Midsummer Night's Dream

Midsummer Night's Dream
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Thank you again guys and super thank you @DemiGod2ne3 for the awesome banner for this special chapter!

I suggest u guys to listen to Ellie Goulding's Love Me Like You Do because I was listening to it while writing and it fits <3





“The course of true love never did run smooth.” 
― William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream




There was a static and then two cute girls in cute dresses and a boy in a tuxedo stared and blinked as the camera zeroed to them, “Hello guys! Light, Haru and Faye say hello to the camera. Happy sixth birthday Faye!”


The girl with long hair and especially pink dress and a pink little headband with flower on top to match, she waved her chocolate clad hand while laughing happily. “Th-thank you! My sp-speech is g-getting b-better booyah!”


“I know! Congratulations! Why are you eating chocolates so early though?”


Faye giggled as Haru pointed accusingly at the little boy, “He gave her chocolates.”


“Oh?” The camera turned to Light, “Do you like Faye, Light?”


The boy shrugged, “Maybe. It’s her birthday.”


“Can you give Faye a happy birthday kiss Light?”


The boy turned to his side and leaned to kiss Faye’s left cheek, Faye turned to him and giggled then she turned to the camera, “L-Light gave Haru ca-candies!” Faye chirped in.


“Candies make your teeth hurt Haru.”


Haru snorted then scowled, “I like candies and Faye is mine!”


“Faye any message for Dad and your Mom?”


The little girl covered to sniffle her giggle and instead of showing off her more flawless speech she decided to sign, ‘Best Birthday gift ever! Thank you so much! I love you!’


“Four words to describe this wedding?”


Light grinned boyishly and he pointed at the hanging string lights, “Magic.”


“Fairytale.” Haru in her light green dress matched with a pretty flower headband beamed and she added, “Romantic!”


The camera zeroed to Faye, she smiled brightly and lovingly, “Happiness.”


 It was a few hours before sun set and the weather is very good, a little bit windy but not so cold. The leaves rustled in the trees as the wind blew. Little kids run here and there, guests were around and having fun as they prepared for the intimate ceremony.


There were laughs and soft talks and smiles.


There were butterflies, white and yellow.  Oh there will be fireflies too, but they are for later as per Little Faye’s suggestion.


  The moment guests enters the huge gates, there was a sign and reads, ‘Road to happiness’, then the ceremony entrance had green apple cider station and a huge arrow sign that says ‘This way to happily ever after’ pointing towards a huge house they all call The Kwon Manor where the Groom and the Bride was preparing for the big day.


 The cocktail hour location had a gazebo bar and four separate stations marked by large handmade signs reading ‘Sweet Memories,’ with photos of the bride, of the groom and the cute little princess they call Faye hanging from clotheslines; ‘Find Your Seat,’ with handwritten cards hanging from two wooden trellises; ‘Wedding Wishes,’ where the guests could write the groom and bride special messages on little cards and put inside the mini basket attached into the hanging balloons; and a ‘Love Bench’ just for fun.


Inside the Kwon Manor, in one of the main rooms, the camera zoomed into the Groom standing in front of the huge mirror, buttoning his inside shirt, the groom’s men lounging around, there were Seunghyun’s twin sons playing in the corner.


“So wow mind sharing your inspiration behind this magical garden wedding?  Why this wedding happened a year earlier than expected?”


There was a chuckle and a shove to the camera, “Put down the camera man.”


“Hyung, are you nervous? This is not your first time. Hope you’re not having cold feet again,” There were laughs and jabbing, “This wedding is somewhat… new, I was surprise it would be  like this, as if a fairytale only it’s not… it’s more like enchanting,  this-“


“Is perfect. It’s intimate and personal.  It’s magical and Dara deserves this. We do. This wedding is ours.” The groom explained, “And Faye wants this as her birthday gift. And I’m not complaining...” he shrugged but he was smiling.


 There was Faye appearing and squealing happily running towards her dad. The groom in tuxedo grinned, “Here’s our birthday girl.” He crouched down to catch his kid into his arms but she giggled and twirled around instead. Her wide eyes rounded excitedly, “Saw Mommy and sh-she’s so pretty! L-like ve-v-very pretty! L-like a fa-fairy angel Daddy!”


“Faye do you want a baby sibling soon? Don’t you want that as your gift instead?” Someone in the background teased, Faye turned to the camera shaking her head as she clutched her father’s leg.  Her dad put a hand on top of her head laughing softly, “You want a baby sister?” Her smile vanished and she pressed her cheek against her dad’s slacks as she shake her head vigorously making everyone in the room laugh again and the twins looking up.


She said, “H-Haru is my sister.”


“What about baby brother?”


“How about Knight?” Her dad asked, “Don’t you want to meet Baby Knight?”


Faye shook her head and furrowed deeper into her dad’s pants. The camera turned to the groom who was laughing. “She’s suddenly shy but she wants a baby brother just not on her birthday.”


“Is there a Kwon Knight in the making hyung?”


The groom turned to the camera and smirked, “Secret.”


“Come on. Tell us the secret.” The camera zoomed on the groom’s face who grinned and shoved the camera again, “Aw Hyung come on!”


There were loud laughs and snickering and teasing.


Seunghyun appeared in the camera and smirked, wrapping an arm around the groom, “Get out of here Seungrat, the groom is practicing his vow!”


Youngbae showed up to the camera carrying his one year old son on his arm, grinning and wiggling his brows. “Daesung-ssi get the camera!”


There was some shuffling and he let out a sound protest as the camera was snatched away and it focused on him. “What can you say to the groom?”


 Seungri in his tuxedo covered his face while laughing, “I have nothing to say.” 


There were more jabbing from the other groom’s men. But then Seungri rubbed a palm over his face and turned to his Jiyong hyung, he cleared his throat, “Well, You are perfect for her because you make her crazy and you… you…” He chuckled uneasily, “Thank you Hyung for reminding her that she can’t stand strong alone, that there’s someone out there who can hold her hand and tell her it’s okay to hold on to something or someone for support, thank you.”


“Oh damn, Seungri are you going to cry?!”


 The camera zoomed to his face and his watery eyes then the camera focused to the groom who was caught wiping his eyes.


“Oh hell, the video camera is recording all this. How embarrassing.” It was Youngbae who said it and he was chuckling.


“This video must never be leaked dude or all of us will be ruined.” Seunghyun shook his head.


 There was a clearing of throat and another round shuffling and then the camera was snatched away. “Any message for the bride though?”


Jiyong buttoned his sleeves then he took his daughter up into his arms, winked at the videocam with a grin, “Looking forward to forever with you Babe.”


 There are 12 small ivory colored boats coated in a few flowers and lanterns that would lead the guests in the huge reception marquee that is located in the middle of the lake, open where everyone can see the stars at night and watch the prepared fireworks with floating lanterns in the water. A floral halo over the huge white velvet with raspberry and vanilla- lime buttercream cake, a framed floral backdrop behind every head tables, intricate decorative plates, and a stage in the middle.  


In a separate main room of the Kwon Manor, the door was pushed open, Lee Chaerin stepped out and she winked at the camera musing, “Hey y.”


“Hey friend.”


She made face as she passes by, “Stop friend zoning me Lee Seungri. I’m sick of it.”


There was a soft chuckle as the camera continued to be held and record everything in the way, there was a soft gasp as the camera zeroed in the Bride standing in the middle of the room, the windows were huge and the sun rays crept through it down the floor towards the bride, illuminating her from the back.


“Wow… you’re perfect… you are damn beautiful Dara noona…breathtakingly beautiful.”


She laughed softly, “Thank you.” She looked genuinely happy making her already too beautiful face glow and her smile sweeter, she’s happy, she’s free.


