i can fix your light and steal your heart

Every time

^^ heeyyy

this is actually apart of a chaptered fic i am wokring on call Cold Prodect its Kaisoo chaptered fice and its grocerystore!au and CEOKai!au here is the link







The only word that could describe Beakhyun the moment Chanyeol sat down next to him was ruffled. His metaphorical feathers were puffed out and his breathing became erratic. Fridge nuggets. (An old habit from whenever Suho hung out with them was to correct his foul language) was all Baekhyun could think about when he first felt the tall man beside him move to speak. Even the slightest movement had Beakhyun tensing up and he hopped that Chanyeol didn’t think he had some kind of a permanent skin condition that made his face forever red. He had been talking about the y new exchange student Zhoumi from China with Tao when out of nowhere two tall figures suddenly sat down on the couch with them. Sehun went straight for Tao and sat down next to his boyfriend who squealed in surprise and happiness then beckoned him into his arms. The other even taller male sat down close next to Baekhyun so their knees were touching lightly. Baekhyun blanched beside him and clutched the extra small skim milk-low fat spice latte. The conversation of the group was all over the place but set at a pace that Baekhyun could relatively keep up with, the problem however, was that Chanyeol had been accidentally brushing his leg against him periodically. He tried to ignore it as much as possible and tried to operate like a normal human being that could hold a conversation with Chen.


            When Kyungsoo had picked up his phone Baekhyun immediately payed attention to him because Kyungsoo hated his phone with a passion. Kyungsoo’s wrinkles could be seen through his bangs when the voice on the other side of the phone sounded a bit frantic. Kyungsoo nodded a few times and said, “yeah Hyung I’ll be there” before hanging up and frowning in Beakhyuns direction. The conversation had stopped and now everyone was looking concerningly at Kyungsoo.


“Do what you have to do Soo” Beakhyun said firmly at his friend. If there was ever a time where Baekhyun’s loyalty showed it was in times that counted. Kyungsoo nodded and looked over at Chen.


“He wants you to come” He said dropping his book and Chen was already at the door telling Kyungsoo to hurry up.


“Do what you need to do Soo, I’ll take care of Yujin” Baekhyun said sternly and everyone looked at him in surprise at his seriousness.


“Beak, there’s a lighting problem in the room… Yujin, she can’t sleep with out me…” Kyungsoo started but was interrupted by a deep voice. Baekhyun got nervous then. Yujin was like his own little sister and he could calm her down if he stayed the night, but he would have to go get some stuff from his own dorm first.

“I’ll-“ Baekhyun was interrupted by a louder, deeper voice.


“I can fix it! I did a lot of handy work around the house when I was a kid at my dads and I help out one of the old ladies in my apartment with her lighting, I’m pretty sure I can help.” Chanyeol said next to him and Baekhyun cursed every light that had ever been manufactured since his birth. Kyungsoo nodded and took off with Chen to the store.


            After that the mood had changed drastically and Yixing and Yifan decided to leave because Yixing was getting a little to worried and decided to go to the store and check up on them.


“I want to give them something hot for dinner in case they have to stay a little late.” Yixing said then Tao agreed to help cook so the five of them left with a trailing Luhan at the promise of food.


“and then there were two…” Baekhyun softly said under his breath staring down at the small white cup. Chanyeol had stuffed his face with his leftover muffin then looked over and Baekhyun with his cheeks over stuffed and over flowing with crumbs on his chin. He grinned and Baekhyun heart squeezed as he saw how ugly Chanyeols face looked with awkward wrinkles stretched over stuffed cheeks and couldn’t help but find It to be the most adorable sight he’d ever seen. Restraining him self from spontaneously proposing to the tall idiot next to him, Baekhyun gave Chanyeol and awkward nod followed by a quiet high pitched whine he hopped to the taller didn’t hear. His designer leather jacket was starting to feel uncomfortably tight.




“So! I guess were going to pick up Kyungsoo’s little sister right? Its about time for the middle school to be letting the little guys go!” Chanyeol said cheerfully as he made a mental note to save whatever high-pitched sound the little eyeliner clad male had made when he had smiled at him with his mouth full. He must think I’m some sort of slob now, he thought to himself and vowed to show Byun Baehyun that Park Chanyeol was a clean man when it came to bodily functions, his apartment on the other hand…..


“Y-yeah, it’s a 15 minute walk from here so it should be fine.” Baekhyun still wouldn’t make eye contact with him and that made Chanyeol kind of sad thinking that it was out of distaste for the giraffe. This was far from the real reason. Chanyeol had a face that angels would roll around in the dirt and eat satanic burritos for. To look at him would surely make Baekhyun spiral into a blushing mess. Thus the no eye contact law was made. The two managed to awkwardly pay for their coffee (and their friends! The bastards had managed to get away with out paying. It wasn’t so bad for Baekhyun though, because this time he had Chanyeol). Walking down towards the kindergarten the two made small talk that came surprising easily to them.


“ There was this one time Yifan and Yixing were practicing before Kai got around to the practice room and Xing was trying to teach him some of the moves from the choreography, it was the funniest thing I have ever seen! That guy is like 60 percent leg and 40 percent awkward!” Chanyeol said and Baekhyun leaned forward and laughed hard as the taller continued to crack joke after joke.


“What ever! If Yifan is 60 percent leg then your 95! I bet you can’t even touch your toes!” Baekhyun countered and laughed harder at the overly sad face that Chanyeol was pulling. The rest of the way to the kindergarten was filled with Chanyeol trying to walk and touch his toes at the same time. Once they had gotten to the kindergarten Chanyeol admitted defeat but demanded the Baekhyun prove that he could touch his toes. Baekhyun simply huffed and leaned over placing his entire palm on the ground.


Chanyeol swallowed hard at the sight. Baekhyun was too y to be leaning over before him.  Baekhyun straighten himself up and straightened his jacket jus then the doors to the kindergarten opened and the teachers started to help usher the kids out. The kids were yelling at eacho ther but Baekhyuns eyes went straight to the head with two little buns secured onto the top of her head.


“YUUUUUUUJJJIIIIIIINNNN! BAEKIE-OPPA IS HERE TO PICK YOU UP TODAY!” Baekhyun yelled and waved frantically to his little sister (she pretty much might as well me). When Yujin heard his voice she looked over and made the cutest surprised face then began running towards him.


“BAEKIE-OPPAAAAAAAA!” she yelled and ran straight into his arms toppling them backwards causing them both to erupt into a fit of giggles. After the two had calmed down Baekhyun had almost forgotten about Chanyeol who was looking at the two fallen cuties with a smile on his face. Baekhyun blushed when he noticed the smile.


“Y-Yujin-ah this is Ch-Chanyeol, were gonna play with you today until your brother gets back from the supermarket all right?” Baekhyun managed to get out without being to obvious in front of Yujin about his feelings.


“Ah” Yujin said, looking at the red-faced oppa she turned to the tall oppa with big ears, they like each other, she concluded.


“Can I call you Gwi-Oppa?” she asked. She pronounced “Gwi” wrong making it sound like some weird word instead of “ear” so Chanyeol let it slide. He nodded and the little girl smiled up at him and his heart was stolen. They walked to the bus station, that took them to the train station, that took them too Kyunsoo’s small apartment. Baekhyun had told him many times to come live with him but his best friend was stubborn to a fault and it led to him constantly worrying about his friend and his sister sleeping alone there. The neighborhood was sketchy and Baekhyun had always felt scarred in places like these so he held on to Yunjin’s hand as protectively as he could and kept on walking at a brisk pace. The conversation had stopped and if Chanyeol didn’t know that he was scared he didn’t question it either. Chanyeol could feel that Baekhyun was uncomfortable but he was good at hiding it. There were some shifty figures in these streets so he walked closer to Baekhyun and Yujin and looked intimidating at the shadows. He was way to gangly and skinny but Chanyeol was tall and big, which gave him a bit of a scare factor, but the guy was a total cutie. Once they finally got into the apartment Baekhyun relaxed and turned around to face Yujin. Baekhyun helped her take of her back pack and sat her down at the table, he went to the kitchen and sliced an apple for a snack and put her lunchbox tub in the sink to wash later.


“Yujin ah, where is the light that Kyunggie said is broken?” Baekhyun asked while he set down the plate of sliced apples in front of her.


“I think it’s the one in the hallway in front of the bathroom. Oppa it’s really scary, I cant see where I’m going and it makes weird shadows on the walls of the bathroom.” Yujin mumbled quietly. Baekhyun nodded and looked at Chanyeol.


“Wanna take a look at it?” and Chanyeol nodded. The two stood in front of the light bulb silently. Chanyeol was actually thinking about how to solve the problem but Baekhyun was just internally freaking out. Chanyeol was standing very close and he did this thing with his eyebrows where they would scrunch together and make the iest face ever.


Chanyeol on the other hand was also internally freaking out and for generally the same reason. The lighting wires was something very easy for him to fix it was about half an hour job and he needed more time than that to convince the petit male to be his boyfriend.


“Ah-aaahhhH! Yup its pretty serious Im gonna have to stay the night fixing it!” Chanyeol finally said while crossing his arm and nodding his head schooling his face into a thoughtful and serious one. Baekhyun was shocked, a night with Chanyeol? HE WASN’T READY FOR THIS! Baekhyuns jaw dropped and he looked like a fool standing next to an even bigger one. Yujin had heard the Oppa with the big ears say that him and Baekkie Oppa were staying the night. She squealed and ran towards the two university student happily yelling “Sleep over! Sleep over!” and pulled Baekhyun away to go get the mattresses and set them up in their slightly bigger living room. They had pushed the small dinning coffee able thing to the side and layed out the two mattresses. Chanyeo had been carrying a load of blankets with different cartoon characters on them to the living room when he tripped on the side of the mattress and ended up with all of the blankets on top of him with his back on the ground. Yujin giggled and jumped on the Chanyeol and Chanyeol played along. He groaned as she jumped up and down on his tall lanky body. Then suddenly he sat up and bundled Yujin up into the blankest like the filling for a rice ball then made makeshift sack out of the ball of blankets and ran away with her slung over his shoulder laughing maniacally. By now Yujin was letting out little screams of joy that caught Baekhyun’s attention from the kitchen where he was debating on running out to go get some meat when Yujin yelled.



“Baekkie Oppa! Save me from the monster!” Baekhyun turned and saw Chanyeol with a makeshift sack made out of blankets slung over his back that was wiggling and was grinning like a maniac, he looked like some kind of sinister elf with his ears.


Bakehyun laughed out loud when Chanyeol ran into the living room away from Beakhyun as if he were a super hero ready steal away his loot.


“UN HAND HER FOUL ELF!” Baekhyun yelled and grabbed a pillow about to charge when he looked up at Chanyeols face mid pillow throw. His brows were scrunched together and his mouth was slightly open, most of al he looked deeply hurt.


“They used to bully me about my ears…..” he mumbled looking down and Baekhyun immediately dropped the pillow heartbroken and went over to him by instinct and held him awkwardly with him still holding the bundle of Yujin that had gone still inside her sack.


“Oh my god Chanyeol I didn’t mean it I think your ears make you look adorable and handsome at the same time, those people don’t know anyth-“ Baekhyun’s rambling was cut off by a shriek when Chanyeol set Yujin down and picked him up bridal style and laughed maniacally.


“HAHAH! NEVER LET YOUR GUARD DOWN! Now I’ve captured my REAL goal!” Baekhyun sputtered at this and began protesting. Chanyeol just held the smaller man closer, he smelt like something sweet and of home not like the super expensive cologne he thought he would. Yujin just looked over at the two Oppa’s, Baekhyun was hitting Chanyeol and Chanyeol was grinning like an idiot causing the other to blush furiously. “Remember Yujin, Baekhyun is an idiot” She recalled her older brother telling her one day after Bakhyun had managed to get them lost in the sub way system when they were trying to get a restaurant that Baekhyun had wanted to go to. Instead she went about choosing movies for them to watch.


            The two had been fighting over how Chanyeol could never be a super villain and why eating meat for very meal was healthy.


“Chanyeol your to damn tall the police would recognize you right and if you ate meat for every meal you would be the size of a bus!” Baekhyun protested but Chanyeol continued on making his plans to become the villain who stole Baekhyun’s heart!


“First, there are many tall Asian men and second, your to skinny anyways some meat would do you good.” Chanyeol said, Baekhyun just huffed at the last comment but both their attention were drawn to the voice that came from the living room of a sly looking Yujin.


“Oppa’s are you just gonna stay in each others arms or are we gonna watch a movie?” The two became aware of the situation and Baekhyun jumped out of Chanyeol’s arm who was also slightly embarrassed. The rest of the night went by peacefully with a nice meal of kimchi-fried rice and multiple episodes of Pororo. Baekhyun put Yujin to sleep in her room when he remembered why Chanyeol had come along with him in the first place.


“Hey Chanyeol about that light, when are-“ Baekhyun had started but stopped immediately when he saw the tall giant sleeping on the mattress on the floor, a dotted pink blanket was wrapped around his lanky body making him into a burrito of cuteness. The smaller male stopped talking and crept quietly towards Chanyeol sitting down silently as the credits for the last movie they watched rolled silently in the background. Baekhyun gently brushed away the bangs that were in Chanyeols face and sighed happily. It was hard to believe he finally got to spend the night with the man he had been crushing on. Chanyeol’s long arms sudeenly shot out of the blanket and crushed Baekhyun to his chest then covered him in blankets making him apart of the burrito.


“Ch-Chanyeol! What are you doing!?” his cries were muffled by Chanyeol’s chest.


“What I’ve wanted to do for a while now but never had the guts. Baekhyun I really like you will you be my boyfriend?” Chanyeol asked and Baekhyun froze. Taking what he just said he found himself fervently nodding against his chest making Chanyeol laugh. The pair slept soundly through the night in each others arms and in the morning Yujin came into the living room and smiled at the two sleeping Oppa’s.

Taking both their phones she took pictures of them together sleeping and posted them on their instagram’s and weibo’s.


“Oppa breakfast!”


In the end the light switch was never fixed but Yujin was kinda over it, it was really Kyungsoo that had been over protective (and a little freaked out because of the shadows but he’ll never admit it). Latter on it lead to an intense interrogation from Luhan and Tao about how they got together so fast and if they used protection.


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