A Broken Heart


Everyone’s heads turned towards the sound of the yell as fast as they could. They all stared in horror at the man turning red from anger in the doorway. Everyone backed far away from him as he started walking towards Minho.

“K-kai?...” Minho stuttered trying to back away from Kai but running into equipment around Taemin’s bed.

“What do you think you are doing?! You can’t just go around kissing other people’s boyfriends just because they are an ex or because their boyfriend is hundreds of miles away! I should’ve known you pull something like this! Don’t you think that finding out that my boyfriend could’ve been crippled hurt enough?! Did you have to go and kiss him so I could walk in on it?!” Kai started saying with tears pouring down his face.

“Minho…Who is this guy and why is he yelling at you. Why does he keep calling me his boyfriend? You’re my boyfriend. What’s going on here?...” Taemin looked at Minho and Kai.

“…” Minho whispered trying to hold in his own tears. “I-im sorry Kai…I texted you…I thought you knew…”

Kai looked dumbfounded and heart broken at Taemin. “Taemin…you…you don’t know who I am?” He asked quietly.

“No…And I don’t appreciate you yelling at my boyfriend for no good reason…” Taemin said.

“You think…You think he’s your boyfriend?...” Kai’s tears streamed down his face as he ran out of the room. Minho raced after him as Taemin stared after them confused. Out in the hallway Minho finally caught up to Kai in the lobby.

“Kai!! Kai wait!” Minho said grabbing Kai’s shoulder.

“Let go of me Minho…” Kai whispered while yanking his shoulder away. Minho grabbed him and turned him around.

“I SAID LET GO!!” Kai yelled and tried to yank away again. But when his eyes made contact with Minho’s he fell forward sobbing. “Why?...why did you betray me?...”

“Kai…Can we go somewhere private so I can explain all this? People are staring…” Minho asked and Kai nodded. Minho led Kai outside and they sat down on a nearby bench. They sat in silence for a bit trying to calm themselves down. Finally Kai spoke up.

“Do you mind telling me why you were in there kissing my boyfriend and why he thinks you are his boyfriend and why he has no memory of me?...Do you mind explaining to me why one of my closest friends betrayed me?...” Kai asked with his voice breaking.

“When he fell down the steps he hit his head pretty hard and he has amnesia…His memory goes back to before he became a k-pop idol. So that’s why he doesn’t remember you…and he thinks im his boyfriend because he has gotten a single memory back…and what do you know…it has to be the time when I asked him out…and he’s gotten this long string off of it and he remembers the love and bliss we use to feel together…We tried to convince him that I wasn’t his boyfriend, but he wasn’t having any of it…And I was kissing him because the doctor said that we should go along with his memories as he gets them…if its me having to pretend to be his boyfriend for now then so be it...But yeah…and I didn’t mean to betray you…I texted you and told you what was going on…” Minho said. Kai stared at the ground for a moment.

“I lost my phone…” he mummbled. “And I’m not gonna just sit back and watch you kiss all over my boyfriend…I’m going to go in there and talk to him and get him to remember me…I need him to remember me…” Kai sobbed.

“Ok…Let’s go get you your boyfriend back.” Minho said.

“Youre gonna help me after I accused you of betraying me?” Kai asked surprised.

“Hey if roles were reversed I would’ve done the same thing. So come on.” Minho said. They made their way back up to Taemin’s room and entered and saw SHINee and EXO sitting in a corner together chatting away. Key was sitting next to Taemin, telling him more things everyone wanted him to remember desperately. Everyone’s eyes shifted towards the two to see if they were both ok and they were honestly surprised to see Minho in one piece. The doctor looked at Minho.

“You ok Minho? You need any medical attention? Kai looked like he was about to rip your head off.” The doctor chuckled.

“I’m fine…We talked things out…And we decided that what you told us to do isn’t the best thing for him…He has always been an oddball…so he shouldn’t be treated like an average everyday patient.” Minho said.

“Ok. I understand. And after examining him for awhile I think you just might be right on this one.” The doctor said. “So please proceed with your method.”

Minho took a deep breath and looked Taemin straight in the eye making sure to keep all of his emotions hidden. “Taemin, I am not your boyfriend. No lie, joke. We were a thing once, but we decided that it would be better for our relationship and for the band if we just stayed friends. It never would have worked as it was. Mainly for the fact that you loved someone else…You didn’t want to admit it to yourself but you loved your best friend…” Minho paused and looked to Kai.

“Taemin…This is Kai…Your best friend and boyfriend of 2 years…He’s your boyfriend…not me…” Minho sighed. Taemin had started crying seeing the serious look in his eye.

“Taemin…please remember me?...I need you to remember me…I love you…” Kai said. Taemin stopped crying and looked Kai straight in the eyes. His gaze flared with anger.

“Well I don’t love you!! I have no idea who you are!! If you were my boyfriend then you aren’t anymore it’s over!! All I want is Minho!!” Taemin yelled then sobbed. “Just leave me alone whoever you are! I don’t want to see your face anymore!!”

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bubbles3104 #1
Chapter 13: Finally an happy ending.♡
Thank you for this.
I was as upset as Kai tho about what Mr. Lee did. Poor baby Taemin, he could end up worsen than he already was ㅠㅠ
krodri08 #2
Chapter 13: Happy ending ^-^ <3
nantae #3
Chapter 13: The story was good and I am enjoyed Thank you
nantae #4
Chapter 11: thank you for this update ^^
Chapter 11: At first when Lee SM came i'm so scared but finally Taemin remember SHINEE ~~~
Chapter 9: No ! I don't want that Kai lose his memory... ;^;
Taemin Wake Up ! Kai is your boyfriend~!
if kai forgets taemin I'm going to kill someone
Chapter 9: I hate Minho here. waa orz TaeKai....
Chapter 8: this story hurts my heart
but I love it
thank you for this update (: