Holding Onto Gravity: Chapter One

Holding Onto Gravity
rating: PG-15
length: Chapter 1 (3,537 words)
a/n: Mentions of depression and anxiety, ual content, swearing.

Moving day went by much smoother than Sehun predicted. He didn’t bring much with him, so he had told Luhan not to bother coming to help; the elder had to work anyway. But also, his parents would embarrass him. They drove Sehun down to Seoul to help him settle in and say their goodbyes till the next time they see him. His parents were still having their issues and constant fights, and they seemed rather distant during the trip, but Sehun tried to see the bright side to all of this—Luhan. His mother had begun crying, hugging her son so tightly that he was finding it hard to breathe. Luckily his father stepped in, prying his clingy mother off her son, trying to talk some sense into her. It took a while, but after a couple reoccurring farewells, his parents finally decided to let their son go.

With a long sigh, Sehun stepped over to the nearest bed, plopping down onto it and closing his eyes. It had been a pretty tiring day, and Luhan was still stuck at work, so a little nap wouldn’t be too bad. He wasn’t exactly sure how long he had dozed off, or if he even did, but he was given a pretty rude awakening when he felt something prodding at his cheek. His eyes blinked open slowly, vision taking a moment to become clear again, but the sight of a blond man nearly an inch away from his face causes him to jump up in surprise, his head bumping into the other man’s.

“Jesus--!” The other man curses, palm rubbing his forehead as he steps back, eyebrows furrowed in pain. Sehun sits up on the bed, also rubbing at his head, as he glances at the other man. “Sorry—you were really close and you scared me and— Ah, wait.. You’re my roommate, right?” Sehun asks, placing his hand down.

“Yes, I’m your roommate, and you’re on my bed. Get off, please.” The other male seemed tall from what Sehun could tell, and his hair was a nice shade of blond. He noticed multiple earrings on his ears, and how the dark bags beneath his eyes didn’t look like normal eye bags. Sehun then realized he was just told to get off the other’s bed, quickly scooting off once he’s come back from his thoughts. Standing up now, he realizes he was right—the other was slightly taller than himself.

“Zitao, by the way. Huang Zitao. Call me Tao if you want,” he greets, walking past the other so he can get to his bed. Sehun watches as Zitao fixes up the sheets on his bed that Sehun seemed to have wrinkled. Maybe he was just extremely tired before not to notice, but he sees that side of the room much clearer now. It’s extremely neat, and the bookshelf beside the bed is stacked full with what Sehun believes are manga, and a variety of cute plushies on the top shelf. It all seems very.. girly, but Sehun isn’t judging. He then looks over to the other side of the room—completely empty, but still spotless. The bed has no sheets, but Sehun did bring his own, and there’s an empty desk beside it.

“I’m Sehun,” he finally responds, glancing back over at Zitao. “Oh Sehun. It’s nice to meet you.. Zitao.” His pronunciation of the other’s name isn’t the greatest, but he tried. He figures the boy is an exchange student from China, judging by his name and slight accent in his Korean, and he hopes he doesn’t mind how much he just butchered his name. Zitao’s probably used to it anyway. Zitao looks at Sehun with a playful roll of his eyes, taking a seat at the edge of his bed. “Call me Tao. It’ll be easier on you.”



Sehun’s first school term was set to begin two months after he had moved to Seoul. Luhan did a good job of showing him around the city often, especially during their dates, and his time spent with Luhan was the absolute best. Whenever Luhan was stuck at work all day, Sehun would stay in and deal with Zitao. His roommate was rater unique— Sehun learns how much of a neat-freak the boy is, and about his odd fascination with candy and anything cute. The taller usually spends his lazy days reading another shoujo manga volume he had bought, but there are rare moments where Zitao wants Sehun’s attention. A lot of the time, Zitao was extremely annoying, and loud, but Sehun’s grown to appreciate his new friend, even if his mood changes frequently.