 “Are you nervous?”


“A little.”


“This is not your first time. With the same man to say.”


There was a laugh from the bride; her hand shoots up to playfully slap his arm. “Shut up.” Her head tilted in the side a little, smiling happily, “You’re going to walk me down the aisle Seungri?”


The camera zoomed into her smile with the sunlight in her back making radiating like a kiss of gold making her look more beautiful it ache, there was a manly chuckle, “It’s supposed to be a dad’s job to walk his daughter down the aisle, and you are not my daughter.”


“Father did this before but he thinks now that, the man who should walk me down the aisle is the man who never left my side, the man who’d been my pillar. The man who’s with me in the time I was standing up on my own, the time I was pregnant and needed someone to be there going in the hospital and facing the tests with me, supporting me. Jiyong thinks so too. You’re the one walking me down the aisle because you’ve been there and you never left.”


“I’m happy for you. Are you ready?”

She her head on the side, “Is the groom ready?”


“He can’t wait to spend forever with you.”

Sandara turned to face the camera; she smiled, sweet and genuine. “I feel the same way.”


It was exactly 5:00 in the afternoon, where the sun started setting slowly, in the huge garden with trees where hanging string lights started to glow beautifully in white giving off an enchanting ambiance. The archway was made beautifully out of wood where flowers and lights twined around it like an entrance towards a magical place, the altar where the Groom is waiting.


  The guests stand up and the grooms’ men along with the Groom himself Jiyong stood in his tux, looking handsome and happy, the excitement in his eyes glinted that his mother held his father’s hand, seeing that her son is more than contented. 


Kwon Minjung let out a smile, she is not in love with the bride but her son is, deeply so, she might as well live with it.


  Background music started playing and people walked down the aisle slowly, there was Chaerin, and there was Hyuna, Bom and Haru, his nephews. Jiyong saw his daughter walking forward, her innocent smile wide and she was almost hopping up and down and she waved when she saw him, she even called him Daddy making him laugh and waved back to his daughter. Someone started singing Love Me Like You Do by Ellie Goulding in the background. Then there was his bride, standing at the end of the aisle, he his breath and he stood straight as his heart started that overly familiar hard and loud pounding against his chest. Suddenly it felt forever and it felt like she was so far away.


  The woman, his woman Sandara looked up and smiled breathtakingly.  Her simple yet elegant gown hugged her form perfectly and beautifully, her hair braided in an almost lose bun, some of her curled fringes falling perfectly around her beautiful face, a halo of beautiful flowers surrounded her head with a veil behind that flows down the floor down the hem of her long gown and she held her bouquet of pink and white gorgeous flowers  as she started walking towards the altar, towards him.


Jiyong just fell in love a little bit more.


 She reached the middle and Seungri appeared in the side, grinning and giving her his arm. He said something that made her laugh as she hooked her hand into his arm and they both started walking again, towards him. Jiyong blinked and his smile soften, he swallowed hard as if his feet has a mind of their own, they moved, slowly, the eyes of everyone on them and he took another step down, his brother and his best friend and even his cousin turned to him.


“Oh Jesus not again.” Seunghyun groaned.


“Ji.” Youngbae hissed under his breath but Jiyong didn’t hear them.


Sandara almost pause but she didn’t stop from walking although her steps slowed down. The guests was becoming worried as he continued to take a step, then he paused, his eyes never leaving hers and slowly ever so slowly he started taking steps, walking towards her, meeting her half way.

Sandara stopped, “Jiyong…”


He turned to Seungri, placing a hand in front of his cousin, “Thank you for everything. It’s my turn now.”


Seungri looked down at his hand and chuckled, he met his cousin’s eyes, “She’s always been yours.” Seungri reached for his hand and the two shook hands firmly and they let go as Seungri cupped the side of Dara’s face, “ So…this is it.”


