I. Like. You.

I. Like. You.

Jinyoung and Youngjae has been together too much recently, and Jaebum, not even a tad bit, isn't happy about it. Jinyoung and Youngjae, or as fans dub them, 2Young, has been clingier to each other, to the extent where they sit next to each other every single time.

Back then, Jaebum and Youngjae were the ones to be attached to the hips. They were the ones showing too much PDA and being too coupley.

And Jaebum wanted it to stay that way.

But Jinyoung had to in and steal his Youngjae away from him. Jinyoung just had to appear with that annoying smirk of his and sweep Youngjae off his feet and onto Jinyoung's misleading trance.

If he was to be honest, he missed Youngjae. Too much for comfort, actually. He missed the electricity running through his body everytime Youngjae wraps his arms around Jaebum's waist. He missed the fast heartbeats that pounded on his chest everytime he had Youngjae protected by his arms. He missed the scent of Youngjae, his hair's fluffiness, his presence. 

Jinyoung doesn't even let go of Youngjae. Not even a blink of an eye did Jaebum see Youngjae away from Jinyoung. They're literally super-glued to each other. They were never seen without the other. It's very irritating, if you ask Jaebum.


The group was inside the dressing room, preparing for their comeback stage for their new song "Stop Stop It". Jaebum was the first one to be done make-up-wise, and he sat down at the sofa and stared at Youngjae through the mirror.

The make-up artist was applying eyeliner on Youngjae's eyelids, and Jaebum remembered the times when Youngjae smiled genuinely to him, shooting off blinding rays that makes Jaebum's heart tumble and shake, especially when the eye-smile shows. 

"Your gayness is showing." Someone whispered, and Jaebum almost, almost shrieked a not-so-manly squeal. Jackson chuckled and patted the leader's back, completely aware of his one-sided [not really, but that's what jaebum assumes] affection towards the blond. 

"Wha-what?" Jaebum nervously stuttered. 

"Your love for Youngjae's showing, dude. You're staring too hard." Jackson stated, and Jaebum almost punched him on the face for 'whispering' too loud. Youngjae might hear it, and the possibilities were endless.

Youngjae might not have feelings for the leader, and it'll destroy the friendship they have and it'll be awkward between them. Or, Youngjae might be homophobic and when he discovers the secret feelings of Jaebum, he might be hateful towards him.

"You're over-thinking again, aren't you?" Jaebum could literally hear the eye roll from Jackson. Jackson huffed, this stupid boy. 

"No, I'm not." Jaebum said confidently--that's what he thinks--and stood up from the sofa, sparing Youngjae one last glance before exiting the dressing room.

Once he closed the door, he walked through the corridor with his head hanging down, unaware of Jinyoung sprinting faster than the speed of light. Jinyoung full-force bumped into Jaebum and they both fall down to the shiny-tiled ground, Jinyoung awkwardly above Jaebum. 

"What the ?" Jaebum confusedly muttered, moving his arm to scratch the back of his pounding head, but was stopped by an obstruction. A body, actually.

"Sorry, sorry!" Jinyoung stood up and bowed and bowed and bowed repeatedly, wholeheartedly sorry for bumping into the frustrated leader. 

"You have a lot of things to be sorry for." Seriously, he didn't intend to blurt it out loud, especially when the culprit is directly in front him. But it just slid out of his mouth, like it was the most natural thing to accidentally say.

"What?" Discombobulated, Jinyoung stared at Jaebum, who made no effort to stand up from the ground, baffled. He literally had no idea of what wrongdoing he had committed to the leader for the past weeks. Wait, maybe he discovered that I ate all his pudding, . 

"You don't know? Wow, how nice." Jaebum sarcastically spoke, standing up casually like the incident that happened barely two minutes ago was not embarrassing and not painful.

"Is it about the pudding? Hyu-hyung, I can buy you more of those--I promise! I just got so hungry and--" Jinyoung rambled, but Jaebum cut him off.

"It's not about the pudding, goddamnit." Jaebum groaned.

Jinyoung shouldn't be scared of this. He shouldn't be. He should've been used to it, really. Jaebum usually had tantrums like this over basically anything that annoys and irritates him. But the fiery and ferocious tone of Jaebum's voice made Jinyoung want to cower down at the corner in fear that that day might be his last, and that Got7 would downgrade to Got6. And he doesn't like the sound of the name. It just doesn't have a ring on it.

"Th-then what, hyung." Jinyoung's voice shook throughout the short statement. 

Truth be told, if you infuriated Jaebum, then get ready to face your inevitable death earlier than it's set, because just the tone of Jaebum's voice and his closing-and-opening fists, could make your heart beat six times faster than normal, and not in the romantic way.

"You know what? This is useless." Jaebum ran a hand through his raven hair and turned around furiously, walking away with heavy and loud steps that made Jinyoung guiltier and more curious of what sin he made.

