Kaisoo Day

Kaisoo Day
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The alarm clock shrilled. Jongin woke up with a start and drowsily turned it off. The first thing he saw after turning off that annoying clock was his boyfriend sleeping beside him, his name is Kyungsoo. He is small in size and he has smooth and cream white skin. He has bulging eyes, a small nose and heart-shaped lips on his cherubic face. When Jongin was staring at Kyungsoo, Kyungsoo’s eyes fluttered open, a groan escaped his lips and he spoke “Good morning Jongin, why are you still here? You should go take a shower, we have practice in an hour,”  “Can’t we stay here, I want to snuggle!” Jongin said to him but he got kicked off the bed by Kyungsoo. “Humph, you meanie!” Jongin pouted at Kyungsoo and got up and get ready for practice.

Once they were all set and ready to go, the walked out the room together but no one was there. “Where are they? I thought they told us to meet them at the living room” Kyungsoo said. “I don’t know, maybe the left already” after Jongin finished his sentence, Kyungsoo kicked him in the knees and spoke “I told you no snuggling! Now we are late!”  “ But it is only 9 in the morning, they said to meet them before 9:15,”Jongin got up and said. A few seconds later, Kyungsoo’s phone rang, he answered the call, it was their manager hyung asking them to get out of the dorm and get in the car.

Kyungsoo and Jongin rushed down stairs and got in the van, their manager told them that the other members told them the wrong time, it was actually 7:15 but they got messed up and told them 9:15. They both groaned but the manager was laughing at them, because the both of them have been fooled by their members.

They reached the dance studio at 9:30 and they were shocked to see that not a single member in that room. “What the hell is going on with these guys? Aish!”  Kyungsoo complained. Suddenly, the lights in the practice room went out and the door was shut from behind. “Ahhhh, what’s going on today?” Jongin shouted and clinged onto Kyungsoo. “Get off me you scardy cat!” Kyungsoo said and pushed Jongin away.

A few minutes later, the lights went on again and the members jumped out. They were all wearing party hats and balloons were everywhere, they all shouted “Happy Kaisoo Day!!”  The couple both froze and stared at them. Kyungsoo was the first one who spoke, “What is this?” he asked. “It is Kaisoo Day today. Don’t tell me you two idiots forgot about it” Chanyeol said and he ended up with a punch on his shoulder from Kyungsoo. “Don’t yo

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Chapter 1: nice nice :)
heartattackfromexo #2
Chapter 1: Just found it today :) Kaisoo Day!!!
Gkarthik #3
ohh i'm the first