Ending of Cinderella Story

on a sunny day , a very beautiful day for children to play at the playground and supervised by their parents . while, jungkook only played in his house because he was a shy person to get along with other children.He not very liked to goes outside his house , You must thinks he will be lonely and bored but the fact is he not lonely , he have 6 brothers and they all always played with him . so , he not very bored stayed at home all day .


he was looking for something in the attic , maybe to find toys to play with his brothers that had different personality . Jungkook loves all his brothers .Finally, he saw a big box that cover by dust , he approached the big box and then open it to see what it in there . What he can see in the big box not so much , just have old teddy bear , cotton and a .... book , fairytale book . Jungkook took the book out of the big box , just that book only caught his attention . That book seen intersting to him. " Cinderella story" he read the title of the book with a cute smile till show his cute rabbit's teeth.


Jungkook returned to his room, he lay down on the bed while examine carefully the book that he found just now.
he could not wait to read the book , so he quickly opened to the first page and read with happiness and excited that show at his faced. He started to read the first paragraph on that page...


"Once upon a time there lived an unhappy young girl named Cinderella. Her mother was dead and her father had married a widow with two daughters. Her stepmother didn't like her one little bit. All her kind thoughts and loving touches were for her own daughters. Nothing was too good for them - dresses, shoes, delicious food, soft beds, and every home comfort...."


he read with wholehearted until the last pages, but he felt weird with that story book...


"Cinderella had a wonderful time at the ball until she heard the first of midnight! She remembered what the fairy had said, and without a word of goodbye she slipped from the Prince's arms and ran down the steps. As she ran she lost one of her glass shoe..."


Jungkook frowns , He started to feel weird . he examine carefully pages of the book again, but it remains the same."where its the ending ? " Jungkook asked himself , he feel weird because the book doesn't have the ending , the last page have torn. So, he couldn't finish his reading and he doesn't  know  how the ending of cinderella story.


Jungkook thinking for awhile and he got an idea , he quickly out of his room while holding the book in the arms and running children to the living room . "Maybe , hyung know about the ending of cinderella story . hmm well, they all born first before me" Jungkook thought.when he arrived at living room , jungkook just saw his hyung, Suga watching tv while eating snacks with his right hand and he's left hand holding tv remote control like a boss.


Suga (16) , the second hyung which is always sit the whole day without doing nothing . he has a pale face and people always think that he is sick by looking at his face . He love to play game until he eyes will pop out.Suga the type when you disturb him while he play game he will broke your legs,stab your abdomen many times and burn you.


jungkook started approaching his hyung, he sat next to Suga and staring right into the face of his hyung.Suga who feel uncomfortable with jungkook stares, began to ask "what you staring at? my handsome face? stop staring , you'll make a hole at my handsome face"he taking his eyes off the tv to jungkook then back to the tv, Jungkook roll his eyes . "ani ,hyung. I just want you to tell me about this story" he said, politely.


"What story?" ask Suga, he eyes still focus at the tv . "This story" Jungkook showed the book that he held to Suga "Shin-de-re-lla" Suga read the tittle of the book as he taking his eyes to the book then to Jungkook,want certainty.Jungkook nod his head."why me? just go and read by yourself" Jungkook pout.


"Yes, i did but the next page have torn and it missing , i'm talking the truth!" Jungkook talking the truth but Suga seem doesn't believe at him . Suga stared jungkook's face as him doing his cute face and widened his eyes very cutely . Suga really can't resist jungkook's cuteness , he finally gave up "Ok fine, i'll tell you.Where did you stop?" Jungkook smile brightly,he feel very excited when suga eventually would tell him."That part...that princess lost one of her glass shoe..." Suga nod his head and waiting Jungkook to countinue his word " hyung , did the prince find her?" Jungkook finish his word with asking a question. Jungkook curious.


"Of course...."Suga stop he word a moment, he thinking of something."Of course , what hyung?! the prince find her,right!" ask Jungkook, he really can't wait to hear it."Of course nope,kookie" Suga respond with confidently and easily.  Jungkook make weird faces , he felt less confident in his brother , He stares at suga's face untill it make a big hole. Suga once again taking his eyes off the tv to jungkook and stare back like  what-wrong-man-dont-fcking-stare me-with your-big eyes.Then, Suga realize something about his story ,and he quickly improve his story again" owh owh kookie kookie ... yhes yhes! the prince! the prinshess! shinderella! shtory! the prince really want to find Shinderella but he gave up the next day because he know his doesn't like to meet people outside the world . The end . Man, this story is so swag , you know! i think i could feel this story cause it same like...like my life!"suga started to talking nonsense , jungkook stood from the sofa occupied a moment ago. "Hyung , you don't know about this story , right ?" Suga nod his head as he smile "yeay , i really don't know about that prinshess or shinderella shtory . i'm only know game , swag!" Jungkook rolled his eyes , he wants to go there and find other brothers to ask the same thing.


before jungkook went on from there, he turned towards his brother and asked "hyung, i didn't know that you can't pronounce 'c'"

"what? of course i shan pronounce it . 'Shi' , see i said i shan"

"No, 'C' "

" 'Shi' "

" 'C' "

" 'Shi' "

" ITS 'C' , HYUNG!!"

" ITS '' !! "

" Ok hyung, let stop it now . You really can't pronounce it. I'm going to find the other hyung "jungkook resumed his walk to find his brothers , maybe at the kitchen or at their bedroom.



Sorry i make Suga can't pronounce 'C' ><

So, here the word if you dont understand . maybe.

Shan = can

Prinshess = princess

Shinderella = cinderella


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Chapter 2: Awww it's ok jin, i've though you were a princess since you have debuted
Chapter 2: Jin is right, he's Cinderella. Too bad no one believes him XD lol
uwaaaa i love this >< update soon
Chapter 1: Update soon >< This story are really cute ♡ i'm inlove with it xD Kookie ♡♡ Shuga♡♡
guardian_angel274 #5
Chapter 1: awwwwwwwwwwwww this is so crack, I laughed my off cause Yoongi hate the world and he just wants to sleep and he can't pronounce 'C' . and Jungkook is too innocent to be near his creepy hyung :v :v
guardian_angel274 #6
OMG, pls update soon author-nim. I bet there will be cuteness overload ><
Can't wait to read it