Kim Jong Dae

Red Light


  The next day, Sehun and Sangwook began working on their plan. But first, they decided to do a little discussion with their teammates.

  "Any progress with the cases?" Asked Sangwook as a beginning.

  "Kai killed another victim. A high school student named Song Ha Eun. Same like Seulgi, she was by Kai before he killed her." Yeri explained, causing Sehun to make a disgusted face. "Why the hell i would want ti befriends with him." He murmured.

  "What about the symbol case?" Asked Sangwook again.

  "We were pretty surprised. The murderer supposed to do a kill yesterday, but we got nothing." Minho answered.

  Sangwook frowned, "She didn't do her pattern?"

  "Weird, isn't it?" Said Doshik, "We did hundreds of investigations yet her identity is not yet to be found-"


  The room remained silent in all sudden. Four pairs of eyes moved their gaze to Sehun once he blurted out that name.

  "Her name," said Sehun, "The murderer who did the symbol case, her name is Krystal."

  "You know her name?" Sangwook looked at him in disbelief, "But... how-"

  "It doesn't matter." Sehun replied, "Her name was all i got, nothing more."

  "Alright," Sangwook cleared his throat, "Listen, guys. We have a plan," with that, he told his team about Jongdae, also Sehun's plan on finding him.

  Minho, Yeri, and Doshik looked concerned. The three of them were frowning and seemed uncertain. But nevertheless, they knew they have to take the risk for the sake of justice.

  Doshik stretched his hands up while yawning, "Well, if you guys are certain about this, i guess it's worth to try."

   Minho and Yeri nodded as an agreement, "You guys are known as the best yet craziest son and dad detectives, ever. All we can do is wishing you luck." Said Yeri.

  A smile was formed on Sehun and Sangwook's lips. "Thanks, guys."

  "Yeah, we should be positive." Said Minho, "With this strategy, there's a chance we could take another step to catch those crazy murderers!"

  After the discussion with the team, the father and son got into their car and drove away. Going to the address Minseok had written for them.

  The car remained silent. Sehun leaned on the window, looking at the buildings they passed. Somehow, he felt guilty for telling Krystal's name to the team, though he knew he shouldn't be. At first, he was so determined to catch Krystal, until the fire tragedy happened, and when Krystal saved him, Sehun saw a different side of her. Maybe she's still have some goodness within her. At least, that's what Sehun thought. He never think straight eversince his encounter with her. Hundreds of times he tried to convince himself that she's dangerous, but when he saw her fighting at his side, it only made him falls into her more. Is it forbidden love? He wouldn't know.

  An hour passed, they arrived at their destination. A small house painted in brown and beige, which had faded. The roof seemed had been fixed for mulitple times, seeing the tiles weren't placed in the right position.

  Sangwook's eyebrows rose, "Uh... son? Are you sure this is the place?"

  The younger guy only shrugged as an answer. The two decided to walk towards the door.

  Sangwook pressed the rusty doorbell.

  "Who is it?" Asked a male voice from behind the door.

  The two gave each other a slight look. Before they could give answers, the door was opened. Stood in front of them, was a 6'2 foot tall man with messy hair, wearing casual tee and hawaiian-printed boxers. Sehun swore he was trying hard not to laugh.

  "Can i help you?" Asked the man.

  "Yes. Can you tell us your name?"

  The man rubbed his eyes. "I'm Chanyeol. Park Chanyeol."

  "Do you know anything about Kim Jong Dae? The previous owner of this house?"

  Chanyeol frowned, "I don't remember anything about Kim Jong Dae. As much as i can recall, this was Chen's house."


  "Yeah, my bandmate." Chanyeol's face looked like he's just got back to his senses, realizing he's talking to strangers. Also, he's only with his underwear. "Wait, who are you guys, anyway?"

  "Ah, pardon our manners." Sangwook chuckled, "I'm Oh Sangwook. This is my son, Oh Sehun. We're from the Seoul PD." He introduced while showing his batch, so Chanyeol will believe him.

  "We only need to ask you a few questions, if you may."

  "Oh, of course." Chanyeol blinked rapidly, "Would you like to come inside? I can make a great coffee, you know, after i get my pants on."


  Five minutes of waiting uncomfortably. Chanyeol finally came with three cups of coffee (also with more appropriate clothes.) "I'm sorry for the uncomfort. I'm currently saving money for redecorating." Said Chanyeol while sitting across them.

  "We see."

  "So, what is it you're going to ask me?"

  Sangwook cleared his throat. "First, you mentioned about Chen. Who is he?"

  "Well," Chanyeol sighed. "I had a band once. Chen was my band's vocalist, also a good friend of mine." He told them. "One day, a summer festival came, which was our ticket for a better career. Right then, he left us in all sudden."

  Sangwook took some sips of his coffee. "Why did he left?"

  "I don't know either. His leaving was the cause of our disbanding." Said Chanyeol, his expression saddened for a moment. Then it turned bright again. "So, as an apology, Chen gave me this house. That was all he did before he disappears."

