan and cover your ears, squinting in pain as light from the window hits your face. Even the soft creaking of the door is painfully loud as He pushes it open, staring at you expressionlessly as he enters.

You make to slide off the bed, but he steps forward and you immediately stop, shrinking back in fear. He eventually stops in front of you, and you can’t bring yourself to meet his gaze, a tight, foreign feeling bundling in your chest.


“I’m sorry.”


Now you suddenly look up, a sneer curling on your face. “Sorry? You’re sorry that you tried to kill me?” You swallow and duck your head, intimidated at his expression.


“No. I’m not sorry for that. I’m sorry for what doing that did to you. I didn’t”-he paused and closed his eyes, frustration on his face-”I haven’t turned anyone in over a hundred years. I forgot how easy it was to get….intoxicated on a scent, and forget what you’re doing and accidently go to far.”


You slowly look up at him, confusion eating at your stomach, making you feel nauseous. “What do you mean?” You don’t resist when he grabs your wrist, pulling you from the bed and flinging you toward the window in one quick motion. You almost fall from the force, but manage to stay upright, at least until the sun catches you fully. You clasp your hands over your face with a shriek, stumbling back until you hit the floor.


     “A curse to people like us. But it won’t hurt for long. You will learn, and the sun will not burn so much.” You’re panting as you rise to your feet, the pain already fading. His hands are in his pockets, figure slightly hunched as he stares at you. “I can’t take back what I’ve done.”


Something begins to bubble in your chest, maybe it was anger, maybe it was something else. But you remained silent as you stared back at him.


“You have a choice. Stay here and get picked off by the Hunters in this area, or come with me. I can teach you how to survive.”


You’re frowning as he speaks and you can see the veins on his neck, he looks delicious. In every sense of the word.


“Don’t be foolish. I’m hundreds of years older than you, and far, far stronger. If you try to feed on me I will kill you.”


Your eyes snap back to his face, and he slowly raises an eyebrow before he speaks again.


“I can sense your questions as well. Real vampires aren’t like the ones in stories. We don’t turn to ash in the sun-though it does burn, we have a reflection, we can eat human food even if it does nothing to sustain us, and the we are not as cruel as you believe. The pleasure you felt when I fed on you was natural, it’s in our fangs to make being fed on a non-painful experience. And my name is Sehun. Oh Sehun.”


A calm falls over you as everything suddenly sinks in. Immortality? Not on your list of worst things that could have happen to you. And being around him all the time? That wasn’t on there either. You slowly walk forward, sensing him stiffen as you draw closer. You tilt your head and gently run your hand up his chest to hook around his neck, your fingers playing in his hair. Your voice is low and seductive as you pull yourself up, softly brushing your lips against his ear.


“Am I really that beautiful? I’ve never made anyone lose control before.”


You drop one of your hands to play with his belt, your other hand tugging on his hair. “I know you were playing with me before. You were doing it on purpose, did my arousal and fear make my blood sweeter? I heard your voice when you spoke, just my scent alone was turning you on.”


He makes no movement at all, but you can smell it coming off of him. You were still turning him on.


“Don’t you think it’s fair I should get a little payback?”


Your nip at his ear before using his hair to yank him lower, smashing your lips against his. It’s rough, and you taste blood when you bite his lip, and it only serves to start a fire in your stomach and to draw a moan from him throat. You push him back until he’s the one against the wall, your body flush with his. You twist one hand further into his hair, the other in the collar of his shirt, digging your nails into his skin. Waves of heat are rolling between your bodies, and you feel like you’re about to lose control.

Suddenly, his hands are on your shoulders, and with an effortless shove you’re on the floor staring up at him as he smooths his shirt.


“We leave here tonight. That obnoxious sprite Chanyeol living next door will have no doubt spread the news there’s a new vampire around. Hunters will come.”


His voice is hoarse and he quickly stalks to the door and slams it a little too hard.

You smirk as you wipe the blood from your lips, it from your fingers. He was undoubtedly stronger than you, and you knew he would be calling the shots. Your smirk grew wider as you picked yourself from the floor. But you would definitely have the control soon, even if he would never admit it. You ran your fingers through your hair and step toward the mirror, momentarily shocked at your reflection. You looked perfect, and your eyes were blazing red, filled with the feelings you’d had when kissing him. You blink, breathing deeply. Your eyes had gone back to brown when you open them again. You flip your hair over your shoulder, sending one last glance at the mirror before following after Sehun.


~      ~      ~      ~


     Close to a hundred years later, as Sehun presses you against the counter of their small apartment, his lips attacking your neck-the scent of his desire still as strong as when you first smelled it-you think you understand why he turned you. Maybe he didn’t know it, but you did. He had been lonely, he’d lost control because he wanted company, even if he’d ever admit it. You smirked as his fingers started making quick work of your shirt. You weren’t sorry about following him out that door, you never had been and you never would.



>>Part 3 in my EXO series>>

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