Jessica Jung

Red Light

  People walked here and there, dragging their suitcases while busy with their own. Gate 8 of Incheon Airport was unexpectedly crowded. Even though Sehun knew it was only  ten days left before christmas, he didn't know there are a lot of japanese who live in South Korea. 

  Sehun bit his lip. His foot tapping continously. Waiting for Yeri to answer his call. Today is the day where he and Sangwook go to Japan, but at the same time, this is the day where Jongdae will be judged. What concerns him the most, the only weapon they've got to prove Jongdae innocent on Minjoo's tragedy was Kim Minseok. Sehun pleaded him to come to the court more than once, but his request still remains unanswered. No matter how hard he asked, Minseok will give 'i will think about it' as a respond. If Minseok didn't attend, Jongdae will get longer and tougher sentences. Sehun just can't let the judges do that, he needs to stand for what's right.

  "What's up, Sehun? How's Japan?"

  The man finds himself exhales in relief. "I haven't even get on the plane yet. Any sign of Minseok hyung?"

"I'm questioning about that too. It's merely fifteen minutes left before the trial begins yet his figure is not to be found."

  "What?!" Sehun's eyes widened, anxious starts to grow within him. "He is got to attend, noona. Can't you contact him?"

  "I tried, Sehun. But i got no answers." Said Yeri. "Beside, that guy was a Red Alpha for god's sake! Even if we proved he's innocent on Minjoo case, he'll definitely get at least twenty years sentences of jail! There's no way the judges would set him free."

   "I know. Jongdae knew that too. He said he'll accept those sentences, he only wants everyone to know he did not kill Minjoo, that's all. Who's his lawyer, anyway?"

  "Uh.. Lee Jin Ki."

  "Ah, what a relief. He's a good one."

  He heard an announcement from the airport that passangers to Japan should line up. "Listen, i gotta go. Whatever would happen, just inform me. I'll call you later."

  "Alright, bye."

  Just when Sehun put his phone back to his pocket. His dad came with his mouth full of snack, along with that dumb eyes looking at him making Sehun tried hard to hold his laugh.

  "Yah, we should join the line right now." He said. His mouth still full of food.

  Sehun chuckled and patted his shoulder, "Alright, gramps. Let's go."

  "Son, you're gonna regret saying that."

  "Just swallow the food first, dad. It's gross."



  Meanwhile, back in Seoul, Yeri was waiting in front of the court's door. In every ten seconds, Yeri would moved her eyes up from her phone and looked around. Then back to her phone. She was nearly at the level of panic. Hundreds of times she tried to call Minseok but still no answer was heard.

  A pat on her shoulder made her jolted. If she couldn't control herself, she might actually beat the guy, which was Minho.

  Like Yeri, he looked anxious too. "Noona, the court will begin in five minutes. What should we do?"

  The older woman ran her fingers through her hair. Heaving out a sigh while trying to cool herself down. "I don't know, Minho. I suppose i'll wait for a few more minutes. You should go inside."

   Minho nodded and went back to the court's room while Yeri leaned her back against the wall. Folding her arms to her chest. Closing her eyes as she keeps muttering, "Come on.. Minseok-ssi.."

   Seconds went by, the figure she'd been waiting for is yet to appear. Yeri clenched her fists. Minseok didn't come, as she fears in the first place. What did she expect? That guy is probably still have a grudge on Jongdae.

  With full disappointment, Yeri turned around and decided to go inside the court's room. But her legs were stopped as she heard distinct footsteps.

  "I'm sorry! Am i late?" Asked Minseok as he arrived. Trying to catch his breath. Yeri didn't care he was exhausted because of the running. Exhaling in relief, Yeri grabbed both of his shoulders, "It doesn't matter. Let's go inside."


   "With this i declare, that the court will begin." The judge knocked the hammer three times right when Minseok sat on the witness's seat. He tried to keep his expression calm, but he can't deny his hands were trembling by the fact all pairs of eyes were staring at him. Anxiety and nervousness built within him.