  "Hmm. How long have you guys been friends?" This time, it's Sehun's turn to ask.

  "Two years, if you count this year too."

  "Last year's summer festival. Uhm.. July 16th, if i'm correct."

  Sangwook's face was unpredictable. He took out something from his pocket and handed it to Chanyeol. "Our resource informed us that he's the previous owner of this house. Could this be Chen?"

  Chanyeol frowned as he observes Jongdae's picture. His eyes widened. "Well, he does resembles to Chen! If this guy wore glasses, i might actually thought it's him!"

  "Do you have any picture of him?"

  "Uh... just hold for a sec. I think i have one."








  "Foolish girl!"

  Krystal did nothing but look down. Her hand caressed her left cheek which turned red, where her father slapped her. "Serial killing is not a job you should underestimate with!"

  "Father, i never underestimate your missions-"

  "You had let your target escape!!" Jihoon raised his voice higher. "You know you cannot do that, Krystal! What if she recognize your face?! What if she tells the police?! Thanks to you, our reputation will be ruined!"

  Krystal clenched her fists. "She won't, father, i'm sure. I didn't reveal my face!"

  Jihoon scoffed, "Really? And how can you explain this?" He threw a paper harshly at Krystal's face. The blonde girl grabbed and take a look. The sketch potrait of her face made her speechless.

  "Surprised?" Jihoon tilted his head, "This is what you get when you're not careful, idiot!"

  "Father," Krystal dared herself to speak, "I can fix this. I promise, it won't happen again."

  There was a moment of silence. Jihoon's gaze went even colder as he stepped closer to her. "Well, you better be." He said, "I gave you trust so you can do it your own way, but now you lost it. Starting from now, i will be the one in control. I'll decide when you should kill and who will be your target. You will do exactly as i say. Understood?"

  Krystal tightened her fists, her knuckles turned white.



  The sun is setting, skies began turning dark. The early winter breeze blew coldly through Krystal's ear. The blonde girl traced her fingers along her knife while staring at the lake. Her father's words kept haunting her mind. She couldn't believe her face had been exposed, how come she didn't notice?

  Krystal looked at the scars in her arm. Red colour of blood still flashing and fresh. It was given by Jihoon, as a reminder that he will be less understanding next time. It hurts everytime the wind touches her skin. She'd lost her father's trust after years trying to earn it. And Krystal knew she needs to put extra work to get it back. Truth to be told, she had always focus on her missions before. She was known as the first ranked worker in Red Alpha. Even Jihoon planned to inherits his organization to her once his life ended. She'd never done a mistake before. Her works were always perfect, Until now.


  "You can't kill that girl!"

  "What is your benefit of killing innocent people? Aren't you tired?"


  She was distracted by him, one thing for sure. How she lost her target, how her face got exposed, that was all him. It was his fault. Anger starts to burst inside her. She wiped her tears away as her expression hardened.

  She must get rid of him.







  Sehun observed the picture. It was Chanyeol and his bandmates. He paid attention to a guy with spectacles who stood next to Chanyeol. And then he compared to Jongdae's picture.

  "There's no way these are differen person." He exclaimed.

  "Yeah, you got that right." Sangwook agreed. They finally stopped their steps at a door. Sangwook took out a piece of paper, which is an address Chanyeol wrote for them.

  "This is his adress i knew. I hope he still lives there." That was Chanyeol said to them.


  Shingang Apartment, 28EJ.


  Sangwook inhaled, "Well, here goes nothing." 

  Knock knock knock

  As the door was opened, Sehun hid his smirk when he saw Chen's figure standing before them. Finally after hours of searching, they had found him.

  "Good evening," Sangwook greeted. "Can we speak with you, Kim Jong Dae?"

  The spectacled guy made an unpredictable face. Then he gave them an awkward smile, "I'm sorry. You must have got the wrong person." He was closing the door, but Sehun stopped him.

  "We spoke to your bandmate, Chanyeol. He said his house used to be yours. Is it true?"

   Chen frowned. "H-how did you know that?"

  "My friend gave me his address." Said Sehun casually. "His name is Minseok. Kim Minseok."

  That was enough to make Chen froze. His face turned pale. "M-minseok?"

  "Yeah, you know, Minjoo's brother? I thought it rings you a bell." Sehun shrugged.

  Chen's face hardened, though Sehun could see his hands trembling. "I'm sorry, gentlemen. But i have no idea what you're talking about."

  Sangwook stepped closer, looking at the guy in threatening way. "You can't hide forever, pal. We already know who you are. All we need is informations, if you didn't give us answers, we will arrest you for all the murder records you'd done when you were a Red Alpha."

  Chen gulped, fear was all over him. A few seconds of silence, he let out a heavy sigh and took off his glasses, revealing his true identity. Kim Jong Dae.








