

Bobby was coming home late lately. Working on his debut and additional songs. He practically lived in the YG building he was popular among the females which enraged you with jealousy.


"Jiwon what do you want for dinner?" I asked him but ignored me. I sighed and walked closer to him "Oppa?" I asked "hm? What sorry what did you say?" He asked i sighed "I said what do you want for dinner?" I asked again. "sorry not going to be home tonight me and Suhyun are gonna practice" he blankly said I exhaled "Suhyun?" I asked controlling my anger. Bobby and Suhyun have been spending a awful amount of time together I was never a girl to jump to conclusions but now its to the point where she even goes on our dates. "yeah you know future plans collaborations and stuff" he explained. He never asked if I wanted to collab with him. "you know I think we should have a collab soon too babe" I suggested "erm....maybe next year" he said. You said that last time too Jiwon. "ok....well I should get back home see you tomorrow." I awkwardly said he just nodded and continued scribbling lyrics on his notebook. In the hall I saw Suhyun "oh have you seen Jiwonnie?" she asked I just pointed to the practice room and left.


I reached home and plopped down on my bed not even hungry anymore. Jiwon when will you stop talking about Suhyun? I sighed and cried myself to sleep.


I woke up and saw Bobby sleeping next to me still in the clothes he was in from yesterday I smiled and opened up the news.


I looked at Bobby and furrowed my eyebrows and clicked on the article. There where a ton of pictures on them cuddling and holding hands feeding each other and laughing. "hey babe get me a glass of water" Bobby mumbled "get it yourself" I said coldly and got out of bed. I grabbed some clothes and changed into them and left the house leaving Bobby confused. I drove to YG and went into Winner's practice room and broke down. "whoooooa girl crying guys best friend circle!" Seungyoon said they're all my best friends but I was closest to Seungyoon. "what happened princess?" Taehyun asked me "um... This happened" Seunghoon said and read the article. "you want me to pumble this bastard?" Mino asked cracking his knuckles I covered my face and shook my head. "Yoonie make it stop!" I shouted "make what stop baby girl" he asked I was at the brink of crashing and burning. "make the pain stop" I whispered and hugged him I felt Seungyoon gulp. "you should leave him" Jinwoo said "I can't, I love him" I cried "but...does he love you?" Jinwoo asked. He has a point. I should of known Bobby and I have gotten distant. "give him 2 months if things don't change then they don't change if things do change then problem solved" Taehyun suggested. I nodded and wiped my tears. I guess he's right. "now don't cry sweetheart" Seungyoon comforted me. "besides you've got tons of guys I mean Taehyun here is pretty nice" he joked I laughed and smacked his head.


Things didn't really change but u promised myself a month.


Bobby started to go out clubbing alot now. "coming home drunk?" Seungyoon asked I nodded my head slowly "you need to leave him" Mino said I shook my head "he still has time left" I said and sighed.


Bobby was still the same I was still the same Winner was still the same. Nothing has changed I started to loose hope in Bobby slowly. "where are you going?" I asked angerly "going clubbing with they boys again" he said fixing his collar. "again? Jiwon.....stay home with me please" I said and grabbed his hand he jerked it away and fixed his hair. I looked at him with sad eyes and blinked the tears away. "I will be back in the morning" he said and left. I sighed and got a message from Seungyoon.

Yoonie: Party tonight?

me: Why not

I decided to go clubbing too. I got ready with in 15 minutes I was wearing a pair of high waisted jeans and a black sequin bandeau with a pair of black heels I let my hair flow down and put minimal makeup on. I heard a car honk and looked out "get in loser we're going clubbing" Mino quoted my favorite movie Mean Girls. I laughed and hopped in.

We reached the club and went straight to the dance floor the encircled me to make sure creeps don't hit on me. I was having a great time but then saw Bobby. I stopped dancing and made my way over towards Bobby he was with a girl. Suhyun to be exact. "she's a mistake" he said and caressed Suhyun's body. I blinked back the tears. He was really drunk. "I know that's why we've been hooking up so much oppa" she said and kissed his neck he moaned and smirked. "and we will again" he said I walked away not wanting to hear more. "I am going home I have a headache" I said and hugged Winner goodbye. "better explain to me later you I know something is wrong" Seungyoon said I tapped his cheek "love you too " I said and exited the club.


