



I loved you from the start, you know? It's never gonna change, I swear to god



Everything underneath his feet was black.
He almost felt like he was staring into the depth of abyss.
Cold wind blow from behind, like it was pushing him to do it.
Everything was whispering.
His hands were wrapped thightly around railing as his body hung dangerously.
If his hands could let go, if his feet could take a step, he would be falling into the dark.
It wasn't like he was afraid.
He just wanted to breathe a little bit longer, before he wouldn't be able to do it anymore.
Slowly on his face grown a smile.
Small, almost invisible, gentle smile.
It was middle of the night, he was alone on the huge bridge, with his body on the other side of the railing.
No one will stop him.
And he couldn't help, but feel like he was losing.
Losing to his problems, insecurities and loneliness.
Does he really wanted to die?
But he wanted to live, too.
He wanted to start all over again.
It wasn't like he was afraid.
But he couldn't let go just yet.



Ryeowook took a deep breath in and shiver went through his body. It was middle of night in the middle of January and there he was, only in his t-shirt and one step away from death. As his hands started to get sweaty, he looked ahead. He saw city lights in the distance, between tall trees. Sky was dark like ink, but full, silver moon was making it look beautiful anyways.


His, now glistening with tears eyes, were covered with silky, brown hair. His lips parted only to let out a sob. Hot tears made their way down white cheeks and slowly he let them fall down to mix with cold and dark water of huge river. He knew, it was over, he just couldn't believed why it had to end up like this.


There was no other choice, he had nothing worth living for. Once again, he let cold air went into his lungs and he held his breath. Ryeowook straightened himself and as he let out his breath his hands were supposted to loose their grip. He was finally ready to let go of his life. He felt almost happy as he thought it was finally over and he could be free. His hands began to let go, but before he could feel falling and freezing cold he felt warm.


He opened his eyes and looked over his shoulder.


His heart was beating faster than ever. His whole world stopped and he couldn't feel anything. Except for warm. This nice feeling was flowing in his whole body. In this moment he really wanted to drown, not in the dark water under him, but in this comfy feeling. He never felt anything like this before.


It felt fresh, like new beginning. And he didn't know why, but he felt like it really was beginning. He felt like this, because he forgot about everything. He forgot about his past, about beautiful moon and cold wind. He forgot how freezing was outside and how bright city lights illuminated in distance.

Hand. It was all he knew. Hand bigger than his own. Hand, which was warm and a bit rough. Hand tightly wrapped around his own. He was looking at this hand and analyzing it. There were small scars on it and skin was as white as milk. Grip was strong and firm, like it didn't wanted to let go.


Ryeowook's eyes slowly made way up. He noticed how strong arms looked and how tall this person was. Before he couldsee face of stranger, he heard deep voice, alomst whispering.
-Don't do it.


His body tensed and he closed his eyes tightly as stranger approached him and wrapped his arms around Ryeowook's chest. He didn't tried to pull him back. It was just an embrace, but it meant for him more, than anything he ever felt in his whole life. Ryeowook felt good, like someone wanted him to stay here. Tears were still falling and sigh left his mouth like a shaky breath. Arms firmly wrapped around his torso tightened even more and he felt breath on his skin when person said quietly again: -Don't do it, please.

When Ryeowook suddenly opened his eyes he saw pleasant view of white ceiling.

His breath was irregular and pillow under his head was wet. It was just a dream. He sat up and covered his face with hands. Almost every night looked like this. It wasn't just a dream, he shook his head. It was a memory. Memory of night he remember very well. It still was fresh wound. For someone it was past, but he felt like it happened yesterday, even if it happened year ago.


Ryeowook sighed and got up. He made his way toward doors -I'm really going crazy..- He said to himself.
He slowly opened them and walked out. He walked along corridor and turned right to enter big kitchen. With swiftly
move he turned the lights on and walked over to fridge. He took glass from cupboard, but he stopped halfway when he was going to pour some water, because he felt presence behind him.


