Chapter 2

How our Lives are entangled

He wore a white shirt, the 3 upper buttons loosened and his hair waxed like a model in a magazine. He looked even better than the last time I saw him.


“What are you doing in my house?!” I asked sternly.


“Why did you move houses…?” He mumbled and the door post with his hand.


“Go away!” I exclaimed and pushed him out of the way to walk inside. I made a mental note, if he wants me back… I will not give in, no matter what he does…


He followed me to the kitchen.


“I like this color” He pointed at the peach walls of the kitchen and grabbed an apple from the fruit scale.


“Uhu, it’s nice…” I said bluntly. What were his intentions? Why was he visiting me? Oh Lord, why was he doing this to me?


“Listen Min, believe me, I’m sorry about how things have unfold themselves, but you have to let go and be tough!”


I started laughing out loud without any humor. “Now you’re telling me what to do?! Psh… just care about your own life, don’t you even try to act as if you still care about what I do… I don’t care about you anymore!” I lied.


“Then answer this question for me… why are you never in school?” He retorted arrogantly and stepped closer. There was only fifteen inches between us now and I smelled his cologne, the so familiar cherries with honey one. I had missed him so much, but there was no way of turning back and giving in.


He waited for my answer and leaned in just to check if I was still on earth. His stare was wild and dangerous, his familiar perfume overwhelming. Before I realized what was happening I started leaning in as well while closing my eyes. It felt so wrong and yet so right. Time seemed to stop for him as well. I was at the point where I felt his hot breath hovering my lips now. The frequency of his breathing was going uneven which meant his heartbeat must be as well. Thinking about these silly things, I hardly noticed he was pushing me away when I was almost there.


The reality of our situation came back to my mind and hit me hard.


“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” I screamed.


“Don’t deny it, Min! You have to start forgetting me and move on! I can’t live with the thought of ruining your future because you’re never in school! Heck, they can even suspend me when they suspect something!”


I looked at him incredulous.


What a moron! How could I have ever fallen for him?!


“HOW COULD I EVER FORGET YOU WHEN YOU’RE COMING BACK EVERY TIME?!” The words slipped out of my mouth before I could stop them. I couldn’t place my sudden anger, but I felt humiliated.

I started slapping him and pushing him in the direction of the door.


“Wait… wait! Mrs. Kim asked me to bring you your homework!” He stated apologetically when I was on the edge of throwing him out. He pointed at a huge bag of papers and extra assignments I had received as a punishment for being absent. I started screaming hysterically at the thought of my life being at its end. My depression had unfurled itself.


A completely clueless Heechul closed the door immediately, afraid of the neighbors for calling the police again like last time.



I rushed to the kitchen window while grabbing the fruit basket in the process. I turned it upside down and yelled hysterically when Heechul was right beneath my window exiting the building.


“JEEZ, GIRL!” he defended himself with his arms and ran away.


I wasn’t cooled down yet when I took the telephone and dialed Jae Hwa’s number.


“Hi, Min!” I heard Jae Hwa’s enthusiastic voice on the other side of the line.


“Jae, where are you…?” I whined desperately.


“I’m at the grocery store, what’s wrong?” she asked worriedly.


“Something awful happened, come home quickly~!” I complained.


“’Kay, be there as soon as possible!” She hung up.


After two hours she finally arrived. “Jae…” I hugged her in despair. “Okay easy, drama queen!” She joked but I didn’t laugh.


“What happened?” She finally asked.


“He, he was here…” I choked out.


“Oh no…. did he you?!”


“No…” I shook my head fervently. “He… he brought my homework…”


She looked at me weirdly and raised her eyebrow. “Whatever! Listen to this news… I WON 4 TICKETS TO GANGCHON SKI RESORT!”


It took a few seconds before the news sunk in.


“WHAT?! How?”


“I opened this box of chocolates along the way and found the secret code!” she exclaimed enthusiastically while opening the already half empty box and devouring another one.


“It will… be so… much fun...” she took pauses to munch. “I already called Donghae, he will bring his brother Eunhyuk… and he will probably bring some more people but they have to pay.”


She walked past me to the kitchen and chanted a happy melody.


“JAE!” I let out. “Like who…? I asked as I followed her to the kitchen.


“Like… I don’t know?! their friend Hankyung? They often hang together.”


“Oh…” I heaved a sigh, relieved that she wouldn’t say Heechul. Then I mentally started slapping myself. Stop worrying about it. Why would they actually be friends with Heechul? That would be too much of a coincidence…


No… it will be just Hankyung…No worries Min… 

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You have to continue writing, sis~! ^^ This story is good!! =D
HairNinja #2
Ok i really don't know how you have like only one subscriber when the story is just awsome<br />
<br />
i like how realistic it is (well in a way)<br />
<br />
Eunhyuk is so adorkable<br />
wanting to show her his game awww<br />
At first i wanted her to be with heechul in the end but now i want her to be with Eunhyuk<br />
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Update soon and FIGHTING!!!^^<br />