January 12

Not So Bad After All

Jongin always counted the days since that very unforgettable moment when he received Kyungsoo’s sweetest ‘yes’ after two months of annoyingly tailing around the older boy, declaring his love in public every single day without fail – only if Kyungsoo is around in that case. It had also been almost three months since they started dating officially and he couldn’t be happier than that, so far.

He was in second year and Kyungsoo was in his third year but the older boy was taking up additional courses and both would be graduating out of college at the same time. Jongin was happy about that as well because he thought having a boyfriend who’s working while he’s still studying can cause trust issues, big time.

A new year started and just last week, Kyungsoo had been talking a lot about the upcoming release of his admired, or maybe obsessed, author. And just two days ago, the announcement of the official release of the first copies of the book in the country was posted in the website and it happened to be today. The older boy sulked at the announcement because he had classes and worse, his schedule was full and by the time he went to the book store, the copies were sold out.

So Jongin, after finding his boyfriend sulking in the apartment that night, he decided to bring the older boy to his shared apartment with his best friend, Chanyeol. He mentally thanked his dork of a friend for staying the night over to a boy named Baekhyun.

He ordered two boxes of pizza, a bucket of fried chicken and a couple of cheeseburgers and large drinks. Jongin doesn’t really know how to deal with a sulking Kyungsoo but sometimes, food can do the trick.

When the orders came, Kyungsoo quietly ate on their usual hanging spot on the floor while Jongin kept playing video games behind him, his back occasionally pressing against the younger boy’s chest until Jongin decided to take a moment of rest.

Jongin paused the game and rested his controller on the floor next to him. He quietly picked up a piece of chicken from the bucket and instead of eating it, he moved it closer to the older boy’s lips but Kyungsoo gave him a short shake of the head in disagreement.

“I can’t believe it was sold out,” Kyungsoo muttered.

“I’m sure there will be one for you when the next batch arrives,” he said before taking a bite on his chicken.

“But it’s not as special as the first copies and the next batch are coming in two weeks!”

“I know but it’s not like the contents are different,” he tried to comfort but Kyungsoo only whined more.

“There were autographs on the first copies and I don’t have it!” The older boy slumped back against the younger, throwing the chicken bone to the pile of plastics in front of him that came along with their delivered foods. “I’m a die-hard fan, why don’t I deserve one autographed book from him? Life is so cruel to college students! I want to go back to high school!”

Times like that makes Jongin wonder if his boyfriend is actually older than him because he couldn’t deny the fact that he looks even older and more matured than the other. He thinks he acts like the mature one too, sometimes. But again, he would be reminded of how Kyungsoo takes care of him every time especially that he had been having night dance practices because of the upcoming competition against other schools. The older boy is always waiting for him in the dance room until they finish with a homemade dinner prepared beforehand so that he could just relax and enjoy when he gets back to the apartment. Though always against his will, he couldn’t do anything but watch his boyfriend go out through the door when 10PM strikes.

“Maybe I’ll get over it when I wake up tomorrow,” Kyungsoo added, head tilting up to the wall clock above the TV and the time read 9:52PM. “I think I should be heading back now.”

Before the older boy could lean forward, Jongin quickly wrapped his free hand around the other’s waist, his chin leaning on Kyungsoo’s right shoulder. “Hyung, please stay the night here.”

“I can’t sleep in other people’s houses, Jongin,” Kyungsoo tilted his head to gaze on the other’s eyes. “I thought I already told you that.”

“You did and I know that. Let’s just give it a try,” Jongin’s lips pouted a little, hoping that he would be given the chance at least once in his life before the right time comes for them to spend their lives together under the same roof, legally. That is, if they would be sticking together until the end though Jongin made sure to take the road to forever only with Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo was silent for a while but in the end, he gave out a soft ‘okay’.

“Are you serious?” Jongin asked but he couldn’t hide his happiness through his grin because finally, his boyfriend is staying over and not for ual purposes like Chanyeol had stated before. He and Kyungsoo have a healthy and modest relationship consisted with hugs, cuddles, pecks, innocent kisses and maybe a little make out to spice out things sometimes.

In response, the older boy relaxed in the younger’s warmth and took the other’s hand that held the chicken by the wrist closer to his lips and Jongin chuckled, willingly feeding him.

Jongin did everything to divert his boyfriend’s attention from the disturbingly sad but true fact of not having the book that Kyungsoo had been looking forward to for more than a month. He taught Kyungsoo how to play a combat game in the computer and watched entertaining random videos from Youtube.

