Coffee Shop

A ~ JB

Xara's POV

    I always come to this cute little book cafe when I want somewhere to relax and study. I walk in and order my usual, a caramel macchiato. After I got my drink, I walk over to my usual table by the window only to find that it was occupied by a boy. I settle for another window table accross from his. I sat to where I was facing him, which I kinda regret doing. As I open my notebook to write the date, I can feel the boy look up at me. I slowly drift my eyes back up to look at him, only to see him put his head back down swiftly. Well, that was strange. I take a sip of my macchiato only to feel him look up at me again. Is there something on my face? Is my hair messed up? My outfit?

    As I start to write my paper he looks up at me again. Aish, this boy! I get up frustratedly and walked over to the boy and sat across from him. "Can I help you," I ask. "What do you mean?" He answers my question with a question. "You keep looking at me, why," I manage to spit out. He answers, "You were there, so I looked," with the worst attitude i've ever seen besides mine. I'm sitting right in front of him right now and he won't look at me, but when I was sitting at the other table he looked? "I was just there? I WAS JUST THERE?!?!" I scream, making the few people who were there on a weekday turn towards us. "Yah! Keep it down," the strange boy whisper-yelled at me. "Ugh, you're really on my nerves," he added on. A worker then came up to us. "Excuse me, I'm going to have to ask you both to leave, you are making other customers uncomfortable." "Great! Now we have to leave because of you!" The boy exclaimed while putting his notebook and pen away angrily. I also do the same and he drags me outside by the arm, not stopping until we are 3 buildings down.

    "Why are you dragging me, yah!" I yell at him angrily. "Calm down, Xara," the boy yells back at me. "Wait, how did you know my name?" "We are in the same class," he replied calmly. " I don't think i've ever seen you though," I answer back to his fact. "Maybe its because my hair is black right now. It was a gray-silver color at first," he informed me. "Oh! You're JaeBum right?!" "Just call me JB," he insisted. "You didn't get to finish your drink, i'll get you another." " You don't have to do that, JaeBum, I mean JB." I quickly correct myself. We slowly walk towards another coffee shop 10 minutes away.


    Weren't we just screaming at each other? Oh well, at least we're calm. We were about 5 minutes away from the coffee shop when I see Xara shiver a little. I reach into my backpack and pull out the scarf that I was wearing earlier. My hand slowly goes to wrap it around her neck. She gives me a surprised look, "JaeBum, you really don't have to." I just give her a reassuring smile as if saying "I want to." We continue to walk as we talk about our lives. We finally make it to the coffee shop, and go to a table by the window. Seems we both like window seats. A waitress comes over to out table and we order 2 caramel macchiatos. "Thank you, JB. Really, I mean it," she tells me. I can tell she is a little nervous right not. "Anytime," I reply back to her. We stay for a while before we notice we've been talking for 2 hours.

    We decided to go home since both of us were a little exausted. So much happened today, I can't even believe it. "Do you want me to walk you home?" I decide to offer, hoping that she agrees because I want to spend more time with her. "No thanks, I was gonna meet up with my friend at 7:15. See you at school Monday?" "Yeah,sure. Wait can I have your number," I muster up the bravery to ask. "Sure, here it is," she shows me her number on her phone and I copy it into mine. "I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier, JB." "It's ok, Xara, I'm sorry too." I also gave her my phone number. We finally exchange goodbyes and smiles and walk out separate ways, I went to sleep that night with a huge grin on my face.

*******A MONTH LATER*******

Xara's POV

    I walk out of school hand in hand with JB. Graduation day was today and we were officially going to take on the world. We got into the same university too. I still find it funny how we met. Now look at us, who ever thought we would date? People around school call us the "Angry Couple" or the "Attitude Couple". We like it though. We are happy, that's all that matters.

Author's Note

This is my first story on AF. You can already guess that I was listening to Coffee by BTS while writing the caramel macchiato part. :D Thank you for reading my JB one-shot.


UPDATE: I will not be writing one shots for each of the boys. I do have most of one written for Mark though. I've been a little bit busy lately and will not have time to write 5 of them. I also have terrible writers block. I will post the Mark one once it is finished. Thx for reading ~ IWantAKookie


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MrsChopsticks101 #1
P.S: I'd LOVE a story 4 each of the boys :)
MrsChopsticks101 #2
Chapter 1: This is pretty cute ^ _ ^ tbh this would be a really good fan fiction not just a one shot but still good job for ur first story on aff I look forward to more :D