-Can't sleep?- He heard deep voice. He looked over his shoulder to look at smiling man. He nodded and continued pouring.. He turned around and leaned against kitchen counter. Their eyes met and it made his heart flutter a bit.


-What about you? You're still playing, don't you?- He get low chuckle in response. Ryeowook rolled his eyes and crossed his arms on his chest. -You have work tomorrow- He looked at clock, it was 3 in the morning. -You have work today!- he corrected himself.


-So what?- Mischievous smirk appeared on his lips. -Don't worry about me, I will be fine.
Ryeowook rolled his eyes once again and shook his head in disapproval. Man walked over to him and placed hand on his
forehead. -You're ok? You look a bit pale.


-I'm fine.- Ryeowook smiled gently.



His smile disappeared and he looked down, at firm chest in front of him. Warm hand was still resting on his forehead, so he placed his own hand on top of bigger one. -But I really am fine right now.


He felt fingers under his chin and he let them slowly lift his head. He saw big, dark eyes piercing through his own. Above them were slightly frowned brows and lips twisted in concern. Ryeowook relaxed as he felt fingertips brushed softly against his cheeks before cupping them on both sides. His own hands travelled from wide shoulders down upper body, then place themselves comfortable on muscular back..


-You know..- Ryeowook started as hands left his face and they found they way to his sides. He heard murmur, encouraging him to continue. He hesitated for a moment before smiling. -Nevermind.


-No, tell me.- Arms tangled around his waist. Ryeowook shook his head.
-We will talk later, now go to sleep.


He saw taller grimaced, but he was thankful when other just nodded and let this go. They both walked out of kitchen and walked back quietly, before they stopped by Ryeowook's room. Taller hugged him tightly and whispered to his ear -Goodnight , Ryeowook.


Boy smiled and whispered back softly before the separated. -Goodnight, Kyu.


-Wakey, wakey! Breakfast is ready!- Donghae throw away blanket and shook sleeping body. Ryeowook groaned and put pillow on his head to block daylight. He was really tired, since he couldn't go back to sleep last night. Donghae continued to singing and shooking his lifeless body.


- off, Donghae.
Suddenly room became quiet. Ryeowook thought other walked out, but before he could go back to sleep, pillow on his
head was thrown away too and his eyes met bright sunlight..
-How dare you talking to me like that? I'm older!- He crossed his arms and pouted. Ryeowook rasied an eyebrow.
-But you don't act you age.


Donghae turned away -So what, you still have to respect me!- Sleepy boy sighed and rubbed his eyes.
-Yes, hyung.-Older smiled triumphantly and took Ryeowook's hand. He helped him get out of bed and lead him to
kitchen, where others were already eating.


Ryeowook sat next to Siwon, who was reading a paper and shoot him a smile. He looked around spacious room and his eyes landed on figure standing by sink. He couldn't help, but stare at the back of Kyuhyun's head. He wondered if other could feel it, because in instant he turned around and walked to table. He smiled brightly at Ryeowook and put a glass of orange juice next to smaller's plate.


-Yah, Donghae! Stop smiling like and idiot at you phone and eat!- Kangin scowled at said man and he get eye roll in response. Donghae smirked and leaned closer to him.
-Why? Are you jealous, because I have reason to smile and you don't?- Siwon sighed. Ryeowook was watching man next to
him carefully and he could see he got mad. But there was a reason.


Kangin laughed sarcastically and looked at Donghae challengingly. -Sure! Please, tell us, what is the very important reason to smile like that?- They all groaned loudly as Donghae started to talk about his new 'friend'. When he met him it was nice to hear how well they get along, but after months of hearing it everyday, every damn minute it got really tiring.


Kyu glared at Kangin, who only bowed his head in apology. Siwon covered his face with hands, while Ryeowook was watching everyone. His eyes land on happy Donghae, who was talking without break. -We're going to cinema today! He asked me first, you know. I guess he really likes me. It's good, because I like him very much too! I'm telling you, he's sooo funny and his laugh is amazing! You have to meet him guys, you will love him! Maybe I should invite him over, what do you think? It's good idea, right? Maybe this friday, what do you think, huh? I've already told him about all of you and he said he wants to meet you. I will invite him over, okay? For dinner, perhaps. Then we will need delicious food. Wookie, you will cook, ok? You're great at cooking! This friday will be perfect! So don't make any plans, because you're going to meet my Hyukkie. I'm so excited, you have no idea! You're happy you will finally meet him, right guys? Guys?


They all glared at him and Siwon let out long sigh -Whatever, Hae. You can bring him here, but only if you will stop talking about him all the time.- Happy man nodded fastly and ran out of kitchen to phone his friend. Kyuhyun got up after he left and grabbed Ryeowook's hand.


-Come on.- Smaller only nodded and let him lead him. They entered Kyu's room and taller sat on the bed. Ryeowook looked at him and rubbed his neck. Kyu was watching him and he patted place next to him. Other slowly walked over to him and sat down carefully, leaving space between them. -I don't want to leave you with those idiots.


Ryeowook smiled, his eyes on the floor. He could feel other's body as he moved closer, filling gap between them. They sat like this, in comfortable silence for few minutes. Then Ryeowook looked over at Kyu's face -You have to go to work, you know?


Other's eyes opened wide and he started running around his room collecting things and swearing quietly under his breath. Ryeowook was watching him whole time with smile on his lips. As Kyuhyun wanted to walk out of the room, he looked at smaller boy and he run up to him. He hugged him tightly and his hand was tangled in silky hair. When Kyu pulled away he grabbed other's chin -What would I do without you?


He said it in low, deep voice and before Ryeowook had chance to response Kyu was gone. He stood in the middle of his bedroom and he bit his lip.


Ryeowook was lying on his bed, eyes glued to ceiling. His head was full of thoughts, but only one thing was more important than others. Kyuhyun.


Ever since he met him on the brigde, few seconds before he decided to finally kill himself he was in his head. Ryeowook never asked him what he was doing there. Why in the middle of the night in freaking January he decided to go on the bridge, few kilometers away from his home. Why he decided to stop Ryeowook instead of turning around and running away.


Yes, Ryeowook had many questions, but he never actually ask them. He don't want to bother Kyuhyun, he already did more than enough for him. And maybe he don't want to know answer, too. He is afraid of what he might hear, because he don't want Kyu to pity him.


Kyuhyun never talked about that night again, he acted like it didn't happend. Ryeowook was glad, because talking about his past wasn't most plesant subject. Now he wanted to forget about it and live happily.


He realize, that taking away his life wasn't good idea and he never tried to do it again since then. He saw, that life is full of surprises and it's better to wait, because you won't regret it in the end. Kyuhyun was like miracle for him and he never was more grateful for anything in his whole life. When he close his eyes he sill can see it, he can feel cold wind and warm hand.


Man helped him get back on the right side of railing. Ryeowook hugged him tightly and felt strong arms around his shaking body. Stranger pulled away suddenly and took off his coat. He put it around thin shoulders and grabbed his hand. His hold has gently, but firm at the same time.


-Do you want to go somewhere?- Tall man asked slowly and his eyes met Ryeowook's for the first time. They stared at each other before smaller took shaky breath and whispered -Anywhere. Just take me anywhere, I don't want to be here.


Stranger nodded and the walked away from bridge. They were walking around for the rest of the night. Tears were still falling from Ryeowook's eyes and taller was wipping all of them away with his fingers. They barley met, but they both felt like they knew everything about each other. Without any words, like they could read in each other minds.


When sun began to rise, stranger took him to his flat. Well, it wasn't fully his, because he had roommates, but he said that it was alright, because they were really nice. He explained, that they were looking for another person to move in, since they had free room.

Ryeowook shook his head and said he didn't had any job or money, but stranger insisted. Ryeowook eventually gave in

There he was right now. It's his new home and he have really close friends. They are actually more like family. Ryeowook smiled brightly and thank Kyu in his mind once again.


In the evening Ryeowook decided to go to cafe where Kyuhyun was working. He know that taller's shift soon will be over and he wanted to walk him home. It's not like he had something better to do, anyways. Besides, he really like that place. Ryeowook felt warm and comfortable there. Kyuhyun's co-workers were really nice too.


Especially one of them, Yesung. Ever since Kyu introduced him to Ryeowook they had some kind of connection. Kyuhyun however wasn't very happy about it. He told Ryeowook once, that Yesung is crushing on him, but boy didn't believed him.


He stopped in front of small local and smiled lightly. Ryeowook opened big, glass door and walked in. His body was instantly covered with warm and coffee smell. He smile deven wider as he saw head full of black, wavy hair and walked in his direction. He stopped when he was standing by counter and looked at Yesung, who was counting something in notebook.


-Welcome, may I take your order?- older said without looking up. Ryeowook hummed and leaned against counter.
-I will have small part of your attention, please.


Yesung's eyes immediately shoot up and bright smile appeared o his lips. -Ryeowook, you're.. Here.-Said boy laughed before he nodded twice. Older put down his pen and looked up, his eyes connecting with dark orbs of man standing in front of him -And what brought you here?


-Well, I came here to get Kyuhyun.- Small boy shrugged his shoulders like it was nothing. Yesung looked down and breathed almost uncatchable Oh. .He rubbed back of his neck and bit his lip before he murmured -He's kinda busy now, you know.


Ryeowook tilted his head to left and frowned slightly in confusion. Why would he be, he just finished his shift.-He's with Sungmin,so.. -Yesung said awkwardly.




Ryeowook looked at the floor and grimaced. Of course he'll be with Sungmin. He is Kyu's friend after all. His really good friend. And they're really close with each other. Like really, really close. Yesung cleaned his throat awkwardly. -Yeah, since they got together they're glued to each other. Lately it's really annoying. I can understand, that they are in relationship and all, but we're in work for god's sake. I wish they would just cut it down a little.


Yes, Sungmin was Kyuhyun's boyfriend.
And yes, Ryeowook was upset. The funny thing is he even didn't know why he was mad. He shouldn't be. Kyu was his
closest friend and he should be happy for his and support him. But he felt like this relationship was a trap. He didn't want Kyu to forget him. He was afraid.


Sungmin was Kyu's best friend since 1st grade. They were extremely close to each other. Everyone was thinking, that they were a couple, because of their affection toward each other. One year ago Sungmin confessed to Kyu. He said, that he have a crush on him, but it's just a phase and it will eventually disappear. Kyuhyun however decided to give it a chance.


And now, one year later they still were together.


-Ryeowook?- Boy looked up at Yesung. -I'm sorry, I shouldn't complain like that in front of you. I'm just stressed lately.- Other shook his head fastly and sighed afterwards. He smiled at older.
-No, it's okay. If you need to talk just call me. I know it's important to have someone, who will listen and give advice. It
will help you get rid of your stress.


Yesung smiled and hesitated for few seconds before he bit his lip. -How about getting rid of my stress this friday?
Ryeowook grimaced slightly -I'm sorry, hyung, but I can't. Donghae invited his new friend for dinner, because he want us
to meet him. Maybe saturday?


Black haired frowned ad shook his head-My parents are coming to visit me. Sunday?- Ryeowook smiled and nodded.
-Sunday is perfect.


They were smiling at each other as door to kitchen opened up. Kyuhyun walked out dressed in his casual clothes, with Sungmin giggling behind him. They walked hand in hand, what made Ryeowook looked away. He still could feel Yesung's eyes on him, so he connected their gazes. Older winked at him and then he looked at other two.


-Ryeowook?-Kyuhyun looked at him and smiled after smaller looked at him. On the other hand, Ryeowook grimaced when he looked at Kyuhyun. Taller frowned and walked to the counter, next to Yesung. -So, what are you guys talking about?


Black haired male looked at him with smirk. -You know, just talking. -Kyuhyun glared at him, then he looked at boy behind counter and back at him. He straightened his pose and grimaced.
-Oh, really?