“So, how are you liking things here so far?” Luhan asks Sehun as they’re snuggled up on the couch playing Mario Kart. Sehun’s concentrated on the screen as he tries his hardest to stay in 1st place.

“It’s nice,” he responds.

“You like your roommate? What was his name again..?”

“Tao. He’s weird.”

Pressing his lips together tightly, Luhan desperately tries to think up more questions in order to distract his boyfriend so he can pass him in the race. “Do you think he’s cute?”

“What?” Sehun turns his head suddenly to look at Luhan, and Luhan laughs triumphantly as he hits Sehun’s player with a red shell, easily passing him and quickly making it to the finish line.

“You cheater!” Sehun yells, putting his Wii-mote down on the couch and crosses his arms, a pout on his lips.

“I did no such thing! You’re the one who looked at me.” Luhan grins, putting his controller down as well, turning his body a bit to look at Sehun. The younger rolls his eyes and feigns anger, but Luhan easily sees through it. “C’mon baby, don’ be mad,” he laughs lightly, leaning closer towards Sehun till his back touches the couch completely, Luhan hovering over the other completely. Sehun’s loss in Mario Kart resulted in a pretty great make-out session that makes Sehun forgive Luhan instantly. The game was completely forgotten about once Sehun’s shirt made it onto the floor.



Soon enough, summer had come to an end, and Sehun swears it was the best summer he’s ever had. He was both excited and nervous to start his classes, and he didn’t expect to become so busy in college, but then he realizes that’s what happens when he’s using a scholarship. Because he grows so busy, Sehun basically abandons his Tumblr, to the point where he decides to delete it. He says it was a great run, and it holds many great memories, but there’s no point in having it anymore when his life has come together so well. Luhan does the same, not finding a need to be on it anymore – his main purpose of having the account was to talk to Sehun, but now he has him in person.

The first few months of classes were hell for Sehun, but thankfully, Luhan was usually there when Sehun needed him during his mental breakdowns and homework struggles. Even Zitao managed to help Sehun from time to time. At first, Zitao wasn’t sure how to handle someone who had history of depression and anxiety, but he learns the best ways to help Sehun in his time of need, and Sehun begins to see Zitao as a best friend.

It was already nearing the end of November, and Sehun couldn’t wait for their winter break. Zitao seems to be a lot smarter than Sehun had expected, breezing through classes as if they were nothing. He’s majoring in theater, but he seemed to be great at any subject handed to him. The boy had just as many classes as Sehun did, but he felt like he’s never seen Zitao struggle at all. Though, he’s grateful to have, not only a smart roommate, but a roommate who’s willing to help Sehun whenever he’s having trouble with a class. It saddens Sehun a bit that he’s always swamped with homework, and ever since Luhan got a promotion, he’s been stuck at the office even longer. They finally live in the same city, but they still have obstacles between them.


After hours of Zitao trying to explain math formulas to Sehun so he can finish his homework, Sehun moves onto practicing his dance class routine. At first, he was rather shy about dancing with Zitao in the room, possibly judging him from where he sat on his bed, or the times Zitao would complain about the music being too loud and Sehun feared he’d upset Zitao. But after a while, he grew very comfortable with him, and Zitao would often compliment his dancing, or point out little mistakes the other made so he can fix them. It’s now a usual sight to see Sehun’s dancing in the middle of their shared studio apartment while Zitao read a book on his bed.

“Looking great, Sehun-ah!”

“Thanks,” Sehun manages, breathing heavily as he walks over to Zitao who was handing him a cold bottle of water.

“As hot as you look all sweaty like that, you better shower soon. I don’t want you stinking up the apartment.”

