Kitchen birth

Delivering Pups

Kitchen Birth


Taeyeon was humming along happily. It's a routine morning for her. She rubs her round belly with smiles on her face watering her little flower pots at the verandah. When suddenly a hard pain made her lose grip on the water hose. "Ah...fuhfuh"

Taeyeon slowly regained her breath and sit at a steel chair of the verandah. Her hands holding onto her big belly trying to ride out the pain. " babies. Please stop." She rubs it in circular motion and the pain eases. She felt the kicking still continues. Slowly making her way inside the house she talks to her triplets. "My baby boys are so active today. I know you wanna play with your appa. I can't wait to play with you too."

A major contraction hits her hard. Causing her to let out a yelp. Her suspicion were answered when she felt water dripping down her leg. She gasped. With the onslaught of contractions, Taeyeon realised she's going to give birth but she did not expect it to be this fast. She holds on to the kitchen countertop. Momentarily paralysed by the contractions. Every step she takes it feels like her babies go deeper down her birth canal. Rubbing her belly she said in pain, "Please wait for your, appa. I'm trying to call him now. Ahhh!"

Taeyeon tries to walk towards the living room where her phone was situated but as she took the third step, an excrutiating pain caused her to double over and lands on her . "Aarrghh!" Taeyeon knew she had to deliver her babies now.

In pain, Taeyeon lean against her house oven. She rids of her and opened her legs wide. When the urge to push hits, she grabbed the handle above her head and push. "Aaarghhh!" 

It goes on for what seemed eternity for Taeyeon when suddenly a worried Baekhyun ran towards her. "Baekoong..." She moaned. Happy to see him. It was evident that the young father was shocked to see his wife. He was even more shocked to see a round head sticking out of his wife's . It wasn't even fully out yet. Only stopped at the forehead. He almost let panic take control but suceeded to keep himself calm.

Baekhyun frantically ran to their bedroom and get clean towels. He puts a heavier towel under Taeyeon legs much like a supporting pillow. The other is in his hand ready to catch the baby. "It's okay. I'm here. The baby's head is not fully out yet. Keep going." He encouraged Taeyeon.

"Aarghh! it hurts so much." Taeyeon cried.

"I know, sweetheart. Just push some more."

The ordeal continued until finally Taeyeon safely gave birth to their third child. Baekhyun gave Taeyeon a passionate kiss. Feeling so happy and blessed that his wife and babies were safe.



There you have it. A simple oneshot of Baekyeon couple. Hope Baekyeon really gets married and have lots of mini Baeks and mini Taes running around. See u guys later (maybe.)


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Chapter 3: So cute <3 I love It.
typicaltaeyeon #2
Chapter 3: Cutieee. ❤ try heartxsone_ , yoongstars and puppypoutss stories. :)
Chapter 3: So cute kekekek
sharonnath #4
Chapter 2: one shot please!^^
Whoisminyul #5
Chapter 2: Oneshot please
bronzenimbus108 #6
Chapter 2: Yes of course authornim! I would love to read them..
Chapter 2: Go! More baekyeon pls.. !! :))
patriciasj97 #8
Chapter 2: Yes, please do Baekyeon oneshots! (:
i'mma chanbaek shipper but then saw this and ... O///O
typicaltaeyeon #10
Chapter 1: Update soon authornim "see you guys later (maybe)" what are your plans though author?