Moving In

My Fat Maid



Author Note: Nai Nai is grandma in chinese.

Upon arriving at the mansion gates, Mina and her mother stared at it in awe.

“O-omma... How rich are they?” Mina stuttered.

“I don’t know honey but I can tell you they are rich enough to hire 10 million body guards.” Her mother replied as she bowed her head to the guards. As they rolled up to the front door, they were welcomed by Mr Wu who was standing with his wife, smiling at his guests.

“Good morning Mrs Lee. Welcome to our home.” He says as they exchanged handshakes.

Mina’s mother bowed to them and so did Mina. “Hello sir, this is my daughter Lee Mina.” Mina smiled at the couple.

“Ah! She’s so cute~” Mrs Wu squealed and ran to hug Mina. “Welcome sweetie.” Mina smiled and hugged her back awkwardly not really knowing how to respond.

Suddenly an old woman appeared by the door. “Yi Zhang! What are you doing out here?” the old woman appeared to be holding a cane as well as with the help a servant.

“Mrs Lee, this is my mother. People here address her as Lady Wu.” Mina’s mother quickly bowed to Grandma Wu.

“Good morning Lady Wu. I’m Lee Minyoung, the new head chef. This is my daughter Lee Mina.” She says as they both bow. Lady Wu’s eyes stared at Mina with judging eyes. “Tsk… how can someone be so fat...?” With that Mina froze and stared at her mother.

“Anyways, I’ll be going back in. Minyoung prepare me lunch. And your fat kid can do whatever she wants.” With that Lady Wu left, leaving Mina dumbfounded.

“Oh gosh… I apologize Mina. My mother tends to be quite rude, she’s exactly like my son. But don’t worry she’ll warm up to you.” Mr Wu smiled.

‘Son? They have a son?’ Mina thought.


Kris Wu was driving home in his Audi R8 his parents gave him for his birthday. He was just recently with his boys playing pool. As he arrived home, his eyes spotted the ugly looking van and wondered who it belonged to. Even the gardener has a better ride.

“Nai Nai!” he cheered as he ran to his grandmother who was enjoying her tea on her couch. He hugged her tightly as she let out a chuckle. “Where have you been all morning?”

“Out with some of my friends. I missed you Nai Nai!” He said as he pecked her cheeks. “Oh yea, who’s van was parked outside?”

“Ah, it’s the new head chef. She and her daughter moved in today.” Kris’s ears perked up when he heard the word daughter.

“Daughter? Is she hot? Pretty? y?” He asked which earned him a knock on the head.

“No. She is not. If you want to know, find out for yourself. You’ll see her around the house anyways. Oh yea, lunch is soon. Go change.” With that Kris rushed to his room to change.

‘Oh yea… let’s see if she’s able.’ He thought. 

Mina’s POV

After settling out belongings into our new room, I was told to go explore around the mansion for a while. My mother left to go prepare lunch for the Wu family. Their mansion was huge!  3 stories high with like 10 thousand rooms. Gosh… I never thought I would be living in a place like this.

I gasped in awe as I approached the garden. Besides food, I always had a passion for gardening. This place is like heaven. The flowers smelt and looked amazing.

“Oh no…” My eyes spotted a lily that was about to die. Quickly I ran to find some water. Luckily there was a watering can nearby. I reached for it but was halted by a voice.

“Stop!” I froze at that voice. I turned around with the watering can still in my hands to see a man staring at me. “Don’t touch my plants!”

“W-who are you?” I gulped.

“I’m the gardener, Kim Sang Woo. But people here call me Joe. Who are you?”

“I’m Lee Mina. The new head chef’s daughter.”

“Why are you touching my plants?”

“Your plants were dying so I wanted to water them.”

“Do you like flowers?” I immediately grinned and nodded which made Joe chuckle.

“You know throughout my 10 years of working here, not one of the Wu family has come to even look at my flowers and actually appreciate it. You’re the first in a while.”

“Why won’t they? Just look around! Your garden is a work of art!” 

Joe smiled at me. “You’re different. I like you. You know what Mina? You can come here whenever you want.”

With that I smiled before watering the plants until her mother called out telling me lunch was ready. I quickly ran back to the house but not forgetting to bid Joe a farewell.

I helped out setting lunch onto the table before asking if I could be excused to go back to the garden.

“Omma! Can I please go back to the garden?”

“Don’t you want to eat lunch?”

“Lunch can wait. Bye omma!” I quickly pecked her mother’s cheeks before running back out to the garden.


Right when she left, Kris and Lady Wu came into the dining room. He did caught the sight of a girl running out of the room.

“Who was that?” Lady Wu asked.

“Ah… my daughter. I apologize ma’am for her behaviour.”

“Where did she go?”

“To the garden.” Mina’s mother chuckled. “She just loves flowers.”

‘Garden?’ Kris thought as he sat down. ‘What’s so good about it? Damn I missed my chance to see her face.’ 









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guangdongzai #1
Are you updating soon? The story is very interesting!
jijibebe #2
Chapter 2: What a cute story ^^