Sehun just rolls his eyes, taking the bottle and taking large gulps. That was another thing he had to get used to. Zitao doesn’t have a filter when it comes to his thoughts, constantly complimenting Sehun or doing harmless things such as patting his when he walks by. Before, Sehun wasn’t sure if Zitao had a thing for him or not, but he soon realized that it’s just a normal attraction, and Zitao’s well aware that Sehun’s off limits—he’d never try to get in between them anyway, it’s against Zitao’s own beliefs regarding love. Sehun got used to it all after a while, and Luhan actually finds it funny.



With the first semester coming to an end, Sehun’s dance class becomes back-breaking. His dance class always has monthly dance test, and December is known to be one of the toughest in his school, and he’s been preparing so much for it that it’s taken a toll on his health. He blames it on his anxiety mostly, and where that is part of the case, he can’t let it get in the way. His dance teacher is extremely hard on his students, and he seems to like picking on Sehun the most, despite being the best in the class. Mr. Kim constantly puts him on the spot, making him go through the routine a couple more times on his own in front of the entire class, and it’s become too much to handle.


“This class is going to be the end of me,” Sehun speaks into his phone, laying down on his bed. He had just gotten out of the shower after practicing for a good two hours.

“I know, you said that like five times already,” Zitao says from his side of the room, and Sehun gives him a look, pointing at his phone. “I’m not talking to you!” Zitao just laughs and blows him a kiss teasingly before retreating back to his game of Animal Crossing.

“Are you in pain, baby? This teacher seems like he’s out to get you or something..” Luhan responds, phone held in between his ear and his shoulder as he folds his laundry.

“My ankle kind of hurts from today, but I’m sure it’ll be okay by tomorrow. I hope. I just don’t want to keep getting lightheaded during practice..”

“I don’t want you to either.. Please be careful.”

“I’m trying,” he sighs, closing his eyes. “I miss you so much, I wish I could be over there right now.”

Zitao gags from the other side of the room, and Sehun shoots him the middle finger.

“I wish you could too,” Luhan smiles, plopping down onto his bed once he’s finished putting his clothes away. “I want to hold you, and kiss all your worries away.”

“You’re so corny,” he laughs. “I love it.”

“I love you~

“I love you too, dork.”

“Oh my God, get off the phone. You two are so gross!” Zitao shouts from his bed, a disgusted look on his face.

“Is Tao complaining again?” Luhan asks, having heard his loud voice even through the phone.

“Mhm. He says we’re gross. I wonder what he’d say if we started having phone —”

“Don’t you ing dare!” Zitao yells, putting his DS down immediately, a finger pointing at the other.

“Luhan… I wish you could touch me right now..” Sehun says in a needy voice, and Zitao screams, sprinting off his bed and jumps on top of Sehun. Sehun yelps, and Zitao grabs his phone, bringing it up to his ear.

“Control your boyfriend!”

All that can be heard from the other line was Luhan’s uncontrollable laughter, and Sehun follows suit.

“Yah! Don’t hurt him, okay? Dance class has been murder on his fragile little body.”



There’s only two weeks left until the dance final for the semester, and Sehun’s pushing himself even more. Even though he’s best in the class, and Zitao swears his routine is flawless, he feels that some of his moves are off. The dance studio is usually empty after classes, so Sehun decided to practice there instead of his cramped, mirror-less apartment. With the music blaring, and Sehun dancing by himself in the dance room, his vision started getting blurry, and it looked as if the lights were dimming mid-routine. His body began to overheat, and everything suddenly went black. The next thing he knew, he was lying down on the cold, wooden floor of the studio, and his dance teacher hovered over him slightly, fanning Sehun with a sheet of paper. The color was finally returning to Sehun’s face, and Mr. Kim looked down at him in concern, a bottle of water being handed to him.

“Sehun, you need to drink some,” Mr. Kim says, helping Sehun sit up. Sehun takes the bottle and gulps down half of it in no time. He then looks over at his teacher, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

“When.. did you get here?”

“About five minutes ago. I walked by the studio and saw you on the floor. You didn’t look conscious so I ran in…”

Sehun’s never seen Mr. Kim look so concerned before, or so soft spoken. It’s refreshing really, because he’s usually so tough on Sehun, but now he sees a different side of him.

