Just So You Know


Kim Jongdae is an art student who realizes he might be harboring feelings more than platonic to his friend, Byun Baekhyun. Three degrees of how he dealt with said realization.


Words: 5,500 or so

Genre: Angst, Friendship, Romance


I’d suggest listening to the song where I got this story’s title from. It’s a really nice song for me, although, yes, it’s full of angst. I surprise myself whenever I write/is able to write something BaekChen nowadays, to be honest. >< Although they remain to be my loves.

When’s EXO coming back, guys?

I hope you’ll like this.


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bubbles3104 #1
Chapter 1: Why why whyyyyyyyyyy are the good ones with baekchen always in angst genre or have this heartbroken ending. I want Jongdae to feel happiness (╥ω╥`)(╥ω╥`)(╥ω╥`)
And the ending (´;Д;`)(´;Д;`)(´;Д;`)
It's so beautifully written and your Jongdae-centric makes it more real because somehow I think I could feel his feeling as well (´;Д;`)
Jongdae the artist with Baekhyun's hands as his drawing inspiration is too good, who wouldn't like Baek's hands?
Thanks ♥ It was a good angst, I cried ♥
Nerd-and-Fangirl #2
Chapter 1: May I please ask if you ever plan on writing a short continuation??? PLEASE DON'T LEAVE MY MIND TO THINK IT'S BAEKHYUN. I WANT CONFIRMATION!!!
Chapter 1: why do all the good baekchen fics end with a broken heart /sobs
thank you fir this
Chapter 1: this is really beautiful ;w; moves my tiny little heart ;;
Chapter 1: Another Filipino author!!! oh, yeah! and, the BAEKCHEN OMG I CRIED AT CHENNIE'S LETTER UGH ALL THE FEELS WHYYY
dheyuu #6
Chapter 1: This is so beautiful!! The ending though... :(
baplover1989 #7
Chapter 1: I really liked it but i didn't get the ending ! :p however, overall its beautifully written and i really like ur style. Thank you for writing a baekchen its kinda rare to find a beautiful baekchen fanfic !! I hope u write more ♡