Chapter 5

Supernatural High

A/N Hello all! First of all thanks to all of you who subscribed! I really wasn't expecting people to enjoy this. I feel like going to the grocery store with all of EXO would be super overwhelming and they'd be all over the place. Sorry it's short and for genral stuff I guess. There's some EXO Showtime references in this chapter too and I'm sure there will be more in the future. If you don't already know Pororo is a children's show and it's really freaking cute!

There's a bit of Suho development in this chapter. I don't know about you guys but I see him as being a family man. The stuff about his credit card is based on a Tumblr post I saw.

Kai’s POV

Kiyeon hadn’t been around long enough to know where the nearest grocery store was. Fortunately, D.O. was familiar with the area and led us to a pretty big super market about ten blocks away.

“What kind of food do you guys like?” Kiyeon asked on the way there.

She didn’t know what she was getting herself into by asking that.


“Meat…or sushi!”

“Yeah sushi!”

“Lamb kebob!”



“Something western!”

“Ooh western food! Or Chinese food! Or Korean food! Just food! I don’t discriminate!”

“What about you?” She looked up at me.

“CHICKEN!” The whole pack chorused.

“What they said.”

As we stepped into the store we got a lot of stares. A group of 13 teenagers crowding into the grocery was not a common thing. Even when we needed things usually only two or three people would go.

Baekhyun was tasked with pushing the cart but that responsibility was soon taken from him by Suho when he attempted to ride it down the aisle, nearly running over Xiumin and tipping it over simultaneously.

One by one the members started to wander off. Only Suho, D.O., and I remained with Kiyeon. D.O. was helping her plan the meal and figure out how much food she would need to feed us.

She’d gotten about half the ingredients she needed when she realized they weren’t following anymore.

“Where’d they go?”

“They all drifted off a while ago.” I shrugged.

“Kai, go check on them and make sure no one is causing a problem.” Suho told me.

“And could you grab some kimchi too?”

I started looking around the store for the other pack members. I wasn’t very concerned about most of them. Kris was most likely with Tao who didn’t cause much trouble anyway. Luhan and probably Xiumin were with Sehun and honestly he’d probably only cause a problem if I were with him. Our maknae line was not that bad but sometimes when we were left alone we got a little mischievous. Lay would never do anything bad. Then there was the beagle line...

I found them doing Ellen’s Dance Dare which they had found on the internet a few weeks ago. Baekhyun was dancing behind unsuspecting strangers while Chen recorded it and Chanyeol watched. Every time the person turned around Baekhyun would pretend to look at the shelves of food like nothing happened. It really wasn’t that bad. It was stupidly playful but they weren’t breaking anything and they weren’t being noisy.

“Suho and Kiyeon were looking for you guys.” I said simply before going off to find the kimchi.

When I returned to Kiyeon the cart was swarmed with werewolves.

“Noona can we get bubble tea? No wait, chocolate! Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!”

“Suho hyung, what is a cheeseball can we get one?”

“Lay, it’s exactly what it sounds like.”

“I want cookies…or jelly!”

“We should get cola for everyone!”

“No I want coffee!”

“Kiki let’s get curry ramyun!”

“We’re about to eat dinner!”


Everyone quieted and listened to Kiyeon.

“Ok, no we’re not getting chocolate right now. You’re already too hyper. Tao you can pick one thing of cookies for dessert but no eating them before dinner. We’re not getting curry ramyun because, like Chanyeol said, we’re about to eat dinner so calm down Baekhyun. Kris, Luhan, calm down about the drinks. Everyone can get one drink for themselves. One.

We all stared at her for a moment. No one expected her to get so authoritative. She quieted and controlled the guys really well.



“Here,” she scribbled a list on the back of a flyer they’d given us at the door, “Split up and find these things and only these things.”

The pack spread out to hunt down the things Kiyeon needed. D.O. and Suho marveled at how well they listened to her.

“Never leave.” They ordered.

It was nice to see the pack liked Kiyeon but seriously they needed to back off.

Suho paid for all the groceries. Kiyeon argued that it was supposed to be a thank you for our help but our leader pointed out that it took a ridiculous amount of food to feed all of us.

“But it’s also my normal groceries. You can’t pay for that!”

“Don’t worry about it. If he wants to keep his black credit card he has to meet the spending minimum.” Chen teased.

We carried the groceries back to her house and she banished us from the kitchen so she could cook. Only D.O. was allowed to stay because he knew how to cook and she needed help preparing that much food.

“You guys can go watch TV or something. Just don’t break anything and make sure someone knows where Chen, Baekhyun, and Chanyeol are at all times. And don’t let Sehun and Luhan wander off together.”