"What was that?" Jinyoung jumped, shocked by the voice. Jinyoung turned around to see a very worried and concerned Youngjae staring at him with an interested gaze, mixed with fear and confusion.

"Jaebum..." Jinyoung tried to find an appropriate word, then realized there were no exact words for that, so he just continued with, "Being Jaebum."

Youngjae's right eyebrow raised, not knowing exactly what that means. Jinyoung understood the signal and tried to construct some sentences to explain the situation.

"Getting mad, throwing a tantrum and not saying what angered him." Jinyoung sighed.

"Oh." It was the only thing that Youngjae could say as he tried to figure out what made the leader mad. It seriously couldn't have been him, as he was the most obedient and behaved member of the group. Maybe it was Jinyoung who ate all of Jaebum's pudding?, Youngjae thought.

Their conversation died, and soon, they were all called up to the stage for rehearsals and filming. They danced their choreography two times as a practice, and the third time, they were filmed. The fans were chanting out the lyrics and for the first time in weeks, Jaebum felt happy. Ecstatic, euphoric, and all those synonyms.

After the broadcast, all the members piled up inside their van, and Jaebum sat the farthest from the blonde-haired boy. This made Jaebum frown a tad bit, but he knew he had to stay away from Youngjae if he wanted to stop this jealousy. He looked outside the window, pretending his life was a music video of probably a ballad about having a one-sided crush on someone who doesn't have an idea of your feelings, and even if that someone knew, that someone would never grow feelings back for you.

"Being the responsible hyung that I am, I'll treat all of you sashimi. Deal?" Mark spoke up, and everyone shouted their agreements. Jaebum loved the idea of free food, especially sashimi, but all he wanted right now is rest.

"Can you just take me home first then go eat?" Jaebum spoke, disrupting the blissful cheers of the five other members. 

"Why? What's wrong?" Yugyeom asked, being the concerned and kind--sometimes--maknae that he is. 

Sometimes, Jaebum wonders why he just had to fall for an oblivious blond who fully lives up to his title. Why couldn't it be just their maknae, or their oldest, or why coudn't he just have a non-existent heart and not grow stupid, sappy feelings for someone who'd probably never reciprocate it?

"Headache." It was probably the dumbest excuse written in the book, but it was the only excuse that Jaebum could come up, especially with his headache.

"It's just hunger, leadernim. Come eat with us and it'll go!" Bambam chimed in, and Jaebum couldn't see it, but he knew that Bambam had this gigantic grin plastered on his pinkish lips. Jaebum swears that the kid doesn't stop smiling. At all.

"Ani, just take me home." Jaebum insisted stubbornly. He didn't want to endure an hour, or maybe two, of torture. His longing for Youngjae tortures him more than his loneliness and jealousy. He just didn't need to see overwhelming amounts of PDA being exhibited by the so-real-2young-couple. 

"Alright..." Mark uttered sadly. He wanted to have all the members of Got7 in the restaurant and enjoy a happy meal, but it seemed as though that the scenario was impossible to be achieved at that moment.

The car was filled with awkward silence as their drived turned and turned the steering wheel and honked the horn occasionally. It was possibly the most uncomfortable moment Got7 have ever experienced inside the van.

Once the white van had been parked on the parking lot of the building of their dorm, everyone blocking Jaebum's path exited the vehicle to make way for the sick Jaebum. Jaebum quickly muttered a quiet 'thank you' before dashing into the building, leaving the other members staring at him confusedly.

"What's with him?" Mark questioned. Not a single cell inside his flawless body believed Jaebum's lie. It was quite obvious, really. It's very easy to distinguish whether their leader was lying or telling the truth. It was something in his voice that just screams lies! whenever he tried to excuse himself.

"Maybe he just has a headache, that's all." Youngjae innocently stated, and the other members sighed at Youngjae's obliviousness.

"You're really oblivious, aren't you, Jae-jae?" Yugyeom rolled his eyes at Youngjae. 

"What?" Youngjae was so confused. He wasn't oblivious. At least that's what he thinks. He didn't even know what oblivious meant, so why would he agree with the other members who kept on insisting that he was, in fact, oblivious?

"It means you're not aware, Jae." Jinyoung spoke. Youngjae thought his English skills were great, until now, when he didn't even know what that simple word meant.  

"Oh." Youngjae noticed that it always ended like this, their conversations with him. It was always concluded with Youngjae's oh. or his lack of coherent and logical reply. Maybe it was in the genes of the Choi family, even though most of his family members were straight-A students and geniuses.

Soon, they arrived at the restaurant, and Mark fulfilled his promise of paying for the bill, which was unsurprisingly large. Mark was left with an almost empty wallet, but he was filled with happiness because of seeing his dongsaengs happy. At least five of them.

