Chapter 5

The Dumping Ground Girl...

Chapter 5:


She had to jump out of the younger’s window to escape the house this time. Dongwook was keeping a lookout once in a while at the front door so Min doesn’t escape but that didn’t scare her away. Dongwoon watched from the window as she ran towards the bushes and out through the small wired cage. He admired the fear she never had, but he also admired how she won’t show when she is really frightened. Staring down each road she had to find a shortcut towards the hotdog stall, she was already late. The last thing she wanted was a shouting from the so called leader who she didn’t find scary at all. Finally increasing her speed she headed towards a direction jumping over logs. She stopped when she noticed big bang laughing together. It was a great view but she hated great views. She strolled towards them breaking their bromance.


“someone’s late!” Jiyong spoke harshly after noticing Min who had her head down and hands in her jacket. She didn’t say anything, she didn’t know what to say.


“Okay now that she is here. YG notified us that you have to do 2 missions. We all did these missions and if you pass you are agreed to have compensation and stuffs...” Taeyang gave her a picture which she took and gazed at. It was a man in his 30s, a scar was visible near his right eyes and the smirk was too harsh. She glanced over at Taeyang asking him to carry on.


“You have to kill him...” She trembled hearing that line. She couldn’t kill this guy he did nothing to deserve to die from her. She shook her head not liking the idea at all.


“no” Was the only thing she said handing him the picture.


“what do you mean no? You have to kill him. don’t you want to be in the gang.” Jiyong thrashed at her with words. She just shook her head at him silencing him.


“I don’t want to. He didn’t do anything bad to me..” she explained. Jiyong’s fingers ran through his small pile of hair in frustration.


“it doesn’t matter if he did or did not do anything. We are going to kill many people, so you’re planning not to kill anyone. There’s no point we don’t need you. Call YG.” Jiyong demanded, grabbing TOP’s phone off his hand. Her hand made contact with his stopping him but they all just stared at the first skin ship she ever made with anyone. Jiyong’s eyes bulged out feeling her skin, it was soft and smooth. He quickly stole his hand away before he lost control.


“Don’t. I’ll talk to YG...” She requested taking the phone off his hand ready to call.


“Look Min you have to kill him. He’s a bad guy. He innocent girls or forces them to test his drugs most of them die from it.” Dae explained. Her eyes expression changed into hate hearing the story. Her hands clutched into a fist. She hated how they represented girls as, weak and stupid. Not everyone was like that. She wanted to show the world that.


“She won’t do it. come on lets go.” TOP said out loud pulling out a cigar from his pocket.


“I will kill him...” She spoke with hate stopping them in their small steps. They gave her a knife and a gun which she held roughly. Pushing her into the house the smell of alcohol engulfed her. She felt quite dizzy. Looking around the room she heard giggling.


“Come on baby closer..” It was the sound of the old man. She hid behind the large pillars in his house and then looked into the small window. He was sat on the bed with a girl on top. She grimaced seeing the scene. Her eyes wondered everywhere trying to figure out a route out and in. The girl finally moved out the way revealing the guy. He stood up putting on a robe and then walked out the room grabbing himself another bottle of alcohol. Min’s hands trembled as she aimed the gun at the guy from behind the pillar. She hid when he looked back to check.


“Kill him quick...” She remembered Jiyong’s word perfectly. It was glued into her mind.


“Ahh!” Someone held her from the back kicking the gun out of her hand. Min struggled hard under the other mans grasp. The guy she was supposed to kill laughed seeing her state. She could tell he knew she was there.


“Bring her into the room!” The other guy pulled her into the room throwing her onto the bed. That’s when Min got a glimpse of the younger boys face who caught her red handed. He was staring back at her.


“Seungho out the room..” The man controlled the younger who ran out without a word. Min picked herself up from the bed only to get thrown back by the heavy weight on top.


“Pretty...” He whispered huskily before aiming towards her lips. Min moved violently underneath the guy, moving her face left to right. She kicked him but that only turned the guy on more. She stopped moving as she remembered something. He his lower lip as he inched closer, Min’s hand pushed itself into her jacket pulling out the knife. Without a word she stabbed him right at the back and then again. He bled immediately as she pushed him off her, he fell hardly onto the glass table. She sighed. This is hard. She thought.


The giggling girl and the younger boy ran in, seeing the scene they were shocked to say anything.


“If you report anything to anyone. You will end up like that old man understood!” She threatened before running out the house. Min fell onto the steps wiping away the sweat and the small droplets of tears. Putting the knife into the bag she headed back to where big bang where waiting for her.


“She’s back!” Seungri informed. They all walked towards her.


“how was it? did he die?” She didn’t have the energy to reply. She nodded, gave the bag to Taeyang before walking off. She couldn’t achieve another mission today. She was tired and gloomy. She knew her life took a change from there.


“you okay?” Jiyong ran after her just to check she wasn’t hurt or anything. 


“I can’t kill anyone. I can’t do it no more. I want to be in a gang with you guys but I don’t want to kill. Please...” She finally broke down hoping she will be able to change Jiyong’s mind. He noticed the sorrow in her eyes without knowing he nodded.


“Neh.” It wasn’t supposed to be like that. She had to kill people that’s how gang worked out but for Jiyong he knew he could work something out. Min could be their secret weapon release her when needed.



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icefishy #1
Chapter 10: Hi new reader here~this is so fun i hope you update soon^^PLEASE UPDATE ASAP!!!><
coming-on #2
ill wait for our updates!
Please update soon, I want to know what's going to happen.
Yerlie1001 #4
OMG!!! Sooo much drama going on for me!!!>.< I need to know more plz...^^
Yerlie1001 #5
It was Junhyung?!^^ Wat's wrong with Jiyong?...
Vaughane #6
Junhyung to the rescue!!~~~ I wanna know what is going on with Jiyoung >.<
Yerlie1001 #7
OMG! I'm thinking the same too! It's either her ex or just Jiyong!!! Don't leave me her wondering who it is!>.< Plz update soon...:)
its her ex.... right? the ex always comes back somehow ;D
Yerlie1001 #9
Yay, she's gonna help look for the mom! I hope she isn't dead though, that'd be really sad...:'(
blackandyellow #10
aww min's showing her soft side to Jiyong...she doesnt like killing.