Little Quarrel

Delivering Pups

Little Quarrel


It’s still too early for shouting. Still too early to get angry. It’s only 9.30am. On a dreaded Monday morning. Anger etched on both individual. It’s only normal for an employer to reprimand the ones making mistakes. Today was not normal. The BK building were not used to this unusual scene. Angry voices were heard inside the Vice President office.

“What makes you think it was okay to bring him along?!”

“We can make better partnerships with the Choi than Jung. I bring Siwon along for better network.”

“But we have agreements with the Jung. You can’t just bring a competitor in. You can’t do that to Yonghwa.”

“Our dealings with the Jung are only bounded by our agreement of what we and they need to deliver. And I’m sure discretion to bring in other companies in meetings for future projects doesn’t include that.”

Taeyeon shakes her head. She shut her eyes. She doesn’t know where or how to start. The young man in front of him is either too smart or plain naïve. Including a known close competitor in a meeting would cause unwanted issues in the future. Besides, the company has made dealings with the Jungs since her grandfather time. They could have all the wrong ideas because of this. She would have to eventually fix the strain relationship.

Taeyeon suddenly felt a throbbing pain. It feels like pressure building up in her head and about to burst. Her legs were wobbly and she tries to get a hold of the table. She was seeing stars. She can’t take it anymore.

Before her body could crash on the floor, Baekhyun quickly came to her aid. He slowly lowers Taeyeon’s body to the ground. Carefully putting her head on his lap.

“B-baekhyun…” Taeyeon weakly called out to him.

“Don’t close your eyes. I’m gonna get help, ok.” Baekhyun tries hard to shake Taeyeon’s weak body. But she passed out.

“Somebody, help!”    


Taeyeon’s eyes flutters open. A bright white fluorescent light almost made her close her eyes back. But a voice made it opened.


Taeyeon turned her head to the right and saw Baekhyun’s worried eyes. She smiled warmly to him and he replied the same. “Hey…” she said. Taeyeon cupped his face and he leans in to meet Taeyeon’s chapped lips.

“Thank God! My precious granddaughter is okay.” Mr. Byun’s voice filled the room. He came in with a spectacled doctor. “Doctor Lee, I need you to do full health check. I want to know everything.”

“Aboeji…” Taeyeon greets the old man. She tries to get up from her bed but was held down by Baekhyun. He pushed a button on the railing and the bed automatically inclined.

The old man gave her a hug and a kiss on the forehead. Taeyeon is precious to him. It shocked him to hear from his secretary that Taeyeon was rushed to the hospital. He turned to his grandson and gave him a hard knock on the forehead.

The doctor let out a cough and immediately all eyes were on him. He suddenly felt awkward. Nonetheless he spoke. “She passed out due to sudden shock. The stress caused her blood pressure to rise alarmingly fast.” The doctor flips through the file and nods. “From the record, you’re blood pressure’s pretty high before. And…” He takes a look again at the file. “You’re 3 months pregnant?”

The men in the family widened their eyes.

“It’s 4 now, actually.”

Jaws now dropped and eyes were as big as golf balls.

The doctor nodded. “Yeah, my mistake. The checkup was about 2 weeks ago.”

This time Baekhyun eyes were on her. She knows but ignores him.

“I believe Dr. Seo have given you medicine?”

Taeyeon nods. “Continue taking that and eat a little bit more.”

“Is the baby, okay?” Baekhyun asked.

Dr. Lee smiled and said, “Yes, the baby’s ok. You should worry more about the mum. She’s pretty much underweight and I think she had been skipping meals.”

Taeyeon lowered her head. Feeling guilty. “I was busy.” For the company’s VP, that’s a legitimate excuse. However, she knows she needs to take care of another living being inside.

“That is not good. You need to eat more. Eat healthy. Maybe reduce the workload. The stress was obviously too much for you. You may have passed the first trimester but if you don’t take care of your health, you’ll find yourself having complications.”

The doctor’s words cuts deep inside Taeyeon. She realized the baby could be in trouble or worst. Losing her baby. The thought fears her and tears start to pool her eyes.

“Don’t worry, doc. I’ll take care of her.” Baekhyun puts a hand on her baby bump. “And the baby.” A tear finally fallen from her eyes.

“Good. Remember Mr. Byun, a healthy mother leads to a healthy baby.”

