Stuck in the Halls

Stuck in the Hall

Your POV
"Just for a little?" Your roommate, Cheryl, looks at you, using her classic puppy eyes that you can never say no to.
"Fine. But don't take too long, I still have that essay to write tonight." You give her a knowing look, hoping that she will understand that you mean to not take things extremely slow. Last time she and her boyfriend decided to take over their dorm and kick her out, she ended up sleeping at another friend's room.

"We'll try, don't worry!" She says happily, giving you a quick wink, pushing you out of the small apartment. Before you get completely pushed out of the room, you reach for your laptop quickly. Holding it to your chest with one hand, you reach out with the other to grab an apple off of the kitchen counter, but it's too far out to reach. Just as Cheryl is shoving you out into the drafty hall, you get a glimpse of her boyfriend sitting on the couch, smirking. You stumble forward just as the door is slammed shut behind you.

Well I hope they at least have fun. You think to yourself as you glance around the deserted hallway. Thinking of all of the places that you could go to hideout in, you remember that the lobby is currently under construction. Disappointed that the only warm place in the building is not available, you decide to settle down at the end of the hall. Your dorm is the second to last door to the end, so it isn't too far away.

Wishing that you had brought a blanket with you, you sit down in the corner, positioning yourself to be able to curl up into a cozy position. Opening your laptop, you glance at the percentage of battery you have left. Shoot, only 15% left, you think. The hallway is chilly, and you hope that your computer heats up soon so that you can use that as another source of heat.

Pulling up Netflix, you prep yourself for watching more of your favorite show. A new episode was just released, and with how busy you've been recently, you haven't had the chance to watch the episode before that.

After finishing the first episode that you need to watch, your stomach starts to growl. Wishing that you had reached the apple before, you pull your knees to your chest tighter.

Just as you were about to watch the next episode, the door a few feet away from you and between you and your apartment opens. You have lived here for about four months so far but you never had the opportunity to meet the people that lived next door. You had occasionally been able to hear them through the dreadfully thin walls, but besides that you don't know anything about them.

The moment that you set your eyes upon the character stepping out of the door, you were extremely aware of your old, baggy pj pants and your loose shirt that you got from a concert years ago, that had a large stain on the front from last night's midnight snack. Pulling your knees even closer to you, you stare up at the handsome boy standing in front of you, looking slightly annoyed.

After he closed the door behind him, he looked around the hallway. Spotting you, you could see his large, beautiful eyes widen slightly.

"Uhm, hi. Uh... Would you maybe... Mind if I sit by you?" He asks, looking down at his feet awkwardly. "The lobby isn't usable, and this is the only place to sit..."

Even though his words register in your mind, your brain just doesn't seem to actually realize that you should stop staring at his face and respond. Your eyes are glued onto his big, almond eyes. Once you realize how long it has been with you staring, your mouth hanging open slightly, you see how concerned and awkward he looks. Somehow, you manage to stammer out something that sounds like a mix between "Yes", "Of course", and "Hell yeah". Blushing, you kick yourself for not putting something decent on before being so violently kicked out.

The boy, seeming more awkward than before, brings himself over to the other side of the hallway end, right next to a fake plant. He pulls out the extremely warm looking blanket that he had draped over his arm and spreads it over himself. Pulling out a book, he gives you one last confused glance then tries to immerse himself in what he is reading.

Taking deep breaths to calm yourself, you once again wish that you had something that you don't. This time, you just wished that you had a pair of headphones that were attached to your computer. You can't play the new episode out loud, since that would disturb the man sitting across from you. As you sat there, trying to make yourself seem busy on your dying computer, the young man kept throwing quick glances up at you. As more and more minutes ticked by, you watched as your laptop's battery slowly dropped dangerously low. Gathering up all of the guts you had to do something about your situation, you in a breath to finally speak.

"Do you watch The Translucents?" You blurt out, hoping that you're not disturbing the man too much.

