
Best Friends

Kai One Shot:

“Stooopp.” I whine to my best friend in the entire world, Kim Jongin. He raises his eyebrow at me, “Please Tiana, as if you don’t like it.”

“What? Being tickled to death? Yeah, no thanks.” I say, squirming as he reaches down to tickle me again. “Kai!” I yell, in between fits of laughter.

After what seems like an eternity, he finally decides to stop and lets me sit up. We’re in the park and a few kids are giving us weird looks, probably wondering what two teenagers like us are doing rolling around on the grass. I giggle and when Kai looks at me, I point at the kids who were watching us. He smiles and hugs me then stands, “Come on, we gotta go. Our lunch is nearly over.”

I sigh and grab his hand that he offers to help me up. “Lunch goes by so fast. When I’m not being tickled.” Jongin smirks and gets a mischievous look in his eye.

“Don’t you even dare.” I say, holding a finger up at him as we continue to walk.

“Please Princess, just admit that you like it.” My heart swells when he calls me princess, he’s done that for years but only recently has it started to affect me. And I do like it when he tickles me, not because it makes me laugh or anything like that but because he’s touching me and wherever he touches me he leaves a trail of goose bumps.

I know it’s bad to fall for your best friend and that it rarely ever works even if they return the feelings towards you but I couldn’t help but fall for this shy, smart guy.

We arrive at school and go our separate ways, sadly but it’s only for one lesson. We have most of our classes together which is good because I wouldn’t survive without him.

Class passes slowly and instead of doing work, I busy myself day dreaming about Kai. Excited for our dance class after school today.

One of my other friends, Faith sits beside me and sees that I’m distracted. She raises her eyebrow and says, “Kai?”

I snap out of my daze and look at her, “What?”

She giggles, “Yep, it was Kai, wasn’t it?”

I sigh and nod, no matter how hard I try, I can’t get that boy out of my head. He drives me crazy, once I even tried not talking to him for a week but it didn’t work. He still filled my every waking moment. He, of course, wondered why I didn’t talk to him. I blamed it on being sick.

Finally class ends and I almost run to my next one, definitely ready to see Kai learn. I see him, leaning against the door way and my heart skips a beat. I walk up to him, “Hey, how was class?” I ask, walking in and sitting down in our usual seats, right at the back.

“I don’t think I’ve ever experienced anything so boring in my entire life. What about you?” He replies, leaning towards me as we wait for the teacher. We’re one of the first people to arrive.

I can hear my heartbeat, it’s that loud. I hope he can’t hear it. “It was worse than you tickling me.”

He rolls his eyes at me and pokes my nose, “Admit it already, you love it when I tickle you.”

“Never.” I say, hoping my cheeks don’t go red. The teacher chooses that moment to walk in and start the lesson.

All throughout the lesson, I sneak side glances at Kai, hoping he doesn’t notice but I can’t help it. He intrigues that much.

The lesson finally ends and it’s time for my dance lesson.

Kai walks with me to my locker and waits for me to collect my stuff then we walk to his, the entire time he doesn’t say a word and looks unwell.

“Jongin, are you okay?” I ask once we’ve left the school grounds.

He gives me a fake smile, “Of course.”

I leave him be as we walk to our dance studio, whatever it is, I hope he gets over it soon.

When we reach the dance studio, we go our separate ways to get changed into our dance clothes. The entire time I worry about Kai, hoping that he’s okay and that I haven’t upset him in any way.

The dance lesson was strange, we are learning a couple’s dance and he tried to stay as far away from me as possible and finally, after being on the verge of tears I ask my instructor to give me a new partner.

Kai looks even more hurt, which hurts me even more. What does this guy do to me?

Dance class ends and I change quickly, trying to escape Kai, not wanting to face him. But he’s waiting for me. I walk up to him slowly. “Hi.” I say, fiddling with my bag.

“Why did you switch partners? Do you hate me?” He asks, looking hurt. I try hard not to cry.

“Of course I don’t hate you. I don’t even think that it would be possible for me to hate you.” I say.

“Then why did you switch?” He presses. We start to walk.

“I thought you didn’t want to be my partner and that’s why you were trying so hard to stay away from me.” I say, quietly. I feel my cheeks go red and I mentally slap myself.

“Me? Not want to be your partner?” He honestly looks shocked. “I do want to be your partner….Tiana, I have something I need to tell you and don’t say anything until I’ve finished.” He pauses and takes a deep breath, “I’ve had…these feelings for a while now, for you. I love being around you and I love that you’re yourself around me. What I’m trying to say is that, I like you Tiana and I want you to be my girlfriend.” He looks at me expectantly.

Instead of saying anything, I hug him and give him a kiss on the cheek and he pulls me in again for another hug. “My Princess.” He says simply.

My heart skips a beat and I smile, pressing my face into the crook of his neck. “Kai?” I ask.

“Yes princess?”

“I do like it when you tickle me.” 

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Chapter 2: Can you do a chanyeol or tao or rapmon oneshot?