  The prosecutor, Byun Baekhyun began his beginning speech. Explaining how Kim Minjoo's dead and why Jongdae is the suspect. Showing pictures and other details. Minseok threw a glance at Jongdae, who was looking at him too. Jongdae made no expression, but there was a hint of pleading in his eyes.

  Now it's time for Lee Jinki, Jongdae's lawyer to speak up. Jinki stood up from his seat, "Your Highness, let us explain why those evidences Mr. Byun Baekhyun showed it's not true. Which will be explained by our witness, Kim Minseok."

  Minseok held himself from jolted. A shiver went through his body when a person handed him a text.

"Mr. Minseok, before you begin, please read out the witness's text, for you vowed to tell exactly the truth or you'll get jail sentences as well." Said the judge. Minseok nodded and took a deep breath before doing what he was asked.

  In the audience seat, Yeri, Minho and Doshik watch the court anxiously. Minho leaned closer to Yeri who was biting her lip, "Noona.. You think Minseok-ssi will tell the truth?"

  "I'm pretty sure." Said Yeri, even though her face didn't assure what she just said. "Kim Minseok was not the type who could lie easily. If he does lying, i'm sure it'll be obvious."

   "Kim Minseok-ssi," Lee Jinki began again. "Would you like to tell the real situation that night?"

  The lawyer was looking at him warmly, but that doesn't mean it could calm Minseok down. He took a deep breath, and began to speak.









  The son and father were walking, dragging their suitcases. After hours of sitting boringly in the airplane, they finally arrived in Japan.

  Sangwook felt his phone vibrated inside his coat pocket. He took his phone out. It turns out he got an e-mail from Yeri.

  We've won the trial. Somehow, Kim Jongdae was free from any sentences. That's how the e-mail was written. A smile was formed on the man's face. Sehun, who saw that mail, looked at Sangwook in disbelief, "Not even one sentence?"

  His father nodded. "Yes. He's free to continue his life ordinarily."

  "But.. how could that even possible-"

  Sangwook chuckled, "Son, if you have goodness in your heart, god will always has a way to return the favor." He said, "Jongdae's choice of quitting Red Alpha and stop murdering people could be the cause of his freedom."

   "I see." Sehun gave an uncertain respond. His eyebrows furrowed, thinking about his father's words. Deep in his thoughts, Sehun wonders if it would happen to Soojung too.

  They decided to take a taxi. Sangwook gave a piece of paper to the driver, an address to be precise. The driver only nods and drove away.

  "Is that Jung Sooyeon's address?" Sehun asked. Thankfully they're in another country, so no one would understand what they're talking about.

  "Jung Sooyeon's office, to be precise. Blanc&Eclaire." Sangwook replied.

  "Ah." Sehun looked to the window, watching the buildings they have passed. Suddenly, he remembers something. "Wait, do you speak japanese?"

  "I bought a dictionary." His father's answer made Sehun almost slap himself. He glared at his father, giving him the 'seriously' look. Sangwook shrugged, "Hey, at least i've prepared."

   Long story short, the taxi stopped in front of a quite huge building. After giving the driver an amount of money, they hopped off and entered the building.

  "Good afternoon, how may i help you?" A woman greeted in Japanese when the two detectives walked to the information center.

  With the help of the dictionary, Sangwook told the woman that he and Sehun are from Seoul Police Department, and he wanted to meet the CEO, Jessica Jung. The woman was having a little hard time to understands Sangwook. When she did, she gave no answer. Instead, she took the telephone and dialled someone. After a few seconds, she smiled at the two and spoke to them. Unfortunately, Sangwook couldn't catch any words except, 'please, wait.'

  Sehun bit his lip. Truth to be told, he was a little embarrased by his father's poor Japanese skills. Ah, if only he would be aware of this fact.

  Later, came a man wearing formal grey suit. His short dark hair was styled nicely making the man looked professional. A smile plastered on his face when he saw the two detectives. "Good afternoon, gentlemen." He greeted in korean. Which was a huge relief to Sangwook and Sehun. They replied his smile as they bowed.

  "My name is Zhang Yixing, Jessica Jung's assistant. How may i help you?" The man introduced himself.

