Chanyeol - The Impassioned Interchange

Exo Recommendations

Title: The Impassioned Interchange


Pairing: Chanyeol x OC

Genre: Drama, Romance

Chapters: 13

Status: Ongoing


"Sometimes, people put walls, not to keep others out, but to see who cares enough to break them down."
- Blue Spring Ride


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Every person gets furious at a certain point. You may get furious because of fervid breakups, failures, anger towards the people you hate, or towards
something or someone you are unhappy about. At the same time, you can be shallow, that they tend to be little things. Truth to be told, a person
probably angry the day he was born; however, it's not good to get furious if you get stuck.

The same goes to PCY Corporation's CEO, Park Chanyeol. A series of mishaps happened to him in a short span of two days.
I repeat, two days. He fired a lot of employees because he was that furious. But what happens when a new employee comes to his company?

What happens when that certain employee somehow brings back his happy virus type of personality?

*** *** ***


The Impassioned Interchange
im·pas·sioned: a feeling of getting filled with intense feeling or passion; filled with passion or zeal; showing great warmth or intensity of feeling
in·ter·change: the action of interchanging things, especially information, between two people; the act of sharing or exchanging things

Why I like it:

I find this story a bit different from the typical Chanyeol stories where he's always the sweet caring kind of guy, the characters are well developed and they seem realistic in a way. Really well-written and I also like the pace of it, it's not rushed at all. The chapters are also long.

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Chapter 2: i'm so sad T-T i wanted to read this fic again, but then the author deactivated //sobs/
catdust #2
Please continue the story.
the story seems interesting.
shinoshijak #3
nice story!
Hello, could you tell me your opinion on my fanfic? :D
So, I've just started writing this fic called "Multilateral". It's a romcom/mystery story with a little bit of politics here and there. The main characters are an OC and Lay. I know that at the beginning the plot seems cliche, but I promise you it is not.

Here's the link to the story:

If you decide to read it, remember that a new chapter will be up on Monday :D
I personally like this story :)
Try reading it