Sungmin jumped inbetween them and send them both warning look. Then he looked at concerned Ryeowook and smiled brightly.-Wookie! Long time no see! You should come here more often. You know you're always welcome, right?


Younger bowed his head -Hello, hyung. It's good to see you, too.- Sumgmin walked over counter and gave him tight hug, while saying things like 'You're so cute!'. Boy shyly returned embrace.


Ryeowook looked at Kyuhyun. He was standing there smiling at scene in front of him. Two persons he cared most about were close to each other. He looked back at Yesung and patted him on the shoulder. Older only nodded his head.


Kyuhyun walked over to still hugging boys and sighed. -Hey, Ryeowook, we have to go. Min, please let him go.
The two separated and before they headed to exit, Sungmin hugged lightly Kyu and he get kiss on the cheek in return.

Ryeowook felt unplesant pressure in his heart. He waved to Yesung, who smiled at him brightly. When Kyuhyun and Ryeowook walked out of the cafe, their whole way back home was drowned in silence.


Ryeowook was sitting on bed, his thumb between his teeth and uneasy eyes. It was full week since Kyuhyun took him to his flat. He was still feeling uncomfortable here, even if the rest of guys was amazing. He never met people as welcoming and accepting as them. After hearing him out, they just understood him and they started treating him like he was part of family.


That was just what he needed. He has had enough pointless questions. This whole situation was already pretty tiring. But for the first time he felt like it wasn't the end. He could feel warm in the inside of his heart. It was something he forgot about long time ago. Hope.


There were people out there, who lived only because of it. Ryeowook kinda was one of them. He lived bacause of hope. His hope was tall and had big, deep and dark eyes, wide shoulders, warm hands and had name- Kyuhyun. Although Ryeowook's hope was just a random person, he was very grateful. Something has changed inside his messy mind, because he slowly started to think, that not everyone have to be bad person and sometimes only one word is enough.


He came back to reality when he heard knock on the door. He felt corner of his lips rise when he saw head of curly, dark brown hair.
-Kyuhyun.- He said softly and turned his body, so he was facing other. Said man smiled and walked in to quite big room, closed door behind him and leaned against them. His eyes were scanning small body sitting on the bed with precision, like he was making sure Ryeowook was okay.


-Why are sitting here whole day? You're not feeling well?- Small man shooked his head. -We are going to watch a movie, want to join us?


Other smiled lightly. -No, thanks.- Kyuhyun crooked his head and looked at him questioningly. Ryeowook sighed. -I just want to be alone. I don't think, that others would like to sit there with me, I think I'll just ruin their moods.


Tall man crossed arms on his chest. -They were asking me whole day about you. You have to give them a chance, Ryeowook. They are worrying about you, but they think that you don't like them.


-But do I like them, it's just..- Other looked at him and nodded his head once to give him sign to continue. -I don't think I deserve to have friends like them.


Kyuhyun was staring at him, his eyes were buring holes in his head. After few very long seconds he pulled away form doors and walked ahead, in bed direction. He stopped right in front of Ryeowook and before smaller could blink he felt fingers around his wrist. Taller helped him got up and in less than 10 steps they were out of bedroom.


Everyone looked at them when they both walked in the livingroom. When Donghae saw Ryeowook hiding behind Kyuhyun he smiled and approached him. -Hi Wookie. I'm really glad, that you want to spend time with us.- He smiled widely and with that one gesture Ryeowook felt something cracked.


It was his wall. He builded it in his head, to procect himself from everything. But in that special moment he felt, that he didn't needed it anymore. Because he had his new friends to help him.


He looked over Donghae's shoulder and saw faces smiling at him. Siwon, Kangin and even Sungmin. He looked at Donghae angain and then his eyes met with Kyuhyun. He was standing beside him and corners of his mouth were lifted.


He felt tears in his eyes, but he didn't let them fall down. But he let out shaky laugh and smiled brightly back at them. It was the end of his old self. He let the past slip through his fingers and now only thing he saw was future. He felt like he was able to dream again, to be happy again, to live again.