At the end, they settled in Jongin’s single bed, cuddled together under a thick blanket while watching a movie using the laptop until the older boy fell asleep. Jongin smiled as he looked down on his sleeping boyfriend, placing a kiss on the forehead before reaching out to turn off his lamp. “Sleep well, hyung.”



Two days later, Sunday, Kyungsoo found himself burning with jealousy as he stared at a male stranger across the diner where he and Jongin were seated, waiting for their lunch to be served. He thought he got over the book issue but when he saw that certain stranger across the room with the book that had the cover autographed, he started feeling uneasy and cursed why the stranger seemed to be showing it off like he knew that Kyungsoo was going to be jealous. “I told you, life is so cruel to me.”

Jongin looked up from his phone and followed his boyfriend’s gaze somewhere behind him and immediately spotted a male with a book. He turned back to his boyfriend with a smile, moving his head to block the older boy’s view. “I thought you’re already fine with it.”

Kyungsoo frowned and stared back at the younger with a sigh. “I know and I thought so too.”

“Hyung, we agreed not to worry about anything before our birthdays and yours is already tomorrow.”

“I can’t help it and Jongin, I am still bothered of what gift I will give you.”

“Same here.”

“You don’t need to buy me a gift, Jongin.”

“Why not?”

“I’m not used to receiving gifts and it’s perfectly fine with me if I don’t receive one too this year. You already gave me something for Christmas anyway.” Kyungsoo looked down on his hand that rested on the table and started making circles with his index finger. “And to say that it was very expensi—.”

Jongin hummed in interruption, not wanting to hear the same words he heard since Christmas until New Year. “Your gift to me was expensive as well.”


Their food arrived and both started their meal silently at first but Jongin tried to initiate a conversation and Kyungsoo would only give him short, uninterested responses. “Hyung, don’t be like this. It’s just a book.”

The older boy didn’t respond and just continued to eat without giving the younger a glance.


“I know. Just give me time to get over it.”





They had separated ways after lunch and Jongin had no choice but go with it since his boyfriend admitted that the other was going to buy a gift for him. But later that night, in spite of his best friend’s presence, Kyungsoo knocked on their door and asked if he could stay over the night.

Chanyeol eyed them like they were going to do something malicious but Jongin shooed him off after sensing the gloomy aura his boyfriend was having. He brought his boyfriend in his room and cuddled him close as they lay in bed.

“Jongin,” Kyungsoo said breathily and sobbed. “I’m sorry. I know it’s really stupid to be acting like this over a book.”

“Hyung, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it, okay? Tomorrow is your day, so just free your mind from anything that would bother you.”

“Okay,” Kyungsoo nodded.

Jongin noticed a shadow moving quietly through the small space under his door. He leaned closer to his boyfriend and whispered, “Chanyeol’s listening outside.” Kyungsoo looked up at him as he reached out for his phone on his night table and sent Baekhyun a message about Chanyeol being nosy and erted. The next moment of silence was interrupted by Chanyeol’s loud ringtone echoing through the apartment which sounded too close.

The couple couldn’t help but quietly laugh at Chanyeol’s profanities flying through the door as he clumsily picked up and dropped his phone on the floor, which gave the couple the surest assumption that he had his phone with him.

“No, baby, I’m not! I’m in my room! I swear!” Chanyeol’s voice was fading as he walked away, throwing something against Jongin’s door that sounded like a pillow from the couch. “No! Why don’t you believe in your own boyfriend?”

“Serves him right,” Jongin said, placing his phone back next to his lamp.

“Can I wear your clothes again?” Kyungsoo asked.

“Of course. You look absolutely adorable in my clothes.”



Kyungsoo woke up with a positive state of mind. He tried his best to forget about the book and looked forward to his day with his boyfriend. He never imagined he thought of Jongin like a rich spoiled brat looking for some playtime during those annoying days when the younger boy kept following him around, saying how much he loves him like there was no one else around.

He was lucky, he thought, for Jongin is undeniably good looking though he wasn’t so sure how he started liking the younger. It must have been the constant presence of the other that made him comfortable and safe when he goes home at night because Jongin accompanies him back to his apartment until the night dance practices started.

He followed his boyfriend’s advice of enjoying his day because birthdays only happen once a year and what made his birthday special right now was because his boyfriend’s day was also coming the day after tomorrow. That had set them a couple’s birthday between their birthdays and Kyungsoo found it incredibly special.

