The Last Dance


Hyungsuk went into his dressing room by throwing on a chair his sweaty shirt. He stayed in the doorway, bended his head leaning on the door and slid to the floor.

He was sorry, not so much for the defeat, but because, probably, he would not see her again.


Some story points are the result of my fantasy, others (as you can notice through the videos on YouTube), are real events. I wanted to mix reality and fantasy to create, in my opinion, a prettier story.

I chose the “Lonely” exhibition because, being one of my favorites, I placed it as final dance. What actually happen, is the “Hush Hush” exhibition (I also adore that one) but I had to choose…these are the results.

I chose this dance because I wanted to do a "romantic" theme. I find it rich of feelings, between embraces, gestures like “nooo, don't go...!” and so on. After several days and hours of translation from Italian into English, I hope to have done a pretty job. Enjoy reading!

PS: You can find the original story here ->


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Hyoyeonthequeen #1
Chapter 1: I love it !
Kim_MinYeon #2
Chapter 1: OMG I love this couple, there were so cute together! But yeah, when the show ended it was sad for me. I wished I saw more moments together. If you know any fancams or videos of them, share them to me!