
miracle in skool

Hey guys...I'm truely sorry for the long hiatus...I was just too busy with my school is so hard for this 14 yr old....anyways all your questions will be answered very soon....

Now back to the story...

"Hey good morning Kookie!!" Jimin called called out

Jungkook greeted the other boys and walked in his class room. He was glad to see Yuna already seated beside his chair.But his annoyence level got up when he saw Shin Aye walking out with Yuna. He heard the two girls talking about having lunch together at the cafeteria.

Jungkook followed them and ended up at the counter. He got some sandwiches and watch the girls. He kept on pondering whether he should tell Yuna the truth or not.Jin seem to be close with her...wait is this some sort of a love triangle?..He obiously wont want to ruin their relationship but he then again he has been waiting for her all these years. He cant possibly give up on his 1st love and childhood crush...He still remembers how he used to watch her from afar. A that time he was too shy to even talk with her. He only managed to give her his favorite red teedy bear key chain


Jungkook-  oh here ( gives a red teedy bear key chain)

Yuna- huh?

Jungkook- this is my favorite toy but you can have also has my initial on grandfather gace it to me on my birthday....

She took it... and old woman came and she ran to her...she turned back and smiled at jungkook

End of flasback

Jungkook's thoughts were inturupted by Jin

Jin- hey kook come here

Jungkook- sorry hyung..

He walked out of the cafeteria and ran upstairs on the roof. He quitely ate his sandwiches until some disturbed the peaceful silence. He turned around and saw Shin Aye

"what do you want? " His cold voice hit her

" there relly no chance between us?"...

Jungkook ignored her and walked away

The truth is Shin Aye had a crush on Jungkook but Jungkook liked Yuna so it was practically a love triangle Shin Aye preety much hated her. She pretended to be her friend and was trying to hurt her. yes hurt greed knew no bound that she was actually planning to hurt her friend.

She pushed her down the stair case, causing Yuna to  lose her balance and fall down.Se got hurt very badly. Shin aye was scared cause she thought Yuna didnt survive and she ran away. But Jin, who saw everything tried to chase her but it was of no use. he lost her. Thats the reason why Yuna's mother doesnt want her to be friends with anyone incase she would get hurt. But due to the injury yuna couldnt remember much and she hated her mom for being like that...

And now she is back studying in the same class with Yuna and Jungkook... now what?



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I knw dat there r many spelling mistakes n others. i'll edit dem all after I finish did fanfic...btw dis fanfic wud end soon..


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merelin #1
CongRatuLationN auThoR nIm NoW Im BaCK to ReaDinG ThiS faNFIctioN..AgAIn
hiatsu #2
congtratulation kid...and yes all the best for your exmz...hope u'll top the class love u...
mikeal #3
Chapter 30: "miracle in skool" congrates
sayurisakagami #4
congratulation!!!!.....the way jungkook propose to yuna was very cool
yukihirasawa #5
gaawwd....the was perfect!!!
chihiru12 #6
Chapter 30: I knew it!! that boy in that foto was jk...ahahhahahah congratulations author-nim....i'm really gonna miss u....and best of luck! aja!aja!...
Khristinexoxo #7
Chapter 30: The ending was amazing it really is a miracle in school....oh! best of luck wit ur exmz....i hope u'll get 100 on 100...fighting!!
kimkel #8
Chapter 30: oh my god...the way he proposed to her....congratulations authornim...and all the best with your exm results...i'm gonna read this fanfic all over again
nelisa #9
Chapter 28: oh...this is so sad....But then they became friends....I cant believe that this fanfc is comming to end end...i'm already missing you authornim.....
jungkookbtskookie #10
i cudnt upvote either....i want kookie to propose to Yuna....wen is he doing it!!!.....i cant wait to read da nxt chpter...update soon author nim