What are the odds of having couples with birthdays only a day in between?

Happy Birthday to you,” Jongin sang after a moment while they were still cuddled in bed.

He looked up to meet the other’s gaze and blindingly sweet smile, making him feel the urge to kiss those temptingly sweet lips. And he did, for merely five seconds. “Thank you, Jongin.”

“When is your first class again?”

“10,” he answered and turned to pick up his phone next to Jongin’s to check the time. “I still have three hours.”

“Then, since it’s your day, why don’t you go and take a bath while I make you breakfast?”

He snorted. “You can’t cook, Jongin.”

“I had been practicing.”

“Let’s see about that.”



He expected Jongin to prepare a simple fried food but he didn’t expect to have fried rice as well. It was good, he complimented and his boyfriend was obviously proud of it by the way the other smiled.

And then there was a box.  A big box, nearly reaching Kyungsoo’s knee and he wondered how Jongin managed to hide it around the apartment without him noticing it. There was a black pillow with his name embroidered in gold and a stuffed teddy bear that holds a heart with a personalized message from his boyfriend and a t-shirt. It was black shirt with printed words I LOVE PIZZA, BOOKS and KIM JONGIN.

“How did you get all these personalized in a day?”

“I didn’t. I have prepared it weeks ago and received it yesterday,” Jongin answered.

“I’ll wear this shirt today!” Kyungsoo pulled his boyfriend down to his level and both shared a short, chaste kiss. “Thank you!”

“Anything for you, my love.”



One thing about Mondays that Kyungsoo hated was the fact that he and Jongin can’t have lunch together. It’s not like he doesn’t like hanging out with his friends but it’s still different to spend it with his boyfriend, especially that it was his birthday.

That lunch, Jongdae had asked him if he could accompany him to the bookstore. Kyungsoo hesitated because it reminded him of the book but he managed to shake it off his mind.

“Minseok had mentioned something about a book, I can’t remember the title but I think it’s a mystery novel. I want to buy it for him and he said he can’t afford it. This might as well make him give me his precious yes,” Jongdae said as they looked through the rows of books in the shelves.

Kyungsoo helped the other to look for the book but Jongdae was still unsure of the title and there were two books that had almost similar titles. “Maybe someone in the counter had an idea. Minseok’s always here so there might be a chance that Minseok had told them about it.”

When they got to the counter, one book rested next to the register and it was awfully familiar with the autograph of the author brightly sparkling on the cover. That was a little too overboard but Kyungsoo could visually see it sparkling. “Oh my goodness!” He picked up the book, not even hesitating and checking if someone owned it. “This is precious, Jongdae!”

“Don’t you think someone owns that?” The other asked and both looked around but there was no one else but them.

“I don’t think so but,” he looked at the old man in the counter. “Can I buy it?”

“You’re the boy the other day looking for that one, right?” The elder in the counter asked, pointing at the book and Kyungsoo nodded.

“It’s his birthday today,” Jongdae informed. “Can you give him that for free? He’s really a big fan of the author.”

“Really? It’s yours then,” the old man smiled and nodded.

“Oh my—really? For free?” Kyungsoo’s eyes started to tear up in happiness but Jongdae ruined the moment by pushing him aside.

“Thank you, sir! This is a great gift for him!” Jongdae exclaimed. “He loves books.”

“His shirt does say it,” the man chuckled.

“Thank you! Thank you!” Kyungsoo kept on repeating it while bowing in ninety degrees, clutching hard on the book. “I can’t believe it’s free but thank you so much!”

“It’s nothing,” the old man said.

After a while of repetitive words of thanks to the old man, Jongdae managed to get Kyungsoo out of the store before they would be late for their next class. Kyungsoo was still in daze but they kept walking back to their university.

Jongdae had his book placed in his bag as he dialed Jongin’s number, hoping that the other wouldn’t be so busy at the moment because he couldn’t wait for a few more hours to share about the book.

“Hey, hyung!”

“Jongin! You won’t believe what happened! Wait, are you in class?”

“Yeah, but the professor’s out since five minutes ago. What is it? You sound so happy.”

“I got the book!”

“What book? The one with the autograph?”

“Yes! Jongin, this is the best birthday ever and it was free! The owner of the shop gave it to me for free!” He was jumping in the sidewalk, earning looks from the passerby but neither he nor Jongdae minded.

“That’s great! I don’t get to hear your whines again then.”