  "I'm Sangwook from Seoul PD. This is my son, Sehun." Sangwook introduced themselves as well, he also showed his batch. "We need to meet Mrs. Jessica Jung."

  "What reason, if i may ask?" Zhang Yixing asked politely.

  "We want to ask her regarding a case we're currently investigating." Said Sehun, "And we don't accept rejections because we didn't flew from South Korea to here for hearing that."

  The man was clearly surprised for the sudden reaction. Yet his face remained calm. "Mrs. Jung is at her home. Taking care of her sick son." He explained. "She doesn't want to be disturbed at certain times like this, so i'm pretty busy right now. But i suppose this is an important matter, i think i can give you her address." Yixing turned to the woman they talked to earlier, "can i have a piece of paper and a pen?" He asked in Japanese.

  The woman nodded and gave what he asked. Yixing took the pen and began to write the address.

  "Zhang Yixing, eh?" Sehun muttered. "Your name sounds chinese."

  "I am chinese. But i grew up in South Korea." Yixing replied. He finished writing the address and handed it to Sehun. "Here it is. I'll try to contact Mrs Jessica. She often doesn't answer when she's with her family."

  "Thank you, Mr. Yixing," Said Sangwook while bowing, which was followed by Sehun a second later. "We're really sorry for disturbing you."

   The dimpled man let out a friendly chuckle, "It's alright. Have a good day, gentlemen. And good luck."









  A tense aura filled between them. Putting her cup to the table, Soojung flashed a sweet yet deadly smile to the guy across her.

  "Long time no see, Jongin-ssi."

  Jongin chuckled, "You know, most of the customers here are from the college. Seeing you smiling like that, they might think we're flirting."

  Soojung folded her arms against her chest, "Like hell i care about that."

  "So, what makes you invite me here?"

  "Oh, nothing, actually. Just want to know how are you doing in a disguise." The dark haired girl chuckled, "feels good for being exposed, doesn't it?"

  The guy across her only sighed as a respond. Eversince the polices discovered about him, Jongin made a small change of his appearance. His hair was dyed light brown and he also wears glasses.

  "Hey, i'm not the only one who got exposed." he replied calmly, "At least i didn't lose any target."

  Soojung's expression hardened. The urge to beat that guy was boiling inside her. But she managed to keep it down. "I do this because my father accepted your challenge. And you challenged us for avenging your group."


  "But i have found something pretty interesting." Soojung rested her chin against her palms, as if she was very curious about this fact. "You're not here for just avenging your group. But also your half brother, Do Kyungsoo. Am i correct?"

  This time, it's Jongin's turn to have his expression hardened. "How do you know-"

  "Oh, it was easy." Soojung shrugged, "Do Kyungsoo. A psycopath who was a patient in Saegguk hospital. When is it again? Ah, two years ago. We, the Red  Alpha intercept him just to make him a bait for our mission."

  Jongin clenched his fist so tight until it shakes. "Enough."

"I remember it very clearly, how we broke both of his arms, pulling off his nails one by one, carving arts on his skin," as expected, Soojung continues. "And when he died, we threw his rotten body to the sea. Ah, that must be a such satisfying history for us. I wish i'd seen that in person-"

  "Do not speak anything about Kyungsoo!!"

  Her lips curved into a smirk, knowing he fell for her insults to him, "It was only a few months before your father died. The fact two of your family members died in our hands, you're really pathetic, you know that?"

  Jongin was about to say something, but Soojung already cut him down. "You challenged us so you can prove your group is stronger than ours. But let me tell you something, Jongin-ssi." She chuckled, "You just made you and your group look even more pathetic. Face it, Jongin, you will never be-"

  "ENOUGH!" Jongin couldn't hold his anger anymore. Some of the customers stared at him confusedly for his yelling. While Soojung didn't make any reaction, not even expressions.

  The guy gave her a death look. "This is not the end, Jung Soojung. The number of my victims is higher than yours and i'm still proceeding to have more. Just make sure you will not regret what you've said."

  With that, Jongin left her at the café. Soojung looked down to her coffee and chuckled silently. Jongin totally fell for it, and she gotta admit it was rather amusing.









