
Kyuhyun's Helper

“Are you sure you want to take on this responsibility, Mr. Kim?"  Mr. Cho had asked me.


"Of course I can.  He needs the best teaching, and you won’t have to pay me!"  I said to both of Kyuhyun's parents.


They smiled.  "Alright, I'll send Kyuhyun's clothes to your house, since you will be caring for him until he has recovered, you can keep him at your house if you want to do so."  Mrs. Cho said as she patted my shoulder.  I smiled and nodded. "Don't forget to bathe him twice a day, I will send you all his favourite bath toys and shampoos, and body washes.  I will put a list of things for you to do for him."  She continued.


"You can count on me Mr. and Mrs. Cho!"  I said to her, bowing a full 90 degrees. 


My plan is getting into a good direction. My plan?  Simple!


Kyuhyun is the son of a high man of business.  The CEO of the company?  Oh, and Kyuhyun is only one level below him?  Of course I would dream about actually being in the same room as him.  Now, I don't have to dream, I can live it.  I will teach him, of course I care about his state, and I do want to help him.  But, at the same time, I can teach him to love me, and want to stay with me forever!


Then, I will not be called names, I can have money, and have the crush of my dreams kissing me, loving me, this has been my best plan yet!





I came back to my apartment; I saw a note on my door.


  Dear Ryeowook-ssi,


               I had asked the lady at the desk to give me a rental key to open your door.  Kyuhyun is safely on your bed.  I don't have the key anymore.

                       Please take care of him!!!


                                           Love, Mrs. Cho



I unlocked the door, and went inside; I then closed the door, and locked it.  "Kyuhyun?"  I called out.   I heard a noise coming from my room, a loud bang, followed by a loud scream.  I quickly ran to the room.


"Kyu-” My cat had gotten out of the cage, and onto Kyuhyun.  It wasn't hurting him, just .  I grabbed the kitten off of him, and put her outside on the balcony.


I sat beside Kyuhyun and looked at him.  "Hi Kyuhyun,.."  I said as I almost blushed at what I said.


He leaned his head against my shoulder and yawned.


"You tired Kyuhyun?"  I asked him.   He snuggled into my neck while playing with my hand, pulling it up, and letting it fall back down.  I couldn't help but blush at his actions.


He pointed at my hand and looked at me.


"Hand, say it with me,.."  I said to him.


"Haah"  I said showing him how to breathe, he copied.  "nnnh"  Again, he copied.  "Dh"  I said to him, he copied.  "Haahnnhdh"


"Hiannnduhhh"  Kyuhyun said smirking.


"Good boy~"  I said as I kissed his lips.


He stopped smiling, and looked at me.  He felt his lips with his fingertips.  Then, he leaned foreword, and kissed me.  He then pulled back, and smiled.


He pointed at me, then at his lips.  I nodded, and scratched behind his ear.  He turned his head to the side like a bird would do when you scratch it.  I saw a satisfied smile on his face.    I stopped, and gave him a light peck on the lips.  I saw his cheeks get a shade of pink.  I will reward him with kisses then.                               


He yawned really loudly.  I looked at the notebook Mrs. Cho gave me.  His bedtime is nine o’clock; he takes a shower before bedtime, leaving ten minutes before it turns nine.


I looked over at the time.     10:19                   Oh my, that is why he is such a yawner right now.  "Kyuhyun, let's go take a bath, okay?"  I said to him, helping him stand up.


He wobbles a lot, he makes scared noises. Before I could catch him, he had fallen Down on his .  He looked up at me.  "wwwaaaeee"  He said slowly.


Oh no, he is learning too fast, at this rate, he will be done learning within a month, I cannot have that.  I am getting extra money from my boss every week for teaching Kyuhyun, I cannot stop.


I picked him back up, and brought him to the bathroom.  "Now, do your business, while I get some bubbles."  I said to him.  He just looked at me, then the toilet with a 'huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhh?' face.


"Kyuhyun,..."  I filled up the bathtub, and then undressed Kyuhyun.  He looks more manly than I thought,...   I sat him down on the toilet.  Suddenly, I hear a stream on liquid....  -_-


"Done yet?"  I asked him.  He answered with a fart, and then started laughing.  "Okay big boy, time to go in the bubbles."  I said picking him up, and I place him in the tub.


"Ehhh?"  Kyuhyun looked at me when I was about to leave the bathroom.  I heard him whimpering.  "Noooooh."  He said as he reached out for me.   I guess it wont kill me to go into the bath with him,... I mean, he probably wont do anything stupid besides squeeze the rubber duck.   I stripped my clothes, and went into the bath.


"Okay Gyu, let's clean up before we play..."




In a matter of minutes,  Kyu and I are splashing eachother.  "Yah Kyu!"  I sprayed him lightly with a water gun.  "Wooo” He said as he threw a rubber duck at me.  Is he learning my name?  I haven't even told him my name, Mrs. Cho must have taught him a little of my name then.


"Okay Kyuhyun, time to wash up now."   I said as I drained the water.  He looked at the drain, and watched all the water go down.  He then looked at me.  I stood up, and helped him stand up.  He was good at balancing now.




After the shower, I got him dressed into his pajamas.


"You can sleep here with me, okay?"  I said to him.  "ohkayh"  He mummbled as he snuggled close to me.


I wish this was the old Kyuhyun doing this to me,...  Oh well.





That morning, I woke up to see Kyuhyun had left.  Nothing in sight is broken.   I was just about to get up, when I felt a body go on top of me.  I looked, and it was Kyuhyun.


"Morning Kyukyu."  I said as I ruffled his hair.  He leaned down, and put his soft lips on mine.  I guess this is his version of a good morning kiss.


"Muuhhnnhh"  I think he was trying to get out 'Morning'?  No idea.  He had a struggle saying it, so I am guessing that is what he was trying to say.  He put his face into my neck, and put his arms around my body.  He kissed my neck, and a few seconds after, I felt heavy breathing.  He had fallen asleep.  I put my hand on his head, and slowly his hair.  Lightly rubbing where his neck and head meet, getting a few tickled laughs from the boy on me.


I look at the clock and see that I need to be at work in an hour.


"Kyukyu, we need to wake up~ You need some breakfast, and I need to take a shower."  I said to the boy that mumbled when he woke up.  He kissed me, and rolled off of me.  Did he understand what I said?  Or was he just annoyed at me for talking?  Either one, I still need to get up.


I stood up, he did too.  I walked to the bathroom, I heard footsteps behind me.


After our visit to the bathroom, we went tp the kitchen.  I grabbed out my notebook, and read what Kyuhyun's favourite breakfast is.


While Kyuhyun is eating, I went to the bathroom to take a shower, Mid shower, I heard the apartment door open. I washed all of my soap off, and turned off the water.


I grabbed a towel for my head, and then I grabbed a bathrobe.


I hurried out of the bathroom, and into the kitchen.  I saw Mrs. Cho there. How did she get the key to here?


"Mrs. Cho!"  I said as I bowed, “You didn't say you were coming."


"Yes, I know, I was checking on my baby, and,... You were taking a shower?"  She asked with a big smile.


"Y-yes ma'am, How did you come in?"  I asked her.


"Rental key."  She said as she held up a grey key.


"Bye bye sweetheart, be nice to your Wookie Hyung."  She said as she kissed his head.


I bowed again as she left.


I looked at Kyuhyun, which was looking at me.  I need to go get into my work clothes now, so, I took Kyuhyun, and brought him into the bedroom to change his clothes too.









It has been a few months now, Kyuhyun is getting quite used to things.  Like talking, math, everything.  He even beat a thirteen year old in a math competition.  I am very proud of the little boy.  Though, he isn't so little inside anymore.  He curses when the secretaries spill coffee on them.  I didn't teach him how to though, so, he must've learned it from Mrs. Cho.  She comes by every now and then to check up on him.  More times than my mother would ever.


Today I woke up alone.  Kyuhyun had left me in my bed.  Then, I smell something, I can't quite put a name to the smell, but, it smelled wonderful.


I stepped out of my room, stretching as I neared the kitchen.  I saw Kyuhyun pooring orange juice in the glasses.


"'Morning Wookie Hyung, I was just about to wake you up."  He said as he put the juice back into the fridge.


"It's fine Kyunnie, what were you doing?"  I asked him as he brought a pan to the table.


"I made breakfast~” He said with a laugh.


If I remember right, Mrs. Cho said that his cooking was terrible before the accident.  "Okay, thank you Kyukyu."  I said as I bit into the English breakfast he made.


It tasted pretty good actually.  I ate the whole plate within minutes, while Kyuhyun was only halfway finished.  "You sure eat alot Hyung, maybe I should've made more."  He said putting his inde finger on his chin.