  "You want to leave this group? Fine, i'll grant your wish. But first, you have to do this as my last order."

  Jihoon was standing there, with a sneer plastered on his face. Jongdae clenched his grip on his pistol. He was tired of killing stuffs. He wanted to continue his life as a normal person. That was his reason why he wanted to quit from the Red Alpha. But Jihoon wasn't that stupid. He can't just let his worker leave like that. Therefore, Jihoon ordered Jongdae to kill his one and only lover, Kim Minjoo. The main reason why Jongdae wanted to quit. It does nothing to Jihoon, actually. But it would be quite interesting to watch. How humble is that guy.

  That night, Jongdae had no choice but do as Jihoon told. With two other workers on his side, he went to Minseok's apartment. Each step he takes was painful, thinking of Minjoo's reaction when she sees him. There must be another way, he's just got to figure it out.

  As they arrived, the two workers forcefully open the door and barged into Minseok's apartment. 

  "Who are you guys? Argh!!"

  Behind the two workers, Jongdae watches Minseok struggling from the two workers's grip. Minjoo was there too, trying to help her brother, but the workers are obviously stronger.

   "Please, let him go!!" Shouted Minjoo.

  "What the- Jongdae!! Help us!!" Minseok cried as he saw Jongdae. Jongdae's whole body were trembling, how he tried hard to resist the urge to help them. But he knew he gotta kept on his act, so the workers won't get suspicious. He stepped closer. "I'm sorry, hyung."

   Minjoo looked at Jongdae confusedly, "O-oppa? What's all this-"

  "Listen, Minjoo. I don't have time to explain-" before he could finish his sentence, two other people came into the scene. It was Jihoon and his daughter, Krystal. They stared at Jongdae coldly, waiting for Jongdae to do Jihoon's order.

  "Come on, Jongdae. Prove your loyalty to us for the last time." Jihoon sneered.

   Jongdae cursed under his breath. There's no other way now. With a heavy heart, he pointed his pistol at Minjoo.

   The girl widened her eyes, "O-oppa, w-what are you doing?!"

   "I love you so much, Minjoo. But i have no choice." A tear dropped from Jongdae's eyes. "Please forgive me."

  "No!! Put that thing away from her!! Kim Jong Dae!!" Minseok struggled even harder. His face shows anger.

   Minjoo couldn't do any move. She was crying. "O-oppa... please.."

  Jongdae sobbed seeing his girlfriend begging her life to him. It broke his heart. He hated doing this, so bad. No matter how much he tried, he wasn't able to pull the trigger. This was too much.

  Suddenly, a loud bang was heard in the room. A bullet struck directly to Minjoo's chest. The girl's eyes lolled as she fell to the floor, no longer alive. Jongdae turned his head to Krystal, pointing her own pistol at Minjoo. She just pulled the trigger.

  "You failed your mission." Said Jihoon coldly, "And for that i grant your wish. You're fired." With that, he and Krystal left the room.

  Jongdae felt his heart stop beating, unable to say anything. His eyes stuck on Minjoo's dead body lying limp on the floor.







 I ran out of ideas -,,- help meh.

anyway, ANOTHER CHARACTER HAD BEEN REVEALED!!! MUAHAHAHAH*? and there's a lot more to come!

thank you for reading and commenting~ *sniff sniff* *shed tears* you guys are the best T,T

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even if i put sestal as characters, there will be no romantic scenes and stuffs anymore.. probably like siblinghood or friendship moments


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AngelesJi #1
Chapter 24: Beautiful
Chapter 24: hehhe thats okay dear! same wth me! i ship both kaistal and sestal. part of me really love that kaistal now is real, but what should i do with sehun? i mean i only trust krystal and i only want her. how i wish krystal have twins :'))))))
nialex01 #3
Chapter 24: If not sestal, how about hunrene? That ship's been doing well for awhile.
DogeSone #4
Chapter 23: I just realised that you're Indonesian! It's so nice to know that such a good writer like you holds the same citizenship as I do!! Hope to see more amazing works from you!!
dhils12 #6
please make the oother sequel hahaha
xoxohun #7
Chapter 22: good story authornim. even sometimes its kinda boring but i love this. good job ! finally happy ending.
DogeSone #8
Chapter 22: HOOLLLLLLLLYYYY grandmother xD THIS STORY IS LIKE A MOVIE! I LOVED IT! I KNEW THAT IT WILL BE WORTH IT! YASSS beautiful ending brah, really loved it. I really hope to see you again in your next story xDDD
Chapter 22: Finish it in just 3 or 4 hours and I am sooo in love with it!!You make my heart Dugeun Dugeun!~ㅋㅋㅋㅋ.I really tear up when Minseok died he was a great friend of Sehun~
Fmariel1984 #10
Chapter 22: At first when I start reading this fic I thought "where is this story going ?like hello this girl is a psychopath and there's no way it will have a happy ending", but then what a turn of events. It felt like watching a movie. Great job writernim!