Loud chattering started seconds later, but only thing he heard in that moment was low voice, whispering right in his ear
-And remember, you deserve best things. You really do..- Big hand wrapped around his own and he felt single tear running down his cheek as his mouth smiled softly once again.

Ryeowook smiled sadly to himself. He had lots of memories in his mind, but that one he treasured the most. But he felt kind of stupid. Back then he didn't know about Kyu and Sungmin and he still hasn't figured out why he was so sad when Siwon told him about their relationship. It's not like he was in love with Kyu and he was sure he wasn't jealous. But he felt like he had to share Kyuhyun's attention with somebody. Many times he heard he was special to taller, but in the back of his head he knew there was other person. Person even more special to him. That's why he was upset.

 They were sitting in the kitchen and looking everywere, but not at each other. Silence was surrounding them and they didn't share one word until Ryeowook walked out of kitchen and went to his bedroom.


Ryeowook sighed. He couldn't fall asleep again. His eyes were glued to ceiling. He felt like he was going crazy. There was too many thoughts in his head and he knew he shouldn't think so much, but in wasn't under his control. He sat up and rubbed his face with hands. It was 02:34 a.m. and he should be resting right now, but his eyes were opening all the time. It's not like it was first time. He had problems with sleep every since he was little.


He was thirsty, but decided to stay in bed, because he didn't wanted to wake up others. It was middle of the night and some of them had work tomorrow, like Kyu.


It was stupid. Ryeowook felt like he was stupid. It was wrong and pointless. He shouldn't do that, but still he couldn't help himself. Teeth bit his bottom lip and he ruffled his hair. Ever since he left the cafe last evening he had mixed feelings, but in the crowd of thoughts he heard this one loudest: Sungmin shouldn't be Kyuhyun's boyfriend.


Sigh left his mouth once again and he knew that was wrong. But vision of what would happen if they weren't couple left way to pleasant feelings, even if he shouldn't do that.


Sungmin. Cute, nice, funny Sungmin. Person, who Kyu know the longest. Person, who was his best friend since 1st grade. Person, who was always beside him. Person, who love him the most. There was just no way for them to break up.


Ryeowook shook his head, he should just forget.


One thing was most important in this whole mess.
Why he even cared? He should be happy for his friend, because he saw sparkle in Kyu's eyes whenever he talk about
Sungmin. He saw how gently he was hugging him. He saw how jealous he got when Sungmin was talking to someone for too long. He saw the way they were saying 'I love you' to each other.


He should be happy, but he wasn't. For someone else, like Kangin, they were perfect couple, like they were meant to be together. But not for Ryeowook, something wasn't right, but he couldn't figure out exactly what.


He heard door cracked and slowly begin opened. A head appeared and his eyes met with Kyu. -You're not sleeping?- He asked, his voice low and quiet. Ryeowook shooked his head. Kyuhyun walked in and carefully closed door behind him.


He sat on bed and looked at smaller. -Listen, there is something I want to talk about.
-What is it?- Ryeowook asked and wrapped arms around his bented legs. Other sighed and rubbed back of his neck before
he took a deep breath.


-I know it's not my business, but there is something, that couldn't leave my mind since evening. And before I say what it is.. Just understand me. I care about you a lot and I don't want you to get hurt, okay?- Ryeowook nodded his head. -Good. It's about you and Yesung.. Is there something between you two?


Other thought for few seconds. He wanted to deny right away, but he was courious about Kyuhyun's reaction. He shrugged. -I don't know.


Taller frowned, but nodded afterward. -Okay. Do you.. Feel anything to him?- Ryeowook's eyes left Kyuhyun's ones and he bit his lip again. He cleaned his throat.


-I don't know.


Kyu breathed heavily and clenched his teeth. He looked back at Ryeowook. -I will be honest with you. I really like Yesung, but I don't like the way he look at you.


Ryeowook crooked his head. -Why? Donghae said it's cute, because Yesung is looking at me like he was in love.