"It's fine Kyuhyun, it tasted wonderful!  I loved it!  Thank you!"  I said as I reached over and kissed him.  When I settled in my seat, he gave me a playful smile.



Kyuhyun has his first business meeting today, he said I could come, but, I am not for sure if everyone would let me.  But Kyuhyun said that he forced them to let me come with him.  So, I guess that isn't a problem.


Kyuhyun and I were getting dressed in nice business suits, when mrs. Cho greeted from the door of the apartment.


"Dang, wont she ever leave me alone?  Change the lock on that dang door!"  Kyuhyun actually cursed, but, I changed it, but still.


"Kyuhyun, she is your mother!"  I said as I slapped him.  He instantly slumped down.


"There you are my baby!  Oh you look so nice in your suit."  She said as she hugged him.


"I am not cute; Ryewook Hyung said I am handsome!"  Kyuhyun said looking like he was about to shove his mother away.


"Mrs. Cho, sorry but, we need to get to a business meeting."  I said, and kyuhyun smiled at me.  I guess to finally get his mom off.


"Oh, okay!"  She said kissing her child, and waving.


"Thanks Hyung."  Kyuhyun said as he straightened his tie.




We got to the company, and went to the meeting room, we are five minutes early, if Mrs. Cho didn't visit, we'd be ten, but, eh.


"Hello Mr. Cho, how are you today?"  One of the women asked.


"I am fine, and you Mrs. Kim?"  He answered and asked back.


"I am fine thank you~” She had a smile.


In comes the head of the meeting.  Lee Donghae.  Always happy, always positive, anything you'd think a little five your old should be like, but not the bratty type.  He made sure everything was right, everything was in order.


"Mr. Kim, is there a reason why you are here?"  Donghae asked in a rather irritated voice.


"Mr. Cho wanted me to be here."  I answered.


His glare traveled to the person beside me. "Kyuhyun?"  He asked with an eyebrow up, the other diagonal.  Kyuhyun looked down at me, then back to Donghae.


"Because, just in case I need him explaining things to me, he is my care taker, and I love him, I need him."  He said.  Everyone had suspicion on their features.


"Mr. Kim?"  Donghae looked at me, and then back at Kyuhyun. "Love?"  Donghae continued with a question.


"Yes, love, I special affection for a person you know, or want to know.  Someone that gives you heart a fuzzy feeling, something that you should only have for one person, the special person.  A feeling I don't have towards everyone in this room besides Ryeowook hyung."  Kyuhyun explained rather intelligently.


"I see Mr. Cho, you are not allowed to give affection in this company, and you know that."  Donghae replied as he walked around the table to me.  "You can leave now Mr. Kim."  He continued as he put both hands on my shoulders.


I was just about to get up, when Kyuhyun started to speak.  "Hey, I am the son of the CEO, I could ask my father to fire all of you guys."


Donghae got shocked, while all the others begged for him not to.  "Fine then, do not show any love for him at all when you both are here, understood."  Donghae repied.


"No, I can if I want, remember, you placement in this company is in my hand.  I could go to my father, he will fire anyone that makes me mad, and that has authority over me.  He wants me happy, and so does Ryeowook hyung."  Kyuhyun said as he stood up, and walked really close to Donghae.  "And if he leaves, I leave.  If I can't show my love to someone that loves me, than, I am not giving you a raise.  Remember, you actually work for me, you're the manager, but, I can fire you without my father if need be. And if you decide to fire me, then, I will get my father on you.  And he'll fire you~” Kyuhyun said, leaving Donghae to look down and go back to his seat.



Kyuhyun actually defended himself.  Although he basically said he'd tell his father to do something instead of his own self, but, he made Donghae go into his place.  Below Kyuhyun, but not too much.  His father will always rule everyone, but Kyuhyun does have the right to fire him.  I could've left, but, I would think that Kyuhyun wouldn't be too happy at me if I did so.






Another couple months have past, Kyuhyun getting back into his game, doing everything without me, eating, bathing, even going to work before I woke up.  Each morning he would leave me a note.  Like saying that he left, and will be back soon, or, I'll meet you at work ;)  


Kyuhyun got used to my coooking and not used to his mother coming over.


Today, we woke up together.


"Hey Wookie Hyung."  Kyuhyun said with a sleepish voice.


