Searching for Reality


Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very perisitent one. 

     Han Miso attends the funeral of her ever faithful husband, wishing nothing more than to follow him into the afterlife.  Fate grants her wish but seems to have a twisted sense of humor, distorting her world so much that she no longer knows what is reality and what is the dream.  Given a second chance at life will she be able to live happily or will she resort to the only option she has to being truly reunited with the love of her life?


    "I spent every single day since I met you loving you, now I will have to live out the rest of my days missing you.  Please come back to me.”







   Han Miso (Original Character):  Having lived a life full of tragedies, she is understandably jaded about life's "unexpected gifts."  Rather pessimistic, she believes that she does not deserve a chance to love and be loved.  That is until she meets Lee Jong Suk and her whole life begins to turn around.  Things seem much brighter on the other side.  When Jong Suk dies she finds herself unwilling to go on and waking up in a strange new world is not necessarily something that appeals to her.  She fights through the urge to just let go and begins to search for the love of her life once more.

    Lee Jong Suk:  Fun-loving and outgoing, the seemingly perfect boy has everything he wants in life, that is until he meets Han Miso.  His life suddenly becomes complicated, but in a good way and he works to help her through the many issues that she has built up over the years.  He devotes his life to loving Miso and the days they spend together are full of happiness.  Where will he find himself in Miso's new world?  Will he be as eager to reunite with the love of his life as she is?      


*some chapters may contain trigger warnings*

I will be updating this. But I have a new short story out! Plz Check it out!! :)


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Chapter 6: What happened??? Do u still update this?:0