Chapter 2 - The Rules and The Past

Somebody to You

Chanyeol’s breath became heavier before he finally let out a whine. “aaaahh…what do you want?”, he pouted like a little kid he was. 

Baekhyun clicked his tongue and cooed “owwww, now this is the baby chanyeol, I know. Be a good boy and I won’t let the whole world know about your dark past” He reached for chanyeol’s head to pat him, making the tall boy slightly blushed.

Chanyeol harshly pull his hand away from his head “don’t treat me like a kid when you are like a kid yourself, shortie!” he made a face.
“So this is how you welcome your hyung after 4 years?” baekhyun faked a sad face and pouted even cuter than how chanyeol did. “don’t you even miss me?”.

“No!”, chanyeol answered right away that somehow it made baekhyun a little disappointed. Chanyeol walked back to his bed and flopped down. Playing with the rugby stuffed doll, he continued “so what do you want from me? Do you really have the picture or not ‘cause I want a proof and if in fact you don’t have it, I swear you won’t go home in one piece”.

“I swear you were crying out loud in the airport on the day I left this town.” He followed chanyeol by sitting down on the bed, scanning the room. “and let me tell you young man, I not only have that photo but also a photo of you messily eating jajangmyeon with the sauce and what looked like drools on all over your face. And oh, I remember that rat…”

“It’s Wendy. Her name is Wendy and she is not a rat you stupid oaf, I hate you ”, chanyeol cut baekhyun and throw the rugby doll towards baekhyun’s face. Baekhyun chuckled seeing chanyeol behaving like a kid despite his big sized body. It was cute in some ways though.

“yeah yeah….that Wendy thing, I have a photo of you and Wendy kissing each other. I almost thought you would end up marrying that poor thing.”, baekhyun showed a concerned face while displaying the photos he mentioned in his cellphone in front of chanyeol’s face, and of course he didn’t mean to be concerned at all. All this was just to tease chanyeol and made him give up on running away from studying.

“Will you stop bringing up the past?”, chanyeol was about to grab the cellphone but baekhyun was quick to keep it away from the younger. 

“I will, only if you do what I say. I have some conditions you need to oblige. “ baekhyun smiled smugly and raised his eyebrows up and down.

“what are the conditions?” still pouting, chanyeol sat back and stared furiously at baekhyun.

“One”, baekhyun  raised his index finger, ”you need to study English and History regularly with me as your tutor and don’t even think to escape because once you run away, the photo will be sent to Shinki High’s student website. Two, please erase that fake tattoo on your upper chest. It’s ugly.” He then pointed the fake tattoo which is slightly visible from chanyeol’s school shirt.

“ do you know it’s fake?” chanyeol touched his ,in fact, fake tattoo on his upper chest.

“Even a little kid can tell. And lastly, call me baekhyun-HYUNG”, he purposefully emphasized the hyung-word.

“WHAT THE F…”chanyeol almost slipped out as he saw baekhyun giving him warning wide eyes, telling him not to curse to the elder. “ NO!! I will never call you hyung, don’t even dream about that, you short-legged-bacon. I promise I will study regularly and diligently. I promise I will get high scores for both subjects but please let me just call you shortie, bacon, byuntae and whatever.”, chanyeol sounded almost pleading.

Baekhyun gagged his mouth wide open in shock as he heard what chanyeol had just said. What was so wrong about calling him hyung? Baekhyun had been wondering why in hell chanyeol would not want to call him hyung. The last time chanyeol called him hyung was when the boy was still a 6th grader. After puberty took over him, the boy became more spoiled and rebellious and dropped all kind of honorific towards baekhyun. But baekhyun was trying to understand that disobedience was a part of growing up, so he would let it off this time. “Okay!” he finally spoke up, “I won’t force you the third rule, but please stop calling me anything but my name”, he gritted his teeth in annoyance. He wondered how this boy turned even more annoying than he used to be.

“Easy as pie! So let’s get the session started. I have a band practice at 7.”, he glanced at the clock on the grey wall. It was 5.30 already. Chanyeol quickly removed all unnecessary objects on his desk and began opening his English text book. Baekhyun set a chair beside chanyeol and started to explain this and that about the materials the book had.

The session went horrible. Chanyeol completely didn’t understand a single thing about what he studied at school. Baekhyun rubbed his dizzy head, he really didn’t know what to do. Sometimes when baekhyun was in the middle of explaining, he found chanyeol spacing out or daydreaming. Or was it just baekhyun, but he felt like once in a while, chanyeol would stare at his face while he was explaining. Or was it his eyes? His nose? Or his lips? Baekhyun really had no clues because whenever he asked whether there was something wrong on his face, chanyeol just averted his eyes and shrugged saying “nothing” or worse he had said “no, I just realized you look so old now that have graduated”. Irritated? Yes, but baekhyun felt the need to take this boy as his responsibility. Not because chanyeol’s mom paid him well but because chanyeol was not anyone to him. He had been treating chanyeol like his own brother since forever. 

