Chapter 2

If the sword dreams

So, I found my notes today~!

Unfortunately, it was only half a chapter, so I wrote the rest of the chapter, and then typed it up. I hope you guys like it... I killed off my character, plus my girlfriend's character, cus they're honestly not needed, but Li Bao is my friend Curt.


If the Sword Dreams

Chapter 2:

"Sehun," The man says as he turns to the man ontop of ZiTao. "Please don't do that again."



The general reaches to the hilt of his sword to draw it, but his eyes catch something. Below him, he sees a shadow move, and then the gust of air being broken as something falls.


The general leaps foreward, rolling out of range and rising to his hands and feet. Where he stood just seconds ago is a man, a black mask covering his nose and mouth. The rest of his clothing was black. He wore arm braces, tuck his sleeves under and keep himself looking neat, and his cloth boots reached his knees, his pants fabric slipped underneath.

His head snapped up, and he glared at the general from under reddish brown bangs.

The general stood, reaching for his sword again, but to his dismay a foot collided with his face, so hard it almost knock his helmet off. The general stumbled back, but despite all his efforts to stay standing, he fell.

A man slightly taller than the first stood in front manwho still knelt down in the area that the general had once been. The second man was also in black, but he wore a cloth fabric over his lips and nose. His hair was a darker brown and his eyes were sharp.

"Ooowww~! I think I landed wrong~!"

The taller man compained in a childish voice. The shorter man finally stood and stepped up to be at his side.

"Stop complaining."

"You never care about me Xiuminnie~!"

The taller man groans, but on cue, he draws his sword at the same time Xiumin lifts his. Without another word the two men sprint forward, and finally, the general draws his sword.

Xiumin aims for the man's head, and any other upper body part, while the other one goes straight for his legs and ankles. They move fast, all three of them in perfect sync. The general ducks, steps back, swipes his sword, steps back, ducks, and then kicks until he grows tired.

The man below slashes again with his sword, but the general stops it with a quick stomp. Before Xiumin can move, the general lifts his leg and his iron toes meet the underside of his attacker's chin, sending him back. Before he can set his foot back down, the sword beneath his planted foot is lifted and he stumbles back into a pair of arms. The general looks up to see that it was the very man who stabbed a dagger in his last soldier's throat.

The man raises a hand, puffs out his chest and scowls his hardest.

"Kim Minseok and Jongdae, you have committed great treason against King Oh Se. I, Kim Junmyeon, head of the royal guard, am under obligation to bring you and your brother to the kind, or, if you resist, take your heads in your place."

Minseok and Jongdae glance at each other, then smirk. Minseok leaps foreward, lunging his whole body towards the head guard, fist tightly clenched and aiming at Junmyeon's nose, but the man blocks it with a simple raise of his forearm. Before Minseok's fist can bounce back from the block the man rotates his wrist and grabs the other's fist. He leans back just as the second attacker runs up, and he throws his left leg up, successfully locking it around his neck. Minseok falls foreward into the dirt, and with a hard jerk of his leg, Junmyeon sends Jondae falling onto his side. Junmyeon follows the motion, planting his leg solidly back onto the ground and standing up straight.

"WOOOOOOHH~~!!! Cooome you fools~! Stand and attack again!"

Sehun shouts eagerly. There's so much excitement in him just from seeing his body guard fight in that manner.Instead of continuing the battle, Minseok jumps to his feet and rushes towards Tao. Jongdae jumps up seconds after and throws five thin daggers in the direction of the general, who ducks and dodges, and looks back to see that the two men in black have vanished, along with Tao and the other two.

The general glares and kicks at the dirt while shouting aloud. After a few minutes, he decides to go back into the restaurant and chck on the three travelers thattried to take him on earlier. He stops in the door way and groans.

"God damn it."

He curses aloud as he scans the restaurant, and finds no sign of the three warriors who had protected Tao. He runs to the kitchen and rips down the drape with such a fury, but to no avail, simply revealing an empty kitchen with blood trails in and out. He follows the trail to a window in the far back, leading in to the bamboo forest.

He shouts angrily. He'll have to deal with them later, for now he needed to find that coward Tao.

Gritting his teeth he storms out and finds his horse tied to a tree, and the other five horses. He'd have to take these back to camp and explain to the other soldiers the dilema.


Kneeling by a fast stream was a bloodied and bruised man, dressed in red robes with black decorations horizontally lining the wrist cups of his sleeves. He hid his face in his hands as he cried and mourned over the loss of his two friends. To his side was a small boy, dressed in greyish blue robes and black hair tied up in a pony tail, matching Li Bao's caramel pony tail.

The boy had witnessed death before, when his parents died, when Lili, Misami, and Li Bao had to kill a group of men who were seconds away from killing him, but none of it hurt as much as it did now. Witnessing the death of two of the people who had rescued him, and taken him in as one of their own. His bottom lip trembled, but he didn't cry.

They remained by the stream for three hours, and most of the time Li Bao spent it crying and blaming himself for his friends deaths. In the end he regained control of himself, sniffling the last bit, whiping his eyes and exhaling with a deep pain in his chest.

in a deep breath, he jumped on to his feet and turned to look at the boy. His eyes were red and hard, eyebrows furrowed and lips curved vertically in a frown.

"Come, xiao hai, if the general chooses to follow us, we must not be caught. I am in no fighting condition at the moment."

He said motioning for the boy to follow before swiftly turning on his heels and marching up the small hill.

They arrived in a lively town two days after leaving the stream, and when they approached it, they were struck by the strong smell of well seasoned pork and stir fried vegetables. There was a loud rumble, a near imitation of a tree crashing to the ground, and Li Bao looked down at the boy with wide eyes.

"I'm surprised it wasn't my stomach."

The boy simply rubbed his belly and sniffed the air again. On a daily basis, this boy would've annoyed Li Bao, and he would've asked for Lili and Misami to take care of his needs, but some how, some where dee inside of the child, he could see his two departed friends, and this brought tears to his eyes.

"Lai wo de xiao zi."

Li Bao said lifting the boy into his arms and following the smell of food.

Complete inspiration for the story comes from this song(if you want to hear it[ It's my favorite song of all time, besides Jackie Chan's "You cai hua"]) :

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foyezza91 #1
Chapter 2: Youre good! Continue it!
The fighting scenes don't at all! On the contrary, the story is well written, vivid and kind of animated like a really good movie. And there are far too few stories like yours. So I am extremely puzzled to be the only subscriber so far as well as the first one to comment. However that may be, I for one am looking very forward to the next chapters *sits back and grabs some popcorn* Wish you all the best :)