“You’ve been working real hard lately, huh?” The other smiles, and it’s much more sincere than usual.

“Yeah.. I want to do really well on your exam, Mr. Kim—”

“Ugh, I’ve always hated being called that. Call me Jongin, alright? Mr. Kim is for in classes only,” he winks at Sehun, and the color definitely shows in his face now. “Drink up,” he says, tapping at Sehun’s chin affectionately, and Sehun obeys, drinking the rest of the bottle. Jongin then sits down beside Sehun on the floor, glancing over at him.

“You know, your routine is perfect. Don’t overwork yourself like this.” Sehun looks over at Jongin with wide eyes, completely taken aback.

“P-perfect? But you always call me out and make me dance over and over again!”

“Cause I like watching you dance. You deserve the spotlight,” he shrugs, grin plastered on his face. Sehun cannot believe what he is hearing, completely surprised, and even a bit upset.

“..I always thought I was messing up or something.. and then I’d get so lightheaded in class, and so nervous..” Sehun admits, and it’s Jongin’s turn to look at Sehun in surprise. “Really? Hey, you really should’ve told me that. I won’t do it anymore. I don’t want you fainting on me again,” he offers a soft smile, reaching up to ruffle Sehun’s dampened hair. He’s then standing back up, extending his arms down towards the other to take. Sehun accepts the offer, getting back up on his feet. It’s in that moment that he realizes he’s taller than Jongin, never having been this close to the other.

“You gonna keep practicing? I think you’re good, but then again, dancers are perfectionists.”

“I.. no, I think I’m done for the day. Besides, my routine is perfect, right?” Sehun grins, and Jongin laughs, nodding slightly. “It’s pretty perfect. I think you’ll be fine with just your normal daily practices up until the final.”

“Alright.. thanks Mr—ah, I mean Jongin,” he smiles, and then he’s already walking over to grab his bag.

“I hear you’re here on a scholarship,” Jongin suddenly announces, “You looking to be a professional dancer, right?” Sehun turns around to face him once he’s put his bag over his shoulder, smiling. “Yeah! Like a choreographer for artists or something. Why?”

“Maybe I can give you some advice some time. You do know I’m a student teacher, right? I can help you get far quickly.. cause you’ve really got the talent.” It’s almost as if Sehun’s eyes are sparkling, and his face reddens again at the compliments. Before he knows it, he’s saying yes to Jongin’s proposal, and they’re exchanging phone numbers in order to plan a day to meet up and talk.



“Oh my God, Sehun! You will never believe what just happened!” Zitao barges into their apartment door, a cup of Starbucks coffee in one hand while the other hand was flailing around in excitement. Sehun’s sitting on his bed reading over his psychology notes when Zitao takes a seat on the edge of Sehun’s bed. “I ran into this really cute guy at Starbucks, and he offered to pay for my coffee!” Sehun manages a hum, eyes still glued to his notebook. “Then we sat down together at one of the tables and talked a bit, and then he asked me out!” Zitao literally squeals, limbs waving around happily before sipping through his straw.

“That’s great, Tao. I’m glad you’re going out.” Finally.

“Sehun, you don’t understand. He’s adorable. And he paid for my coffee. I think he’s the one.” Sehun’s then glancing up at his friend, an eyebrow raised in amusement. “Is that so?”

“Yes! He’s shorter than me, but that’s okay! And his face is really cute, and he has really nice, y blond hair. And..” he leans in closer, lowering his voice to a whisper, “I think he’s got money.”



“Don’t date him for his money.”

“I’m not! I think he’s cute and really nice! You know… the money’s just… a plus. You know I’m an expensive person, Sehun!”

Sehun just rolls his eyes, looking back down at his notes. “Yeah, yeah. Go do your face stuff or whatever.”