  As Seungri started to move he caught Chaerin’s gaze who winked at him making him laugh softly and shake his head. Jiyong moved to Dara and took a step forward to her, placing his hand in front of her, he smiled gently “Let’s do this together.”


Sandara broke into a laugh and God knows everyone around there let out a breath of relief even Haru had fanned herself in relief. Sandara took his hand in hers and laced their fingers together.  They walked together, he whispered, “I can’t wait to touch you.”


She smiled tauntingly, “You should have told me you wanted to walk down the aisle too.”


His laugh was carefree and loud as they reached the altar.


“Are you ready?” Jiyong asked softly.


“I am.” She looked up into him, “Are you?”


“I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you Dara.”


“I love you Jiyong.”


His smile widens, “I do too. Forever.”


Holding hands, tight and never letting go of each other they both faced the Justice of the Peace who smiled widely.


 “Let the matrimony of union begin.”



  The screen went black, making her jump from her bed, wide eyes, “What the hell?” she the threatening giddy tears back into her eye sockets and blindingly reached for the remote control but her bed slumped at the sudden force as someone jumped into it and she turned to face a pair of deep brown eyes, dark hair, smug smirk and pointed nose, pretty boy version of her uncle Ji.


Kwon Jiyong 2.0, aka Kwon Knight.



“Why are we watching my parent’s wedding video once again?” He wiggled the remote control on his hand.


Dark, brutally cold eyes zeroed at Knight. “Knight. There’s a reason why the door has a lock on it.”


“We watched this a thousand times already and I am so sick of it.”


“Shut up Knight.”


“Why do we keep on watching mom and dad’s wedding video?”


22, breathtakingly beautiful, long wavy hair, very smart, in demand singer and actress, role

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TigerLily_031600 #1
Chapter 1: What a wonderful story . Eccentric.
Give us a chance to read your other beautiful story author ☺️. Please 🥺. Thank you 😊
I just realized that I can't open love me hate me anymore. I'm really sad that I can't read it again. It's one my most favorite stories on aff. ㅠㅠ
I hope you're alright, author. Though I'm devastated, I'm sure this decision is what's best for you. I really hope you're alright and nothing happened to you. I wish I can read them again someday.
Take care author! Love you 💕💕
astarinur #3
Chapter 1: Ate i want to read all off your story but i cant open it 😭😭😭😭😭 pls open it
Ckykok #4
Chapter 1: ahhh I wonder will I ever see the sequel for this huhu
labdubmaldita #5
Chapter 1: Love your stories authornim ❤️❤️❤️
ParkBoGumxxi #6
Chapter 1: I just read this right now ???
carolinebestever #7
Chapter 1: Reading through your stories again... thanks for sharing it! If you have time, please write again. :)
ahhh thank you so much for this wonderful story~!
Chapter 1: Ohhhhh...this is brilliant..kkkk

Anyways..are they going to have problems with Mafias in the future?? Isn't Chae has connection with them, since her Ex- husband is a Mafia Boss?

Anyways!! Everything is interesting..kkkk.. im wondering what will Ji and Dara do if Jung First will make a move towards Faye, knowing that he's the only son of Jiyong's Ex. The ever so Jessica..
Dara will surely released her beast side again...kkkkkk
Chapter 1: The possibilities of this new gen is making me giddy af! Every character is perfect as hell!
Haru x First is my ship (Bad meets Evil feels xD) (cray mother alert tho meaning we'll get Bominator vs. "Jess" action).
Faye x Light makes perfect sense but where's the fun in that when you have Mino and BI the future of The Mafia's!(hell if the elites were exciting imagine mixing it with the underworld !(´⊙ω⊙`))
Honestly want to pair Faye with Mino (The Elites Princess and The Mafia Prince) BUT then again Mino's looks comes in to play... WHAT IF he's a Kwon?! Then Knight's position as the heir might be threatened by a Mafia boss in the making... OMG the chaotic possibilities! Im'ma pray to all the Gods to make this happen!