Baekhyun promises to put Taeyeon’s needs as his first priority.


The road home was eerily silent. Baekhyun was putting a serious face. Taeyeon knows he is upset. Despite being that, Baekhyun helped her wife to their room. He then grabbed his phone and went out to the balcony of the room. She changes her clothes. Not long after, her husband changes into something comfortable. Taeyeon sighed.

“I’m sorry.” Taeyeon timidly answered. Baekhyun’s face was still expressionless.

Baekhyun was about to twist the doorknob but stopped when Taeyeon called her endearingly.

“Baekoong…” Sobs were heard. The sight breaks his heart. He scoops his wife’s petite body and carries her to the bed.

Baekhyun lies beside Taeyeon and wipes her tears.

“I’ve been meaning to tell you but I wanted to wait ‘till you come back from travelling. Then I got angry. I’m sorry.”

Baekhyun sighed. “I’m sorry too. I should have talked to you first. If not because of me, you wouldn’t be angry in the first place.”  

He has his hand on her little baby bump. Taeyeon puts her hand on top of Baekhyun’s hand. The young expecting parents smiled contently. Baekhyun instinctively kissed her belly. He doesn’t know why he felt like doing that. Must be the fatherly instinct kicking in, he reasoned.

Baekhyun face then changes to a frown. “Wae?” asked the wife.

“How come I don’t feel him kicking?”

Taeyeon laughed. “She is still too small.” She release Baekhyun hand and got up to get her purse.

“Here.” Taeyeon hands Baekhyun a little picture. “The ultrasound picture.”

Baekhyun looked at it intently. Trying to figure out outlines of his baby in the grainy picture. His eyes lights up and points at the rounded shape in the picture.

“Oh look! That’s his head.” He excitedly tells Taeyeon.

A long content silent fills the room. The couple stares lovingly at the piece of paper. For what seemed forever, Taeyeon decided to break the silence.

“Are you happy?” she asked.

Baekhyun looks up and smiles at his wife. “Very.” He leans in and kissed her.

“Woohoo! I’m gonna have a son.” Baekhyun had his arms swinging in the air expressing his excitement.

“Correction. A daughter. We are going to have a daughter.” Taeyeon disagrees.

“What? No.” Baekhyun points at something in the picture and said. “See that? It’s his doo-doo.”

Taeyeon frowned because she can only see a black mass. “There’s nothing there.”

Baekhyun shakes his head cutely. “Only a genius like me can see it.”

“Yah Baekhyun! Are you calling the mother of your child stupid?”

Baekhyun realizing he made his wife angry quickly apologises.

“Rest, my wife. I’ll wake you up when lunch is served.” Baekhyun said and placed a kiss on her forehead.

Before Baekhyun can get up, Taeyeon holds his collar. She shakes her head. “No. Stay.”

Baekhyun smiled and naturally Taeyeon gave her back to him. They love sleeping in a spooning position. She loves it when she can feel his hot breath on her neck. And he loves how her body just fits like a mold in his arms.

Baekhyun leaves a lingering kiss on her neck before whispering, “Sleep now, my wife. I love you.”

Taeyeon smiled and said her prayers to the heavens above for granting her a great gift. And also knowing when she wakes up, his handsome face will be the first thing she sees.


Hello! I hope you like the fluff. Can you guys recommend me a good Baekyeon story here in ssf? I wanna read some that is good. Maybe some crack too. So far the category had been really good. Keke I know. What a byun is this author haha. I have yet to find a good Baekyeon story. I hope you leave a comment. Thank you for reading!



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Chapter 3: So cute <3 I love It.
typicaltaeyeon #2
Chapter 3: Cutieee. ❤ try heartxsone_ , yoongstars and puppypoutss stories. :)
Chapter 3: So cute kekekek
sharonnath #4
Chapter 2: one shot please!^^
Whoisminyul #5
Chapter 2: Oneshot please
bronzenimbus108 #6
Chapter 2: Yes of course authornim! I would love to read them..
Chapter 2: Go! More baekyeon pls.. !! :))
patriciasj97 #8
Chapter 2: Yes, please do Baekyeon oneshots! (:
i'mma chanbaek shipper but then saw this and ... O///O
typicaltaeyeon #10
Chapter 1: Update soon authornim "see you guys later (maybe)" what are your plans though author?