Kyungsoo's POV

"Fine, fine." You say as you grab your normal equipment: your book, a blanket, and a few power-bars.

"Thanks a bunch, bud. This one's a real looker." Your roommate calls from the kitchen as he pours out some drinks. You see the bathroom door open and a nice looking young woman exits, making her way over to the kitchen. Time for my departure, you think as you slip on a pair of slippers.

"Don't take forever again." you say. This is the third one this week, you think as you open the door and step out into the chilly, dimly lit hallway. Looking around, you start to turn to the direction of the elevator to take you to the lobby, but stop, remembering that it is under construction. Turning back around to find your normal place in the hallway, you spot something that definitely shouldn't be there.

Staring straight up at you was a young girl, probably around your age, with her knees pulled up against her chest and her laptop somehow balancing oddly on her feet. Her computer will burn her feet if she's not careful, you think, looking again at the girl. Her hair was messy, and she was obviously dressed in some very old pajamas. Despite all of that, you immediately decide that she is far prettier looking than the girl that your roommate had picked up. Not sure how you feel about the unexpected company, you finally break the awkward silence.

"Uhm, hi. Uh... Would you maybe... Mind if I sit by you?" You ask, looking down at your feet. Startled by the unexpected shakiness of your voice, you continue. "The lobby isn't usable, and this is the only place to sit..."

Looking back at the girl, she seems to be just as surprised by your company as you are of hers. After another prolonged awkward silence, she finally speaks up. Except what comes out of doesn't really sound all that much like English at all. All you could pick up was what sounded like a "y" noise and something like "hell". Judging by her face, which did not look too pissed off, you decide to take that as a yes.

Sitting down in your usual place, you drape your blanket over your knees and pull out your book. It was just another dry and boring book that you wanted to get through, but that was proving more and more difficult with the girl sitting across from you. After each paragraph, you steal glances up at the girl sitting across from you. Working on her laptop still, she seems very invested in what she is doing. After about fifteen minutes of awkward silence and some loud sighs coming from the now frustrated girl, an unexpected voice finally pops up.

"Do you watch The Translucents?" She asks, voice slightly cracking from the long time of staying silent.

"E-excuse me?" You stammer out, again surprised by how nervous you sound. You normally aren't this bad at talking in front of people, especially since you have been singing for most of your life, which requires getting over a lot of stage fright. The girl's face drops. "Wait, wait. Sorry, you just took me by surprise a little," you say, finally finding a casual speaking voice again. "I actually do watch that show. It's one of my favorites." The girl's face seems to perk up a bit at that, and her shoulders seem to relax a bit more as well.

"Well, uhm, I was just about to watch the new episode, but I don't have any headphones. Uh... doyoumaybewanttowatchitwithmemaybeyouknowyeah?" She said, mumbling the last part. You were barely able to pick up what she said.

"What was that? Watch it with you?" You say, trying to figure out what the girl had just said. You could see that somehow the way that you had said that was off, since the girl's face fell again, this time into a horrified expression.


Your POV

Oh no oh no oh no oh no, you thought, grimacing at the embarrassing thing you had just said and the way that you had said it. He's mad. Definitely mad, you decide, but when you look up at his face again, you are able to barely see that he just seems confused and a tad bit concerned.

"If that was what you were asking, I would love to. I can't wait for what's going to happen. I heard a few spoilers, and I really don't want them to actually be true." He says, this time looking straight into your eyes.

Your heart feels like it just stubbed its toe, and you freeze as you realize what is happening. The attractive man that is apparently your neighbor is currently shuffling over to sit next to you, although he is keeping his distance. Again, you kick yourself for wearing such unattractive clothes. As he settles down a little way away from you, you catch a whiff of how clean he smells, with a hint of grapefruit. Grapefruit. I love grapefruit. you think, fidgeting in your spot.

"Here, do you want part of this blanket?" He asks, offering you half of his fuzzy, red blanket. Blushing, you are sure that your face is the color of the blanket as you gently place it over your knees. Putting your still dying computer in-front of you two, you hit the play button.

