Chapter 5

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"Eyyo wassup, Chanyeol is the name"

"Xiumin here"

"Yo~ Baekhyun in the house. I know we're already friends but I felt jealous so I had to."

Here we are at our ussual hang out place, the band's practice room. When I heard her stomach grumble, I knew exactly where to go. Our practice room is filled with food. Baekhyun's fangirls bring us food almost everyday. Another advantage from having a famous friend.

Back to the scenario, I introduced my members to Haru. They were all throwing suspicious glares at me when we both entered the room. I can feel that these dorks are up to something.

"Hi. I'm Haru. Nice to meet you all", she shook each of the three guys' hands. I love how she acts so polite towards people.

"Hey Haru did you know that our Luhan likes-", I quickly covered Baekhyun's mouth before he even blurted out that I like her.

"Taro milk tea!", I continued. "I'm can't live without a daily dose of it!"

Haru's face brightened up, "Reallyyy?? I like wintermelon milk tea!"

Baekhyun got out of my grip and lightly pinched my arm, "Hmp. I wont tell her dont worry", he whispered. I sent him looks saying, "Behave or you're dead"

Looking back at the excited girl infront of me, I replied, "Really? We got some on the refrigerator!"

Her eyes sparkled, hearing my statement. But then, her expression suddenly fell. Perhaps, she thought she can't have some?

"You know, I can get one for you", I patted her shoulder, giving her an assuring smile.

I saw her face slowly brightening. "Really", she asked like a kid.

ASgfajhgshjgshajksahf. I felt my heart jump in joy. Butterflies were dancing inside my tummy. I wish I could always make her smile like this. Although, I may not be the real reason, but it's counted right? Don't worry Haru, I promise to never let you get hurt, ever again.

"Ofcourse.", I winked at her. I will do anything for you to be happy. I'll definitely help you move on.



Dismissal came and here we are at the school gate, bidding our goodbyes to my co-members. Luckily, Haru and I was heading towards the sam

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I will be udpating this fic every now and then together with my other Luhan fic :) 041617


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aksira #1
Chapter 6: aaaaaaaaaw it's so much fluffy i love it ><
Chapter 6: update sooooooooooooooooooooon
Chapter 6: Aw..luhan's so cute. :)
Chapter 3: Creys. I already love this story. UPDATE SOOON

First comment yaaay