
Strawberry Charm

"Hey Kimsuyeong this goes to table two." said  the waitress who was training her. "ok be right there! Just got to bring this to table five. "WOH!" "Oh my goodness Im so sorry here I'll get you some napkins." says Kimsuyeong as she spilled a cup of pop on someone. "Oh Im so sorry.'' "It's ok I'll be fine." as the person wiped their shirt they said."By the way I'm Parktaemin ." " Oh it's so nice to meet y........."she said as she noticed it was the cute Korean boy. "Do you remember me you fell on my foot you clumsy girl ." He said while smiling his cute smile. " Oh I'm still so sorry about that but now I feel even worse about spilling this on you. " Said Kimsuyeong as napkins were flying out of her hands trying to clean up the mess she made on the floor and on him. Parktaemin said. "Like I said it's ok mistakes happen just dont worry about it." "What can I do for you to make up for this?" Said Kimsuyeong as she crossed her arms."Tell me your name." Said Parktaemin." Tell you my name ok I can do that, well my name is Kimsuyeong but seriously what can I do to make it up to you?" "Thats all." Parktaemin said and then walked away as if he didnt notice the stain on his shirt.


Her face turned bright pink because she wasn't dreaming it actually happen the cute Korean boy talked to her and asked her name. Shocked and in dismay Kimsuyeong finished her shift with no more spills. Instead of using the subway she walked home to clear her mind of what unfolded earlier. Sudden flash backs of his smile flooded her head and she questioned "why do I keep thinking of him he's just a little brat calling me Clumsy Girl Hhm who does he think he is." She opened the door to her aparment and crawled into bed and fell fast asleep. 


"Yawn*, oh im so tired from work yesterday strawberry im so glad today i dont have to wor......" Just before she could finish the phone rang. "No please dont be work, Hello." "Hey, Kimsuyeong I got a favor." Said her cheeky boss "can you come into work today because  Kimhyemin had some family issues and has to leave so I'm short handed of waitresses, dont worry you will get paid extra." "Today's my day off though, fine I'll do it what time?"  " At 10:30am ok can't wait to see you bye Kimsuyeong bye." "Kimsuyeong groans what a weirdo but he's very nice." Fumbling through her things she picks out her blue work uniform with a yellow starfish as the company logo in the front ,then she put on her shoes ,stuffed her face with roasted seaweed and rice and left for work. Dragging her feet to the subway she anticipated her day wondering if Parktaemin was going to be there again and maybe this time she wont make a fool of herself. Arriving to the door she see's her boss pacing back and forth waiting for her and he say's "Oh good your here hurry go put an apron on and start waiting the tables. Constantly looking at the door she waited for Parktaemin to walk straight through the door and say hi to her but he didn't.


Towards the end of the night Kimsuyeong had lost all hope of seeing him again because of how foolish she was the day before. Just finishing up giving checks to the last couple of tables the restraunt door opened and in walked Parktaemin. Kimsuyeong ran to the door to greet him , she felt bad about the day before and wanted to apologize properly. In a clear voice she said " I just wanted to say I'm sorry for yesterday I feel really bad if I would have just set the plates down you would'nt have gotten dirty I'm sorry." Parktaemin had been taken back from that comment and said. " It's ok I said but thank you for apologizing." After he ordered and got his food Kimsuyeong said "I hope you enjoy your food." " Yeah I hope to as well , have a goodnight Kimsuyeong." "Goodbye." Kimsuyeong was so filled with joy that he remembered her name, she blushed her way down to the office to collect her bonus and go home knowing she made things right. 







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Chapter 3: i love it so far!!! btw:::: please check out the poster i made for it http://i.imgur.com/2nfFJ0b.jpg?1
_kkaebsong_ #2
Chapter 3: i like it so far~ just so you know, Hyung is used by males referring to older males. If your a girl and you're talking to an older guy, you'd call him 'Oppa'. Also, if you want, there's people on here that will make posters, advertise your stories, and even help read over and give a review and help out! I noticed you're a newer user, considering the date on your profile, so I hope I could help you out somehow and welcome ^^