   In front of a white door, stood the two detectives, Sehun and Sangwook. Even though it's their third time standing in front of a door like this, somehow this one made them a little nervous than the previous ones. Probably because of the fact this is a penthouse of an apartment that well-known for the expensive price. Mrs Jessica must be a wealthy woman, as they expected.

  "Again with doors, eh?" Sangwook muttered. Sehun took a deep breath and knocked the door three times.

  It only took awhile until the door was opened. But instead of a maid or a butler, a very tall figure was standing there. He's about 6,5 feet, dark haired and wear spectacles. He was looking at the two detectives coldly with his sharp eyes. Judging from his outfit, he is definitely not a butler.

  "Who are you?" He asked, still with his cold aura. Sangwook immediately took out his dictionary and do a quick-reading to finds out what it means. "We.. are.."

"Answer quickly, we don't have much time." The man gave them an even colder glare. "U-uh.. hold up.." Sangwook flipped pages to pages, trying to find the right answer.

  Starting to lose his patience, Sehun rolled his eyes and decided to step forward. "We are from South Korea Police Department. Can we see Mrs Jessica Jung?" He showed his batch to the man as a proof.

  Sangwook almost got choked by his own spit, he looked at his son who just spoke Japanese fluently in disbelief.

  "For what reason?" The man asked again.

   "There is a case we've been investigating on, and Mrs Jessica is related with this case. So we would like to ask some questions regarding that case."

  No answer was heard yet. The man looked at them like he was trying to observe whether they said the truth or not. Then he opened his mouth, "Mrs Jessica is not available right now. Please go."

  Sehun gritted his teeth, "But, sir. This is an important matter-"

  "It is more important for you two to leave. She is-"

  "Anata, who is it?" Suddenly, another voice cut the man's sentence. A moment later, came a graceful woman wearing simple yet classy outfit. At the moment the woman saw Sangwook, her eyes seemed brightened. "Ah, it's okay, dear. There our guest."

  The man's expression softened when he looked at the woman. "Are you sure? But-"

  "Yixing informed me earlier. It's alright, Shintarou. They are good men. Let them in."

  The man, who Sehun assumed was named 'Shintarou', exhaled and caressed her hair, "I'll take care of Shouzen." With that, he went back inside and left the three of them.

  "You two must be the detectives, right?" This time, Jessica spoke in korean. Which was a relief to Sangwook. The detectives bowed as a greeting. Jessica reply them with the same act.

  "Yes, and you must be Mrs Jessica Jung." 

  Jessica nodded. "We should talk in the living room. Please, come in."

  When the woman walked towards inside, Sangwook tugged his son's waist. "Yah, since when you speak Japanese?" He whispered.

  Sehun grinned, "You never noticed, eh? I took Japanese course for around four years."

  "Tch, why didn't you tell me earlier? You made me look stupid."

  The younger guy chuckled shortly, "I was meant to do that." He teased as he immediately follows Jessica before earning a slap on his shoulder.


   "Since i stay here for today, i sent my maid for a day-off." Said Jessica as she put three cups of tea on the table. "I'm a little rusty at this, but i hope you enjoy the tea."

  "Ah, thank you very much." Sangwook smiled awkwardly. The woman sat down across them before taking a sip of her own tea. Awkwardness began to fill the atmosphere. Sehun looked around, the inside of the penthouse was even more elegant. The luxurious furniture and all, somehow made him uneased. As he looked to the west, he saw a door which was opened. Standing in that room was that man, Shintarou. Smiling gently towards a small boy who was lying on a bed. A very different side compared when he saw Sehun and Sangwook.

  "That man, Shintarou." Sehun broke the silence, "Is that your husband?"

  Jessica looked down and smiled shyly. "Yes, and that's my 5 year old son, Shouzen."

  "I see."

  "So, what brings you here, gentlemen?"

  Sangwook cleared his throat to begin. "We would like to ask you a few questions regarding your sister, Krystal."

  Jessica's expression hardened, "M-my sister?"

  "Yes. Or should we say, Jung Soojung." Sehun added.