Chanyeol’s older sister studied abroad since her junior high school years and it technically made chanyeol play alone in his house. Chanyeol didn’t have many friends back then because he always played with his pet and the kids would snicker at him, making chanyeol angry and they would end up fighting. So, chanyeol kept sticking around baekhyun because baekhyun protected him from the kids, because baekhyun took care of him while his mom was away for work for the whole day, because baekhyun taught him things he didn’t know, because baekhyun was chanyeol’s everything, before one day, baekhyun had to go to another city for his study. Baekhyun knew he hurt chanyeol’s feeling, baekhyun knew he left chanyeol alone with no one to play besides his ferret and baekhyun felt so sorry for that. That was why at this point, baekhyun couldn’t give up on him just yet. He really wished to help chanyeol with his very best.

“ugh…I think my brain will explode in no time”, chanyeol dropped his head on the table and let out a big relief breath.

“stop being a drama queen! This is just a common thing you study in your first senior year. The worse is yet to come.”, baekhyun stretched his hands out of tiredness. “but seriously though, you are really stupid. I’m glad you can understand after many explanations and exercises.”

“yeah, says someone who couldn’t do his math homework and got a help from a junior high school student who was none other than me, the math genius, Park Chanyeol”, chanyeol bragged while resting his head on his folded forearms.

“hey, at least I had the urge to study, unlike you. Only losers who keep running away from studying!”, baekhyun defended himself.

Then he heard chanyeol snoring. The giant had fallen asleep in no time. He must be really stressed out- baekhyun thought. It seemed like letting chanyeol sleep would be the best solution at that moment because baekhyun was tired of all the turned out events. He was tired of chanyeol’s sneers every now and then. He needed a time for himself. Speaking of which, he surely needed a time to cherish the time looking at the sleeping chanyeol. Nothing had ever changing for four years. Sleeping chanyeol would always look like an angel. And whenever chanyeol was sleeping, the world would be at peace, no loud noise, no objects falling and no whining or mocking.

Baekhyun smiled at himself, he would not want to admit it but he might miss chanyeol. Baekhyun never had a younger brother, he was treated as one at home. So by having younger chanyeol around eversince he was 10 made baekhyun grow into a great man. He had never had time to be spoiled because he had to deal with the most pampered kid in the neighborhood. He learnt things from being with chanyeol, from being chanyeol’s guardian.

“I miss you, Yeol!” he silently muttered. “Wait, what?”, In a split of seconds, the smile was long gone from baekhyun’s face instead, baekhyun was shocked at what he had just said. His cheeks turned red at the realization.

They’re gonna clean up your look
With all the lies in the books

The sound of chanyeol’s ringtone startled baekhyun that his heart almost left his body. After a moment, he shook chanyeol’s body “hey, wake up! Your cellphone is ringing!” but the boy didn’t budge an inch then the ringtone stopped. Baekhyun had just recalled one fact about chanyeol. He was a pig when it came to sleeping.

Baekhyun had had enough. Being with chanyeol has decrease his ability to think clearly because whenever he was with the latter, he would keep being reminded of the past, not that he minded it but still, all he needed to do is thinking about his first day of being a teacher which was going to be on the next day ahead.

boring -_- i know.

next chapter might be from chanyeol's side. come on! i know you are curious about how chanyeol ACTUALLY feels about baekhyun XD

and thank you so much for those who subscribed T^T and may you look around and see my other fic (mostly oneshots) XD

read, subscribe and comment. i really appreciate every little act of yours in this fic.


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clumsyoo #1
Chapter 2: stop pretending u didnt hear that, park! xD i bet u did some silly dancing in ur head pfft
Chapter 2: For once baek is not the troublemaker type/a lil bit sneaky but thats for cy's sake/ but responsible and smart;;; that does things to my heartt..
Anyway, waiting for cy pov :))
baekdeer #3
Chapter 1: this's so cuteeee>< update soon author-nim ^^
clumsyoo #4
Chapter 1: does baek really have the pic or xD?

age is just a number, indeed ㅋㅋ
Chapter 1: Pleaseee update author-niiiimm xD
Nice first chapter's making me impatient for the next one, why did u make it so short :c
I like it alreadyㅋㅋ the bickering and cuuute