“Noona you don’t trust us?”

“I did until Kris had to claim you from the store’s security for making out in the bathroom.”

Luhan and Sehun blushed and followed the others into the living room. We settled down across the couch and floor and turned the TV on to Pororo. It did not take much to amuse us.

“Look it’s D.O.!” Baekhyun pointed at the cartoon penguin.

“Yah! Byun Baekhyun what did you say?” He called from the kitchen.


“She’s behind Poby!” Tao yelled at the screen.

“Aw Pororo made her cry!”

“Haha I love Crong!”

We were very invested in the show when the two cooks came to announce dinner was ready.

“I guess we’ll just eat in here since we don’t really have room for all of us at the table.”

In the kitchen there was a giant spread of food. There were more sides than I could count but the best part sat in the middle of the table.

“It’s chicken katsu instead of tonkatsu.” Kiyeon explained, “I thought it was a good compromise.”

We all served ourselves and returned to our seats in the living room.

“This looks great!” I told her. Chicken was my weakness.

I took a bite and almost passed out it was so good. The chicken was juicy but not too greasy and fried to perfection.

“Marry me.” I demanded sincerely. She just laughed along with the others.

“The way to Kai’s heart is through chicken.”

"So, will you guys please introduce yourselves?" Kiyeon prompted as I had told her to do.

"We are," Suho began automatically.

"ONE! EXO inmida!" The others all joined, fist pump included.

"Aw that's so cute!"

"Seriously Kai? You told her?"

"I thought we kicked that habit!"

We ate every last bite of food followed by the cookies Tao picked for dessert. That just left the monstrous pile of dishes that needed to be cleaned.

“We’ll play to decide who cleans up. Loser can pick one person to help and Kiyeon is exempt.” Luhan proposed.

“Kai bai bo!”

Sehun and Tao won the first round. We played four more rounds ending with my loss.

“Kai who do you want to help you?”

“Hm, Suho hyung!”

 Suho sighed and joined me in carrying the dishes to the kitchen.

“You wash, I’ll dry.” He instructed.

We started off in silence, listening to the others laugh at Baekhyun’s impressions.

“She’s a great fit.” Suho commented, “The pack loves her.”

“That’s because she’s perfect.” I looked over my shoulder to watch Kiyeon laugh though the doorframe.

“You have got it bad!” My leader laughed at me.

“She’s my mate, what do you expect?”

“I’m glad you found her. Now we just need to find everyone else’s mates. How is it that only three of us have found their mate? And that Sehun and Luhan were in the same pack? Aish, you three are really lucky.”

Suho was the leader, the alpha of the pack. That meant he had an inborn desire to pass down his strong genes and produce the next generation’s alpha, it was instinct. But Suho himself wanted a family, it was obvious. For now, the pack functioned as his pups but it wasn’t the same. Even though it was still early to be having kids, Suho wanted it more than any of us, even Luhan who was both older and mated. Every spring he got sadder as the mating season passed and he had no mate.

“You’ll find her…or him soon hyung.” I assured him.

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 16: Update if u can ^3^
meemow123 #2
Chapter 16: OhmyTVXQ (I never fail to laugh at this lol) THIS IS AMAZING PLZ TELL ME WHEN YOU GONNA UPDATE THIIISS .. I NEED TO KNOW I FREAKING LOVE TTHIS FIC I usually neeeevvverrr read ICs its almost like a rule lol .. But this is too good i cant help it ... Kris??? @-@ OMG no dont kill him!! And is Suho okay?? He is, right?? And Luhan?? sehun?? Lay? Baek? Chan? Everyone else wwhom I am too distracted to name?? %-%
This is great!! I hope you will update, please dont abandon it!! :) hwaiting!!
Ps. I read this whilst eating chocolate. Best descision eer ^^ chocolate+aff=heaven ^_^
meemow123 #3
Chapter 3: I swear to TVXQ I love this fanfic haha XD
Chapter 16: I have to tell you that I flipped out (in a good way) when Han Geng and everyone else showed up. Just all of those names. I immediately grabbed my phone and texted my friend about it which is rare for me. And then Chen at the end!
You're doing an amazing job ^^
tianbao #5
Chapter 16: I found the last part ,Chen part funny and I keeping reading it
Sherloki #6
Chapter 13: show big bang performance too... how could you miss them?
Aina_Shuichi #7
Chapter 13: enjoy this story so did great authornim^^
Chapter 10: This story is amazing and reallyngood written. Update soon
aoigamer #9
Omo....i love this story...please update soon authornim...
Chapter 10: Update soon author-nim~~!