As you both watch the new episode, you can feel your heart keeping a steady fast beat. Luck seemed to work against you, as your empty stomach growled with hunger. Clutching your stomach to try and keep you out of any more embarrassing moments, you feel the boy shift next to you.

"Do you want a power-bar?" He asks, offering you a lemon flavored bar. Nodding politely, your face feels a rush of blood once again as you take the bar from his hands. Even though you try desperately to avoid his hand, somehow you gently brush against it. Jerking away awkwardly, you open the bar loudly and dig in. After taking a large first bite and chewing down happily, you feel like you are being watched. Glancing to your side, you catch the pooling eyes of the young man who was staring at you and smiling.

"What?" You say, mouth full of food.

"Oh, nothing" He says, immediately looking back at the computer screen as the episode continued to play.

Finally, the episode came to an end and you were both left staring at the credits dumbfounded.

"I can't believe they killed her! She was such a great character!" You gasp, staring wide-eyed at the credits as they rolled by.

"I always knew somehow that she was going to die. She just had that sense to her." He replies.

"Hmmm I guess" You say, realizing that they were actually having a normal conversation.

"Could we watch another?" The boy asks, eyes looking at his fidgeting feet.

"Uhm actually..." You say just as your computer starts to shut down, your lack of energy finally becoming painstakingly apparent.

"Oh, that's a shame" He whispers. Again, you kick yourself for not having a power chord that you could use.
"Why don't you have a power chord" He asks. "Actually, come to think of it, why are you even out here? It's not like the hallway is any more comfortable than our rooms."

"My roommate kicked me out... for boy reasons..." You say, your face once again flushing with color.

"Ah, same." He replies. "Always awkward. This is the third time for me this week."

"Oh... Sorry" You say, suddenly becoming acutely aware of the pain in your back. Just as you were about to shift into a different position, both of your apartment doors open.

"Hey, what are you doing out here?" Your friend pokes her head around the door frame, looking at you. "Why aren't you in the lobby? Oh well, we made it as fast as we could and we're having dinner now, so you should come in."

As she said all of this, out of the other door, the one that belonged to the man you were sitting with and that was in-between you and your roommate, a very attractive woman walked out, glancing back and throwing a wink at the shirtless man standing in the door. The roommate looked around and spotted the young man, smiling and gesturing into the dorm and walking back inside.

As both you and the young man sitting next to you attempted to stand up, your legs got caught in the blanket that was wrapped around you and the man. Stumbling forwards, you pulled him with you as you fell. Luckily he was able to catch your arm ungracefully before you fell to the floor. Immediately pulling his hand away, you shared an embarrassing glance then went to pick up your individual items.

"Sheesh, be careful." Your roommate says, her head still poking out of door. Before slipping inside again, she throws you a quick wink, which only makes your face even more red than before.

Walking over to his door, the young man turns back looks you in the eyes. For the millionth time that day, you were reminded how gorgeous his eyes were.

"Thanks for letting me watch that with you." He said, not breaking eye contact. "We should do that again sometime."

"Oh uh yeah!" You stammered, caught off guard by his gaze.

"I guess we're bound to see each other again, especially since we live next to each other and if this keeps happening."

"That would be nice." You say, finally breaking eye contact, looking down at your shuffling feet.

Before slipping into his apartment, he looks back at you, smiles, and says, "My name's Kyungsoo. Funny how this is the last thing we talk about."

Grinning back at him, you tell him your name. Flashing one more smile at each other, you both enter your respective apartments, closing the door to the chilly hallway.

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Chapter 1: Heheh this one is so cute! I wish i had a cute neighbour like Kyungsoo
CosmicLatte00 #2
Chapter 1: I will kick my roommate's till the last broad daylight if she ever thinked to used the room for those things.
karisdodo #3
Chapter 1: his my bias.. and i also want to share blanket... oh sweet story...
love4burgers #4
Please make this into a long story, with many chapters! I find this so adorable!