They got back to their dorm an hour after they finished eating, all of them still talking about the heavenly taste of the sashimi they just ate. Althought it was very pricey, it was worth it.

Jaebum, who insisted on staying home, stayed awake while the others were out. At the van, he wanted some peaceful and alone time, but the time he gets those, he got tired of it instantly.

He just wanted Youngjae to be next to him, to be frank. He just wanted Youngjae to be sound asleep next to him, his back pressed against his own chest, their hearts beating at the same time, Jaebum's arms around Youngjae's waist.

Basically, he wanted his dream to come true. But sadly, in reality, not everything you wish for gets granted.

Damn, I just made myself depressed again, he thinks. 

He pretended to be asleep when he heard the sound of the door opening. He pulled his blanket so that it could reach his neck and forced a snore to escape his throat just to be convincing.

He heard his door creak open and then close quickly afterwards, so he thought he was already safe. Besides, his roommate Youngjae wouldn't probably sleep here for the umpteenth time. He'll probably rest inside Jinyoung and Mark's shared room because they're that close. 

He opened his eyes and almost squealed when he saw a certain blonde person standing at the foot of his--supposedly their--bed.

"What are you doing here?" Jaebum asked coldly, rubbing his eyes so that it'd look like he just woke up from his slumber. 

"This is our room, you know." Youngjae stated with an obviously, you idiot tone that irked Jaebum more than he already was. Jaebum knew that he had to keep his temper restrained if he didn't want to kill or strangle his fellow Got7 member.

"I thought yours were with Jinyoung." It was sort of a question and a statement, both at the same time.  Jaebum laid his head back down on the white pillow and turned sideways, avoiding looking at Youngjae's face, afraid that he might fall deeper into the void than where he already is.

"What?" Youngjae asked. 

There he goes again, Jaebum inwardly groaned. Even without glancing at Youngjae, Jaebum knew that Youngjae was sporting his usual, minute pout and the cutest eyes ever. It took every single drop of self-control left inside his system to prevent himself from looking at the guilty pleasure also known as Choi Youngjae.

Jaebum didn't speak, in hopes of Youngjae leaving. At least when Youngjae wasn't inside the same room as he is, he wouldn't see the source of his depression, his sadness, his negativity. He wouldn't see all the dark clouds that would ruin his perfect, sunny day.

He wouldn't see the one that breaks his heart, stomps on it, spits on it, destroys it completely and mercilessly without him even knowing. 

"What?" Youngjae repeated his question. 

"I thought you were rooming with Mark and Jinyoung and that I had this room all by myself." Jaebum spoke. He exhaled through his mouth deeply, waiting for the disappointing sound of the door slamming shut. Seconds later, it still wasn't heard, and Jaebum kept on thinking that it was about to come. Just wait a few more moments, he told himself.

"What made you think that?" This boy's obliviousness is very impressive. Jaebum could just give this boy a standing ovation and a round of applause, because wow. Is there an award for being the most unaware person ever? Because he'd win that instantly, 101% sure. Jaebum thought.

"You sleep there everyday, you spend every hour there everyday, you basically ing live inside the room." Jaebum calmly, yet angrily stated. He wanted to shout, scream as loud as he can, but he just didn't want to wake the people inside the neighboring dorms.

"Oh." Youngjae's gaze flicked and switched and traveled around the room, eyeing the cleanliness and the neatness of it, but specifically avoiding the boy that laid down on the bed with his back turned to him.

Yeah, oh, Jaebum bitterly thought. He huffed before squeezing his eyes shut, forcing himself to actually sleep and not just act to be. There goes the inevitable sound of the door slamming, and Jaebum's frown grew. 


"Hyung, I don't know what to do." Youngjae vented to Jinyoung, who was listening to the younger boy as Mark was sleeping behind him.

"What happened?" Jinyoung asked, full of concern for the blond. 

Jinyoung knew of Youngjae's secret feelings towards Jaebum. He knew that since trainee days, Youngjae had developed special feelings for Jaebum. They've kept it classified, well, because they weren't sure about Jaebum's uality and open-mindedness back then.

Well, Jinyoung was now certain of Jaebum's uality.

Not exactly gay, more of a Youngjaeual.

It was painfully obvious that Youngjae's crush is reciprocated. If you'd look very closely, you'll see all the stolen glances and longing gazes that the two give. Kind of like what you'd see in a telenovela. If only they'd man up and concede their feelings for each other, but no, they're too much of a coward. 

"Well, he accused me of spending too much time here and that I already sleep here. Which isn't really far from the truth." Youngjae scratched the back of his neck and gave Jinyoung an awkward, small smile.

"You do spend too much time here." Jinyoung confirmed.