“I will!” He huffs, pinching Sehun’s calf before getting off from his bed, running to the bathroom before Sehun could kick him. Sehun groans, rolling his eyes as he sets his notebook down. He gets up from his bed, putting his books away before grabbing a jacket. As he slips it on, he walks towards the bathroom door.

“Hey, I’m gonna spend the night at Luhan’s, okay? I’ll see you tomorrow,” he announces from the other side of the door, and Zitao’s popping his head out from inside, a facial mask already on his face, startling the younger—he should be used to this by now. “Okay! Have fun~” he smirks, and Sehun just rolls his eyes.



“He said he’d give me advice about the dance business! And he told me he’s a student teacher! I had no idea! He must be pretty young.. but he dances so well!”

Sehun’s been ranting about his dance teacher ever since he got to Luhan’s place. Sehun’s nestled in Luhan’s lap on his bed, and Luhan’s been pressing soft kisses against Sehun’s neck and collarbones.

“That’s really great. I’m mostly glad that you won’t be overworking yourself anymore,” he speaks against his skin, his hands lifting Sehun’s shirt up. “God, I missed you.”

“I missed you too..” Sehun smiles, releasing a soft hum when Luhan discards his shirt and begins pressing kisses to his chest. “How’s work been?”

Luhan just shrugs, looking up at Sehun, “Hectic. I’ve never seen so many papers in my life. I thought maybe, just maybe, my work would be a little bit more different after getting that promotion.” Sehun frowns, his fingers playing with the hem of Luhan’s shirt. Luhan laughs softly, helping Sehun remove it.

“Has your boss been less on your case lately?”

“He surprisingly seemed pretty chipper today,” Luhan grins, “As if his Starbucks run was the best he’s ever had. He took longer than usual, actually.”

For a moment, Sehun feels like he sees a weird connection to this story, but he just shakes it out of his head. “Well, that’s good! Hopefully he’ll continue being happy so you’re not getting yelled at for nothing.”

Luhan just hums in response, lifting Sehun’s chin up to press their lips together. Sehun gets the picture that Luhan would rather be doing something else besides talking about their day. His arms wrap around Luhan’s neck, and he straddles his hips, fingers tangling in his hair. Soon enough, Luhan is lowering Sehun’s back to the bed, his hands moving down to playfully tug at the elastic of Sehun’s boxers. “These need to go.”

a/n: So I know some of you requested a sequel, and I got the inspiration for it! This one is a little more Sehun focused this time, and now including some more characters and pairings! It's gonna be a little longer than the last, so chaptered this time. I hope you guys enjoy~

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Chapter 2: Hanhun~~~♡♡♡♡
KrazyKowaiGG #2
I love this
Chapter 2: Omf Sekai yes.
This'll get a lot more interesting heh.
kpopxoxo12 #4
Chapter 2: idk why I really want sehun to just naturally mention he's take by our lulu to kai.... nvm ik why ... in my gut i can feel the one-sided love of sekai already NOOOO! I dont want anything coming in btw my HunHan
Update Soon I neee to know what Kai's going to do! Better not make any moves on Sehunnie!
Chapter 1: Why do I feel like Lu is topping sometime lol XD so cute tbh
Chapter 1: oh my gosh- who did tao meet at starbucks ;; suho yah hahahah !! the money ofc.
and is there going to be sekai-- kai /ssquints, dont do this pls.

the sequel's great so far ouo can't wait for the next update !! <3
Awww sehun and luhan are so cute!!!
Hmmm im a bit weary of kais character.. :/
Please dont put any sekai author-nim
moonriver #8
Chapter 1: Omg Jongin has a thing for Sehun huh .. crap akxnammflamlac
SuperFluffyCat #9
Chapter 1: Lol Starbucks love story begins already. Love is so beverage-centered in this universe. Bubble tea, and now coffee ^v^

Plz nu Sekai line I dunno how I'm gonna handle that :O