“Aw, Jongin, I’m sorry about that. But you really won’t hear it anymore,” he said with a guilty chuckle at the end.

Jongin laughed. “Okay, hyung. By the way, you don’t have to wait for me later so I’ll just see you in your apartment?”


“I just don’t want to bother you. You can spend your time after school with your friends.”

“Then I’ll stay over at your place. Ah, wait, no. you can stay in my place.”



“Cool! Oh, hyung, I have to hang up now. Professor’s here! See you later. I love you!”

“I love you too!”

Jongdae let out a soft chuckle when the call ended, earning a look from Kyungsoo.



“Wait, how about Minseok’s book?”

Jongdae shook his head, “It’s fine. I’m not sure of the book anyway so I’ll just wait until he mentions it again.”

“I didn’t know he liked mystery books.”

“He doesn’t,” Jongdae laughed.



After school, Kyungsoo did hang out with his friends but at the end of their small celebration, he still missed his boyfriend who was still having a dance practice. Even after he prepared dinner for the younger, he still had time to rest.

Just then he remembered the book so he too it out of his bag, admired the autograph with a short message written in English. He settled down on the couch as he examined the book’s cover like it was the most precious thing in the world.

He flipped the cover and found a sticky note on the first page.

Kyungsoo hyung! <3
I had reserved this special book for you a few days ago to make sure you would have one of these.
Are you happy now? I hope you are because it’s your birthday and this is my gift to you! I know you’ll take care of this very well and I hope you’ll take care of me like I’m one of your autographed books. Happy birthday, hyung!
I love you. :)


Before he could emote over the sweetest thing, he guessed so far, that the younger had done for him, a knock came on the door.

“Jongin?” He hurried to the door, leaving the book in the couch. He didn’t receive an answer but when he opened the door, there was Jongin.

Jongin, holding a chocolate cake with lit candles, singing Happy Birthday to him for the nth time that day.

“You’re so full of surprises,” Kyungsoo said.

“And I know you like them,” Jongin smirked.















Here it is!
Happy Birthday, Kyungsoo!
Don't worry, I'll get back to your age in a few months! Wait for me! ^^
Anyway, what did you guys think about this?
About this oneshot?
About their birthday?
I can't stop my feels about this OTP who did nothing but ruin me. Ahaha! I still love them!
I'll keep them ruining my life.

And please look forward to Jongin's birthday special to be posted soon! XD

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Turns out jongin got things that he wanted so bad uwu I'm so happy for him!

I laughed when ksoo said that they would kick chanyeol out hahahaha XD

This one is cute, too! Now I know how they started their relationship lol jongin was so bold hahaha no wonder ksoo ignored him at the very beginning XD but look at them now! Inseparable <3

Anyway, thank you for sharing the ficts, Authornim! You did a great job. I might be late but i wish you had a happy kaisoo day! Thank you for being here <3 XOXO.


Woaaaah. Everything written in this fict is so damn good. Jongin is such a perfect bf for ksoo. He is indeed a caring, sweet, gentle, thoughtful, and gorgeous bf!!!!! He spoiled ksoo so much and ksoo deserves it though. The two get along very well. When jongin listens to ksoo's whines, when they cuddle to bring the good mood for ksoo, when jongin cooks for ksoo in his bday... oh my..... where can i have my own jongin? Lmao

I love this story, Authornim! I found you on twitter and I guess I really made a great choice when saving the link of this fict kekekeke I'm gonna read the next part too >< XOXO.
lovewendy #3
Chapter 2: aah it's too good i want more ?
Kaianara #4
Chapter 2: Still smiling. Thank you.
Kaianara #5
Chapter 1: Can't stop smiling.
Chapter 2: I feel like nini's part is short. Hehe. But really KAISOO should get married. I MISS THEM THIS DAYS COZ THEIR MOMENTS SO RARE.

How i wish it's a chaptered one. I feel the kaisoo love.
Chapter 1: Asdfghjasdfghjkl oh my gee jonginnie's sooooo sweet. Can i have my own nini too?
JiHeartMusic #8
Chapter 1: Awwww .... Fluff, fluff, fluff everywhere ❤️❤️❤️❤️ .... Thank you very mucb for this beautiful oneshot. I really enjoy reading it.
INeedToHaveACrush #9
Chapter 2: I like how jongin respect kyungsoo by saying no to haha.
Awesome oneshot
Chapter 1: AWWWW Jongin is so sweet istg if anyone did that for me I would legit start crying