Jinyoung came to a conclusion. Jaebum was jealous, envious--and all those synonyms--of the amount of time Youngjae spends here. Youngjae was avoiding and erasing his feelings for Jaebum, so that he wouldn't have to know, and it wouldn't destroy their bond.

"Were you trying to make Jaebum jealous? Because I think you just succeeded in doing so." Jinyoung suggested.

"I wasn't!" Youngjae defended himself. The idea didn't even cross his mind. He had always thought of jealousy as the ugliest emotion ever, so he didn't want other people to experience it. But here he was, spending too much time with Jinyoung that he made Jaebum jealous.

"Sure..." Jinyoung slowly said, unconvinced. He decided to let the topic go, though.

"What do I do..." Youngjae repeatedly muttered to himself. He was panicking. What if, suddenly, Jaebum loses his feelings for me? Youngjae's mind was filled with negative thoughts, nothing out of the ordinary, but he was more worried because what if it really comes true?

"Oh I don't know... Maybe confess to him? I really don't know." Jinyoung rolls his eyes at Youngjae, who suddenly beams at Jinyoung because of his wonderful idea.

"How?" Youngjae asked. Jinyoung once again rolls his eyes, because it was so simple.

"Three words should do it." Jinyoung stated, and Youngjae gazed at him, not knowing the exact three words Jinyoung was talking about, "I. Like. You. Do you want me to spell it out for you?"

Youngjae shook his head vigorously and stood up, bowing a ninety-degree bow and waved at Jinyoung, who just smiled and laid back down next to Mark. 

Youngjae sprinted towards the room where Jaebum was sleeping and opened the door, turning on the lights, which earned Youngjae a groan from the asleep man.

Even when asleep, Jaebum looks so majestic. Youngjae dreamily sighed. 

"Hyung." Youngjae confidently called. It was probably stupid, but love makes you do stupid things. For both of them, as of now, it might not be as intense as love, but they still feel something special for each other, and that's what mattered at that moment.

"What." Jaebum rudely replied, stretching his arms and yawning very loudly. Youngjae felt guilty for a nanosecond before he remembered why he was doing that.

"I like you." Youngjae made his voice sound an octave lower, or at least tried. 

Jaebum heard the three words he has been waiting to hear from the mouth of a certain boy that makes his heart do backflips and cartwheels and splits, but it was late at night and he thought that he might be just dreaming. 

"What?" Jaebum quietly asked, staring at Youngjae's eyes which stared back at his own. There was something lurking behind his gaze, something special that Jaebum couldn't identify. Something that sends butterflies onto his stomach, something that makes his heart fluttery and happy.

"I. Like. You." Youngjae enunciated, his confidence slowly disappearing and vanishing.

Jaebum's eyes widen as Youngjae's words sinked in into his mind. I Like You. Youngjae's words rang inside his head, slowly making his lips twitch upwards into a smile.

"I like you too." Jaebum announced, standing up from his bed and walking towards the smiling blond boy, wrapping his arms around his waist. Jaebum ran his hand through Youngjae's blonde hair with a fond smile on his lips, unhurriedly leaning his head closer to Youngjae's.

Both of their eyes were closed as their lips touched, sending the hair on the back of Jaebum's neck erect and goosebumps all around his body. Their lips fitted perfectly together like two puzzle pieces, slowly dancing to the beat of their hearts.

It was the slowest, most passionate kiss ever, but it was perfect. 

After the kiss, Jaebum leaned his forehead against Youngjae's. At that moment, time stopped and suddenly, everything else didn't matter. Just the two of them.

"I love you, hyung." Youngjae muttered once they were laying down on their bed, his back against Jaebum's chest. He turned and faced Jaebum who was looking at him with that look.

"I love you too." Jaebum replied, pecking Youngjae on the nose, which made Youngjae giggle, "You can call me oppa now."










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ilsandgg #1
Chapter 1: This is SO CUTE!!!
vereex #2
Chapter 1: OH GOSH SO CUTE!!!
"You can calling me oppa Now" i Guess i Have died xDDDD
Chapter 1: So I was all heart-fluttery and giddy inside but I don't know why Jaebum's last sentence cracked me up. Srsly, I laughed so hard at that. A very good 2jae shoooot! Cheers! ♥
Ip112233 #4
Chapter 1: SO CUTE :((
Chapter 1: Woohoo Just marry each other
Chapter 1: Awww... the feels though! :')
I think I'm youngjaeual too! I'm obsessed with him so much! Lol
Chapter 1: Waaaaaaaa que cosa mas hermosa!!!
2jae 4everrrr

So cuteeee. Is perfect!!
Chapter 1: Hi~...It is so nice to wake up and discover that a new 2jae was written. I'm completely in love of this story. Please, write more about this couple. Greets from Chile. :)
"/that/ look" oOOOOooOoOoOHHhhHhHh