"Hello~” I said as I rub my eyes.


Suddenly, he attacked my lips.  Giving me soft yet demanding kisses.  He then stopped after many seconds.  "Wookie,.. I love you!"  he said as he kissed my neck.  "Wookie loves you too~"  I said as I ruffled his hair.


Then, I heard the doorbell.  Kyuhyun got off of me, and helped me up.  We walked together to the door, until he said he wanted some coffee.  I opened the door, Mrs. Cho was there.


Why Mrs. Cho was knocking instead of Rental key?  Here is why.


Yesturday With Kyuhyun.



"Hello, I am Cho Kyuhyun, I live with Kim Ryeowook currently, and we'd like it if you were to not give anyone rental keys, I don't feel it's safe,..."

"Sure thing, right away~ Not even if it's family?"

"Yes, they could be lying you know."




Earlier this morning with Mrs. Cho



"I would like to get a rental key to Kim Ryeowook's aprartment please!"

"We aren't allowed to give rental keys, I am sorry."

"Why not ma'am?"

"Because, the owner's roommate said for us to."

"ohhh,... okay then, sorry."

"Okay,.. have a nice day!"



Back to now


"Mrs. Cho?  Don't you have a rental key?"  I asked.  She looks pretty angry right now.


"Well, Mr. Cho told the lady not to give out rental keys, not even to family."  Mrs. Cho looked at Kyuhyun.


Kyuhyun innocently pouring coffee.  He then looked up to see his mother.  "Well boy?"  She asked her younger.


"Because, I got annoyed from you to come every morning, don't you trust Ryeowook hyung?"  He asked calmly, though I saw anger in his eyes.


"I want to make sure dear."  She answered.  She walked over to Kyuhyun.  "I am sorry baby,.." She said kissing him on the cheek.  "You are almost finished here, correct?"  Mrs. Cho asked Kyuhyun.


Kyuhyun slowly looked at me, then the coffee mug, then back at his mother.  He nodded in defeat.  "I love him mother,...  can I stay a few more days?"  He asked his mother with pouty eyes.


"Of course, I need to talk to Ryeowook-ssi for a minute though."  Mrs. Cho said as she walked with me to another room.



When we got into my bedroom, she looked up at me,


"Thank you so much for taking care of my baby, it really means a lot to us,.."  Mrs. Cho said to me.


"It was a pleasure honestly."  I said.  "I mean, I helped a very big person, but, to be honest, at first, I only wanted to do it because he was rich, and if I were to teach him, maybe he'd fall in love with me, but, I realized that I really need to help him, not for the money, not for my crush, but for him,... So, I kind of forgot about it until his meeting months ago,..  He'd actually fallen in love with me."  I eplained.


"I see, well, you wanted to help, and you took on the responsibility, you didn't only think of yourself, which is what counts, the want to help."  Mrs. Cho said to me.  She walked up to me and smiled.  "Thank you."  She said as she hugged me.


She left me in the room, and I heard her say goodbye to Kyuhyun.  Then, I walked out of the room and looked at Kyuhyun.


"I'll be leaving soon, and I really wanted to tell you something,..."  Kyuhyun said as he walked to me and gave me a mug of coffee.


"What is it?" I asked.


 "I love you."


   Hello all~  Cheesy story right?  XD  Yes, anywho, Thank you for reading, I really am so happy that you read it~  Please leave a comment~
Sorry that it wasn't like you wanted, or imagined it to be, I really wanted to put all my heart into this one, so it did take awhile to make.  But, I made
it plenty of weeks before the deadline!  So, that is awesome~

Mayeb I will get into one of the first three places?  Maybe not, XD

And again, thank you all for it!

Bye bye~  =^.^=


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Kriseol6 #1
Great Story!
Chapter 1: oooohhh i wish this has another chapter...
ryeohaeme #3
Chapter 1: Nice story. ^^
Chapter 1: Fluffy n sweet story..... I love it ..
Thankyu for make it
Chapter 1: Fluffy n sweet story..... I love it ..
Thankyu for make it
Chapter 1: Awww really cute! :D
I like that we get to see the kid side of Kyuhyun! XD
Chapter 1: mehehee. it's kinda sweet. ^^ hooray! :D
*does a snarky evil Kyuhyun smile* I'll wait for your work! fighting! ^^
kyunaleixu #10
Interesting story.
Hope you'll update ^^