-That's why I don't like it.
-You don't want him to be in love with me?
-I just don't, okay?


Ryeowook shrugged and mumbled 'Whatever.' under his breath.
-No, Ryeowook, it's not a whatever. If there is something going on between you two, then tell me now.

Smaller glare at him and lied down with arms under his head. -I would like to tell you, but I can't.
Kyuhyun sighed, already annoyed. -Why?- Their eyes met and both of them had sharpness inside of their orbs.
-Because I don't know myself what is between me and him.


Taller looked away and shook his head with hard expression. Other was still looking at him. -However, he asked me out today.- Kyuhyun quickly connected their gazes.
-What was you answer?


-I agreeded.-Room went quiet for some time. Both of them didn't dare to even move and there was tension in the air. Taller suddenly sighed and lied down next to Ryeowook. His eyes were closed and his breath was heavy. He tried to relax a bit. Other looked at his profile. -I don't understand, why are you so mad? You said you want me to find my happiness and maybe Yesung is my solution.


Kyuhyun looked at him and their eyes met. He brough his hand up and smaller hair. He brushed them behing his ear and then his fingers travelled down his jaw and stopped right under his chin. He moved closer and put his other hand around small waist.


-I want you to find your happiness, I mean it. But I don't want anyone to touch you, hug you or kiss you. I can't even think about it. I don't want you to find somebody and replace me. I don't want you to leave me and forget about me. I want to see your smile every day and I want to make sure you're sound asleep every night. I want to wake you up every morning and I want to hug you goodnight every night. I want to see how you're running around kitchen when you're cooking and I want to wipe away every single tear, that ever will fall from your eyes. I want you to be happy and mostly important I want you to want it too.


Ryeowook looked deeply into dark orbs in front of him and he placed hand on top of Kyuhyun's. He rubbed and squeezed it lightly. -Yes, I want it.


Kyuhyun smiled and moved even closer, leaving no space between them. He lied down and let Ryeowook put head on his chest, right above his heart. Then he wrapped his arms around small body and hugged it. After few minutes they both fall asleep, but Ryeowook had smile on his lips, because in the back of his head he heard quiet voice saying him, that Kyuhyun have the same worries as him.


It was evening and Ryeowook was sitting in living room and watching TV. Flat was almost empty, only he and Donghae had stayed. Other boy was getting ready for his meeting with Hyukjae. He was so excited, way too excited to be honest, so everyone figured out it wasn't just 'meeting'.


Donghae wans't really good actor and it was clear, thet he liked that guy, but not in friendly way. In 2 days his behaviour changed from fangirling to begin shy. That meant only one thing: something must have happened. Whenever someone asked him about his 'new friend' he was blushing like mad and he've been trying to hide it by covering with hands, but it was useless.


Hyukjae from 'great friend' and 'funny dude' became 'cute' , 'amazing' and 'perfect'. But everytime someone is asking Donghae if they are dating he shakes his head in denial and he's saying 'Hyukkie have a girlfriend.'


Strangely, everytime Donghae is saying this sentace his whole mood changes and he's looking bit dissapointed and sad and that's really odd, because normaly he's smiling whole time.


He's just too obvious, but Ryeowook is happy for him. From what he heard this guy really like Donghae and he think, that his friend have a chance. Like, big chance.


-Wookie, how do I look?- Ryeowook looked at Donghae, who was standing by corridor. Smaller smiled brightly and crossed arms on chest.


-You look really nice, I think Hyukjae will like it.- He said with one eyebrow raised. Other let out a long breath.
-It's not like I want to impress him or something, Ryeowook.


Boy nodded his head. -Of course not.- He said in sarcastic voice. Donghae rolled his eyes. -I know, I know, you are not dating. But that doesn't mean you don't like him.


Older crooked his head and crossed his arms too. -Of course I like him. He's my really good friend.
-But I mean you like like him.- Ryeowook giggled and watched as other sat down beside him. He heard long sigh and
saw Donghae rubbing his face.