I went straight home and took out my suitcase and started packing my stuff. I won't leave one trace of me besides my heart and memories for him. "what's the situation?" Seungyoon called "Bobby and Suhyun have been hooking up so I'm packing I will leave to America tomorrow" I said and wiped my tears. "AMERICA?!" Seungyoon shouted "yeah" I said "no stay here I will pick you up tomorrow and you can live with us please don't leave us come on ______" he begged "fine" I agreed "yes! Okay ill tell the other members and we will leave now to make room for you" he said and hung up. I sighed and looked at my promise ring Bobby gave me last year when he promised to love me and only me. I sighed and took it off placing it on the table and left a note to him. I got a call from a unknown number "hello?" I answered "hey it's Suhyun look oppa got really drunk tonight so Chanhyuk will drop him off soon" she said and hung up. . I changed into a black tshirt and went down stairs I don't want Chanhyuk oppa to see me in basically a bra. The door rang and I looked and saw it was Chanhyuk. "hey oppa thanks" I said and hugged him I grabbed Bobby and dragged him upstairs "yo man thanks bro man yo" he slurred and held up a peace sign. Chanhyuk looked sad. "______....I need to te-" "Bobby and your sister have been hooking up behind my back and you feel guilty about keeping it from me" I said. I said his eyes widened "you know?" He asked I nodded "I over heard them tonight but... Can I tell you something too?" I said he nodded "I'm actually planning on leaving Bobby for good....i will be moving in with Winner" I said "really?!" He shouted I nodded " hurt you know? Haha." I chuckled and wiped my tears Chanhyyk pulled me into his embrace "I'm sorry my sister is such a " he joked I laughed "you should go it's late" I said "yeah bye I hope you feel better soon" he said I smiled and closed the door. I hope I feel better soon too. I sighed "BABE I NEED WATER!" Bobby yelled I rolled my eyes and grabbed a cup of water and some Advil. "here hon'" I said. It was my last night with him. In this house being next to him in bed. "I love you Jiwon" I said randomly and cried "why are you crying? Oppa loves you too" he slurred. I smiled but really it broke my heart. "you don't love me Jiwon" I whispered. "hey shut up I have a headache" he said and laid down. I he starting to get sober. I turned off the lights and carried my suitcases to the door. I sighed and took a blanket and pillow downstairs and slept on the couch that night. I will leave Bobby silently. Have a good life.


"ready to go?" Seungyoon whispered "wait" I said I took out the photo book of me and Jiwon and scattered pictures all over the house. I made sure I left nothing behind and looked at Bobby. I went over and kissed his lips one last time. "Goodbye" I whispered and left.


A hour and a half later Bobby woke up "babe" he called for you hearing no response. "babe!" He said losing his patience he shot up and saw your figure not laying next to him. "babe?" He paniced a bit. She's probably downstairs cooking he thought he looked at the night stand and saw a Advil and a glass of water with a note

Jiwon your head probably hurts right? XOXO ______

Bobby smiled and took the Advil. He made his way downstairs to thank you but saw pictures everywhere. "babe?" He paniced again. He looked and saw a note and your promise ring on the table with a note

I can't do this anymore -______

no he thought. "no!" He screamed he ran upstairs and check all the drawers for your clothes. The bathroom for your toothbrush and perfume. Your shoes your DVDs everything was gone besides a lingering scent and your memories. "no....." He cried. "I should of treated you better....babe....come back home." He cried. It was the first time he cried since he spoke to his mother. He felt like a thousand bullets shot through him. He then got a message he hoped it was you. He hoped too much.

Chanhyuk: She knew about you and Suhyun

Bobby shut his phone off and threw it at the wall. He slide down onto the ground and ruffled his hair. he picked up a photo from the ground. He was smiling like a idiot while you kissed his cheek. He kissed your face in the photo and set it back down. He started to regain his memory of last night he covered his mouth at the last thing he said to her. "hey shut up i have a headache"

A year had passed by Bobby only saw you at YG meetings and in the YG halls you ignored him treating him like a stranger. He wanted to talk to you but he deserves to suffer is what he told himself. Bobby had cut off everything with Suhyun.

another year passed by. You had a boyfriend he was tall and handsome and treated you right.

another year passed by you where married and pregnant with twins. Bobby became successful and stayed single he regretted everything but he was happy for you.


a year later"Jaehyun can you bring me Daeryi's bottle" you said "here babe" Jaehyun said and handed you the bottle while feeding Soryi. Bobby walked by the studio you and your family where in "congrats" whispered and walked away. Baby we need a metronome. Break up to make up. Your letter still lingered in his head.



I can't do this anymore.


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kudoedogawa #1
Chapter 1: it's so sad. but i love your story ^^
Chapter 1: huhuhu why is it so sad
Smitians #3
Chapter 1: Bobby such a jerk
causeyouknow #4
Chapter 1: I think you should change Suhyun to someone else. I can't see her as an antagonist. Just a thought. Maybe Jennie?
Your story was pretty good ^^
Good job.
I hope you write more in the future.