  The woman held her hands tight, refusing to let them tremble, "What about her?"

  "You must've known about what she'd been doing for the past years. Even until now, her works are still a burden in Seoul." Sangwook said, "We want to know about her past, and the reason she joined the Red Alpha."

  Jessica inhaled deeply, "the Red Alpha was created by our father, Jung Jihoon. Her only reason was merely Jihoon's order."

  "But if it was his order. How come she was the only who join, facing the fact you're her elder sister?"

  That succeeded to make Jessica froze. Sehun caught the woman biting her lip. She gazed at the two detectives for a few moments, thinking whether should she tell them or not. The atmosphere began tensing up between the three.






  Through the cold and dim-lighted corridor, Krystal walked with a blood-stained knife in her hand. She stopped at a black wooden door and knocked.

  "Come in." Said a distinct voice behind the door. Krystal turned the knob and stepped in. At the same time, a dagger just flew off and stabbed the wall right next where Krystal was standing. Somehow, it didn't surprise her at all, knowing she was used to it.

  "Ah, no wonder there are no screams or gasps. You'll never fall for this trick. Such a shame. " Jihoon exhaled in disappointment as he got back to his chair. Turning it around so he faces the painting behind his desk. "So, any report with the trainees?"

  "We've disciplined them well." Krystal pulled the dagger off the wall in ease. She walked towards her father's desk and stabbed the dagger to the desk. "Yah! Is that even necessary-" Jihoon turned around and was more surprised by seeing his daughter, looking at him with her cold eyes darkly.

  "It's time, father," She said darkly. "Who will be my victim today?"

  Jihoon chuckled. "It's unusual you're like this, my daughter. You kinda scare me, truth to be told-"

  "Cut that out. Just tell me who."

  "Hmm." A smirk was formed on the old man's face. "You might actually familiar with this one." He took out a photo from his pocket and gave it to Krystal. "I heard he didn't keep his promise. So i guess he should be your next victim."

   Krystal's expression changed once she looked at the photo. She was indeed familiar with this one.

  Jihoon tilted his head, "What's wrong? Not able to kill him?"

  She dared herself to look to her father sternly as before. "No, i will do my best."

  "Good." The elder man took out a cigarette and light it up. While Krystal is clenching her grip on the photo.


  Kim Min Seok, 24 year old.






 Finally updated! hehe. anyway, do you guys perhaps recognize that Shintarou guy? no? alright. see you guys in the next chap.

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even if i put sestal as characters, there will be no romantic scenes and stuffs anymore.. probably like siblinghood or friendship moments


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AngelesJi #1
Chapter 24: Beautiful
Chapter 24: hehhe thats okay dear! same wth me! i ship both kaistal and sestal. part of me really love that kaistal now is real, but what should i do with sehun? i mean i only trust krystal and i only want her. how i wish krystal have twins :'))))))
nialex01 #3
Chapter 24: If not sestal, how about hunrene? That ship's been doing well for awhile.
DogeSone #4
Chapter 23: I just realised that you're Indonesian! It's so nice to know that such a good writer like you holds the same citizenship as I do!! Hope to see more amazing works from you!!
dhils12 #6
please make the oother sequel hahaha
xoxohun #7
Chapter 22: good story authornim. even sometimes its kinda boring but i love this. good job ! finally happy ending.
DogeSone #8
Chapter 22: HOOLLLLLLLLYYYY grandmother xD THIS STORY IS LIKE A MOVIE! I LOVED IT! I KNEW THAT IT WILL BE WORTH IT! YASSS beautiful ending brah, really loved it. I really hope to see you again in your next story xDDD
Chapter 22: Finish it in just 3 or 4 hours and I am sooo in love with it!!You make my heart Dugeun Dugeun!~ㅋㅋㅋㅋ.I really tear up when Minseok died he was a great friend of Sehun~
Fmariel1984 #10
Chapter 22: At first when I start reading this fic I thought "where is this story going ?like hello this girl is a psychopath and there's no way it will have a happy ending", but then what a turn of events. It felt like watching a movie. Great job writernim!