-It's not that easy.. But it is not true, I don't like him.
-You're lying.- Younger said and frowned. -You are so obvious!


Donghae smiled and looked at the floor. -Actually, I think I love him..-Ryeowook's eyes opened wide, just like his mouth. He quickly looked away and when he looked back he saw Donghae smiling like crazy at small glass table in front of him. Ryeowook put hand on his shoulder and rubbed it slowly. -It's hard to admint it. I was trying to forget, but I just can't. I had crush many times, but I never felt this way.. I really love him.


Other smiled at him and put head in place where his hand was lying. -I'm happy for you. I never saw him and I don't know him, but I have feeling, that he feels just the same toward you. Just say to him what you said to me.


-He will reject me.
-No, he won't.
-Yes he will.- Another sigh left Donghae's mouth.- He don't like.. Men. So it's obvious he won't like me, not that way.


Ryeowook punched him in the arm.- He may don't like men, but I'm sure he likes YOU. Just talk to him, you will never know if you don't ask him.


After a moment of silence Donghae nodded. -I will talk to him. I want to know.- Ryeowook nodded his head to encouragehis friend. Older got up and put his jacket on. -But you have to promise me something.


Other nodded with small smile on his lips. -You will talk to Kyu, too.
Ryeowook felt like his heart stopped beating. He looked at the floor. -What do you mean?


Donghae walked over to him and ruffled his hair. -Like I said, it's hard to admit, but you have to do it too. He loves you, Wookie and I know you love him back. The way you two are looking at each other.. I never saw so much admiration in my whole life.


Ryeowook frowned. -It's not like that. He saved me, Donghae. It's obvious I will look at him with 'admiration'. I am not in love with him nor he is not in love with me. Actually, I'm not in love with anyone an he's in love with Sungmin. I'm sorry, but you are wrong here.


-He may love Sungmin, but he love you way more.- Other rolled his eyes. -It's true, Wookie! Yesterday he came to my room, because he was jealous. His whole face was red and it's all because of your relationship with Yesung!


Smaller shook his head. -What relationship? We're not in relationship.- Donghae laughed loudly.
-I know! But Kyu still was jealous.- He looked at his watch. -Oh ! I have to go, or I'll be late! Bye Wookie! Just think
about it, okay? I think you should talk with Kyu anyway.


As Donghae closed door behind him Ryeowook shook his head and bit his lip. What if Donghae was right.. But.. No, that was impossible. He didn't feel anything toward Kyu, right? They were just friends, right? Right?


He was in the middle of his thoughts when he heard door bell. He frowned and got up from couch to walk to front doors. Ryeowook thought, that it was Donghae, who left something, but when he saw who was standing by entrance he felt uncomfortable pressure in his heart.






Thanks for reading! (: 


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jesyuchiha #1
Chapter 1: Por favor continua :3 me gusta tu historia KyuWook :D
jesyuchiha #2
Chapter 1: Por favor continua :3 me gusta tu historia KyuWook :D
Chapter 1: Omg omg omg! First of all... Kyumin >< ugh not my favorite!
The rest... Awwwwww<3333 kyu is sooooo in love! I wonder if he knows it? Wook is definitely in love too but doesn't admit it.. He's confused.. They both are!
Omgggg the night they slept together and Kyu's confession/possessiveness had me squealing <3 *-* Just get together already!
O I wonder who showed up at the door?! Yeye? Kyu? Minnie? Aahhh can't wait to find out!
Dariawolf #4
Chapter 1: Nice story:)
Frozen_Sky #5
Well, i don't understand why people don't pay attention to this work. Personally I enjoy reading it a lot. I'm intrigued by the plot, i like the characters and well-written text (what i haven't seen in ff in a while). Looking forward for the next update. Fighting!
Chapter 1: kyuwook really needs to talk bout their feeling..
huwaaaaa why kyu already hd realationship with min :(
Chapter 1: kyuwook really needs to talk bout their feeling..
huwaaaaa why kyu already hd realationship with min :(
look interesting.. i saw 'angst' there but i hope the happy ending :D