
XOXO (Kisses & Hugs) roleplay! Waiting for new members! EXO, BTS, Infinite, rest of Girl's day and many more are wanted! Come join us here and you'll get hugs from Ahyoung~
  • Reservations last for up to three (3) days, when reserving on anon, please give us a code that when you apply, we know that it was you.
  • Applications last for two (2) days, if you fail making your account by that time, the idol will be up for grabs again.
  • You must be 13+ to join this roleplay and to join the group.
  • After you have made your account, please put “XOXO …(your bias)” in your ‘about me’
  • You can roleplay in PM but please show some kind of activity.
  • If you have been inactive for more than a week, the admin will send you a message which you have to reply within three (3) days, if you fail to do so, the idol will be free to be roleplayed again.
  • When leaving, send the admin a message before deleting all the members and yourself from the groups.
  • Please put the idol’s full name as the title.
  • You can change your idol only once!
  • You may have up to two (2) characters but they can’t be from the same group! (ex. You can’t be Youngjae if you are already BamBam from GOT7)
  • Make sure you are in XOXO welcome and XOXO roleplay groups, these two are the must groups you need to be in!
  • When going on a hiatus, make sure you inform the admin in tumblr or in facebook! (Add kisses and hugs in the bottom of the application)
  • No Mpreg (Male pregnancy).
  • No meta-gaming and god-modding!
  • Please try to welcome everyone!

    Have fun and if you don’t understand anything, feel free to ask!
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vay-a24 #1
i'm baekhyun
halohalo #2
New admin:


Free to be roleplayed:
halohalo #3

Waiting for accounts: